Minutes of the Council Meeting

Minutes of the Council Meeting
held on Monday 7th April 2014
in the Village Hall
Charles Mathew
Glyn Jones
Jose Eaton
Dan Barton
Trudi Gasser
In Attendance:
3 Members of the public
Steve Good
WODC District Councillor
Clare Rich
Hilary Fenton
WODC District Councillor
Vice Chairman
Parish Clerk
CM owns property near the Leys, the Green and the School.
DB owns property near the Sheehan’s Plant
14/039 MINUTES OF 3rd MARCH 2014
The Minutes were approved for publication.
Matters Arising:
14/031 – It was reported that the footpath to the Devil’s Quoits was inaccessible – TG to follow up
and write to FFC including previous comments regarding the site
14/030 – CM confirmed that the consultation on the Core Strategy would cease today. CM sought
approval of his comments (as Chairman of SHPC) to the consultation:
Dear Sirs,
I write on behalf of Stanton Harcourt Parish Council.
We have some serious concerns as to how you are going to enforce the praiseworthy intent of the draft Core
Strategy, which is currently under consultation.
 These matters are of serious concern to the residents of Stanton Harcourt and Sutton and I must
emphasise that they are potentially in the firing line. This draft has made very significant progress
from Draft Two in that the LAA has been radically lowered to a more realistic level, albeit still
somewhat more than fifty per cent of the last actual published figure of Oxfordshire sharp sand and
gravel production in 2011. Currently this year’s relevant figure is calculated at 811,600 tonnes on the
agreed ten year rolling average. It is totally unclear to us how OCC will enforce the result of this LAA
and ensure that it is respected in the Planning process throughout the period.
 The draft is rightly very supportive of the economic and green effect of digging closest to need. This
necessitates a goal of excavation reflecting the building activity of Oxfordshire on average between
now and 2030. The opening position of sites in the landbank is heavily reliant on West Oxfordshire
and the recent approval of some 5m tonnes at Gill Mill means that a large proportion of gravel
excavation will have to travel more than twenty miles to South Oxfordshire development sites such as
Didcot, Grove and Harwell. In addition that will further cause traffic congestion on the A34 and
A40 and greater concentration of pollution. I suggest this effect is the opposite strategy of what you
profess to being trying to achieve. It is totally unclear to us how OCC will enforce their stated strategy
and ensure that it is respected in the Planning process.
The plaudible ‘broad balance’ of the draft between production in South Oxfordshire and West
Oxfordshire , which is repeatedly stated in the draft, belies the mathematics; the current approved
Planning Applications ensure that the ratio will resume until 2030 that of the last ten or more year,
where West Oxfordshire has and will dig some 90 per cent of the gravel production in Oxfordshire. It
is totally unclear to us how OCC will enforce their stated strategy and ensure that it is respected in the
Planning process.
The above ‘rules’ which are said to be dominant in formulating the new policy for Planning
Applications will, it is stated, ensure that West Oxfordshire excavation will not increase and no new
sites will be started. To achieve the intent of broad balance, it is clear that South Oxfordshire needs to
take the brunt of excavation. This statement is therefore superfluous. To ensure no new sites are dug in
West Oxfordshire, a clear definition of ‘extension’ is vital. It is totally unclear to us how OCC will
enforce their stated strategy and ensure that it is respected in the Planning process.
This draft outlines ‘Search’ areas, which delineates areas which could be open to Planning
Applications; these areas are prioritised by the text, ie broad balance, proximity to use and so forth. It
is totally unclear how these parameters will be respected. Indeed the text seems to allow carte blanche
on a first come first served basis. It is totally unclear to us how OCC will enforce their stated strategy
and ensure that it is respected in the Planning process.
Stanton Harcourt has been heavily excavated for gravel since World War Two; most of the land,
which is still virgin, is owned by gravel operators, awaiting an opportunity to dig it for gravel and
some by hopeful farmers. The Valley is from the air a series of lakes down the river Windrush Valley
leading to its confluence with the River Thames (between Witney and Newbridge). There is in our
mind no doubt that the risk of flooding in this area is accentuated by every new gravel excavation- for
why? Clearly a sponge (ie the gravel) will stop a free flow of water and the solid mass of gravel
concrete boulders left here by the last Ice Age allows the flow to percolate slowly through and arrive at
its river source over time and not in a rush. Today such a barrier is very much less than nature
intended and this is one of the reasons why The River Thames has flooded so severely in Oxford in
recent years. It is totally unclear to us how statements that no excavation will be allowed which
increases the risk of or extension of flooding can be made in these circumstances and in the light of
recent evidence.
There are numerous other matters, which affect us directly. These, inter alia, include the lack of compensation
to the local community for bearing this burden for Oxfordshire for so long and apparently continuing to be the
fall guy, the cumulative effect of excavation in the Lower Windrush and Evenlode Valleys, the unimaginative
aftercare/restoration (see existing landfill/gravel lake transformation like Dix Pit and Linch Hill), the
traffic (see B4449 through Sutton), the flouting of PP conditions, and the greater risk of flooding.
It is vital that, at this stage of the road to adoption, the draft strategy is consistent, equitable and capable of
being enforced; this draft makes the right noises in many ways but lacks the ability to give assurance to the
residents that these noises are heard and respected
Yours sincerely
Charles Mathew
Chairman, Stanton Harcourt Parish Council
The Councillors approved the response.
SG confirmed his support to SHPC/SHAPE’s WODC Community Fund application, which would be
submitted in the next week or so.
SG asked the PC for their opinion on the Sheehan’s Planning Application, on which he has been asked
to comments in his capacity as WODC Planning Committee. TG to forward the PC’s comments to SG.
Nothing to report.
1. It was resolved to close the meeting to take questions (see appendix).
2. It was resolved to reconvene the meeting.
An update was provided by Clare Rich of SHAPE:
I would be grateful if you would report the following on SHAPE’s behalf as a brief summary of
our progress over the past month: New bank account set up to hold SHAPE funds
 Major grant application submitted to WREN: requesting £57,333.75 – outcome will not be
known until end of July 2014
 Application made to TOE (Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment) for an amount equal to the
third-party funding necessary to secure the WREN grant – SHAPE are very grateful to
Trudi for submitting this application
 £1,200 raised from the ‘Night with the Stars’ event which was organised with the Church
fund-raising committee.
 £1,940 raised from the Great Village Run which attracted 144 participants who ran a grand
total of 342.5 miles.
 £1,000 very generously donated by Dan Barton from the Wicker Man project (I am sorry
not to be present to thank Dan publicly for such a fantastic boost to SHAPE’s funds)
 £100 raised from the SYC Disco – this event was organised by the teenagers of the SHAPE
Youth Committee
Next stages
 Submitting planning application for Jubilee Field
 Submitting further grant applications
 Launching local fund-raising appeal
It was reported that SHAPE had asked TG to assist with the planning application for the Jubilee Field
– all were in favour – TG to progress with SHAPE.
CM confirmed that the trees on Jubilee Field had been cleared of debris to encourage growth. CM
also confirmed that there had been casualties and further planting would be required in the future.
GJ reported that there had been an excellent turnout of volunteers this year. It was suggested that
that may be due to the litter pick being held on one day rather than two. CM expressed his thanks to
all the volunteers, in particular, Pip and Jasmine Knight, who have helped regularly. It was felt that
more volunteers really made a difference.
The following decision notice had been received:
Application Ref:
Erection of two storey rear extension
12 Bury Mead, Stanton Harcourt
CM expressed his thanks to Joe Deane on another successful Village Voice.
CM reported that Sheehans had offered the Parish Council £10k regardless of the outcome of their
current planning application, half for their use and half for the Lower Windrush Valley fund. The
majority of the PC voiced concern. TG to write to decline the offer with thanks.
CM expressed his concern over ‘isolated’ residents in the village. Kerstie Judson very kindly offered
to write an article for Village Voice to raise awareness.
JE reported that speeding traffic is a problem through West End, particularly buses and through
traffic. JE suggested imposing a speed limit through the area. CM explained the complications in
doing so. It was suggested to write to the bus company and TVP in the first instance – TG to follow
14/049 AGM
TG confirmed the following speakers:
 Thames Valley Police – Inspector Holland if possible
 Jane Bowley - Lower Windrush Valley Project Officer
The following speakers would be approached:
 Sheehans
 Core Strategy Representative (Peter Day?)
 Aurora Fashion (Industrial Estate)
 Head of Stanton Harcourt Primary School
TG to arrange refreshments for the evening.
 Cheques were circulated for signature
Festival Committee request for Liability Insurance: TG reported that sufficient cover is in place and
she would notify the Festival Committee accordingly.
The next ordinary Meeting (including the AGM of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 12th
Signed ..........................................................................................
Date ..............................................................................................
Nigel Elliott confirmed that digging was still taking place towards the Industrial Estate. Gigaclear would be going live
in the very near future. CM praised the work in light of the recent weather.
Concern was expressed at overgrown hedges on footpaths. TG confirmed that an article had been written for Village
Voice – in the hope that this would provoke action.