Field Sampling

Job Safety Analysis Worksheet
Date: 02/27/13
Field Sampler (Surface water,
Groundwater, Air, Biology, Site Inspections, Lab)
Employee Name and Job Title:
Analyst/ Date:
DEP Southwest District/ Southwest Assessment Group (SWAG)
Approved By/ Date:
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Recommended or Required: Gloves, aprons, protective clothing, Hat, Sun
Screen/protection, tool kit, first aid kit, PFD, sunglasses.
Sequence of Basic Job Steps
Potential Accidents or Hazards
Recommended Safe Job Procedures
Drive/park state vehicle
Traffic accidents
Buckle up; Use defensive driving tactics, Obey
traffic laws, and Keep vehicle in safe operating
condition. Check tires regularly for proper
inflation. Always drive with headlights on.
Hostile neighborhoods
Be aware of surroundings. Use buddy system,
when possible.
Keep doors locked.
Recommend carrying a reliable cellular phone.
Road emergency/vehicle breakdown
Keep vehicle maintenance up to date. Keep
tools and spare tire in vehicle. Recommend
carrying: fire extinguisher, flashlight, battery
jumper cables, first aid kit, and a reliable
cellular phone in vehicle.
Be aware of your surroundings. Do not store
shelves/cabinets. Avoid slippery floors, clean
spills promptly. Watch for open file cabinets.
Office operations
Trip and fall, and falling objects
Paper cuts
Exercise care-handling paperwork.
Wrist injuries (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
Use ergonomically designed wrist rest for long
typing sessions.
Back strain while moving boxes
Use proper lifting techniques. Use a moving
dolly when necessary. Seek assistance.
Falls from ladders or stepping stools
Computer Data Entry
Electric shocks from plugging or unplugging
office equipment.
Repetitive strain disorder, general office hazards
General Field Activities
Slips, Trips, Falls
Position feet securely on each step. Wear
proper shoes for this activity. Place ladder or
stool on level surfaces.
Avoid wet areas. Avoid using damaged plugs.
Avoid using frayed extension cords.
Ergonomic training, office safety training, wrist
Wear skid-resistant soles and steel-toe shoes or
boots. Be aware of surroundings (including
rough terrain, construction debris, unstable
ground/surfaces, etc.). Do not climb homemade
ladders or unstable structures. Do not enter
confined spaces with poor visibility.
Electrical hazards
Do not touch electrical wires (or metal surfaces
in contact with wires).
Falling debris and low-hanging objects
Be aware of surroundings.
Cuts/abrasion from sharp objects, debris, paper
cuts, etc.
Be alert and aware of surroundings. Wear
adequate PPE including appropriate clothing,
safety boots, and gloves.
Surface water sampling
Preserving SCI Samples with
Formaldehyde Solutions
Dangerous animals and vegetation
Be aware of your surroundings. Learn to
identify, and avoid, toxic plants such as
poisonwood trees.
Watch for dangerous
animals, such as aggressive dogs, raccoons,
snakes and harmful insects. Wear appropriate
clothing and boots and carry mosquito
Excessive noise
Use hearing protection.
Muscle strain
Use proper ergonomics when lifting heavy
objects (coolers, pumps, etc.); use appropriate
mechanical assistance and tools when possible.
Heat exhaustion and sun exposure
Avoid dehydration. Avoid excessive sun and
heat exposure. Wear hats, sunglasses and
Cold water exposure
Contaminated media
Eye/skin contact with biological agents and
Wear chest waders or wetsuit when appropriate.
Wear site/activity appropriate PPE
Review and understand MSDS for all chemicals
being handled. Be careful when handling acids
and caustic substances. Wear adequate PPE
and wash hands after completion of task.
Inhalation of chemical vapors
Position body in order to minimize downwind
Dangerous animals and vegetation
Be aware of your surroundings. Learn to
identify, and avoid, toxic plants such as
poisonwood trees. Watch for dangerous
animals, such as aggressive dogs on private
property, raccoons, snakes and harmful insects.
Heat exhaustion and sun exposure
Avoid dehydration, excessive sun and heat
exposure, wear hats, sunglasses and sunscreen.
Hypothermia/cold water exposure
Wear waders or a wetsuit.
Stinging insects
Watch for biting insects. Wear long sleeves,
pants, and bug repellent.
Slip/trip hazards
BE ALERT; position sampling equipment in an
orderly and safe fashion.
Muscle and soft tissue injury'
Use proper ergonomics when positioning and
lifting sampling gear
Work in pairs, wear life jacket (PFD) when
Work in well vented areas. Use an approved
respirator when necessary.
Inhalation of chemical vapor hazards
Chemical contact with skin
Groundwater Sampling
Irritation from contaminants in water
Electrocution hazard
Wear appropriate protective PPE including eye
and face protection. Wear appropriate
protective clothing and gloves to prevent skin
Always wear gloves and never drink nonpotable water
Always use grounded equipment, and keep
water from electric power items. Identify any
electrical hazards before commencing work.
Halt all work if unsafe conditions exist. Always
check wires (when deenergized) for chaffing
and exposed conductors.
Take samples from bridges
Muscle strain (lifting equipment, coolers, pumps,
Use proper ergonomics when lifting heavy
objects; use appropriate mechanical assistance
and tools when needed.
Contaminated media eye/skin contact w/
biological agents and chemicals
Review and understand MSDS for all chemicals
being handled. Be careful when handling acids
and caustic substances. Wear adequate PPE and
wash hands after completion of task. MSDS
must be in vehicle at all times.
Inhalation of chemical vapors
Position body in order to minimize downwind
Dangerous animals and vegetation
Be aware of your surroundings. Identify, and
avoid, toxic plants such as poison ivy. Watch
for dangerous animals, such as aggressive dogs,
raccoons, snakes and harmful insects.
Trailblazing with machete/cuts
Be aware of sharp edges and angle of cuts. Be
aware of briars.
Heat exhaustion and sun exposure
Avoid dehydration, excessive sun and heat
exposure, wear hats, sunglasses and sunscreen.
Hypothermia/cold water exposure
Wear waders or a wetsuit.
Stinging insects
Watch for biting insects. Wear long sleeves,
pants, and bug repellent.
Slip/trip hazards
BE ALERT; position sampling equipment in an
orderly and safe fashion.
Muscle and soft tissue injury'
Use proper ergonomics when positioning and
lifting sampling gear
Work in pairs, wear life jacket (PFD) when
Wear safety vest, use buddy system when
possible, and avoid when possible.
Struck by vehicles
Vessel Operations (VO)
(VO) Towing
(VO) Starting
(VO) Operation
Note: unit diving safety officer (UDSO) must
certify Employee.
Note: Employee must receive DEP boating
safety and watercraft operations certification.
Boat sliding off trailer
Be aware of surroundings. Wear appropriate
Follow DEP Underwater Operations Manual
and Directive 710.
Complete USCG or Power Squadron boating
course, or Boat Smart exam. Follow DEP
Directive 620. All DEP employees must wear
life vests while underway. Maintain vessel and
proper safety equipment. Carry cell phone and
radio. File a float plan and work in pairs.
Secure winch brake and safety chain to eye
Items in boat flying out.
Secure all items in boat prior to towing.
Hitting overhead areas
Know your clearances.
Trailer hitch coming unlatched
Use locking pin in hitch, ensure trailer safety
chains are of sufficient strength and well
Tire blow out, bearings seize
Prop hitting objects under boat
Ensure proper tire and axle maintenance
Make sure area is clean and sound.
Secure area behind boat.
Boat ramming dock or other boats
Boat is in neutral on start up; make sure boat is
directed in the right direction prior to startup.
Make sure plugs are in and bilge pump is
Boat taking on water
operational. Watch for backwash over transom
when slowing down. Make sure boat is not
overloaded or loaded improperly so it will not
list to one side and take water over the gunnel.
If possible, avoid rough water.
(VO) Loading
Laboratory operations
Icing (reicing) sample coolers,
transporting coolers and other
equipment back to laboratory
Losing steering ability
Always have a paddle in boat in case of losing
steering ability.
Obstacles –stumps, shallow water, etc.
Stay in navigation channels, watch for objects
that become submerged. Be aware of water
depth and draft of boat. Talk to locals
concerning hazards.
Often, operators cannot hear thunder from
approaching storms due to the noise made by
outboard motors. Operators should always
keep watch for inclement weather.
Motor Breakdown
Although not 100% failsafe, careful attention to
and thorough maintenance of motor will help
prevent breakdown in field.
Know how to properly power load. Some areas
restrict power loading. Use the winch.
Over shooting the trailer stop and landing in the
back of the truck.
Winch strap breaking and causing bodily and
vehicle damage.
Make sure winch assembly is in good working
order and strap/cable is not frayed, cut or in a
deteriorated condition. Slowly winch the boat
up on the trailer, if needed back the trailer a
little further in the water or use the motor on the
boat to assist in recovery.
Boat falls off trailer when exiting the water.
Make sure winch break is locked and safety
cable is attached securely.
Eye/skin contact with biological agents and
Review and understand MSDS for all chemicals
being handled. Be careful when handling acids
and caustic substances. Wear adequate PPE
such as lab coat/apron, eye protection, and
Learn location and operation of
emergency shower and eyewash. Clean bench
surfaces with disinfectant and wash hands after
working with wastewater samples.
Inhalation of chemical vapors
Work under operational fume hood.
Explosion and fire hazards
Keep solvents and flammables away from heat
source. Do not store incompatible chemicals
(i.e. Acids and bases) together. Learn location
of fire extinguisher and of all fire exits in the
Cuts and skin abrasions
Be alert and careful handling glassware. Proper
disposal of broken glass. Learn location of first
aid kit.
Skin burns
Be alert- avoid contact with hot surfaces. Learn
location of first aid kit.
Ingestion of harmful substances
Do not eat/drink in the lab. Do not store food
or drinks in the lab refrigerator. No mouth
Electric shock
Use caution. Be sure Ground Fault Interrupters
are installed properly. Electrical safety training.
Use due care when draining water from coolers,
use proper ergonomics when lifting and moving
coolers and other equipment. Use buddy system
Slip hazard
Muscle and back Injury
Identify site/activity PPE needs;
check contents of PPE equipment bag
for complete inventory
Ensure health of inspector(s)
Muscle strain
Weather Conditions
Insect/animal born disease
Keep body protected; wear sunscreen; wide
brimmed hat or hardhat.
Extreme cold
Wear layered clothing, gloves, hard hat with
winter liner, etc.
Vehicle operation
Proceed to vehicle/travel to and from
Arrival at Facility
for lifting or hand cart to move.
Inspect all PPE and equipment and ensure that
it is working properly and meets all FDEP
guidelines and manufacturer specifications.
Ensure that First Aid training is current, and
that tetanus booster and hepatitis series are
Familiarize self with signs of heat related
illnesses: craps, heat rash, dehydration, heat
exhaustion, and heat stroke. Additionally,
review associated FDEP guidelines, procedures
and training (fluid intake, sunscreen, proper
clothing, etc.)
Collision (another vehicle or object)
During cold weather- layer clothing and wear
wind impervious outerwear; during warm
months- wear long sleeve cotton/breathable
fabric shirt and pants.
Do Not use cell phone when driving. Do Not
use paper or electronic maps when driving. The
passenger should act as the navigator and read
off the directions. The driver’s only task is
driving the vehicle in a safe and courteous
manner. Follow posted speed limits. Decrease
speed in limited sight and rain conditions.
Follow one vehicle length per 10 miles of
speed. Move to the other lane when vehicles are
stopped or workers are present on shoulder.
Always use turn signals and make sure all
lamps are in working order before each trip.
Always wear seat belts.
All vehicles must be equipped with a First Aid
kit, working fire extinguisher.
Vehicle Fire
Never park a warm engine vehicle in tall dry
grass. Avoid engine fuel spills.
Be attentive when crossing traffic and walking
within parking areas. Map route to site; have
area map available; follow defensive driving
Moving vehicles and traffic hazards
Do not attempt to walk on surfaces suspected of
being slippery due to ice, rain or other
Vehicle contact with fixed or moving objects
Conduct a walk around inspection of the
vehicle for fixed or movable objects around
and/or behind vehicle before entering and
driving the vehicle.
Be courteous and diplomatic
Irritated site owner
Dangerous surroundings
Do not enter site unless accompanied by
another inspector or site personnel.
Animals, snakes, etc.
Identify areas where biological hazards may be
present; wear insect repellant on all exposed
skin surfaces; wear long sleeve shirt and long
pants; avoid high grass areas if possible; tuck
pant leg into boot; do not put hand/arm
into/under an area that you cannot see
into/under clearly; do not touch any suspected
contaminant without appropriate hand PPE;
wash hands as soon as possible upon
completion of task.
Chemical release areas
Identify areas where biohazards may lurk, plan
escape route in advance.
Wear site/action appropriate PPE. Be familiar
w/site plan, ID areas of contamination. Survey
site for areas of discoloration, puddles, dead or
stressed vegetation; stay reasonably clear of
such areas
Review facility contingency plan w/
facility health and safety officer or
Conduct inspection
Site Exit
Identify escape route, position self upwind, and
evacuate immediately if/when strong odors or
irritation noted.
Identify any additional hazards not in DEP file;
Be familiar with escape routes and emergency
*All potential hazard codes are applicable
*All potential hazard codes are applicable
Contaminated vehicle
Wear site/activity appropriate PPE; Evaluate
inspection process each step of the way to
ensure that unprepared events do not over take
you during the inspection process; Be
methodical and patient during an inspection;
Never attempt to hurry and inspection.
Halt inspection and remove self to position of
safety; contact supervisor/office for guidance.
IF appropriate guidance is unavailable, stop
inspection and return to office. If injury has
occurred, proceed to nearest emergency
medical facility for treatment. Contact
supervisor ASAP. If you believe you have been
exposed to harmful levels of chemicals or
physical agents, inform supervisor to get
medical monitoring. All injuries and suspected
exposures are to be reported to Supervisor.
Update exposure log.
Wash hands promptly. Contaminated PPE
(booties, tyvek, and latex gloves) should be
disposed on-site. Remove boots and soiled
clothing for secure storage in truck;
decontaminate as soon as possible. Update
exposure log.
Ambient Air Monitoring:
Driving to and from monitoring sites
traffic, vehicle breakdowns; Trailer problems;
Flat tire; Getting lost; Falling Asleep
observe all traffic signs and laws; drive
defensively; ensure vehicle is properly
maintained; carry spare vehicle and trailer tire;
carry jack and lug wrench; Always wear seat
belt; plan route and carry maps; get plenty of
sleep before driving; Make sure trailer attached
correctly; Make sure trailer lights, blinkers
Lifting and carrying items
Determine whether item is too heavy or bulky
for one person to carry; get help; Use proper
lifting techniques; always be able to see where
you are going and what might be an obstacle in
your path; Use elevator rather than stairs when
carrying something that takes both hands
SB, SA, CW, CI, CBT various items or parts of
the equipment: Power Tools and Electrical Work
make sure you understand the proper way to
use each item; when correcting problems,
ensure no loose clothing or jewelry could get
caught in the machinery; after repairs, check to
ensure everything is back together properly
before re-starting equipment, after use put
everything in safest mode; be certain to
disconnect monitors or calibrators or data
acquisition units as necessary
Accessing Monitoring Sites in Field
Exposure to lightning, snakes, spiders, poison
ivy, ticks, mosquitoes
Use bug spray; Wear pants and, if needed, long
sleeves; Stay indoors during lightning storms;
Know location of nearest hospital; Keep lawn
around monitoring sites mowed; Be mindful of
where you step
Using various chemicals, such as
charcoal, desiccant, etc.
CB, CW, E that causes irritation, allergic
response, or skin problems; Spills
Read and follow all instructions regarding
proper use. If allergic reaction or irritation
occurs, report to supervisor so chemical can be
replaced with safer material and proper
treatment provided. Keep MSDS sheets on
hand at all times. Wear proper eyewear, masks,
and gloves when using certain chemicals. Have
clean-up plan for spills; keep water on hand for
rinsing off skin.
Using Office Furniture
SB, CB, CW, CO, FB, overexertion
Use furniture for its intended purpose, for
example, a chair with wheels is not a step
ladder. When moving furniture, get help with
heavy and/or bulky items; adjust furniture
properly to avoid discomfort or strains when
doing office work (such as, height of work
surface or posture during use of computer
*Codes for Potential Hazards:
Struck By (SB)
Struck Against (SA)
Contacted By (CB)
Contact With (CW)
Caught On (CO)
Caught In (CI)
Caught Between (CBT)
Fall - Same Level (FS)
Fall To Below (FB)
Exposure (E)