Appendix 4a BLACKPOOL COUNCIL REPORT of the DIRECTOR OF FINANCE to the EXECUTIVE 26TH APRIL 2006 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE MONITORING AS AT MONTH 11 2005/06 1. Introduction 1.1 This report is the standard monthly financial performance monitoring report, which sets out the summary revenue budget position for the Council and its individual directorates for the first 11 months of 2005/06, ie. the period April – February 2006, together with an outlook for the remainder of the year. The report is complemented with an assessment of progress to date against the Council’s latest capital programme. 2. Directorates’ Revenue Budget Performance 2.1 Separate reports have been prepared for each of the Council’s directorates plus ‘Budgets Outside the Cash Limit’ at Appendices 4d to 4j. These incorporate a summary financial statement which continues to be prepared on a full accruals basis and focuses on the forecast outturn for 2005/06 with an accompanying narrative to explain any areas of significant variance from budget and to highlight any areas of potential pressure along with action plans agreed with service managers to address them. 2.2. The combined effect of the directorates’ financial performances is aggregated in a summary financial statement at appendix 4b which mirrors the Council’s Revenue Budget Book. This summary allows proactive month-on-month monitoring of the Council’s forecast working balances to be undertaken to ensure appropriate and prudent levels are maintained. 2.3 The Executive of 11th February 2004 approved a process whereby services which trip a ceiling for overspending against budget of £75,000 or 1.5% of net budget where the controllable budget exceeds £5.0million are required to be highlighted within this monthly budgetary control report and required to develop & submit a recovery plan over a period not exceeding 3 years which is to be approved by the respective Cabinet Member. The services tripping this threshold at month 11 are listed at appendix 4c, which shows the progress during the year as requested by the Audit Committee. The respective heads of service will be asked to account for their services’ financial performance at future meetings of the Audit Committee. 1 3. Forecast Working Balances 3.1 The impact of directorates’ revenue budget performance and progress in achieving planned efficiency savings falls upon the Council’s working balances. The forecast level as at 31/03/06 is £5,184,000. However, this is a notional level which makes the assumption that directorates live within their cash limited budgets or plan to do so over a reasonable period. With some plans for recovery stretching up to three years beyond the current financial year, the actual level of working balances at this year-end will inevitably be less than £5,184,000. 3.2 The graph below demonstrates the cyclical nature of the Council’s working balances and underlines the volatility of the financial pressures which it experiences. A key financial target in its medium-term financial strategy continues to be a stable level of working balances of £5.0million. Unallocated Revenue Reserves 6000 5000 4000 £000 3000 2000 1000 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year ending 31st March 4. Capital Monitoring Performance 4.1 Appendix 4k lists individually all currently-approved and live capital schemes whose total scheme budget is greater than £500,000 and groups as ‘other’ within each service block all schemes less than £500,000. The emphasis regarding capital monitoring will be on scheme variances rather than in-year progress since many schemes cross financial years (and in the case of the Central Sea Wall over 4 years). Therefore, some degree of flexibility for management of slippage is necessary in order to balance the overall capital programme each year to the funding allocations available. 4.2 There is still much to be developed in this area of monitoring and for the time being schemes will be reported on an exceptions basis with notes incorporated within the body of the monitoring statement at appendix 4k. The specific schemes experiencing/forecasting significant financial pressure, as at month 11 are: 2 Boundary Primary new school (+£218,000) – collapse & failure of drains being funded from the 2006/07 programme; St Georges School toilet/library/expansion (+£204,000) – being funded from the 2006/07 programme; Stanley Park restoration (+£392,000) – being funded from the 2006/07 programme; Palatine Sports Centre is showing an overspend of (+£393,000). Additional resources from the approved capital programme of £376,000 in 2006/07 and other resources of £17,000 will address this. Masterplan Phase 1 Central Corridor (+£590,000) – comprising enhancements to the original scheme and expenditure funded in 2006/07; and West Street Car Park (+£241,000) – resulting from enhancements to the finish and delays due to negotiations with a third party. 5. Conclusions and Recommendations 5.1 Month 11 has seen a slight improvement on directorates’ revenue budgets from a forecast £2.3million annual overspend at month 10 to the latest £2.2million projection. In addition 6 capital schemes are forecasting a combined overspend of £2.0million of which £1.8million will be funded through the 2006/07 capital programme. Continual monitoring and effective action to make savings are necessary in order to stem these pressures and allow for their recovery over an appropriate period. 5.2 The Executive is asked to: i) ii) note the report; and authorise the officers to investigate options for reducing the projected level of overspending and to report back to the Executive. M Hanson Director of Finance 7th April 2006 3