Executive Report Report to: EXECUTIVE Earliest date for decision: 26TH APRIL 2006 Decision number: 2. CONFERENCE LEISURE QUARTER DRAFT PLANNING BRIEF FOR CONSULTATION 1.0 Matter for consideration: 1.1 Consideration of the Draft Planning Brief (Supplementary Planning Document) attached at Appendix 2a for the former Central Station Site. The planning brief is a pivotal part of the comprehensive regeneration of a 10hectare (23 acre) area to deliver transformational change to Blackpool. The development of the former Central Station site has the potential to develop a unique world class conference and Leisure quarter driven by quality, sustaining wider resort regeneration, and delivering benefits for residents and visitors alike. Please note that coloured copies of appendix 2a have been attached separately for Committee Members only and can be viewed on the Council’s internet site or are available from Democratic Services – telephone 01253 477051.Copies have also been placed in the Group Rooms and the Members’ Library for ease of use. 2.0 Recommendation(s): 2.1 To approve:1.The Draft Planning Brief (Supplementary Planning Document) for the Conference Leisure Quarter for consultation. 2.The publication of the Sustainability Appraisal for the draft planning Brief (Supplementary Planning Document) Conference Leisure Quarter 3.0 Category grouping: Corporate/Strategic 4.0 Community Plan objective: Sustainable Environment 5.0 Information 5.1 Blackpool’s existing tourism, leisure and hospitality sectors are facing increasing competition from within an increasingly sophisticated leisure market reflecting a more discerning consumer expectation. In response Blackpool Council and key partners including ReBlackpool Urban Regeneration Company, have embarked on an urban regeneration programme to transform the resort over the next 15 to 20 years to create a sustainable world-class entertainment destination. Government liberalisation presents Blackpool Council with a strategic opportunity to bid, via a competitive process, for the pilot Regional Casino licence. The Government expects that a regional casino will offer clear potential for regeneration. Therefore, the development of the former central station site must be set within this context. The accompanying draft Planning brief has been prepared in accordance with Government guidance as a Supplementary Planning Document to the soon to be adopted Local Plan. The planning brief will be a material consideration in the assessment of planning applications for the site. In summary, the brief is structured as follows: Part 1 Introduction and vision Part 2 The Planning Process and Framework Part 3 Site Context Part 4 Development Character Part 5 The Approvals Process Part 1 provides the context for the brief and communicates the vision for the site. Key objectives for the development of the site are also defined as below: (i) Provide a unique world-class conference and leisure quarter that will become synonymous with Blackpool (ii) Provide a development of sufficient scale, composition and attraction to create the critical mass to act as a catalyst to wider resort regeneration (iii)Underpin a year round economy promoting sustainable local employment opportunities (iv)Ensure that the design of the proposals centre upon delivering a distinctive high quality experience for visitors expressed through responsive and creative architecture and urban design that responds to Blackpool's historic townscape (v) Create a new welcome experience, which presents a spectacular sense of arrival for visitors at Blackpool's key gateway. (vi) Ensure seamless integration by creating strong active connections between the site and the town centre enhancing vitality and viability, the seafront and other resort attractions. (vii) Promote sustainable regeneration through design, access and operational management. The role of the planning brief in communicating the council's planning and design objectives and providing a robust framework to ensure that these site objectives are met is also considered within the brief. Part 2 of the brief covers Planning Process and framework. This section provides further guidance and interpretation of policy contained within the Blackpool Local plan 2001-2016 and the Local Transport Plan. Key national Policy statements which have informed the local plan and which inform the Planning Brief are referred to within this section. The local context of the site is detailed within part 3 of the brief . Emphasis is made within the following section ( Part 4- Development Character) to the need for a comprehensive development approach. Appropriate uses for the site, in line with local policy, are identified including entertainment/leisure, national conference/exhibition centre, regional casino, hotel development (3 star and above). The Council accepts that the conferencing facility, regional casino, and any hotel development are likely to incorporate an element of ancillary retail development in the form of shops, cafes and restaurants. In respect of Hotel Development, the Council is keen to see regenerative benefits of the development impacting positively upon the existing hotel sector in Blackpool. The draft brief therefore provides guidance that no more than 60% of projected bed space demand for the whole of the site is accommodated through on site provision. Access and Accessibility considerations are also considered within Part 4 of the brief. In terms of car parking, the current Central Station, Bonny Street and Chapel street car park provide approximately 1200 spaces. The draft brief recommends that on site provision must include at least 800 publicly-available spaces controlled by the authority or subject to a legally binding management agreement that ensures they contribute to meeting the resorts wider parking needs over and above the uses on site. High quality design has a fundamental role to play in ensuring that the Conference Casino quarter excites and amazes visitors and creates a permeable quarter that easily allows connectivity to adjacent existing tourist attractions including the Tower, The Promenade and the existing town centre. The design principles section consequently provides detailed design guidance. Part 5 of the brief provides details on the council's submission requirements in respect of any planning application including relevant technical assessments. Early pre-application discussions will be sought with interested parties. 5.2 Does the information submitted include any exempt information? NO 6.0 Legal considerations: 6.1 The Planning Brief is being prepared as a formal Supplementary Planning Document and as such its preparation has to satisfy statutory provisions, including requirement for public consultation. 7.0 Personnel considerations: 7.1 Although not requiring the incorporation of proposals for a Regional Casino , this planning brief is an important supporting document to the council's submission for the pilot Regional Casino Licence. Its preparation and the production of a similar brief for The Talbot Gateway development, another priority Urban Regeneration Company development project, is placing considerable strain on an under-strength planning policy team and compromising other work streams. 8.0 Financial considerations: 8.1 The cost of the preparation of the planning brief is covered by existing budgetary provision 9.0 Performance management considerations: 9.1 The adoption of the Supplementary Planning document and timetable is an Office of the Deputy Prime Minister performance indicator that may affect receipt of Planning Delivery Grant. 10.0 Risk management considerations: 10.1 The consultation process for the draft planning brief will be subject to Project management processes to ensure effective monitoring and recording of consultation responses. 11.0 Relevant Officer: 11.1 Tim Brown, Acting Head of Planning and Transportation 12.0 Relevant Cabinet Member 12.1 Councillor E. Collett, Regeneration and Tourism 13.0 Consultation undertaken: 13.1 The consultation arrangements that the Council has undertaken/is undertaking as part of the process in producing the Supplementary Planning Document comply with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) Regulations 2004, Regulation 17.The proposed redevelopment of the former Central Station site has been the subject of extensive public consultation over the last 3 years. This includes consultations, which have been part of the review of policy in the Blackpool Local Plan as well as consultation on the draft Resort Master plan and the recently published Conference/Casino Quarter Scoping Document. The draft planning brief contains a Consultation Statement which summarises the consultation methodology in respect of the site. Approval is now sought from the Executive to undertake comprehensive consultation on the draft brief. This will involve a number of different communication methods to reach the local community and associated stakeholders and interested parties. 14.0 Background papers: 14.1 None 15.0 Key decision information: 15.1 Is this a key decision? YES 15.2 If so, Forward Plan reference number: 08/2006 15.3 If a key decision, is the decision required in less than NO five days? 15.4 If yes, please describe the reason for urgency: 16.0 Reasons for recommendation(s): 16.1 Preparation of this Planning Brief is essential to guide the development and proposals for this flagship development in accordance with Local Plan policy and to ensure that they act as a catalyst for resort regeneration 16.2a Is the recommendation contrary to a plan or strategy NO adopted or approved by the Council? 16.2b Is the recommendation in accordance with the Council’s approved budget? 16.3 Other alternative options to be considered: N/A YES None 17.0 Call-in information: 17.1 Are there any grounds for urgency that would cause this decision to be exempt from the call-in process? 17.2 If yes, please give reason: N/A NO TO BE COMPLETED BY THE PROPER OFFICER 18.0 Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee Chairman (where appropriate): Date informed: 18th April 2006 19.0 Declarations of interest (if applicable): 19.1 20.0 Executive decision: 20.1 20.2 Date: 20.3 Reason(s) for decision: 21.0 Date of publication: 22.0 Call-in: 22.1 23.0 Notes: 23.1 Date approved: N/A