School of Dentistry - University of Missouri

Strategic Plan 2007-2012
UMKC School of Dentistry
Our strategic plan continues to be built in unison with UMKC’s Goals and the School
of Dentistry’s Strategic Goals and Objectives.
UMKC Strategic Goal 1: Strengthen resource base and financial capacity.
Revise budget allocation method to provide incentives for growth in student credit
hour production and sponsored program funding.
Continue to restructure business practices or the institution to reallocate money for
core mission areas.
Complete Capital Campaign ($200,000,000 goal).
Explore competitive pricing mechanisms such as expanding the “metropolitan rate”
to graduate students in the Kansas City area.
Explore alternative mechanisms for student financial aid to reduce the amount of
operating dollars devoted to scholarships.
SOD Strategic Objective 1: Increase non-state funding streams of financial resources to
the School of Dentistry.
Funding Streams
Increase revenues from tuition (primarily due to a larger class), IC/IMS, and clinic
income by 30% as a result of efficiency of operation and volume of services.
Increase externally funded grant income.
Increase annual gifts to the school. The Rinehart Foundation will embark on a
capital campaign for endowment supporting clinical excellence.
Increase continuing education income. Attendance at The Midwest Dental
Conference will exceed 4,000 individuals, providing additional scholarship monies.
Reduce operating costs by analyzing SOD costs and identifying inefficiencies.
We will successfully negotiate with rural health care agencies to generate revenue
for dental services through our state-wide outreach programs.
We will investigate the profitability of employing recent graduates in SODaffiliated outreach clinics in HPSA’s where loan repayments are available.
UPDATE: This AY 2004 - 2005 will be the first year in which the increased class size will
impact clinic revenue availability through Research Incentive Funds and we expect to see
increased revenues for scholarships as a result of increased attendance at our Midwest Dental
Conference. The Clinical Excellence Campaign is moving forward and we expect to make
further steps this Spring.
Facilities Management
Complete facility adjustments to accommodate a pre-doctoral class of 100 students;
Implement an instrument management system to make our infection control program
simpler and safer to maintain;
Renovate, equip, and begin using a facility for a new program, Advanced
Education in Endodontics;
Develop a Special Patient Care facility to allow provision of care for a population
with unmet needs;
Complete the final phases of the general remodeling of the dental school;
Identify funding for and begin replacement of the dental chairs in the clinic; and
Continue refinement of our computerized clinical management system.
UPDATE: We have had great success with all our projects including the appropriation of funds
to purchase new equipment for the dental clinic.
UMKC Strategic Goal 2: Strengthen Core Academic Mission.
Reallocate resources from savings in improved business practices to performing arts,
life and health sciences, JET, and IUE.
Focus external fund raising on scholarships and professorships in these four areas.
Explore the creation of partnerships with business and other educational institutions.
Hire medical faculty through SOM rather than through the practice plan or through
partner hospitals.
Continue to build in translational research by hiring faculty who bring funding with
Explore construction of a new research facility on Hospital Hill.
Strategic Objective #2: Manage our academic programs to produce professional and
community leaders.
Academic Programs
Dental Program
Institute a bridge program between the second and third years to facilitate the
students’ assumption of major clinic responsibilities.
Encourage faculty review of recent national board performance to help them
understand what is required of our students, where assessment results indicate the
Strategic Plan-2007
Continue development of the clinic mentor system.
Further refine our competency measurement activities including OSCE exams.
Continue development of our quality assurance program.
Continue to develop extramural clinical opportunities for public service and student
Meet and exceed all Commission on Dental Accreditation Standards.
Curriculum components emphasizing the development of culturally competent oral
health care providers will be strengthened.
All students will have exposure to the care of patients with special needs.
The SOD will institute a Department of Interdisciplinary Oral Sciences responsible
for instruction in the basic sciences to all students within the SOD. This department
will be composed of five basic science instructors and the chairs of all clinical
departments within the School.
At least five graduates per year will be enrolled in the MO PRIMO program and
will establish practice in a shortage area.
90% of recent graduates will be satisfied with their education.
Graduates will be able and committed to making a difference at the local, state
and national levels.
10% of graduates will be officers in state, regional or national organizations.
Dental Hygiene Program
The Dental Hygiene program will continue to meet all CDA standards.
Student performance on quantifiable outcomes measures will rank UMKC within the
top quintile in the nation.
UPDATE: Continuous progress is being made in all areas. Our recent site visit was a complete
success with formal results (attached) released in August, 2004.
We are no longer giving immediate consideration to establishment of a Department of
Interdisciplinary Oral Sciences. Our current emphasis is on generating support for our clinical
Advanced Education Programs
All programs will meet all CDA Standards.
All programs will use assessment results to enhance their outcomes.
Graduate programs will rank UMKC in the top 20% in the nation by service
Recruit a diverse qualified faculty to support all academic programs.
Collaborate with professional communities to bring in speakers of national and
international reputation for their contributions to oral health science and practice.
80% of the faculty will be involved in community activities.
UPDATE: We are continuing our efforts to acquire resources to recruit additional faculty to
support our increase in class size. This activity is our major emphasis at this time.
Strategic Plan-2007
The Analysis & Planning Committee develop and implement additional measures to
assess overall performance in meeting goals.
UPDATE: This is a work in progress. New measures have been developed and are being
Strategic Objective 3: We will strengthen our research infrastructure.
Ph.D. and post doctoral programs will be strengthened by augmented facilities &
equipment, supported by increased external support.
We will complete construction and equipping additional basic research space on the
third floor.
We have completed the expansion of research facilities in the School of Dentistry
for the time being.
Strategic Objective 4: We will create new knowledge to improve oral health of our
Current world-class research efforts in dental biomaterials and bone biology will be
sustained, and our clinical research focus will be strengthened. External funding will
be maintained at $6 million.
We will develop a combined D.D.S./Ph.D. program and obtain funding for students
in the program.
We will foster greater involvement of pre-doctoral students in research.
We will develop a mentor research program to assist junior faculty in their
development as scholars.
Current research collaborations with 3M-ESPE, MRI and UTHSSA will be sustained.
By filling the Nelson Professorship, we will develop oral health services research in
the Department of Dental Public Health and Behavioral Science.
The School of Dentistry will celebrate its 125th anniversary by hosting a Global
Conference on Craniofacial Biology with extensive local and international
participation, funded externally.
In collaboration with the SCE, we will:
fund a research center for micro- and nano- properties/structure relationships
for biomaterials and tissue engineering.
fund a biomedical computational science and technology center.
Research efforts will rank UMKC SOD among the top 10 in the nation.
The UMKC electronic patient record will create new opportunities for action
research, resulting in national recognition and improved patient care.
School of Dentistry core functions will serve as a national model of “best practice.”
(Infection control and instrument management system, recruitment and admissions
program, and faculty development.
Strategic Plan-2007
Strategic Objective 5: We will provide oral health care services of the highest quality
throughout the state.
Innovations in systems at the SOD (IC/IMS, electronic record, quality assurance
system) will increase the quantity and quality of patient care provided in SOD
We will provide care for at least 98,000 patient visits in our on-site clinics
More than 90% of patients treated intramurally will report being satisfied
with the care they received in our clinics.
The SOD will be recognized as a major contributor of oral health care to the
underserved, providing access to care for compromised citizens, and comprehensive
care at reduced cost through our clinics.
We will develop additional extramural sites to provide needed care in
various parts of the state of Missouri and Kansas.
The school will continue working with the oral health professions, state
officials and other in our communities of interest to study and plan the need
for oral health professionals in Missouri and Kansas.
Strategic Objective 6: We will work with others to promote oral health of the highest
quality in the state.
The SOD will be recognized as a major contributor for the public good in the state
of Missouri through its contributions to the oral health of the underserved, access to
care for compromised citizens, the provision of emergency care for all seekers and
comprehensive care at reduced cost through our undergraduate and graduate
At least ten dental graduates will begin practice in state Health Professional
Shortage Areas (HPSA).
The school will maintain its cooperative agreement with Penn Valley Community
College to support their dental assisting program.
Encourage School of Dentistry faculty to participate as members and leaders in
campus, local, state, and national professional organizations.
SOD faculty will be advocates for the SOD with state legislators and alumni.
Each of the twelve (now) community health centers with four or more dental chairs
will have continuous student resources to deliver care.
UPDATE: We continue to pursue our contributions to the public good in the State of Missouri.
We have established additional outreach clinics and continue to work with our community
partners to reduce oral health disparities and improve access. Our role in contributing to the
public good in our state is related to a new initiative to become the state’s major source in
dental public health policy development, data analysis and research. Through replacement of
vacated positions and faculty development, we have collected a team of faculty qualified in
dental public health to support our initiative and will appoint in the near future the endowed
Nelson Professorship in Public Health Dentistry to lead our activities in this area.
Strategic Plan-2007
UMKC Strategic Goal 3: Increase Student Success.
Provide high-quality residential opportunities for students by completing Oak Street
West, Cherry Street replacement, and housing on Hospital Hill.
Establish a Center for Academic Success.
Enhance the quality of student life on campus by providing additional advising and
work study and by building a new student union.
Increase the number of full-time, residential students.
Improve freshman-sophomore retention rates.
Increase the number of transfer students by expanding community college
articulation agreements.
Enhance the educational pipeline by — 1) expanding dual credit offerings. 2)
Providing well-prepared teachers for urban districts. 3) Establishing a principal’s
institute jointly with KCMO ISD. 4) Establishing an “early college” high school with
Institute a bridge program between the second and third years to facilitate the
students’ assumption of major clinic responsibilities.
monitor student attrition to determine causes of student withdrawal
Re-model facility to create a positive environment for student individual and group
Strengthen clinical mentoring program in the pre-doctoral program.
Continue to work closely with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities to
ensure accommodation provided to students meets the reasonable and necessary
Strategic Goal 4
Improve the Racial Climate and Increase Campus Diversity.
Hire Deputy Chancellor for Diversity, Equality, and Access. Done.
Aggressively recruit faculty from under-represented groups.
Aggressively recruit students from under-represented groups and work to expand
the pipeline of such students.
Strategic Plan-2007
SOD Strategic Objective 7: Manage enrollment to assure high quality students.
Class Size
Pre-doctoral program: class size will be increased to 100 to help meet the
oral health care needs of Missouri and Kansas.
Dental Hygiene: class size will be held at 30.
Advanced Education: Programs in Prosthodontics and Oral Medicine will be
phased out
and a program in Endodontics will be instituted in July 2003. All other
programs will be maintained at their current size.
Graduate: Interdisciplinary Ph.D., M.S. in Oral Biology and M.S. in Dental
Hygiene Education: programs will grow as funding, student interest and
mentor availability allow.
UPDATE: In AY 2006, there will be approximately 400 DDS students in the DDS program. All
other programs have also met our expectations. The program in advanced endodontics began
with two enrollees in July, 2003 and two additional students enrolled in July, 2004. This is a
two-year program.
Recruitment & Enrollment
Our current practices for recruitment of a diverse student population will be
examined by a new advisory board. Our goal will be to have 15% of entering
DDS and DH students from URM groups and rural locations through active
recruitment, early identification, and strong mentoring of qualified potential
applicants (allowing us to meet our diversity in action goals).
Potential for community and professional leadership will be emphasized as an
admissions criterion.
25% of the entering DDS class will be recruited through our reserved
admissions program.
25% of the entering DDS and DH class will be from UMKC undergraduate or
graduate programs.
All programs will enroll qualified students who meet or exceed our published
admission criteria. Where published measures of entering student quality are
available (DATs, GPAs, etc.), our student’s average performance on those measures
will be above the published national average.
Selection of academically qualified students and academic support services will
result in low attrition rates. The SOD will retain and graduate >95% of enrolling
pre-doctoral, dental hygiene, and advanced education students.
UPDATE: The Multi-Cultural Task Force on Diversity was initiated in April, 2004 to develop
strategies for the successful recruitment and retention of under-represented students and those
from rural locations. A set of recommendations is April, 2005.
The Reserved Admissions Program is progressing well with over 120 enrolled; 25 are UMKC
students. Twenty of the 120 participants are URM students.
Strategic Plan-2007
The credentials of the entering DDS students in Fall of 2005 place them at national average
for science GPA (3.4) and above national average DAT (18) overall. This is a continuing
improvement. Our diversity goals have not been met; only 3% of the incoming class being
URM students.
Strategic Objective 8: We will develop creative strategies to recruit and retain faculty
and staff of the highest quality.
We will recruit at least three additional generalist and two periodontist faculty
members to fill vacated positions.
We will recruit one dental hygiene faculty member.
We will maintain the current number of advanced education faculty. Program
directors who leave will be replaced.
Growth in Ph. D. and research faculty will be funded by external grants.
The Rogers, Nelson and Tanaka chairs will be filled with highly qualified faculty.
The number of staff will be increased to accommodate the instrument management
system and the increased student body.
The SOD will provide professional development opportunities for faculty and staff
and support their professional development including developmental leaves,
professional meeting attendance, pursuance of additional formal education, jobrelated seminars & short courses, “lunch & learn” seminars for faculty and staff.
Additionally, the SOD will formulate developmental plans and provide mentors for
employees demonstrating inadequate performance on job-related skills.
The Faculty Handbook will continue to be updated as changes occur.
More than 90% of faculty & staff will report that they enjoy working at the SOD.
We will have mechanisms in place to publicize appreciation for quality work at all
levels of employment.
Salaries of part-time faculty will be increased.
UPDATE: We are moving forward with this objective. We were able to fill vacated positions,
are interviewing for the endowed positions, and are still completing the endowment for the
Tanaka Professorship.
We remain behind in the recruitment of additional faculty (10) and staff (6) to maintain the
quality of our programs and accommodate the additional 80 DDS students. As has been
indicated, this is our most significant issue for AY 2005.
Since constructing our Strategic Plan, the Chancellor developed the concept of compensation
planning to deal with compensation issues over a period of two to three years. This system
based upon raises through merit, impact, as well as a sensitivity to market and compression
issues has begun to make significant improvements to faculty and staff salary and wages in the
School of Dentistry. The plan will enhance our ability to recruit and retain the highest quality
faculty and staff. The second phase of the compensation plan will be implemented, as funds
allow, for AY 2006.
Strategic Plan-2007