Women, Health, Education and Family Western Europe and the US France Germany Italy Netherlands Norway Sweden UK Women per 100 men Life expectancy Women/Men Women’s Share of Tertiary School Enrollment Mean age at first marriage Women/ Men Female headed househol ds Contraceptive use Fertility Rate(births per woman) Maternal death rate per 10000 births 105 105 106 101 101 102 105 83/76 81/76 83/77 81/76 82/77 82/78 81/76 55% 49% 56% 51% 60% 60% 56% 30/32 n.a. 28/32 30/33 31/34 32/35 26/28 24% 30% n.a. 24% 39% 37% n.a. 75% 75% 60% 79% n.a. n.a. 84% 1.9 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.8 1.6 1.7 17 9 5 16 10 5 11 US 103 80/75 57% 26/29 47% 76% 2.0 14 WE Ave 104 82/77 55% 30/32 31% 75% 1.6 10 Source: The World’s Women 2005: Progress in Statistics. Published by the United Nations, New York, NY, January 2006. Women, Health, Education and Family Eastern Europe, Western Europe and the US Bulgaria Czech Rep Hungary Poland Romania Russia Slovakia Women per 100 Men Life expectancy Women/Men Women’s Share of Tertiary School Enrollment Mean age at first marriage Women/men Female headed households Contraceptive use Fertility Rate(births per woman) Maternal death rate per 10000 births 106 105 110 106 105 104 106 76/69 79/72 77/68 78/70 75/68 72/59 78/70 53% 53% 57% 58% 54% 57% 53% 21/25 25/28 26/29 25/28 24/27 22/24 25/28 n.a. 29 28 40 27 n.a. 34 42% 72% 77% 49% 64% 73% 74% 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 31 9 11 10 58 65 10 EE Ave 106 76/68 55% 24/27 32 64% 1.3 US 103 80/75 57% 26/29 47 76% 2.0 WE Ave 104 82/77 55% 30/32 31 75% 1.6 Source: The World’s Women 2005: Progress in Statistics. Published by the United Nations, New York, NY, January 2006. 28 14 10 Women and Work Western Europe and the US France % Women /Men econ’ly active Women share of labor force Women’s share of PT emp Maternity Leave wks/% of pay 49/63 46 80 16/100% Social security Provider of coverage Pay gap in manuf. 83 (with ceiling) Germany 49/65 44 84 Italy 37/62 Netherlands 56/73 Norway 69/77 39 44 47 74 75 76 Sweden 48 72 76/80 14/100% Social security(ceiling) then employer 1 22 /80% Social security 16/100% Social security 42 at 100% Social security or 52 at 80% 14/80% Social security 74 n.a. 78 88 91 for 390 days; 90 days flat rate UK US WE Ave 55/71 60/74 64/70 46 45 45 79 68 77 26/90% Employer (92% for first 6 weeks then flat rate refunded by public funds) 12/0 21/93 79 802 82 Source: The World’s Women 2005: Progress in Statistics. Published by the United Nations, New York, NY, January 2006. http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/products/indwm/wwpub.htm 1 2 5 months US Department of Labor, as cited by http://womensissues.about.com/od/genderdiscrimination/i/isgendergap.htm Women and Work Eastern Europe, Western Europe and the US % Women/Men econ’ly active Women’s share of labor force Women’s share of PT emp Maternity Leave wks/% of pay Provider of coverage Pay gap in manuf. 44/55 47% n.a. 193/90% 68 Czech 51/69 Repub Hungary 47/61 44% 73% 28/69% Social security Social security 46% 70% 24/100%(prenatal/min. Social Bulgaria Poland security Social security Social security Social Security Social security n.a. Social security Social security n/a 71 46% 65% 16/100% Romania 56/69 46% n.a. 184/85% Russia 59/70 49% n.a. 205/100% Slovakia 53/68 46% 66% 28/55% EE Ave 51/65 46% 69% 22/86% WE Ave 64/70 45% 77% 21/93% US 60/74 45% 68% 12/0 135 days 126 days 5 140 days 4 74 of 4 weeks, then 70%, then flat rate) 48/62 3 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 82 80 Source: The World’s Women 2005: Progress in Statistics. Published by the United Nations, New York, NY, January 2006. Women and Politics Western Europe and the US % Women in Parliament (2003-5) Has had woman head of gov’t France Italy UK Germany Netherlands Norway Sweden 12.26 17.37 19.78 31.69 37.610 37.911 47.312 N N Y Y N N N US WE Ave 16.213 23.7 Poland Czech Slovakia Russia 20.414 15.515 20.016 9.817 6 2002 elections April 2006 elections 8 May 2005 elections 9 September 2005 elections 10 November 2006 elections 11 September 2005 elections 12 September 2006 elections 13 As of November 2006 Congressional elections, US Senate 16% women (http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/classif.htm). 7 14 September 2005 elections June 2006 elections 16 June 2006 elections 15 Romania Hungary Bulgaria Latvia Lithuania Estonia 11.218 22.119 10.420 19.021 24.822 18.823 EE Ave 15.3 Source: The World’s Women 2005: Progress in Statistics. Published by the United Nations, New York, NY, January 2006. http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/products/indwm/wwpub.htm 17 December 2003 elections November 2004 elections 19 June 2005 elections 20 April 2006 elections 21 October 2006 elections 22 October 2004 elections 23 March 2003 elections 18 Women and Politics Eastern Europe, Western Europe and the US % Women in Parliament (2004) Has had woman head of gov’t Bulgaria Czech Rep. Hungary Poland Romania Russia Slovakia 26 18 14 20 11 10 19 N N N Y N N N EE Ave US WE Ave 17 14 27 Source: The World’s Women 2005: Progress in Statistics. Published by the United Nations, New York, NY, January 2006. http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/products/indwm/wwpub.htm