Chemistry 100 Fall 2014

Chemistry 100
Fall 2014
Lecture 401 ONLY
Mrs. Freschl
Course Objective: Chemistry 100 is a preparatory course. Its chief objective is to prepare students
for taking Chemistry 101, 102 or 105.
Prerequisite: Sufficient mathematics to be able to handle the course’s problem solving. A score of
30 on the UWM Math Placement Test or a grade of C or better in Math 105 or a higher Math course is
Required Materials:
Textbook: Intro to Chemistry 3rd edition by Bauer, Birk and Marks (around $182)
Calculator: Scientific calculator with log and exponential functions.
No programmable calculators will be allowed on quizzes or exams!
My own prerequisite: A good attitude would be very helpful for learning chemistry
this semester, for making this course fun (learning can
be fun) and for ending up with a good
Effort: This course is time consuming. Plan to put at least 5 hours/week into the course (not
counting class time) for rewriting your lecture notes, reading the textbook, studying etc. See attached
hand-out called “How to Succeed in Chemistry 100”.
Lecture attendance: Attendance in lecture is strongly recommended. You will find you will
learn a lot in lecture, providing you attend, pay attention and stay awake!! It is definitely
to your benefit to come to lecture. And turn OFF your cell phones.
Quizzes = 10%
Problem sets done in discussion class = 10%
Three hour exams = 15%, 15% & 20%
Final exam = 30%
OR Three hour exams 5%, 20%, 20%
Final exam = 35%
(lowest grade is 5% It can be any of the 3 hour exams)
Quizzes: There will be a quiz every week. There are NO make-up quizzes. Two quizzes will be
dropped from the average. Do not use them up in the beginning of the semester, since you might need
them for illnesses at the end. If you take all the quizzes, your two lowest scores will be dropped. It is
to your advantage to attempt to take ALL the quizzes. The purpose of quizzes is to help you learn,
make sure you keep up with the material and give you practice. They are NOT meant to
Hourly Exams: Monday Sept 29, Oct 27, Nov 24. There is a 4th exam on Dec 8, which is a minifinal exam (but all scantron). The exams start promptly at 5:30 P.M. These are one hour exams, but I
will allow people to remain an extra 15 minutes if you so desire. If you have a job, arrange right now
to have time off during those evenings.
There are NO make-up exams. If you miss an exam, you must bring in written notification as to why
you were unable to attend. The 4th exam will replace the one you missed. This is not a desirable
option for you since the 4th exam is all scantron and will cover the entire semester’s work.
FINAL EXAM is cumulative!!
Final exam is Wednesday Dec 17th 10:00AM to noon Room to be assigned
My Office hours: Room 145 (229-3759) MWF 10:00 to 11:00, 12:00 to 2:00.
My E-mail is
Dropping the course: Last day to drop is Friday Oct 24.
Discussion class: Attendance in discussion is required. This is when you will get back your lecture
quizzes and exams, when the TA will go over the answers to the quizzes, exams, and when you can
ask questions concerning lecture and textbook material, and the questions at the end of the chapter.
Periodically there will be a worksheet given to you to work out while in discussion class. It is not a
quiz. You may use your textbook and your notes. It is to give you more practice with difficult
concepts. The worksheets will count for 10% of your final grade.
Discussion can be a very useful time to help you learn Chemistry. Don't waste it.
Web Page: I will post the current quizzes with answers and the current exams with answers on D2L
“Desire2Learn. To get to D2L, go to UWM home page ( Click on the dropdown box
“Quicklinks”, select D2L and click on the “go” arrow. Your username is your ePanther username and
the password is your ePanther password.
Fun: I hope to have a good time teaching this course, and I hope you have a
good time learning
Chemistry 100
Mrs. Freschl
Fall 2014
Tentative Lecture Schedule
Textbook: Introduction to Chemistry 3rd edition by Bauer, Birk and Marks
Week of
Sept 3, 5
Chapter 1 (Matter and Energy)
Sept 8
Finish Chapter 1, Start Chapter 2
Sept 15
Chapter 2 (Atoms & Ions)
Sept 22
Chapter 7 (Electronic Structure)
Sept 29
Finish Chap 7, start Chapter 8 (Chemical bonding)
FIRST LECTURE EXAM: Monday Sept 29 at 5:30-6:45 PM
Oct 6
finish Chap 8
Oct 13
Chapter 3 (Chemical compounds )
Oct 20
Finish Chap 3, start Chapter 4 (Chemical composition)
Oct 27
Finish Chap 4
SECOND LECTURE EXAM: Monday Oct 27 at 5:30-6:45 PM
Nov 3
Chapter 5 (Chemical reactions & equations)
Nov 10
Finish Chap 5, Start Chapter 6 (Quantities in Chemical reactions)
Nov 17
Finish Chap 6
Nov 24
Start Chap 9 (gases)
THIRD LECTURE EXAM: Monday Nov 24 at 5:30-6:45 PM
Dec 1
Finish Chapter 9
Dec 8 & 10 Chapter 10 (liquid and solid state)
FOURTH LECTURE EXAM: Monday Dec 8 at 5:30-6:45 PM
FINAL EXAMS (Cumulative exams)
Final exam is Wed Dec 17th 10:00AM to noon Room to be decided
Homework problems for practice from the textbook (3rd edition)
Do only the odd problems. Answers to these problems are in the back of the textbook.
Chapter 1:
1.1 to 1.19, 1.33, 1.35, 1.37, 1.51, 1.59, 1.65, 1.67, 1.71, 1.73, 1.75, 1.79,
1.87, 1.89, 1.93, 1.97, 1.129
Chapter 2:
2.1, 2.5, 2.9, 2.13, 2.17, 2.19, 2.21, 2.23, 2.25, 2.27, 2.29, 2.31, 2.33, 2.35, 2.37,
2.39, 2.41, 2.43, 2.45, 2.47, 2.49, 2.51, 2.53, 2.55, 2.57, 2.59, 2.61, 2.63,2.75, 2.77,
2.81, 2.83, 2.85, 2.87, 2.103, 2.105, 2.115, 2.117
Chapter 7:
7.1, 7.3, 7.5, 7.7, 7.9, 7.29, 7.39, 7.41, 7.43, 7.45, 7.47, 7.49, 7.51, 7.53, 7.55,
7.57, 7.59, 7.61, 7.63, 7.65, 7.67, 7.69, 7.71, 7.77, 7.79, 7.91, 7.101, 7.103
Chapter 8:
8.3, 8.5, 8.7, 8.9, 8.13, 8.19, 8.29, 8.31, 8.33, 8.43, 8.45, 8.49, 8.51,8.55, 8.61,
8.63, 8.87, 8.89, 8.91, 8.93
Chapter 3: 3.5, 3.7, 3.9, 3.11, 3.13, 3.17, 3.19, 3.21, 3.29, 3.31, 3.33, 3.35, 3.39, 3.41, 3.43, 3.45,
3.47, 3.49, 3.53, 3.55, 3.61, 3.63 (omit b), 3.67, 3.69, 3.83 (omit b), 3.97, 3.99, 3.101
Chapter 4:
Mole problems: 4.3, 4.7, 4.9, 4.17, 4.21, 4.23, 4.27, 4.29, 4.35, 4.37, 4.43, 4.47,
4.49, 4.51, 4.55, 4.57
Empirical formula problems: 4.65, 4.69, 4.71, 4.73, 4.75, 4.81, 4.83, 4.85
4.99, 4.101, 4.103, 4.105, 4.111
Chapter 5:
5.5, 5.9, 5.17, 5.23, 5.27, 5.29, 5.37, 5.39, 5.41, 5.51, 5.59, 5.61, 5.65, 5.67, 5.69,
5.71 (omit b), 5.73b, 5.75, 5.83, 5.103, 5.105
Chapter 6:
Balanced equations: 6.3, 6.11, 6.13, 6.17, 6.21, 6.23, 6.25, 6.29, 6.31, 6.33, 6.41,
6.43, 6.51, 6.55, 6.57, 6.61,
Energy changes: 6.81, 6.83, 6.85, 6.101, 6.103, 6.117
Chapter 9:
9.29a,b,c, 9.37, 9.39, 9.41, 9.43, 9.49, 9.51*, 9.53, 9.57, 9.59, 9.61, 9.63, 9.65,
9.71, 9.73, 9.75. 9.83, 9.85,
Density: 9.89, 9.91, 9.93, 9.101
(*Answer for 9.51 in the textbook is incorrect. Negative sign is missing.)
Fall 2014
Homework to be handed in discussion
Week of
Sept 8
1.18 g, h I
Sept 15
1.76, 1.88, 1.90, 2.18, 2.22, 2.28, 2.30, 2.34, 2.36
Sept 22
2.50, 2.52, 2.54, 2.56, 2.86, 7.4. 7.8
Sept 30
no homework to hand in
Oct 6:
3.6, 3.8, 3.14, 3.32a,b 3.34, 3.44 b, c 3.62, 3.64
Oct 13
3.46 (b-e), 3.48, 3.50, 3.56 (bottom table) 8.14
Oct 20
4.4, 4.10, 4.18, 4.22, 4.28d, 4.36, 4.38b, 4.58
Oct 27:
no homework to hand in
Nov 3 :
4.70, 4.74, 4.82, 4.86A&B, 4.102, 4.104
Nov 10
5.28, 5.38, 5.40, 5.52, 5.60, 5.62, 5.66,
Nov 17
6.4, 6.12, 6.18 and 6.24
Nov 24
no homework to hand in
Dec 1
6.58, 6.84, 6.102
1.20 g h I
1.66 1.130