Page 1/2 Get better fidelity in Image View. College of Agriculture Learning Outcomes and Environmental Soil Science Curriculum COA Outcomes COA Core Program/Department Requirements Secondary/Gateway Professional Preparation: Demonstrate proficiency in their chosen discipline that incorporates knowledge, skills, technology, and professional conduct. Primary AGRY 255 (B24) AGRY 270 (B24) AGRY 290 (B24) AGRY 349 (B24) AGRY 465 (B26) AGRY ADDT’L DIRECTED ELECT 565 (B2COM (B2-6) (B2-6) 6) ADD SOIL ELECT (B2-6) PHYS 220 & 221 (B24) PHYS 218 & 219 (B24) PLANT SCI ELECTS (B2-4) Capstone AGRY 585 (B26) AGRY 512 (B26) AGRY 498 (B26) AGRY 399 (B24) EPICS (B6) ENGR ELECT (B2-6) Scientific Principles: Demonstrate use of the scientific method to identify problems, formulate and test hypotheses, conduct experiments and analyze data, and derive conclusions. Critical Thinking: Demonstrate critical thinking by using data and reasoning to develop sound responses to complex problems. Communication: Demonstrate the ability to write and speak with effectiveness while considering audience and purpose. STAT 301 (B2-4) BIOL 110& 111 (B2) CHM 115 & DIRECTED 116 (B2) ELECTS (B2-6) CHM 257 & 257 L (B2-4) SCIENCE ELECT. (B24) AGRY 349 (B24) AGRY 465 (B26) AGRY 565 (B26) ADD SOIL SCI (B26) PLANT SCI ELECTS (B2-4) MA 223 & 224 (B2-4) STAT 301 DIRECTED (B2-4) ELECTS (B2-6) SCIENCE ELECT. (B26) PHYS 220 & 221 (B24) PHYS 218 & 219 (B24) ENGR ELECT (B2-6) ADD SOIL SCI (B26) ENGL (B26) ENGL ELECT (B26) COM 114 (B2) AGRY 585 (B26) AGRY 512 (B26) AGRY 498 (B26) AGRY 399 (B24) EPICS (B6) AGRY 585 (B26) AGRY 512 (B26) AGRY 498 (B26) AGRY 399 (B24) EPICS (B6) AGRY 585 (B26) AGRY 512 (B26) AGRY 498 (B26) AGRY 399 (B24) EPICS (B6) Teamwork: Demonstrate the ability to work effectively as part of a COM (B2) problem-solving team. Exhibit D: Next Page Find Go to Page Thumbnail Index Image View Download a Copy Close AGRY 585 (B26) AGRY 512 (B26) AGRY 498 (B26) AGRY 399 (B24) EPICS (B6)