Transport and Travel Policy Version Version 2 Name of responsible (ratifying) committee Transport and Travel Group Date ratified 15.03.2012 Document Manager (job title) Director of Development and Estates Date issued 14.06.2012 Review date March 2014 Electronic location Corporate Policies Related Procedural Documents Security Policy for Controlling Parking Key Words (to aid with searching) Transport; travel; policy; parking sanctions; parking facilities; park and ride; application process; contractors; staff; parking charges Travel and Transport Policy. Issue 1. 14.06.2012 (Review Date: March 2014) 02.04.2012 Page 1 of 12 CONTENTS QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE 1 INTRODUCTION 2 PURPOSE 3 SCOPE 4 DEFINITIONS 5 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 6 SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTS 7 CAR PARKING FACILITIES 8 PARKING APPLICATION PROCESS 9 CONTRACTORS 10 CAR PARKING SANCTIONS 11 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS 12 POLICY REVIEW AND AMENDMENT 13 TIMESCALES FOR PROCESS APPENDIX A – PROPOSED CRITERIA APPENDIX B – PARKING CHARGES APPENDIX C – PARK AND RIDE CONTINGENCY PLAN APPENDIX D – CYCLE LOCKER APPLICATION FORM Travel and Transport Policy. Issue 1. 14.06.2012 (Review Date: March 2014) 02.04.2012 Page 2 of 12 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE This policy must be followed in full when making use of the Trusts Transport and Travel facilities, and in particular when applying for parking permits. For quick reference the guide below is a summary of actions required. This does not negate the need for the document author and others involved in the process to be aware of and follow the detail of this policy. 1. The Trust supports sustainable transport initiatives, in addition to car parking provision, and is endeavouring to provide additional initiatives. 2. Facilities are available for staff to cycle to work, in terms of lockers, showers and cycle racks. 3. The Trust currently operate a discounted travel pass scheme, and Salary Sacrifice schemes for cycle purchase loans and car parking, with a view to extending this to public transport. 4. On-site car parking is subject to specific criteria, which are considered as part of the application process. 5. All vehicles driven or parked on site do so at the drivers/owners own risk Travel and Transport Policy. Issue 1. 14.06.2012 (Review Date: March 2014) 02.04.2012 Page 3 of 12 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (PHT) recognises its responsibilities to contribute to a "greener" environment and is committed to sustainable transport and aims to implement measures to help reduce the need for employees to bring their car (or motorcycle) to work and promote awareness of the benefits of alternative travel methods. 1.2. The Trust, however, also recognises that some employees need to use their car (or motorcycle) for travel to and from work and/or for travel in connection with their job. Other people, such as other NHS Trust staff, MOD, contractors and trainees/students also need to use their car (or motorcycle) for travel to and from Health premises. 1.3. As well as recognising these issues, this policy sets out the strategy for addressing car parking issues. 1.4. In view of the above, the Trust will take reasonably practicable measures to: provide parking facilities for employees and other users. administer the allocation of car parking permits for employees (and other users) on a fair and equitable basis in accordance with agreed Criteria as detailed in Appendix A. continue to implement a fair system of parking charges. continue to provide options to minimise on-site parking e.g. "park-and-ride" schemes and car sharing. promote discounted travel tickets for use on public transport. provide facilities for employees to cycle to work. promote the health and environmental benefits of walking and cycling to work. 2.0 PURPOSE 2.1 The purpose of this policy is to: formalise and raise awareness of the PHT’s car parking arrangements. raise awareness of the alternatives to using a car (or motorcycle) for travel to the site and the support available from PHT. ensure employees and other users are aware of their responsibilities in respect of this policy. ensure employees and other users are aware of what action will be taken in consequence of a failure to act in accordance with either the letter, or spirit of the policy. 3.0 SCOPE 3.1 This policy covers the car, motorcycle and bicycle parking facilities and alternative transport arrangements at the Queen Alexandra Hospital (QAH) site and other sites as detailed, and applies to the following users: all employees all employees of other employers undertaking work on the QAH site. all students and trainees all contractors 3.2 This policy does not apply to patients and visitors. Travel and Transport Policy. Issue 1. 14.06.2012 (Review Date: March 2014) 02.04.2012 Page 4 of 12 3.3 The Transport and Travel Policy is designed to be read in conjunction with the Security Policy for Controlling Parking which provides guidance regarding public parking areas and its management. 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 The ‘Trust’ refers to Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust. 5.0 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 The Director of Development and Estates and the Director of Workforce and Organisational Development have overall responsibility for the promotion of sustainable methods of transport and the management of car parks, and as such are members of the Transport and Travel Group. Other disciplines represented on the group are: Nursing Workforce Administration Medical Professions Allied to Medicine Media and Communications Patient and Public Involvement Staff Representatives 5.2 The role of the group is to promote sustainable travel across PHT sites and to oversee the Travel and Transport requirements of the Trust including the development of criteria to manage to demand for on-site car and bicycle parking spaces, and appropriate parking charges. 5.3 The Car Parking Office is responsible for the administration of car parking permits and allocation of cycle lockers. 5.4 Carillion Services Ltd manages the car park and cycle locker hardware infrastructure. 5.5 Line managers are responsible for giving full and proper consideration to car parking applications before they are authorised/ validated. 5.6 Employees must ensure that they act in accordance with this policy. In particular, permit holders must adhere to the terms of their permits and access to car parks at all times. Failure to do so on two or more occasions may lead to withdrawal of the permit and access. 6.0 SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION ARRANGEMENTS 6.1 Through its commitment to sustainable travel PHT will endeavour to provide and explore new travel alternatives for staff that will reduce their need to use private vehicles for work purposes, and reduce their requirement to bring cars on to QAH site. 6.2 Details of how employees can travel to work by public transport are available on the Trust Intranet Travel site. Travel and Transport information. 6.3 Alternative arrangements currently in place are: Park and ride scheme The provision of cycling racks on the site The provision of shower, changing facilities and lockers A link to a car sharing scheme on the intranet Travel and Transport Policy. Issue 1. 14.06.2012 (Review Date: March 2014) 02.04.2012 Page 5 of 12 6.4 Discounted travel tickets (Buses to QAH) Salary Sacrifice Scheme for Cycle purchase / Cycle Loans. Alternative and other arrangements currently being explored are: Salary Sacrifice Schemes for Bus Passes Discounted ferry passes 6.5 Cycling storage facilities are available across the QAH site for over 200 cycles in addition to cycle lockers available for hire. An application form is available on Appendix D and further information is available at Cycle Facilities. Changing facilities and showers are present in larger departments, as well as on Levels A, C and D at QAH. 6.6 Security of staff and staff property is held in high regard, and staff who experience theft of their mode of transport from Trust premises may be offered a taxi home, in accordance with the emergency arrangements in appendix C. 6.7 Walk Yourself Fit 7.0 PARKING FACILITIES 7.1 PHT currently provides a total of 2679 staff car parking spaces, as follows: Site On site at QAH Fort Southwick Park and Ride Total Parking Spaces 1437 1242 2679 7.2 Use of staff spaces is by display of permit only, issued by the Car Parking Office and by appropriate access permissions via Trust Identity card. 7.3 Access to on-site car parks is restricted in accordance with criteria as detailed in Appendix A. 7.4 Car parking charges apply to all users with no exception, as detailed in Appendix B. 7.5 Dedicated Disabled Drivers car parking spaces are provided in staff areas 7.6 Employees with staff permits who are unable to find a vacant staff space must park off site. Staff are not allowed to park in the Public Car Parks or pay-and-display spaces regardless of whether an appropriate fee has been paid. 7.7 Visitors and staff from other Health bases who bring vehicles to the QAH site are not permitted to use the staff spaces and are expected to use the pay-and-display spaces available to the general public and normal car parking charges will apply. 7.8 PHT Staff based at premises managed by other organisations are required to comply with the relevant regulations and policies of the organisation. 7.9 PHT staff based at other Trust locations, eg. Solent Supplies, Renal Satellite Units, Health Records Library and Pharmacy Manufacturing unit are required to display a valid PHT off-site parking permit in order to park. 7.10 PHT staff based at Gosport War Memorial Hospital (GWMH) who are not eligible to park on-site at GWMH can purchase a permit to park at Thorngate Hall, and either this Travel and Transport Policy. Issue 1. 14.06.2012 (Review Date: March 2014) 02.04.2012 Page 6 of 12 or a valid PHT parking permit must be displayed by all staff using the facilities when attending the site for work purposes. 7.11 Staff using the park and ride scheme, who need to return to their car in an emergency or in exceptional circumstances after the Park and Ride service closes should follow the emergency procedure as detailed in Appendix C. 7.12 Motorcyclists holding a valid parking permit should park in designated motorcycle spaces. Motorcyclists without a permit may park within areas which do not cause an obstruction. Staff Car parking is provided for permit holding Staff who use their own Transport to drive to work and park for the period of their shift and then to drive home, thus releasing the space to be used by colleagues on different work patterns. Spaces are not for long term vehicle storage. If there is a problem and you cannot remove your vehicle please inform the security Office 7.13 8.0 STAFF CAR PARKING PERMITS 8.1 All car parking permits are subject to an electronic application process. Application forms for renewal of an existing permit can be found on the Travel Website and must be completed on-line. Paper applications will only be accepted for areas without use of intranet facilities. For new applications, an application form can be downloaded from the Travel Website and once completed, must be signed to authorise a deduction of the appropriate parking fee, as detailed in Appendix B prior to submission. Parking fees can be paid using a Tax Efficient Savings Scheme as detailed in Appendix B. 8.2 Each application will be considered In accordance with the predefined criteria as detailed in Appendix A. 8.3 Staff will be required to reapply for a parking permit no less than annually and employees will be required to submit an electronic application form as detailed in section 8.1. 8.4 Due to the limited number of car parking spaces a permit holder is not guaranteed a parking space. 8.5 In exceptional circumstances, PHT may have to reduce the overall number of available parking spaces. As a result, employees may have their permit withdrawn. Where this is necessary, PHT will give affected employees as much prior notice as possible. 8.6 Parking permits have their own unique number to easily identify the permit holder. Any change to vehicle details must be notified to the parking office immediately by emailing the Car Parking mailbox, by telephone 0239228600 ext 6848 or by post. 8.7 If an application is successful and a permit is issued the Car Parking Office will post the permit to the permit holder along with information regarding locations they are able to park, the existence on this policy and their requirement to abide by the terms of this policy, and their responsibilities as a permit holder. 8.8 The permit holder must ensure that their permit is not used by anyone else. Failure to do so will constitute a disciplinary offence. 8.9 If an application is unsuccessful the applicant will be notified and they retain the right to appeal the decision by completing an Appeal form. 9.0 CONTRACTORS Travel and Transport Policy. Issue 1. 14.06.2012 (Review Date: March 2014) 02.04.2012 Page 7 of 12 9.1 Contractors are not permitted to use staff car parking spaces unless they have made prior arrangements with PHT e.g. to drop off and pick up equipment and/or materials. 9.2 Contractors are not expected to use PHT public parking spaces. They must make their own arrangements to bring their workers on site. 9.3 If a contractor has been allocated the use of a designated compound on site their vehicles must be within the boundary of the compound. 10.0 CAR PARKING SANCTIONS 10.1 To ensure compliance with this policy and the car parking notices PHT displays around its sites, PHT and Carillion will regularly monitor the use of its car parking facilities in accordance with the Security Policy for Controlling Parking. The vehicle of any user found in breach of the policy and/or any notices on two or more occasions the permit holder may have their permit withdrawn. 10.2 Other sanctions may be taken against an employees for consistent breach of this policy. 10.3 Other sanctions that may be taken against contractors and staff not employed by PHT include removal from the site and/or prevention of further vehicular access. 10.4 Any Verbal or Physical abuse toward any employee with responsibility for the implementation of this policy, e.g., Car Parking Office Staff, Security Staff, or Car Park attendants will not be tolerated and in all cases Disciplinary Action will taken against the relevant individual(s) concerned. 11.0 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS 11.1 Guidance on completion of the on-line application process and management validation process will be provided during the application period. 12.0 POLICY REVIEW AND AMENDMENT 12.1 The Director of Development and Estates is responsible for the review and amendment of this policy. Travel and Transport Policy. Issue 1. 14.06.2012 (Review Date: March 2014) 02.04.2012 Page 8 of 12 Appendix A CAR PARKING CRITERIA The number of parking spaces available at Queen Alexandra Hospital is far outnumbered by the numbers of staff trying to park. Under local planning permissions we cannot develop any further parking on either site and indeed, under government guidance we are required to reduce the number of vehicles coming on to our sites. To this end, and after consultation with the Trust’s Transport and Travel Group, JCNC and JDNC the Trust has decided that members of staff living within one mile of QAH will not be able to bring their cars onto the sites. Staff may apply to park on-site if:They work shifts that do not fit with the park & ride service. Staff who are on permanent night shifts or work only weekends are exempt and your line manager will be required to confirm this. You are required to extensively use your vehicle for work journeys. Applicants will need to evidence this requirement and frequency of visits You satisfy the criteria for Category A on call as determined by DDNC. You have children who attend the Topps nursery during working hours and for an extended period i.e. not just school holidays. Applicants will need to evidence this attendance. You hold a disabled blue badge regulated by the appropriate authorities. You are a resident on the sites (i.e. QAH is your home). You are a volunteer who is not employed by Portsmouth Hospital Trust You live further than one mile from the QAH campus. If you believe you should be exempt from the exclusion zone as you meet these criteria, please return the attached form. There will be no restrictions at weekends or on Bank Holidays Thank you for your co-operation Glen Hewlett Director of Development and Estates Travel and Transport Policy. Issue 1. 14.06.2012 (Review Date: March 2014) 02.04.2012 Page 9 of 12 Appendix B Charges from June 2010 New charges from June 2012 Off-site rate (all staff) = £13.00 per month. On-site bracket one (Staff on salaries up to full time equivalent of £21,798.00 per annum) = £13.00 per month On-site bracket two (Staff on salaries between full time equivalents of £21,799.00 to £40,157.00 per annum) = £19.50 per month On-site bracket three (Staff on salaries over full time equivalent of £40,158.00 per annum) = £39.00 per month Please note these charges are pro rata’d for part time staff working less Employees who work a term-time only contract will not be charged for February or March each year due to 8 weeks unpaid leave. Salary Sacrifice Scheme Salary sacrifice scheme is a term used to describe surrendering an amount of gross or pre-tax pay for another purpose where it is not subject to tax, e.g. in this case to pay for the car parking access or the park & ride facility. By using this arrangement for paying the cost of parking access you will save Tax, National insurance and NHS Pension scheme contributions on that amount, therefore reducing the overall net difference to your ‘take home’ pay. For instance a basic rate taxpayer paying £10.00 per month on car parking can expect to save £3.24 tax and NIC, reducing the net cost to £6.76 per month. The NHS Occupational pension scheme does not currently calculate contributions, or pay pension benefits, on any ‘notional’ salary including benefits in kind. If you were to leave employment (including retirement, or death in service) whilst paying for parking access your pension benefits would be based on this lower level of income, and would potentially create a lower fund value if you were later to decide to transfer your NHS pension to another pension fund. Upon retirement, NHS Pension benefits are currently calculated on the best of the last 3 years pensionable pay; therefore the reduction in ‘pensionable’ income is only likely to affect you if you are still using the salary sacrifice scheme for payment of parking access fees during the last years of your NHS employment. The Salary Sacrifice Scheme represents a contractual reduction in salary only for the period of the agreement which will last for the duration of your employment or a lifestyle change that results in you no longer requiring to bring your vehicle on site. In general the Trust will seek to ensure that no other payments (e.g. overtime) are adversely affected by the salary reduction, however there could possibly be a slight negative effect on any statutory benefits, which are based on contractual pay on which National Insurance contributions are taken (e.g. for women, Statutory Maternity Pay, Statutory Sick Pay). A salary sacrifice Scheme arrangement cannot be undertaken if it reduces your hourly rate of pay below the national minimum wage To make these changes PHT will need to make amendments to your Terms and Conditions. This is an employment law requirement and it is necessary to confirm you understand and agree the changes to your gross salary. Your signature overleaf indicates that you have read and understood this arrangement. Further clarification of salary sacrifice is available from the appropriate Trust Officer via email. Travel and Transport Policy. Issue 1. 14.06.2012 (Review Date: March 2014) 02.04.2012 Page 10 of 12 Appendix C TRAVEL CONTINGENCY PLANS FOR EMERGENCY ACCESS TO PARK AND RIDE INCLUDING STAFF FINISHING WORK OUTSIDE OF PARK AND RIDE OPERATING HOURS The Park and Ride site at Fort Southwick operates between 6am and 10.30pm. Outside of these hours all entrances and exits are locked. Staff allocated Park and Ride at both sites will be working shifts which fit into the operating hours of the scheme. In the event of an emergency requiring a member of staff to access their car, the following process applies: During office hours (8.30am to 5.00pm) staff can access the site via the Park and Ride bus/minibus in accordance with the timetable, or should contact the Transport department on 02392 286000 ext 6211 or the Car Parking team on 0239228600 ext 6848 who will arrange for the staff member to be transported to Fort Southwick. During the evening (5.00pm until 10.15pm) staff can access the site via the Park and Ride bus in accordance with the timetable, or request a taxi, by contacting Citywide Taxis on 02392 737733. In exceptional circumstances, if staff are unable to return to their car before 10.30pm, the following guidance applies: 1. Where a late finish is known in advance, attempts should be made to retrieve the car and bring on site. Staff using the park and ride will have access to staff parking areas between 5pm and 8.30am. 2. Staff should advise the Fort Southwick Park and Ride caretaker they will be leaving their car at the park and ride overnight by contacting 07793 131335. 3. Staff will be offered the opportunity to use a taxi to get home from work, and then to return to retrieve their car the following day or shift as appropriate. This should be booked via Citywide Taxi’s on 02392 737733. 4. The Line manager should be made aware of the requirement to finish after Park and Ride Hours for monitoring purposes. NB. This facility applies to staff who are subject to the theft of their motor vehicle or bicycle from a Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust site in order to return home on the day of theft only, and where this incident has been reported to Security and Hampshire Constabulary. Travel and Transport Policy. Issue 1. 14.06.2012 (Review Date: March 2014) 02.04.2012 Page 11 of 12 Appendix D Application for Cycle Locker allocation This form must be completed in full. Failure to do so could result in your form being returned to you, which could delay / cancel the issuing of a locker. Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Dr/Rev _________________ Name _______________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________Post Code ______________ Department/Ward________________________________ Organisation (PHT/PCT)__________________ Pay No________________________ Security Badge I.D. No_________________________(on reverse of badge) Contact Numbers: Department/Ward_____________Bleep_____________Mobile______________________ Please indicate your preferred site QAH / Fort Southwick Number of cycle lockers at each site: QAH Pathology – 36 QAH East Entrance – 16 QAH Oasis – 4 De La Court – 8 Fort Southiwck (A) – 3 I authorise my salary to be reduced by the sum £ 2.00 per month, in return for which I will receive access to cycle locker 1.1. facilities at my site of choice. I acknowledge the Trust is not liable for the contents within, or the security of the locking device. 1.2.and associated items. Use of lockers for other means will not I acknowledge the locker is for the sole use of storing a bicycle be tolerated and may lead to termination of usage. I acknowledge that the Trust can access, in liaison with a security officer, the lockers to check on the contents stored within. Signature_________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________ YOU WOULD NEED TO ARRANGE TO MEET WITH A REPRESENTATIVE AT SITE OF CHOICE SO THE LOCKER CAN BE RELEASED TO YOU. PLEASE ENSURE YOU BRING YOUR PADLOCK. If you have any queries regarding where the cycle lockers are situated at each site please Email: or contact the helpline on 02392 286603 Please return this form in a sealed envelope to:Cycle Locker Access, Development Team, 2nd Floor Victoria House, QAH Travel and Transport Policy. Issue 1. 14.06.2012 (Review Date: March 2014) 02.04.2012 Page 12 of 12