FDR Major Essay Assignment The Essay Prompt: Franklin Delano Roosevelt is often considered to be one of our greatest presidents. In his first 100 days he was able to start the process of bringing the country out of the Great Depression, and set the standard by which all future presidents are judged. This essay will cover the relationship between FDR, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the American people. You will be focusing on the late 1930’s up to America entering WWII. Your task is to construct an 1800-2000 word APA formatted research paper in which you will address the following: 1. Explain the expansion of presidential power under FDR. Cite specific examples of policies that expanded the power of the president. 2. How were the policies implemented by FDR early in his presidency viewed by the 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. other two branches of government? What policies and practices implemented by FDR allowed him to be elected president 4 times? What policies and practices implemented by FDR were eventually ruled to be unconstitutional? What rationale did the court use to overturn them? What was the significance of the lend lease act to FDR’s presidency? Had you been in congress at the time that the lend lease act was put into place, how would you have reacted? Explain how FDR was able to prepare the country for World War II despite the desire of most Americans to stay out of the war in Europe during the early stages of the conflict. How would you characterize the relationship between FDR and the American people? On the whole, how did Franklin Roosevelt re-invent the presidency and alter public perceptions on what it means to be president? Important Dates Library Research Days: Do not miss these two classes as they will form the foundation for your research. You will not be given any more time to work in class on research for this project so use these days wisely. DATE: October 17/18 & October 24/25 Works Cited Page Your works cited page is where you show me that your paper is well researched. It also holds the location of any quotes or summaries used within your paper. It is a vital first step in the creation of this essay. As such, it will count as a skill grade for this 6 weeks. DUE DATE: May 10/12 W/S Requirements: 1. Typed 2. APA Format 3. 10 resources (REQUIRED!!!) 4. 3 Books/Journals minimum 5. Remaining 7 entries may be books, journals, periodicals, films, credible web resources, etc. The Final Draft At this juncture your paper should be corrected from the previous revisions (if applicable) and be presented to the instructor in its complete form. DUE DATE: May 18 Final Draft Requirements: 1. Typed 2. APA Format 3. All supporting pages as stipulated by APA (except for the abstract) 4. 1800-2000 words in length