Holyoke Historical Preservation A

Holyoke Historical Preservation Awards- 2014
The Holyoke Historical Commission is empowered to further awareness and
preservation of historic sites, structures, districts, and character of the City of
Holyoke, Massachusetts. To promote these goals, the commission will recognize
individuals, firms, groups, and organizations that have contributed to the
achievement of the purposes and objectives of the Commission in
May, 2013.
The Holyoke Historical Commission would like to invite the residents of Holyoke to
participate in the nomination of buildings for the Annual Historic Preservation
Nominate any property including your own. Residential, commercial, public and
religious buildings and burial grounds are all eligible. All nominations will be judged
by the Holyoke Historical Commission and preservation experts. Winners will
receive certificates and will be recognized by the Historical Commission during
Preservation Week in May 2013.
Categories for nomination include:
●PRESERVATION: A high retention of all historic features through conservation,
maintenance and repair. It reflects the buildings continuum over time and emphases
preservation of materials, finishes, spaces and spatial relationships that together
give the property its historic character.
● REHABILITATION: Emphasizes the retention and repair of historic materials,
with more latitude for replacement due to deterioration prior to work
● RESTORATION: These projects focus on the retention of materials from the most
significant time in the property’s history while permitting the removal of materials
from other periods. This would include but is not limited to a sensitive paint
scheme, restoration of original features such as a porch or gardens, and other
projects that restore the façade of the building.
● RECONSTRUCTION: Re-creates a non-surviving site, landscape, building,
structure or object in all new materials
achievements and contributions to local historic preservation
● Nominate any property/individual including your own.
● Nominations must be submitted on this form to be considered.
● Before and after pictures of project or addition are not necessary, but are
very helpful for judging. Pictures can be digital or standard photographs,
which can be returned if needed.
● Residential, commercial, public and religious buildings are eligible as well
as historic cemeteries.
● Deadline for submissions is April 22, 2014.
● Judging by the Holyoke Historical Commission and preservation experts
● Successful awardees will be notified no later than two weeks after the
selection process has been completed.
Holyoke Historical Commission Preservation Award
Nomination Form 2014
Address of Nominated Property: ________________________________________________________
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________Email:__________________________________
Property Owner’s Name, Address and Contact Information if known:
Phone:______________________________________________ Email:_________________________________
● Property Type [ ] Residential [ ] Commercial [ ] Public Building
[ ] Religious Building[ ] Burial Ground[ ] Individual/Local Preservationist
[ ] Other
● Brief description of why you are nominating this structure (please use additional
sheets if necessary):
Signature ____________________________________________________________________________________
Please send this form and photos to:
Holyoke Historical Commission Preservation Awards
Holyoke Historical Commission
Holyoke City Hall Annex Room 100 A
Korean Veterans Plaza
Holyoke, MA 01040
www.holyoke.org /department/historical