Building In Flood Prone Areas October 2011 TRIM D11/277603 Building application & referral process What is a flood prone area? s The Planning Scheme sets out overlays such as the Special Building Overlay (SBO) or the Land Subject to Inundation Overlay (LSIO), these areas define land that is subject to flooding. If your property is guide located in one of these areas approval from both Council and Melbourne Water will be required before you can building on your land. You can find out if your property is in an SBO or LSIO by checking the Moreland Planning Scheme. You can do this online at or by speaking to a planning officer at the planning counter 90 Bell Street, Coburg or by phone on 9240 1111. Can I still build if my property is affected by flooding? If your property is affected by flooding, development must be designed so that new buildings are protected from a 1 in 100 year flood. In addition, development must not increase flood risk or hazards to people and property. Is a planning permit required? If your property is in a flood prone area first check whether a planning permit is required for any building work. If you need a planning permit this must be obtained before you apply for a building permit. Please refer to the brochure Special Building Overlay for further information about the planning process. Report & consent of Council How do I apply for report and consent of Council to build in an area liable to flooding? 1. Contact Council Contact Council to determine whether a planning permit is required for your development. If a planning permit is required refer to the brochure Special Building Overlay (SBO). 2. Prepare plans Two copies of plans must be made. The plans must contain: - site and floor plans drawn to a scale of 1:100 - boundaries and dimensions of the land as detailed in the Title - site and finished floor levels of the proposed and existing buildings to the Australian Height Datum (AHD) taken by a licensed Land Surveyor - relevant flood level (flood levels can be obtained from Land Data Victoria at ) - layout of the proposed buildings and works - setbacks from all property boundaries - elevations of all sides of the buildings drawn to scale of 1:100 detailing natural ground level and finished floor levels in millimetres - location and extent of any cut or fill, and - details of any proposed fencing including elevations, materials, finishes and heights above natural ground level. 3. Consult Melbourne Water If a planning permit is not required you will need to obtain the consent of Council under Regulation 802 and 806 of the Building Regulations 2006 to build in a flood prone area before you can obtain a building permit. Complete the form on the reverse side of this information sheet and submit it to Melbourne Water along with two copies of the plans. In response, Melbourne Water will provide you with a letter and a copy of the plans that have been specially stamped. Council must refer any application for consent to build on land liable to flooding to Melbourne Water. To get a faster result, take your plans to Melbourne Water before you lodge your application for consent with Council. 4. Lodge your report & consent application Complete Moreland City Council’s report and consent application form and submit two copies of the plans stamped by Melbourne Water along with a copy of their letter, the application fee and a current copy of the Certificate of Title. How will Council assess your consent and report application. Requirements for development will differ depending on conditions at your site. Council will consider the comments and conditions required by Melbourne Water. More Information To find out more about Melbourne Waters requirements for building in flood prone areas you can download a copy of Guidelines for Development in Flood Prone Areas available at Contacts Moreland City Council’s Urban Development Branch 9240 1111 Melbourne Water, Land Development Team 9235 2517 MORELAND REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF MELBOURNE WATER Attach this form to three copies of plans and submit to Melbourne Water for assessment either in person (100 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne) or via mail (PO Box 4342, Melbourne Victoria 3001) Applicant: Address: Contact Phone No: I am the owner of the land Y/N I have notified the owner(s) of the land of this request Y/N Address of Land: Description of the proposal: (Provide a brief description of the proposal) Please note that the plans must contain the following information: Site and floor plans drawn to a scale of 1:100 indicating the boundaries and dimensions of the land as detailed in the title Elevation plans drawn to a scale of 1:100 indicating natural ground levels and finished floor levels to Australian Height Datum (AHD) taken by a suitably qualified person. Applicable flood levels For information about the Moreland application process contact the Moreland City Council Urban Development Branch or 9240 1111 or the Melbourne Water Land Development Team on 9235 2517 D:\106745331.doc