The Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Cylinder Pressure Storage Technology in Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV) Research Trends Rosli A. Bakar, Mohamad F. Othman, Semin, Abdul R. Ismail Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University Malaysia Pahang ABSTRACT: The compressed natural gas (CNG) cylinder pressure vessel become important in NGV fuel driving system because demand in CNG base as increase. CNG pressure vessel suitable for gas operated vehicles can be made of fully metal, hoop wrapped with metal liner, fully wrapped with metal liner or fully composite. Fully metal CNG pressure vessel is cheap but it’s the heaviest pressure vessel compare to others. For weight sensitive application such as trucks, buses, and taxis fully composite tanks is the most suitable but it comes with high price. So, many researchers had been done to find the best solution to stored high volume of CNG with lightweight and cheap material. Even though the aim is clear but the development of CNG pressure tank must follow the standard requirement to prevent failure. In this paper, the trends of research by manufacturers, research organizations and universities have been analyzed to find the problems and difficulties regarding CNG pressure vessel. The result of the overview showed that all type of tanks had advantages and disadvantages, it depends on the sector and industry require which type of CNG tanks suitable for their usage. Keywords: Alternative fuel, CNG tanks, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), cylinder pressure vessel, 1. INTRODUCTION Natural gas is becoming an increasingly alternative and attractive fuel for many transportation uses. Fuel costs are significantly less compare gasoline and the most suitable fuel for bridge to hydrogen. Table 1: Characteristics Comparison Between Gasoline and CNG [4]. GASOLINE CNG PROPERTIES Vapour density Ignition Octane rating Boiling point (Atm.Press) Air-Fuel Ratio (Weight) Chemical Reaction With Rubber Storage Pressure 3.5 430˚C 96 27˚C 14.5 Yes 0.68 700˚C 130 -162˚C 17.24 No Atm. Pressure 20.6Mpa Fuel Air Mixture Quality Pollution CO-HC-Nox Flame Speed m per sec Combust. ability with air Poor High 0.83 1-16% Good Very Low 0.63 4-14% The octane rating of natural gas is about 130, meaning that engines could operate at compression ration of up to 16:1 without “knock” or detonation. Many of the automotive makers already built transportation with a natural gas fuelling system and consumer does not have to pay for the cost of conversion kits and required accessories. Most importantly, natural gas significantly reduces CO2 emissions by 20-25% compare to gasoline because simple chemical structures of natural gas (primarily methane – CH4) contain one Carbon compare to diesel (C15H32) and gasoline (C8H18) [1]. Like methane and hydrogen is a lighter than air type of gas and can be blended to reduce vehicle emission by an extra 50%. Natural gas composition varies considerably over time and from location to location [1]. Methane content is typically 7090% with the reminder primarily ethane, propane and carbon dioxide [2]. At atmospheric pressure and temperature, natural gas exists as a gas and has low density. Since the volumetric energy density (joules/m3) is so low, natural gas is often stored in a compressed state (CNG) at high pressure stored in pressure vessels. To store in liquefied state (LNG), cryogenic tank is used and temperature at -162ºC must be maintain to avoid natural gas from evaporated. It became the drawbacks for cryogenic tank because the boil off of LNG can cause excessive pressure built up in cryogenic tanks and boil off natural gas will be vent to the atmosphere to maintain the pressure inside the tank [3]. Table 2: Typical Composition of Natural Gas [22] CNG contents Chemical formula % CNG content Methane Ethane Propane Butane Carbon Dioxide Oxygen Nitrogen Hydrogen Sulphide Rare Gas CH4 C2H6 C3H8 C4H10 CO2 O2 N2 H2S 70-90% 0-20% 0-20% 0-20% 0-8% 0-0.2% 0-5% 0-5% Trace A,He,Ne,Xe Cryogenic tanks also required large space compare to pressure vessels. It shows that, LNG more suitable for heavy duty vehicles such as trucks and buses and not suitable for cars. In Malaysia, CNG were widely used as fuel driving system in public transportation especially for buses and taxis. To store CNG, pressure vessels must be used to hold and store high pressure of compressed natural gas (CNG) at pressure of 200 Bar (2.06 x 107 Pa)[4]. Pressure vessels are manufactured all over the world under various international standards such as ISO 11439:2000, ANSI/IAS NGV 2-1998, ISO 98091/1999, ASME Section VIII Div (1) and so on. These standards do specify the requirements to be met during the manufacture of pressure vessels to stored CNG. However, the means used to meet these requirements are not specified in any of these standards. For example, base on ISO 11439:2000, it does not provide design formulae nor list permissible stresses or strains, but requires the adequacy of the design to be established by appropriate calculations and demonstrated by testing to show that pressure vessels are capable of consistently passing the materials, design qualification, production and batch tests specified in this International Standard. The design shall ensure a “leakage-before-break” failure mode under feasible degradation of pressure parts during normal service. If leakage of the metal cylinder occurs, it shall be only by the growth of a fatigue crack [6]. All pressure vessels manufacturer must developed their own methodology to check each essential parameter specified in the relevant standards to meet the requirement. For example, if attempt is made based on ASME Section VIII Div (1), the same methodology could also be extended to pressure vessels manufactured under different standards. The only difference would be in the acceptability norms that obviously could be gathered from the applicable standard [5]. 2. CNG PRESSURE VESSELS TYPE: Base on ISO 11439:2000, pressure vessels can be made of any steel, aluminium or non-metallic material construction but it does not cover pressure vessels made of stainless steel or welded construction [6]. Pressure vessels can be classified into four types and designated as follow: i. CNG-1 (metal) cylinder was the most widely used pressure vessel is made of metal and had a long history in NGV service. This type pressure vessel was similar to the flatbottomed (DOT 3AA) cylinder used to stored acetylene gas for welding. Unlike flat bottom cylinder, CNG-1 cylinder has hemispherical or dome shape end and made from low alloy steel and are typically inexpensive and durable such as AISI 4130 low alloy steel, AA 6061-T6 aluminum alloy [6][7]. Metal Figure1: Cross-section of CNG-1 (Metal) cylinder. ii. CNG-2 (Hoop-Wrapped) cylinder includes a metal liner and a composite wrap. This pressure vessel also called hoop-wrapped since the composites wrap is only wound around the cylinder sidewall in the hoop (circumferential) directions. This pressure vessel is designed so that the liner, without the wrap, can contain the maximum fill pressure (1.25 times service pressure). The metal liner will support up to 55% of the internal gas pressure and composite will support 45%. The liners are manufactured using AISI 4130 low alloy steel or AA 6061-T6 aluminum alloy and the composite wrap is manufactured from glass or glass fibers in epoxy or polyester resin [6][7]. It made CNG-2 cylinder lighter than CNG-1 cylinder. Metal liner Composites Figure 2: Cross-section of CNG-2 (Hoopwrapped) cylinder. iii. CNG-3 (Full-Wrapped) cylinder includes a metal liner wrapped with composite over the entire sidewall and dome ends using the filament winding machine [8]. In this type of pressure vessel, the wrap provides the majority of the containment strength about 80%. The main purpose of the liner is to contain the natural gas and prevent the CNG from contact with the composites wrapped. This pressure vessel has long services record as air breathing cylinders for fire fighters because of its lightweight. This cylinder lighter compare to CNG-1 and CNG-2 cylinders because of thin metal liner (AA 6061T6 aluminum alloy) and composite wrap is manufactured from glass or carbon fibers (or hybrid mix of glass and carbon) in an epoxy or polyester resin [6][7]. Metal liner Composites Figure 3: Cross-section of CNG-3 (Fully-wrapped) cylinder. iv. CNG-4 (All-Composite) cylinder includes a plastic liner wrapped with composites over the entire sidewall and dome ends by filament winding [8]. In this type of pressure vessel the entire CNG pressure load is carried by composite. The plastics liner is sorely used as a gas barrier. The cylinder has been used in NGV services since 1991. Plastics liner is manufactured from polyethylene or nylon. The composite wrap is manufactured from glass, carbon or mix of them in an epoxy or polyester resin [6][7]. Composites liner VSM = π (ro^2 - ri^2) L + 4π/3 (ro^3 - ri^3) Pressure Vessel capacity is: V = π (4/3ri^3 + ri^2L) To study the principal stress of CNG pressure vessel, tank can be divided into cylindrical and spherical components. When thin wall cylindrical part is subjected to an internal pressure, three mutually perpendicular principal stresses hoop stress, longitudinal stress, and radial stress are developed in the cylinder material (figure 6). Composites Figure 4: Cross-section of CNG-1 (Fully composites) cylinder. 3. DESIGN OF CNG PRESSURE VESSEL CNG pressure vessels normally consist of three components as shown in figure 1 based on standard has been follow. These methods must be strictly in accordance with the provisions of the prevailing code. The methods described here are in line with the requirements of ASME Section VIII Div (1) and hence shall meet almost all the requirements of other codes for pressure vessel manufacture. Figure 5: CNG Pressure Vessel: 1. Shell 2. Head or Dished End 3. Nozzle [9] In practice, CNG pressure vessel is classified as thin wall cylinder. So, the wall thickness, t is small in comparison with the circumferential radius of curvature, r. If the ratio r/t > 10, the cylinder is consider to be thin shell [10]. In designing pressure vessel, not only the code standard and shape of CNG pressure vessel is important but there are other factors must be considered such as selection of material based on a working knowledge of the properties of material and determination of the elasticity stability. Before the actual design calculation of a pressure vessel is done, the relationship between the optimum height and the diameter should be determined. The volume of the sheet metal needed to make a pressure vessel (figure 5) is determined by the following formula: Figure 6: The normal stress σ1 (hoop stress), σ2 (longitudinal stress). [11] If the ratio of thickness (t) and the inside diameter of the cylinder (di) is less than 1:20, membrane theory may be applied and the hoop and longitudinal stresses were assume approximately constant across the wall thickness (t). The magnitude of radial stress is negligibly small and can be ignored. It is to be understood that this simplified approximation is used extensively for the design of thin cylindrical pressure vessels. However, in reality, radial stress varies from zero at the outside surface to a value equal to the internal pressure at the inside surface [10]. The ends of the cylinder are assumed closed. Hoop stress is set up in resisting the bursting effect of the applied pressure and is treated by taking the equilibrium of half of the cylindrical part by looking at y-axis. Total force acting on the half cylinder is: Fh = Pi di L Where: di = internal diameter of cylinder, and L = length of cylinder. The resisting force due to hoop stress σ1 acting on the cylinder wall, for equilibrium, must equal the force Fh. Thus: Fh = 2σ1t L Then: Hoop stress, σ1 = Pi ri / t Despite its simplicity, hoop stress can also be expressed in terms of the radius of the circle passing through the midpoint of the thickness. Then: Then: Hoop stress, σ1 = Pi (ri + 0.5t) / t Eq. (3) gives the relevant maximum stress in a spherical shell. The expressions for hoop stress for a thin cylindrical shell and for a thin spherical shell are similar. This simple deduction is great importance in the design of pressure vessels because the thickness requirement for a spherical pressure vessel of the same material strength and thickness-to-diameter ratio is only one half that required for a cylindrical shell. The change in internal volume (∆V) of a spherical shell can be evaluated easily from consideration of volumetric strain and the original volume. Volumetric strain is equal to the sum of three equal and mutually perpendicular strains. The change in internal volume due to internal pressure is given by: To determined the longitudinal stress σ2, by looking a section perpendicular to the X-axis and considered the free body diagram consisting of the portion of the vessel and its contents located to the left of the section. F1 = Pi π ri^2 The resisting force due to longitudinal stress σ2 acting on the cylinder wall, for equilibrium, must equal the force F1. Thus: F1 = 2 σ2 r t σh = Pi ri / 2t ∆V = (3 Pi di / 4Et)(1-V) Vo Then: Longitudinal stress, σ2 = Pi ri / 2t From Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) noted that the hoop stress σ1 is twice as large as the longitudinal stress σ2: σ1 = 2σ2 A sphere is a symmetrical body. The internal pressure in a thin spherical part of CNG pressure vessels will set up two mutually perpendicular hoop stresses of equal magnitude and a radial stress. When the thickness-to-diameter ratio is less than 1:20, membrane theory permits us to ignore the radial stress component. The stress system then reduces to one of equal biaxial hoop or circumferential stresses. 4. TREND OF RESEARCH (2) Most of the researches done by manufacturers, universities or research organizations stressed on developing CNG pressure vessels to store high capacity of compressed natural gas with less weight and small in sizes. Company like Tenaris Co. was produced seemless steel tube pressure vessels as CNG storage tank. Tenaris is one of the manufacturer developed the process for seemless tube pressure vessels. To produce CNG pressure vessel, seemless tube will be heated both part. At bottom, the seemless tube will be totally closed and form a dished end by forming process but on top of seemless tube, the forming process were little bit complicated to form a nozzle part [12]. Figure 8: Tenaris CNG seemless steel tube pressure vessel (Dalmine S. p. A.) [13]. Figure 7: Spherical shell under internal pressure [10]. Considering the equilibrium of the half sphere, it can be seen that the force on the half sphere due to internal pressure Pi is: F = (π/4) Pi di^2σ2 r t The resisting force due to hoop stress is given by: Fi = π di σh t According to ISO 11439:2000, this type of pressure vessel is considered under CNG-1 class because its using 100% of metal [6]. This type of pressure vessels was very heavy. One way to manufacture light pressure vessel is by changing the material from metal to composite but the problem is porosity in composite material [14]. Refer to L. Varga, he designed CNG tank made of aluminum and reinforced plastics [15]. He used aluminum alloy (AlMgSi1) as a liner to protect and prevent the CNG in contact with a composite (plastic). So, it solved the problem of composite porosity. This hybrid structure also reduces the weight of the pressure vessels. Figure 9: Various layer of CNG pressure vessel made by NK Co. Ltd. (CNG2) [16]. Figure 10: Process trial for wet-filament winding of large tow-size carbon fiber composite [19]. This type of pressure vessels had been manufactured by many of company such as NK Co. Ltd. (Korea) and NGVI. Inc. (Italy). NK. Co. Ltd company for example, used AISI 4130 as a liner and fiber glass and resin as composite by hoop wrapping of resin embedded with continuous fibers. The layer continues with axial fiber and resin rich layer [16]. The external layer gives an extra protection to the CNG pressure vessel. Lincoln come out with new pressure vessel (TUFFSHELL) design consist of a durable plastic liner fully wrapped with epoxy impregnated carbon and fiber glass. The liner is made from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and has two aluminum end bosses, which provides the structural interface to the tank. Figure 11 showed clearly where aluminum boss located. Comdyne Inc. had taken another step by producing CNG-3 (type3) fully wrapped with fiber glass and aluminum alloy as a liner [17]. Even though Comdyne CNG pressure vessel had failed once, it is not because of CNG tank but acid from inside Dodge Van leak through access door in van floor causing corrosion cracking of CNG cylinder but no injury reported [18]. In conjunction with producing full composite (CNG-4) pressure vessel, high cost of composite increase almost 40% of manufacture cost compare to CNG-1. Composite CNG pressure vessel is typically fabricated using the wet-filament winding process. This is a process where the fiber tow is passed through a resin bath to impregnate the tow and then wrapped around a mandrel prior to curing in an oven at elevated temperature. According To J. Michael Starbuck, using large tow-size (50,000 filaments) carbon fiber will reduce the cost of conventional tow-size carbon fiber approximately 1⁄2 the cost and had a potential improvement [19]. The Akzo Fortafil 3(C) large towsize carbon fiber was selected for evaluation based on the vendor reported impregnated strand tensile strength and the fiber’s processing characteristics. It was determined from process trials that modifications to the manufacturing method were required when using the Akzo large tow-size carbon fiber. A typical process trial fabrication set-up is shown in Figure 10. The modifications consisted of increasing the fiber tension, pulley diameters, and bandwidth, and modifying the type of compaction used. The bandwidth is the amount of tow advance per one revolution of the mandrel. Lincoln Composite Inc. had been providing Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) fuel storage tanks to the industry for over 11 years, and currently has over 50,000 containers in services [20]. Figure 11: Typical cross section of the TUFFSHELL allcomposite tank [21]. 5. CONCLUSION Various scenarios of development and manufacture CNG pressure vessels have been discussed and it seem all the CNG pressure vessels (CNG-1 TO CNG-4) had their own advantages and disadvantages. The cost of manufactured and material will increased from type-1 to type-4. New solution, manufacturing process or material should be used to reduce the cost but must follow the international standard characteristics. Not only the cost but reliability and life span of tank also must be considered to developed economical and reliable tanks. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. J. K. Parker, “A Freshman Engineering Design Project”. 2002, Alabama, US Q. S. Chen, J. Wegrzyn, V. Prasad, “Analysis of Temperature and Pressure Changes in Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Cryogenic tanks”, 2004, NY, US Nice Academy, “NGV Technical Training – NGV Characteristics and Safety” 2006, Malaysia 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. P. 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