Westlake Robotics Code of Conductx

Westlake Robotics
Code of Conduct
This document is required reading for all Westlake Robotics program participants
and their parents. It describes the rules that each student is expected to follow. It
also describes the program coaches’ responsibilities and procedures for
enforcing the rules. A student will not be allowed to participate in the program
unless both the student and his/her parents have signed this document indicating
their intention to follow the rules as described.
Participation on the Westlake Robotics Team is a privilege which should elicit great pride in both the
student and his/her family. Standards of behavior are necessarily high and a willingness to live up to
them is a condition for participation. The intention of the rules is to help ensure the safety and security of
all students, coaches, mentors, parents, and chaperones. Additionally, this Code of Conduct is important
to maintain the high-integrity and high performance program that has been established at Westlake High
School, and following these guidelines helps set an example of conduct for other participating teams at
General Conduct
The Westlake Robotics programs adhere to the concept of Gracious Professionalism at all times. From
the FIRST web site www.usfirst.org ):
“In FIRST, Gracious Professionalism means that we learn and compete like crazy, but
treat one another with respect and kindness in the process. We try to avoid leaving
anyone feeling like they have lost. No chest-thumping barbarian tough talk, but no sticky
sweet platitudes either. Knowledge, pride and empathy comfortably blended.”
The rules governing general conduct are as follows:
1. Students will exhibit Gracious Professionalism at all times, within their own team, when
interacting with other WHS teams, and when interacting with outside teams.
2. Students will attend meetings/practices unless they have a valid excuse. A “valid excuse” can
often be an overload of homework or tests, though the student is expected to balance
academics and extracurricular activities so to be productive in both.
3. Students will notify their coach and team when they are going to be absent.
4. Students will remain in close proximity to the meeting location.
5. Students will actively participate at the meetings and competitions.
6. Students will endeavor to be a productive member of their team and deliver upon the
commitments they make to the team.
7. Students will adhere to all safety rules and safety instructions given by coaches and mentors.
In addition to the above, the student is expected to follow the Eanes Independent School District “Student
Code of Conduct” as can be found on the Eanes web site (currently: http://www.eanesisd.net/studentsand-parents/enrollment/docs/SCOC ).
Westlake Robotics
Code of Conduct
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Prohibited Conduct
Certain conduct by a student is absolutely unacceptable and will not be tolerated. The following list of
examples is not intended to be exhaustive, and a coach or mentor may impose disciplinary action for
conduct not specifically listed here.
A student shall not:
 Be disrespectful of anyone.
 Use language or gestures that are profane, lewd, vulgar, or abrasive
 Haze or harass other members of the team
 Horseplay in the hallways
 Exhibit unsafe behavior in the shop or lab
 Operate equipment in an unsafe manner
 Willfully incite others to commit any of the acts herein prohibited
 Steal
 Vandalize or destroy property such as hotel rooms, transporting vehicles, etc. Students and their
parents will be held financially responsible for any damage that the student causes.
 Use alcohol, tobacco or illegal substances
In addition to the above, the student is expected to comply with the list of prohibited conduct found in the
Eanes Independent School District “Student Code of Conduct” as referenced above.
If the student engages in behavior subject to “Removal from the Classroom”, “In-school Suspension”,
“Out-of-school Suspension”, or “Expulsion” as described in the EISD Student Code of Conduct, then that
student is subject to expulsion from the robotics program.
Academic Policy
The Westlake Robotics program adheres to the policies set forth in the Westlake High School “Student
Handbook” regarding participation in extracurricular activities which states:
A student who receives at the end of a grading period a grade below 70 in any academic class—
other than an Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate course; or an honors or dual
credit course in English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, economics, or world
languages—may not participate in extracurricular activities for at least three school weeks.
An ineligible student may practice or rehearse but may not participate in any competitive activity.
This policy in its entirety can be found on the Westlake High School Web site (currently on page 51 of
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Code of Conduct
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Conduct While Traveling
Each robotics season will include some travel with the team. During travel, and while participating in
remote activities, students are expected to adhere to all of the rules of conduct within this document. In
addition, the following rules must be followed:
1. Students must use transportation authorized by the team travel coordinator.
2. Students will stay in groups when traveling or sightseeing. Students will not be alone; if assigned
to a group or buddy, the student may not leave their group or assigned buddy.
3. Students should make sure their chaperones and/or mentors and coaches know where they are,
who is with them, and when they will return when leaving the general area of the competitions.
Disciplinary Procedures
Violators of this Code of Conduct will be assigned consequences based on the severity and frequency of
the misconduct. The consequences may include but are not limited to:
1. Immediate warning and reprimand
2. Parental notification of violation
3. Student will not be allowed to participate in meetings or in particular activities
4. Student will not be allowed to participate in a competition
5. Student will be expelled from the team
Team coaches and mentors are highly concerned with the students’ productivity and enjoyment of the
robotics program, and will be actively involved with helping the students adhere to the Code of Conduct.
As such, the coaches and mentors will follow an “escalation” model for violations as described below.
Note, however, that some egregious behaviors may illicit faster or immediate escalation.
First Offense – When a coach or mentor observes behavior that is contrary to the Code of Conduct
and/or limits the student’s or other students’ ability to usefully participate in the program, the coach or
mentor will talk privately with the student to inform them of the violation and to ascertain the reason(s) for
the behavior. The coach or mentor will work with the student to help them not repeat the behavior.
Assuming that the student agrees to not repeat the behavior, no further escalation will be pursued. No
parental notification will occur.
Second Offense (or if the student does not agree to curtail a behavior) – The coach or mentor will inform
the robotics program coordinator of the violation, who will call a meeting between the coach or mentor, the
program coordinator, and the student. As with the first offense, the goal of the meeting will be to
determine the reason(s) for the violation and to determine a plan to eliminate the behavior. In addition,
the student’s parents will be notified of the violation and of the plan to eliminate the behavior. The
program coordinator (and optionally the coach or mentor) will meet with the parents if requested to
discuss the offending behavior and/or plan.
Third Offense – If the student continues to exhibit the offending behavior the student and the student’s
parents will be immediately notified that the student is to be expelled from the robotics program. The
student and his/her parents will have an opportunity to meet with the program coordinator to discuss the
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Code of Conduct
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The above escalation policy is subject to the severity of the violation and the following:
Some offenses, particularly those listed as reasons for suspension or expulsion in the EISD Code
of Conduct, will cause escalation immediately to a level commensurate with the severity of the
While traveling, if a situation becomes intolerable, the student’s parents will be notified to
immediately make arrangements to have their student transported home at the expense of the
parents. The student will be expelled from the robotics program.
If a violation occurs during a competition, escalation will occur immediately to a level dependent
upon the severity of the violation.
It is extremely important to note that the goal of the robotics program is to provide an enjoyable
learning experience for all students. We expect that these disciplinary procedures will be employed
rarely. But they have been put in place to give the coaches and mentors the ability to ensure the quality of
the experience for all students.
Fees Policy
If a student leaves a Westlake Robotics program for any reason, including expulsion, any fees paid will
not be refunded.
Parents and students who wish to participate on the Westlake Robotics must read and accept the Code
of Conduct to help ensure both a successful and enjoyable experience.
Typing your name below as a parent, legal guardian or student represents your electronic signature and
indicates you have read and will abide by the Westlake High School Robotics Code of Conduct.
Student’s Electronic Signature:
Parent’s Electronic Signature:
Westlake Robotics
Code of Conduct
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