Laser-Cut System

Laser Cutting Machine
Working Principles
Schematic Top View
A laser tube can emit a very powerful parallel beam of
light of one wavelength. With the help of mirrors the
laser beam can be controlled.
In case of a CO2 laser the laser beam is in the infra-red
range which is invisible to the human eye. Usually a small
red light beam is emitted in same path as laser beam to
show the trace of the laser.
With a laser cutter a small area on a material can be
heated extremely in a short period, causing the material
to locally melt, burn or vaporize. This way a material can
be precisely cut or engraved.
Major Components
Most laser cutters consist of a laser tube (the light
source), mirrors (to guide the beam) and moving guides
(H-drive) to move the last mirror. And additionally;
electronics (to control the H-drive and laser tube),
exhauster (to exhaust the smoke), laser tube cooling,
substrate table, (laser safe) covering and a control panel.
Orange tube
Blue guides
1, 2 & 3
Dotted line
: laser tube + water cooling
: moving H-drive
: move direction
: mirrors
: work area limits
: laser beam
Risks & Dangers
The laser beam itself is dangerous and materials are heated which can cause fire and toxic gases.
Hazard symbol
 Flammable materials can catch fire.
 When cutting wood, paper or some
plastics the workpiece (or rest materials
of previous workpieces) can catch fire.
 Never leave the laser cutter unattended during
production. Regularly check the workpiece.
 Keep the laser cutter clean (free of rest materials).
 Have extinguishing materials within reach (water,
fire resistant waste bin or a fire extinguisher).
 NEVER use PVC or chlorinated plastic in
the laser cutter!
 Make sure the exhaust is attached properly and
the air fun is running.
 The very toxic chloride gas will be
released when cutting or engraving
 Sort out the burning reaction (and gases) when
using a material for the first time.
 NEVER use metals and materials with
highly reflective coatings in the laser
 Never look into the laser beam.
 Relatively small amounts of laser light
can lead to permanent eye injuries.
 Do not use unknown material in the laser cutter.
 Make sure laser protective plating is installed and
 Never try to examine or repair the laser cutter.