Unit 3: Populations

Unit 3: Population Dynamics
o Principles of populations
o Human populations
o Biodiversity
SEV.1. Students will investigate the flow of energy and cycling of matter within an ecosystem and
relate these phenomena to human society.
a. Interpret biogeochemical cycles including hydrologic, nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, and
carbon cycles. Recognize that energy is not recycled in ecosystems.
d. Relate the cycling of matter and the flow of energy to the Laws of Conservation of matter
and energy. Identify the role and importance of decomposers in the recycling process.
e. Distinguish between abiotic and biotic factors in an ecosystem and describe how matter
and energy move between these.
SEV.3. Students will describe stability and change in ecosystems.
e. Describe interactions between individuals (i.e. mutualism, commensalisms, parasitism,
predation, and competition).
SEV.4. Students will understand and describe availability, allocation and conservation of energy and
other resources
f. Describe the need for informed decision making of resource utilization. (i.e. energy
and water usage allocation, conservation, food and land, and long-term depletion)
SEV.5. Students will recognize that human beings are part of the global ecosystem and will evaluate
the effects of human activities and technology on ecosystems.
a. Describe factors affecting population growth of all organisms, including humans. Relate
these to factors affecting growth rates and carrying capacity of the environment.
b. Describe the effects of population growth, demographic transitions, cultural differences,
emergent diseases, etc. on societal stability.
d. Describe the actual and potential effects of habitat destruction, erosion, and depletion of
soil fertility associated with human activities.
e. Describe the effects and potential implications of pollution and resource depletion on the
environment at the local and global levels (e.g. air and water pollution, solid waste
disposal, depletion of the stratospheric ozone, global warming, and land uses).
f. Describe how political, legal, social, and economic decisions may affect global and local
EQ: What is the difference between niche and habitat?
February 28, 2011
Warm-up Question of the day
Notes: How species interact with each other
“Strange Days on Planet Earth-Predators” Video & Questions
Ticket out the door: Active reading: How species interact with each other
EQ: What six things make up an organism’s niche?
March 1, 2011
Warm-up Question of the day
Go to media center
Research and type paper on an organism an its niche
EQ: What is the carrying capacity of a population and what is an example?
March 2, 2011
Warm-up Question of the day
Notes: How population change in size
Calculate rates as class
Pattern of population growth & Questions
Ticket out the door: Active Reading: How populations change in size
EQ: How has the size and growth rate of human population changed in the last 200
March 3, 2011
Warm-up Question of the day
Mapping population changes in the United States
Ticket out the door: Active Reading: Studying Human Populations
March 4, 2011
Warm-up Question of the day
Population Internet Lab in Media Center
“World in Balance: The People Paradox” Video & Questions
March 7, 2011
Warm-up Question of the day
China’s One Child Policy
An American Family Perspective
Human Population graphing and Questions
EQ: Using an age structure histogram, what can you predict about population trends?
March 8, 2011
Warm-up Question of the day
Population Growth Age Structure Histogram
Population Management Game (Lab)
Ticket out the door: Map Skills
EQ: What are the three levels of biodiversity?
March 9, 2011
Warm-up Question of the day
Chapter 8&9 Quiz
Notes: 10-1 What is Biodiversity?
Ticket out the door: Active Reading: What is biodiversity?
EQ: What are the largest threats to biodiversity?
March 10, 2011
Warm-up Question of the day
Notes: 10-2 & 10-3 Biodiversity at Risk and saving exotic species
The Future of Biodiversity
Concept Review
Ticket out the door: Active Reading: Biodiversity at Risk
March 11, 2011
Warm-up Question of the day
“HOOT” Video (Saving Endangered Species) & Questions
March 14, 2011
Warm-up Question of the day
Chapter 8, 9, &10 (Unit 3) Test Review
Review Jeopardy
March 15, 2011
Warm-up Question of the day
Chapter 8, 9, &10 (Unit 3) Test
Introduce “Wanted” Posters (Invasive Species)
March 16, 2011
Warm-up Question of the day
“Wanted” Poster research in Media Center
March 17, 2011
Warm-up Question of the day
Work on Wanted poster in class
March 18, 2011
Warm-up Question of the day
Finish “Wanted” poster (35 minutes)
Present “Wanted” Poster (45 Minutes)