roads and parking

Article XXVI of the City of Rochester Zoning Ordinance
*Planning Board DRAFT – June 2013*
Minimum Parking Requirements
Single Family. Minimum off street parking requirements for single family
dwellings are 2 spaces.
Two Family. Minimum off street parking requirements for two family dwellings
are 4 spaces (2 per dwelling unit).
Size. Each parking space for single and two family uses shall be at least 9 x 18
Other Uses. Minimum parking requirements for most uses are contained in the
City of Rochester Site Plan Regulations. For any uses or changes of use which
are not subject to site plan review the parking requirements contained in the
Site Plan Regulations shall apply. However, in such cases, the Planning Board
may adjust requirements by waiver.
Driveways, Curb Cuts, and Parking Design
Note. Numerous additional requirements for parking and driveway design are
contained in Article V – Residential Zoning Districts and in Article VI –
Commercial Zoning Districts.
Permit. A written permit from the Public Works Department is required prior to
the construction or alteration of any driveway, curb cut, or access point into or
out of the City of Rochester road system.
Adequate Surface. All parking areas and driveways shall have a smoothly graded,
stabilized dust-free gravel surface or a paved/hard surface (asphalt, concrete,
interlocking brick, etc.).
Adequate Drainage. Drainage for parking areas and driveways shall be designed
to prevent stormwater from flowing onto adjacent property, sidewalks and public
roads (unless adequate structures are present within the road right of way) as
determined by Public Works.
Setbacks. All driveways and parking areas shall be set back from side property
lines at least 5 feet (the Site Plan Regulations may contain greater
requirements). This requirement shall not apply to shared driveways and may
be waived in situations where an abutting property owner consents to a reduced
setback, or for driveways on lots in the R1, R2, NMU, or OC Districts where the
setback would push the driveway into a space directly in front of the building (as
determined by the Code Enforcement Officer, Zoning Administrator, Public
Works Department, or Planning Board, as appropriate).
Roads and Parking
Zoning Ordinance
Commercial Vehicles. Parking commercial vehicles outdoors overnight within
residential districts is permitted as follows:
No more than one commercial vehicle - a passenger automobile, pick up truck
or van - is allowed.
Other types of vehicles – such as "truck tractors", box trucks or vehicles with
more than 2 axles - are permitted on private property only by special exception
subject to the property owner being able to provide adequate visual buffering,
exhaust odor control, and sound mitigation.
No commercial vehicle other than a passenger automobile, pick up truck or van
may be parked overnight on a public road in a residential district (except when
accommodating a residential relocation or by short term permit/approval from
the Police Department).
Private Roads. Private roads are prohibited unless they are part of a plan approved
by the Planning Board and noted as a private road on said plan. Building permits shall
only be issued pursuant to the provisions of RSA 674:41.
Shared Driveways. Shared driveways providing access to new, separately platted
lots are only permitted where those lots will have adequate frontage on an approved
public road.
Class VI Roads. Development on Class VI roads is regulated as follows.
General Terms
State Law. This subsection is adopted pursuant to RSA 674:41. In case
of conflict between this subsection and RSA 674:41, RSA 674:41 shall
be determining.
Uses. Single family use, farming, and forestry are the only permitted
uses on lots accessed from Class VI roads.
Accessory Uses. Any uses customarily accessory to a single family
residence may be established on the property. However, only home
occupations-1 and 2 (for which there is only one employee other than
household members) are permitted.
Subdivision. Any new lots to be subdivided out of existing lots on Class
VI roads shall have a minimum frontage on the Class VI road of 300 feet
and a minimum lot size of 3 acres.
Approval Process. Shall be subject to the provisions of NH RSA 674:41.
Other Provisions
Roads and Parking
Zoning Ordinance
The applicant is not specifically required to maintain the road as part of
any authorization for a building permit but he/she is urged to do so, on
his/her own or in coordination with other property owners.
It is recognized that any applicant who chooses to build on a Class VI
road does so at his/her own risk. If in the future, abutting landowners
seek to upgrade a Class VI road to a Class V road then the landowners rather than the City of Rochester - shall be entirely responsible for the
costs of upgrading that road (i.e. to be paid for by an individual
developer, abutting landowners jointly through a private agreement, or
through a betterment tax on abutting landowners if approved by City
Any modifications to the road in the future must be approved by the City
of Rochester Public Works Department.
If any Class VI road is brought up to City standards the reclassification to
a Class V road must be approved by the Rochester City Council.
The Planning Department shall maintain a record of Class VI roads or
portions of Class VI roads upon which the City Council has authorized
issuance of building permits.
See the Transportation Master Plan for a partial list of Class VI roads in
the City.
Roads and Parking
Zoning Ordinance