CDROM/APJS/V86/P713 Optical Constants of Ices (Hudgins+ 1993) ========================================================================= ======= Mid- and Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of Ices: Optical Constants and Integrated Absorbances D. M. Hudgins, S. A. Sandford, L. J. Allamandola, & A. G. G. M. Tielens <1993, ApJS, 86, 713> =1993ApJS...86..713H ========================================================================= ======= Abstract: Laboratory spectra through the mid-infrared (4000 to 500 cm^-1 [2.520 micron]) have been used to calculate the optical constants (n and k) and integrated absorption coefficients (A) for a variety of pure and mixed molecular ices of relevance to astrophysics. The ices studied were H2O, CH3OH, CO2, OCS, CH4, CO2+CH4, CO2+OCS, CO+CH4, CO+OCS, O2+CH4, O2+OCS, N2+CH4, N2+OCS, H2O+CH4, H2O+OCS, and H2O+CH3OH+CO+NH3. In addition, the measurements have been extended through the far-infrared (500 to 50 cm^1 [20-200 micron]) for the H2O, CH3OH, and H2O+CH3OH+NH3 ices. Keywords: line: identification -- molecular data Description: There are 77 files containing tables 2A through 19B, the real (n) and imaginary (k) indices of refraction for various pure ices and mixtures. The files as originally submitted for the AAS CD-ROM had file names that are not valid for ISO 9660, which requires a maximum eight-character filename and three-character extension. A simple UNIX shell script, called 'RENAME.SH' was run to rename the files to standard ISO 9660 names. A companion shell script called 'UNNAME.SH' is provided that will reverse the file naming. To use 'UNNAME.SH', it and all of the data files should be copied to local magnetic disk and the script invoked with the UNIX command: $ sh UNNAME.SH (If the user is working under another operating system, such as DOS or VMS, the CD-ROM filenames should be left as is). Note that this script assumes the files were copied to local disk with names that are in all uppercase characters (the way they are stored on the CD-ROM). Use the script 'UNNAMELO.SH' if your CD-ROM device driver automatically translates the uppercase filenames to lowercase. In general, though, the filenames as given on the CD-ROM are sufficient for identifying the correct file. A table of contents is provided in file TABLE.TOC which gives a description of the file contents, the original filename as given by the authors and the filename as it appears on the AAS CD-ROM. Each file has an identical 12-line prologue section which contains a note about the source of the data, the reference to the printed paper, and a header for the data records (see the EXAMPLE section given below). Following the prologue, each optical constant table record consists of five floating point numbers, separated by ASCII TAB characters (decimal 9). These numbers should be readable using FORTRAN free-format reads or C scanf() function calls. EXAMPLE: |---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6 This data was collected and compiled at the NASA/Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA. Any use of this data should recognize the parent publication: "Mid- and Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of Ices: Optical Constants and Integrated Absorbances.", D.M. Hudgins, S.A. Sandford, L.J. Allamandola, and A.G.G.M. Tielens, Ap.J.Supp.Ser., 83, 713-870 (1993) Freq. %T, 10K Freq. n, 10K k, 10K (cm-1) (cm-1) 50.153 100.03 50.153 1.7329 0.0000 51.117 100.05 52.082 1.7322 0.019900 52.082 99.929 54.011 1.7355 0.0000 53.046 100.05 55.940 1.7439 0.017200 54.011 100.02 57.869 1.7426 0.019200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------========================================================================= ======= (End) Lee Brotzman [ADS] 23Mar-1995