Be Prepared: A Crisis Is Coming to Your Campus







National Association of College and

University Attorneys

40th Anniversary Annual Conference

Concurrent Sessions CS28

June 26, 2000

Gregory L. Hassler, Esq.

Brody School of Medicine

East Carolina University

Greenville, North Carolina




AIM: This presentation provides a twenty (20)-minute narrative which describes the ways in which East Carolina University responded to the catastrophic effects of Hurricane

Floyd, which occurred on September 16, 1999, bringing twenty (20) inches of rain to eastern North Carolina, with windspeeds of one hundred fifteen (115) miles per hour.

This presentation, to the extent beneficial, includes minimal references and citations to legal analyses, case law and applicable statutes. This narrative, consequently, functions as a "preface" to Mr. Schannon's more technically legal perspective upon crisis management and risk communications.

PRESENTATION: Given that the aim of this presentation tends to be more narrative in form, the following constitutes its tentative outline:

I. Introduction

A. Quantitative realities

B. Recurring motifs




Necessity, Compassion and Legal Analyses

3. Reciprocity

II. People

A. University Community

B. City and County Communities

III. Property

A. Facilities

B. Environmental Health & Safety

C. Computing, Information, and News Services

IV. Conclusion

A. Tentative Legal Defenses

B. Lessons

 Sources consulted include Ben Irons, Esq.; Ms Toi Carter, Esq.; Kris Smith, Ph.D.; The

News and Observer (Raleigh, NC)(September 29, 1999 at "Special Section"); Pieces of

Eight (October 29, 1999); Public Health Surveillance Summary of Reports (October 14,

1999); and, East Carolina University's "Emergency Preparedness Checklist” at (copy attached)












PHASE I (Initiate 24 to 72 hours prior to onset of emergency)

Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance alerts campus of Phase I Status

General (All Divisions/Departments)

Update internal emergency procedures and phone trees

Administration and Finance

Monitor and update latest forecast and storm tracking information

Determine and report on campus administrative events scheduled

Academic Affairs

Determine and report on academic/research/special events scheduled

Research/Graduate Studies

Determine and report on academic/research/special events scheduled

Health Sciences

Determine and report on academic/research/special events scheduled

Student Life

Prepare dining halls for power outage and food/water supply needs

Housing Services prepares plan to move or accommodate residents - coordinate with ECU Police and Transit

Housing Services informs staff and all residents of emergency operations policy

Inform outside (non-University) groups in residence of emergency operations plan

Inform Panhellenic Council of emergency operations policy

Computing & Information Systems

Establish emergency information phone line and provide number to faculty/staff/ students

Maintain and update Emergency Telephone list

Ensure integrity and maintenance of computer and telecommunications systems data/ equipment

Coordinate emergency information access on ECU Home Page

Report on expected computer network availability

News and Communications Services

Review and update current inventory of public information resources

Facilities Services

Review and initiate Emergency Operations plan (i.e. Resource List, Mutual Aid

Agreements, etc.

Ensure maximum fuel storage/reserves

Environmental Health & Safety

Update Emergency Telephone Listing

Update Emergency Operations Plan

Review Mutual Aid communications and agreements - chemical emergency

Contact City/County Rep regarding meeting

Establish EH&S Emergency Operations Center Liaison (and communications) at

City/County EOC

Provide announcement on Email system regarding “Office/Laboratory


PHASE II (Initiate 12 to 24 hours prior to onset of emergency)

Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance notifies campus of Phase II status and activates Emergency Response Team. As wind gusts reach 30 mph, an orderly secession of activities will begin. As wind gusts reach 30 mph, all aerial work

(work at heights, on ladders or on rooftops) shall begin shutdown. At wind gusts of 40 mph, all outdoor emergency preparation activities shall begin shutdown.

Only emergency response and ECU patrols will be allowed to operate at this point.

At wind gusts of 65 mph, all outdoor activities (i.e. ECU Police patrols) shall shutdown, except in the case of a response to a life-threatening event. Response to life-threatening activities shall be decided by the VCAF with appropriate counsel. These same parameters will be utilized to determine the initiation of response activities.

City/County Rep

Report on city/county plans and coordinate needs with ECU

Identify and report on safe routes for evacuation and emergency shelter locations with ECU


Report on hospital preparations and any needs/assistance

Administration and Finance

Provide latest forecast and storm tracking information

Ensure Materials Management availability for emergency procurement and supplies

Marketing Director distributes announcement on Email system regarding cancellations

Marketing Director to provide AM 530, Emergency Hotline, and "Alert"/Campus

Emergency Information web site with updates

Decide on campus events status - continue/cancel/postpone

Provide mobile phones to key emergency personnel

Provide for relocation of faculty/staff/students (non-resident) to Mendenhall

Student Center

Academic Affairs

Decide status of special academic events/experiments scheduled - continue/postpone/re-schedule/cancel and secure research

Decide status of Theater Arts/Music events scheduled - continue/postpone/reschedule/cancel

Decide status of academic class schedule for potential cancellation - continue/cancel

Decide status of off-campus activities - boats, research, field work, etc.

Secure/evaluate modular units

Health Sciences

Decide status of special events/experiments scheduled - continue/postpone/reschedule/cancel and secure research

Secure radioactive/biological materials & prepare staff for emergency response

Secure/evacuate modular units

Student Life

Decide status of student activities scheduled/re-scheduled/postponed/canceled and report to the Chancellor's Emergency Preparedness Committee

Accommodate handicapped/special needs residents

Provide entertainment for residents

ECU Police contact Housing Services to determine time to move students from rooms to hallways

Prepare dining halls for power outage (stocked food, cooking source, water)

Place Student Health Services staff on stand-by and prepare units

Place Counseling Center and Student Health Services’ Mental Health Services staff on stand-by and prepare units

Make preparations for alternate Aid Station

Ensure bus transportation is available and fueled for possible evacuation - staff on stand-by

Computing & Information Systems

Maintain staff on stand-by for response

Test emergency communications systems including computers

Determine emergency shutdown needs and implement plan

Environmental Health & Safety

Report on status of EH&S Emergency Operations Center Liaison

Assist in emergency preparations of Dining Services

Secure HazMat Storage facilities

ECU-EOC Liaison report to City/County EOC

Check East/West campus to assist Facilities Services in securing facilities and construction areas

Secure recyclable materials and equipment

Test emergency communications with EOC Liaison, PCMH and other ECU staff

Fuel vehicles

Place EH&S staff on stand-by for response

Provide safety information to Facilities Services Response team.

Facilities Services

Secure facilities and construction areas

Clear storm drains and secure grounds

Secure modular units

Secure off-campus facilities

Make forms available for compiling FEMA information

Verify progress with emergency plan

Fuel vehicles and emergency generators

Test emergency resources (e.g. generators, sump pumps)

Place facilities Services staff on stand-by

ECU Police

Prepare emergency Operations Center (including alternate EOC)

Test emergency communications to all Emergency Operations Centers by all means (phone, fax, email, radio, etc.)

Fuel vehicles

Place ECU Police staff on stand-by

Contact Housing Services to determine time to move students from rooms to hallways

Parking & Traffic Services

Remove vehicles from low-lying areas in case of flooding & close unsafe areas

Notify all faculty/staff/students to move vehicles to higher ground and away from beneath trees and other high wind hazards

Place staff on stand-by

News and Communications Services

Place staff on stand-by to contact news media - Local TV/radio stations

Place staff on stand-by to contact campus radio (WZBM)

Place staff on stand-by to contact cable channel voice-over

Establish Disaster Assistance/Information Center

PHASE III (Initiate when storm has passed and winds dissipate below 40 mph)

Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance activates emergency response activities

Facilities Services

Remove debris from roads to allow access to emergency vehicles

Complete damage assessment - East/West campus (grounds, facilities, construction areas)

Secure unsafe areas - repair/restrict access

Establish utility service in cooperation with Greenville Utilities

Compile damage report and prioritize repairs

Collect data for insurance/FEMA reimbursement

Provide equipment, personnel and resources to rescue workers

Environmental Health & Safety

Complete Safety Assessment - East campus grounds

Complete Safety Assessment - Dining Services facilities

Complete Safety Assessment - HazMat storage facilities

Complete Safety Assessment - West Campus laboratories

Complete Safety Assessment - East Campus laboratories and grounds

Complete Safety Assessment - assist Facilities Services with balance of facilities, if needed

Provide safety assistance to university response teams during recovery and cleanup

Contact Greenville Utilities to assess water contamination

Review Emergency Operation Plan and revise, as necessary

Schedule de-briefing to discuss response, if necessary

ECU Police

Establish Auxiliary Command Post at site, if necessary - phones, computers

Establish Press Area, if necessary

Establish Recovery Area, if necessary

Establish Receiving/Counseling Area

Establish perimeter around incident site

Patrol unsafe areas to ensure security

Control media access to victims and victim's family members

Greenville Fire Department

Set-up Command Post

Be aware of visual reference when removing victims & develop removal procedures

News and Communications Services

Remain on stand-by to contact news media - Local TV/radio stations

Remain on stand-by to contact campus radio (WZBM)

Remain on stand-by to contact cable channel voice-over

Organize news media into one area

Provide hourly news conferences and information updates in between - coordinate with media

Do NOT allow individual interviews


Establish “800” or “888” hotline number where victim's families can obtain information

Computing and Information Services

Establish computer link to student/staff/faculty database to identify victims/missing

Provide press releases on ECU Home Page with hotline number for families

Housing Services

Complete damage assessment of Housing Services’ facilities

Deactivate use of hallways for student housing and/or other temporary shelter facilities

Inventory residents to establish list of missing, injured & unharmed residents

Maintain list of names of missing, injured and their status and accounted for residents

Provide temporary housing for rescue/utility workers

Dining Services

Complete Damage Assessment - Dining Services facilities

Recover and provide food service for students

Establish food service for rescue workers, families, news media, etc.

Student Life

Organize/contact interested student groups to help in “light duty” cleanup effort

Report to command post to assist with identifying missing/victims and dealing with families

Provide Counseling Center and Student Health Services - Mental Health Services staff for counseling students, staff, faculty, response teams and family members of victims
