Creating suburban ecological zones Primary agricultural production in Central Europe’s flatland regions is carried out by intensive, conventional farming permitting only one type of crop to be grown on large, dedicated surfaces. The resulting loss in variety and biodiversity has had adverse consequences on both the environment and the quality and nutritional value of such agricultural production. In addition, the presence of heavy mechanisms or potentially dangerous substances makes growing areas and their immediate surroundings unsuitable for recreational or educational activities. The AgroKruh (AgroCircle) system provides a unique solution to these problems and helps promote sustainable, locally-sourced production and consumption. A wide range of vegetables, herbs and flowers is grown on relatively small areas with the help of fine technology eliminating all use of pesticides or chemicals. Recreational or educational activities can be conducted on the growing fields or in their immediate vicinity. The areas have great potential to become suburban recreational zones with locally-sourced restaurants, parks or sport fields. This ecological cultivation of vegetables has numerous benefits for individuals, farmers as well as the society. The nutritional quality of the vegetables, which are always locally sourced, is incomparable to that of vegetables produced by conventional techniques, often also shipped long distances. A form of communitysupported agriculture, the AgroKruh system creates conditions for an economically sustainable operation of small family farms and allows customers to develop a long-term relationship of trust with their local farmer. The zones can be used as a means of recreation; they are especially suited for families with children, many living in neighbourhoods composed of large blocks of flats from the soviet era. An AgroKruh farm also provides ideal conditions to facilitate education in matters of sustainable development and environment protection, either on an ad hoc basis or in a more formal way, such as by school group visits. In addition, all negative impacts on the environment left by conventional planting are gradually removed by the use of this environmentally-friendly technology. A pilot farm has been set up in the Bratislava region in 2006 (a video of the technology, made in 1995, can be found at The pilot project clearly confirmed the effectiveness of the system in both technical and environmental terms. The technology currently replaces about 70% of traditional hand work (with plans for full automatisation already available), but is of the same or higher quality. The machines are powered by extremely low-consumption electrical motors, with the potential to use solar energy as the sole source. Moreover, the combination of the production of bio-vegetables and agro-tourism has produced particularly good results in terms of its economic viability. In order to create a large network of suburban ecological zones in Central Europe, further research is necessary. An international project coordinating the simultaneous operation of these zones would be an ideal platform to share experiences and responses to the system in different central European regions. This would enable to provide further guidance and would improve starting conditions for farmers wishing to create AgroKruh eco-zones. In order to set up pilot projects in suburban areas in various Central European countries we are looking for partners, preferably municipalities or towns, who would cooperate with selected local farmers to create green, ecological zones for their residents (either on private or leased land). It is proposed that model ecological zones would be created in each participating country. Each farm would then focus on selected issues and share the information obtained and possibly analysed with academic institutions of the country (universities or research institutes) to the other participants in the project. At a later period, the supervisors of the pilot projects will have the opportunity to become coordinators of a network of ecozones in their country. Ing Peter BALAŠOV Predseda Občianskeho združenia Živý prameň ( Podpora ekologického pestovania ) Konateľ spoločnosti AgroKruh s.r.o. tel +421 905 658537 email