HUMAN – ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION ASSIGNMENT Each group will prepare a slide show presentation about our trip to Save the Bay. The Power Point will include the following elements: Explain the geography theme “Human – Environment Interaction”. Describe the examples of this theme that you observed on our trip on the Providence River. Include pictures that were taken on our trip or other appropriate pictures. Using information from class lessons and our trip answer the following essential questions: 1. How do natural environmental features, in particular the Providence River and Narragansett Bay, affect humans? 2. How do humans affect their environment, in particular the Providence River and Narragansett Bay? 3. How has this interaction changed over time? 4. Is the current interaction positive or negative? 5. What do people need to do to ensure a positive interaction in the future? RUBRIC FOR HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION POWER POINT Explanation of Theme Essential Questions Use of Power Point Technology Mechanics Oral Presentation 5 Theme is accurately defined and supported with 2 or more pictures 4 Definition of theme is mostly accurate and is supported with at least 2 pictures All 5 essential At least 4 questions have essential been questions have thoroughly and been accurately accurately answered answered. 3 Some errors in definition of theme and supported by one or two pictures At least 3 essential questions have been answered with mostly accurate answers Excellent use Good use of Fair use of of power point power point power point technology. technology. technology. Correct Few Several grammar, grammatical, grammatical spelling, and spelling, or spelling, or punctuation. punctuation punctuation errors. errors. All members of All members of Most group take group take members of part in part in group take presentation presentation part in and speak and most presentation clearly and can speak clearly and speak easily be heard and can be somewhat by audience. heard by clearly, audience. sometimes difficult to hear. 2 Definition unclear or contains several errors with one or no pictures for support At least 2 essential questions have been answered with partially accurate answers 1/0 Definition missing or incorrect, missing supporting pictures. Poor use of power point technology. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Only some members of group take part in presentation and are difficult to understand and/or hear Poor use of power point technology. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Poor presentation, very difficult to understand and/or hear Essential questions have not been answered or answers are all or mostly inaccurate Suggestions for organizing your group: Break into groups of two or three. One group should do the explanation of the theme and the pictures. Divide the questions among the groups. Make sure your presentation includes the essential question along with your answer. Each group should prepare a rough draft of their part. Each group should share their rough draft and the rest of the group can make suggestions for improvement. Prepare slides. Group should then practice how they will present their power point.