The Covariance Structure of Earnings in Ireland: 1994-20011 Aedín Doris*, Donal O’Neill** & Olive Sweetman* Preliminary - Please do not cite Abstract It is well known that Ireland’s earnings inequality is high compared to other countries. In this paper we use an analysis of the covariance structure of earnings in Ireland to decompose inequality into a component that is due to individuals’ permanent characteristics, and one that is due to transitory shocks. Using panel data for the years 1994-2001, we show that permanent inequality in Ireland is also at the upper end of the range of international estimates. Separate analyses of the public and private sectors show that, although earnings inequality is significantly lower in the public sector, the wage structure is much more rigid, with higher persistence in individual wages over time. 1 We would like to thank Daniele Checchi, Steve Haider, Gary Solon and participants at the NUI Maynooth seminar series for helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper. This research benefited from financial support provided by the Irish Research Council or the Humanities and Social Sciences. ** Department of Economics, National University of Ireland, Maynooth and IZA, Bonn. * Department of Economics, National University of Ireland, Maynooth. 1. Introduction Much of the existing work on inequality has focussed on aggregate inequality, examining both comparisons across countries in the levels of inequality and trends over time within countries. However it is well known that the resulting picture of aggregate inequality can mask fundamental differences in its underlying sources. Accordingly, several recent studies (e.g. Haider (2001), Gottschalk and Moffit (1995), Ramos (2002), Baker and Solon (2003), Gustavsson (2004 and 2007), Daly and Valetta (2007)) have distinguished between two components of inequality: inequality that reflects differences across individuals or groups that are due to permanent characteristics (so called permanent inequality) and inequality arising from temporary shocks, which cause disadvantage at a point in time but are have limited persistence over time (transitory inequality). From a policy point of view it is important to distinguish between these two components as they may require different policy responses. If, for instance, permanent inequality were high then the government might want to promote policies that would increase the human capital of the affected groups, whereas high transitory inequality would indicate that such a policy would be less effective in reducing inequality. In this paper, we decompose inequality in Ireland into its permanent and transitory components, using the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) data, and examine the results for any evidence of trends in these components over the period for which the data is available, from 1994 to 2001. The Irish analysis is potentially of international interest for several reasons. First, the Irish economy experienced unprecedented changes over this period, with the unemployment rate falling from over 14 per cent in 1994 to under 4 per cent in 20012 2 Source: Table 2.1 Statistical Yearbook, CSO, 2004. 1 and GNP growth rates ranging from 6% to 11% over 1994-2000. It is known that aggregate earnings inequality grew somewhat in Ireland over the sample period (see, for example, Barrett et al., 2002). However, nothing is known about how the permanent and transitory components evolved. It might be expected that a period of rapid growth would be a period of rapid labour market change and instability, and that this should be reflected in an increasing transitory component. Second, results for levels of Irish aggregate earnings inequality have shown it to be similar to levels in the US and the UK, rather than continental or northern Europe. For example, Nolan (2000, Table 6.2) gives the Irish 90/10 ratio 3 in 1994 as 4.06; this compares with 4.35 in the US, 3.31 in the UK, 3.28 in France, 2.32 in Germany and 2.13 in Sweden; of the sixteen countries listed in the table, only the US has higher earnings dispersion. It will be interesting to see if this same ranking applies to permanent and transitory components, as it might be expected that high inequality countries are also countries of high mobility, with the implication that a lower proportion of overall inequality is permanent in high inequality countries. The analysis of Irish data can thus provide another data point in assessing the validity of this suggestion. Thirdly, it has been hypothesized that centralized wage bargaining, which has operated in Ireland over the last twenty years, reduces earnings inequality (Gottschalk and Joyce, 1998). However, because of the design of the Irish wage agreements, they can be expected not only to affect the overall level of inequality, but also the relative importance of individual components; further elaboration of this point requires more detail on the operation of these agreements, which is provided in Section 2 below. 3 This is the ratio of the earnings at the top decile to earnings at the bottom decile. 2 After describing the wage agreements, the methodology used in the analysis of the data is discussed in Section 3; the data are discussed in Section 4; results are presented in Section 5; some preliminary results on the extension of the analysis to the public and private sector earnings are reported in Section 6; and conclusions are outlined in Section 7. 2. Institutional Background Centralized wage bargaining in its current form, known as ‘Social Partnership’, was introduced in 1987 in response to a serious fiscal crisis. Wage restraint was the primary goal in the early years; in exchange for low bargained wage increases, the government committed to reducing the income tax burden, so that net pay increases could be achieved without damaging competitiveness. Since 1987, agreements have been negotiated every two or three years between employer organisations, trade unions and the government to award fixed percentage wage increases to employees at set dates. Higher percentage awards are typically made to very low-paid workers. Because the wage agreements are specified in terms of percentage increases that should be awarded by any given employer, they serve to ‘freeze’ the pre-existing wage distribution in place. Thus, if there is some external force encouraging an increase in inequality – such as skill-biased technical change or increasing international trade – the pay agreement system will indeed reduce inequality below what it would otherwise be, as suggested by Gottschalk and Joyce (1998), amongst others. However, it is interesting to note that any external force reducing inequality would be resisted by the wage bargaining system. 3 Moreover, in the absence of job changes, the wage bargaining system would freeze not only the overall distribution, but also the position of individuals within that distribution. Thus, we expect that the system leads to a higher proportion of permanent inequality than would otherwise prevail. In practice, however, the agreements may have less ‘bite’ than suggested by the above description. Firstly, not all employees are covered, as not all employers are aligned with the employers’ organisations. Secondly, employees can move jobs in order to escape wage restraint; since negotiated wage increases apply to posts that already exist within an organisation, it is open to an employee to move between employers and secure a ‘promotion’ through the distribution. Thirdly, as the labour market became increasingly tight during the economic boom, employers began to give ‘top-up’ wage increases to retain staff. Compliance with early wage agreements was reported to be very high, even in the multinational sector where employers are typically not affiliated with employers’ organisations, and unions are weak. However, by 2000, there were widespread reports of top-ups being awarded. It is important to note, however, that public sector employees would have been firmly bound by the agreements; as one of the three major players in the negotiations of the agreements, the government could not be seen to be breaking its own terms, even in the face of labour shortages in some sectors. If top-ups were offered across the board, this would lead us to expect that the proportion of inequality that was permanent would be reducing for private sector workers, but not for public sector workers, towards the end of the sample period. On the other hand, if top-ups were correlated with permanent characteristics, no reduction in permanent inequality would be expected. 4 3. Methodology To model earnings over the life-cycle we write log-earnings as a function of labourmarket experience, X it and a residual, yit : Log Yit g ( X it , t ) yit (1) In addition we assume that the residual component, yit, can be written as the sum of a permanent component, i , due for example to fixed characteristics such as level of education, and a transitory one, vit , reflecting temporary shocks that hit the individual or the labour market. That is yit i vit (2) where i and vit are random variables with mean zero variances 2 and vt2 respectively. Our objective is to identify the separate roles played by the permanent and transitory shocks in determining inequality. To do this we first estimate yit using the residuals from an OLS regression of equation (1).4 These residuals are then used to model the covariance structure described by equation (2). Modelling the dynamics of earnings through the residual term allows us to abstract from any common growth trends or life-cycle effects. We use two approaches to estimate the relative contributions of permanent and transitory shocks. The ‘non-parametric’ approach uses data from two time periods t and s, that are sufficiently far apart so that Cov(vit , vis ) 0 . In this case the variance of the permanent component is identified from the covariance of earnings, Cov( yit , yis ) = 2 and the proportion of total inequality that is permanent is given by 4 In the empirical application g is a simple quadratic in experience. 5 Cov ( yit , yis ) Var ( yit ) (3) However, this approach relies on some arbitrary assumptions about the evolution of individual earnings. In particular, it assumes that that the returns to permanent characteristics accounted for by i are constant over time and also that the persistence of transitory shocks is of an order no higher than s t . To examine the robustness of our findings to these assumptions, we also consider an alternative approach that models these features explicitly using a parametric model of earnings dynamics. In particular we write yit as: yit pti t vit (4) where pt and t are factor loadings that allow the permanent and temporary variances of earnings respectively to change over time. 5 Identifying the degree of persistence in the transitory shocks requires a model for vit . We considered a number of alternatives processes but the preferred specification assume that vit follows an ARMA (1,1) process. That is vit vit 1 it 1 it . (5) where the it ’s are iid random error terms with mean zero and variance 2 . In the model given by (4) and (5), and with eight years of data (described below), there 5 Equation (4) can be generalized further to allow for individual heterogeneity in the slope of the earnings profile; this will be considered in future research. 6 are 19 parameters to estimate ( 2 , ρ, 2 8 , p2 p8 , v20 , 2 , θ)6. In this paper we estimate these parameters using a Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimator. Intuitively, this entails choosing the parameters of the model so that the moments of the theoretical model outlined in (4) and (5) are matched as closely as possible to their empirical counterparts. To do this the residuals, yit , are used to calculate the empirical variancecovariance matrix for the years for which earnings are available, Ĉ . Denote the population variance-covariance matrix by C. In (4) and (5) above, the variancecovariance matrix C f ( ) has the typical diagonal element: t 1 Var ( yt ) pt2 2 t2 ( 2 v20 K 2 w ) w0 and typical off-diagonal element, t 1 Cov( yt , yt s ) pt pt s 2 t t s ( 2t 1 vo2 K 2 w 2 ) , w 0 where K 2 (1 2 2 ) . With C f ( ) specified, the parameter vector is then chosen to minimize (Cˆ f ( ))'W (Cˆ f ( )) , where W is the optimal weighting matrix (Chamberlain, 1984). Following Altonji and Segal (1996), we set W equal to the identity matrix, I. In our model there are 19 parameters to estimate and 36 ( t (t 1) 2 ) unique moment conditions. Because of the nature of the panel data used, the calculation of standard errors is not straightforward; we followed the procedure outlined in Appendix A of Haider (2001) and in Haider (2000).7 6 7 For identification, we normalise λ1 and p1 to 1. We are grateful to Steve Haider for providing a copy of the unpublished 2000 paper. 7 4. Data The data used in the analysis are the eight waves of Irish data in the European Community Household Panel (ECHP), which contains data on 14 EU countries. These are the only panel data with appropriate earnings variables available for Ireland. The years covered by the survey are 1994-2001.8 In the Irish data, the initial sample size in 1994 was 9,904 individuals; however, just 4,023 were in the sample by 2001. This reflects substantial sample attrition in the Irish data; Watson (2003) reports that by 1998, attrition in the Irish data was the highest of any country, with just 57% of the original sample remaining five years into the panel. In her analysis of this attrition, Watson concludes that although there are some correlations between attrition and economic variables, such correlation explains only a very small part of the attrition. Following the practice in the previous literature, the sample chosen for the present study is comprised of men aged 17-65 whose labour market behaviour does not indicate characteristics likely to be associated with erratic earnings. Thus, anyone who experiences unemployment or time out of the labour market on ‘home duties’ at any stage during the sample period is omitted from the sample altogether. Anyone not reporting earnings in any year for which he was employed is also dropped from the sample, as is anyone with earnings data missing due to attrition. The sample is not, however, a fully balanced panel. It is necessary, in order to identify the effects of age separately from time effects, that the average age of the sample should not increase one-for-one with time. Thus, individuals are allowed to be 8 Not all of the 14 countries collected the ECHP data in all these year, but Ireland did. 8 in the sample for some years but not for others if their absence is due to either retirement or being in full-time education. The assumption here is that retirement or schooling are not indicative of either stability or instability in labour market attachment. Of course, younger workers are known to have more earnings instability than older workers, but this appears to be due to time taken to find a good job match rather than lack of labour market attachment. Outliers, defined as earnings in the top or bottom 1% of the sample distribution, were also excluded. Finally, the sample was restricted to those who had at least two years of observed earnings in the sample, in order to reduce the difference between the samples used to calculate the variances and those used to calculate the autocovariances. Table 1 gives an indication of the degree to which our panel is unbalanced. The first row gives the number of individuals who satisfy the selection criteria and are not outliers in each year. This number changes as individuals enter and exit the required age range. Of these, some will be in education and some will retire, and so will not report earnings; subtracting the number in these labour market states gives the ‘number of workers’ figure. It is clear from the last two rows of the table that allowing individuals to enter and exit the sample as they complete education or retire means that neither mean age nor mean potential experience increase one-for-one with time. 5. Results For each year of data, current monthly log gross earnings are regressed on potential experience and its square, as described above, and the residuals saved. The variance- 9 covariance matrix of these residuals is then calculated. This matrix is reported in Table 2. Looking along the diagonal, we observe that the variance is relatively stable over the period, ranging from a high of 0.239 in 1994 to a low of 0.191 in 1996. Looking down each column, the autocovariances decline over time, with the most significant decline at the first order; after the first period, there is a smooth, but very gradual decline. This has also been found by many other authors, including, for example, Daly and Valetta (2007), for the US, Germany and the UK; Haider (2001) for the US; Baker and Solon (2003) for Canada; and Gustavsson (2004) for Sweden. As a preliminary estimate of the proportion of inequality that is due to permanent factors, we use the non-parametric estimate given by (2) above. Following Moffitt and Gottschalk (2002), we choose covariances that are five years apart to estimate Var (i ) . Of course, given the short panel available, this means that only for three pairs of years (1994/1999, 1995/2000 and 1996/2001) can the required covariances be calculated. These indicate that in 1994, the permanent component of inequality was 66% of the total; in 1995, the figure was 67% and in 1996, permanent inequality was 69% of the total. These figures are suggestive of a slight rise in permanent inequality, but with estimates for only three years available, no significance can be read into the trend. The estimated parameters of our full model are given in Table 3. The results suggest some increase in the t , the factor loadings on the transitory shocks, towards the end of the sample period, and a fall in the pt , the factor loadings on the permanent characteristics. However, none of these is individually significantly different from one 10 at the 5% confidence level, and Wald tests also fail to reject the hypotheses that the pt are jointly equal to one, or that the t are jointly equal to one, so no conclusions of any trend can be drawn. ρ, the parameter indicating the degree of persistence of transitory shocks, is estimated to be 0.65, and θ is estimated to be –0.2, which reduces the magnitude of the first order correlations. These estimates can be used to calculate permanent inequality, transitory inequality and predicted total inequality. The decomposition results are presented in Table 4 and Figure 1. Looking at the first two columns of Table 4, we see that the model does well in predicting the actual total variance. Of more interest is the relative importance of the transitory and permanent components in total inequality, which is given in the last column of the table. At the beginning of the period, permanent inequality accounted for approximately 67% of total earnings inequality. In subsequent years, it ranged from 57% (2000) to 71% (1998), but generally stayed around the average level of 65%. It is striking how similar this estimate is to the nonparametric one reported above. Given the absence of significant trends in the above analysis we also report the results for a more parsimonious specification of the model in which all the factor loadings are set equal to one. The results are given in Table 5 and, as expected, are similar to the more general model. The average proportion of inequality due to the permanent component is 67%, as compared to the 65% reported earlier. Although it can be difficult to compare studies across different countries because of differences in time period, sample construction, and measures of earnings, as well as in the details of the models of earnings dynamics used, it is interesting nevertheless to try and compare our results to previous studies. In doing so we restrict 11 our comparisons where possible to studies that use a similar methodology to the one we adopt. Haider (2001) finds that permanent inequality accounts for on average, about two-thirds of total variance in the US between 1968-1992. Baker and Solon (2003) conduct a similar analysis for Canada from 1976-1992, and find that the permanent component fell from about 70% to 64% over that period. Gustavsson’s (2007) results indicate that permanent inequality varied between approximately 6370% for males aged 40 in Sweden during the 1990s. Cervini Plá and Ramos (2006) find, for Spain, that the permanent component varies substantially by age cohort, but for men born from 1954-1963, it rose from about 60% to about 75% between 1993 and 2001. Moffitt and Gottschalk (2002) find the permanent component varying from about 37% to about 63% over the 1969-1996 period in the US. And Ramos (2003) reports a permanent component that averages about 40% during the 1990s in Britain. The study that is the most similar to ours is, however, Daly and Valetta (2007). They report a permanent contribution of 55% for the US, 58% for Germany and 53% for Great Britain over the 1990’s. Thus our estimate of 65% is at the upper end of the range of previous estimates, and is particularly high in the most relevant comparison.9 6. Extension to Public and Private Sector Earnings In this section, we report preliminary results of the decomposition of public and private sector earnings inequality into permanent and transitory components. For now, the analysis is restricted to the non-parametric estimate of the permanent component given by equation (2). 9 See also Gangl (2005) who uses a different methodology but also concludes that permanent inequality is high in Ireland 12 Tables 5 and 6 give the covariance matrices for public and private sector earnings respectively. In constructing these matrices, the sample was initially constructed exactly as before – individuals who were missing earnings data for any year that they were not either in education or in retirement were excluded, as were those outside the 17-65 age range. Earnings in the top and bottom 1% of the full sample’s distribution (i.e. public and private sector earnings together) were also dropped. It was at this stage that the sample was separated into observations on public sector and private sector earnings. At that point, any individual who did not have at least two years of earnings in the relevant sector was dropped. It is important to note that individuals who moved from one sector to the other and had at least two years of recorded earnings in each sector will be present in both samples. Thus, this is an analysis of public and private sector earnings, rather than public and private sector workers. Looking at the variance-covariance matrix for public sector earnings in Table 6, its most striking characteristic is how much lower the variances (along the diagonal) are than in Table 2, the equivalent table for all workers. Variances range from 0.124 in 1998 to 0.153 in 1994, with a typical value of about 0.14; this compares with a typical value of about 0.20 for all workers. In general, however, the same pattern of autocovariances holds as before – the biggest drop is in the one-period covariances, with smaller drops – and indeed some small rises – thereafter. There are a couple of exceptions, however: in 1996, and particularly in 1998, the one-period autocovariances are very close to the variances, indicating very high correlations between earnings in those years and in the following year. 13 For the private sector variance-covariance matrix given in Table 7, the variances are very similar to those in Table 2, as is the pattern of covariances. However, the sharp contrast with Table 6, for public sector earnings, is clear. In 1994, the variance of private sector earnings was 0.24, whereas that for public sector earnings was 0.15; in 2001, the variances were 0.22 and 0.14 respectively. Thus, wage dispersion is, unsurprisingly, significantly lower in the public sector than in the private sector. The non-parametric estimates of the proportion of total inequality that is permanent in the two sectors also reveal sharp differences. In the public sector, 76% of inequality is estimated to be permanent in 1994, 77% in 1995 and 78% in 1996. In contrast, the permanent proportion in the private sector is estimated to be 60% in 1994, 60% again in 1995 and 63% in 1996. Thus, public sector earnings are less dispersed, but more persistent than private sector earnings; the distribution is less unequal, but once assigned a place in the distribution, it is more difficult to change rank within the distribution. We have also estimated the parametric model for both these sectors. When estimating the fully specified model with factor loadings for the private sector the model had difficulty distinguishing between two competing structures; the first had a high permanent variance and a relatively low autoregressive parameter, while the second had a lower permanent variance and a much higher autoregressive parameter (close to one). The implications of both structures for earnings dynamics are very similar, highly persistent wages across time, however the interpretation of this persistence differs. Given this difficulty in the full-model and the fact that the factor loadings show no significant trend over time we report the results for the restricted 14 model with no factor loadings. These are given in Table 8 for both the private and the public sector. The autocorrelation function for the transitory component (using 1994 as a base) for both sectors is given in Figures 2 and 3. Both functions show little correlation in transitory shocks beyond a lag length of 5. The decomposition of inequality into its permanent and transitory component is consistent with the non-parametric results above. For the private sector the permanent effect accounts for 60% of the total variance over the sample, while the corresponding figure for the public sector is 76%, confirming the view that while inequality is lower in the public sector the wage distributions are much more rigid with little mobility within the distribution. This would accord with expectations, given that pay progression occurs almost exclusively along pre-determined ‘pay scales’ in the public sector.10 It also concurs with similar conclusions drawn by Postel-Vinay and Turon (2005), about the public sector earnings in Britain. 7. Conclusions It is widely known from previous studies that Ireland has a high degree of earnings inequality, of an order similar to that in North America and the UK. Using the ECHP to analyse the covariance structure of earnings in Ireland from 1994-2001, we decompose aggregate inequality into its transitory and permanent components. Our results show that the degree of persistence of Irish inequality is also at the upper end of the range of international estimates, with a permanent component of about 65%. Moreover, preliminary results show that this figure masks a significant difference in the importance of the permanent component between the public and While we are confident that the public sector exhibits significantly more ‘persistence’ than the private sector the fragility of some of the parametric models when estimated for the public sector suggests we should exercise caution when labelling this persistence as ‘permanent’ or ‘transitory’. 10 15 private sectors in Ireland. Although earnings inequality is significantly lower in the public than in the private sector, the permanent component is much higher. However, we can discern no strong time trend in the proportion of inequality that is permanent, either in the analysis for all workers, or separately for the public and private sectors. We argued that there are two forces likely to affect the size of the permanent proportion of inequality: centralized wage bargaining, tending to increase permanence, particularly in the public sector; and greater dynamism caused by the prolonged economic boom of the 1990s, tending to decrease permanence. Perhaps it is the case that these two forces, in pulling in opposite directions, are cancelling each other out. We hope in future research to carry out the decomposition of earnings inequality into its permanent and transitory components for other countries using a common methodology and comparable data, which would allow consistent comparisons between countries. 16 References Baker, Michael (1997). ‘Growth Rate Heterogeneity and Covariance Structure of Life-Cycle Earnings’, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol 15, No. 2, pp. 338-375. 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Cell sizes in italics 1994 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 .2394 455 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 .1868 .2030 448 464 .1693 .1681 .1914 444 452 473 .1644 .1603 .1628 .1989 435 446 462 490 .1564 .1563 .1546 .1658 .1977 427 435 452 475 498 .1571 .1448 .1413 .1530 .1728 .2024 423 429 447 470 487 526 .1453 .1360 .1347 .1457 .1551 .1597 .2142 415 422 440 462 481 509 541 .1476 .1325 .1321 .1395 .1504 .1533 .1720 .2066 412 419 433 458 475 507 531 543 19 Table 3: Parameter Estimates: Monthly Gross Earnings, All Male Employees Parameters Estimate Standard Error 2 0.1594 0.02296 0.6503 0.10638 Factor Loadings – Transitory Shock ( t ) 1994 1 1995 0.9908 0.12507 1996 1.0241 0.15715 1997 1.0277 0.14647 1998 0.9542 0.13343 1999 1.0422 0.14641 2000 1.2265 0.17577 2001 1.1457 0.16598 Factor Loadings – Permanent Shock ( pt ) 1994 1 1995 0.9236 0.05542 1996 0.8831 0.07091 1997 0.9118 0.07695 1998 0.9427 0.08269 1999 0.9140 0.08463 2000 0.8723 0.08670 2001 0.8923 0.08148 v2 0.1029 0.07142 2 0.0456 0.01447 -0.1995 0.07895 20 Table 4: Trends in Permanent and Transitory Inequality in Ireland 1994-2001 Year Actual Predicted Transitory Persistent Proportion of Variance Variance Inequality Inequality inequality due to Permanent component 1994 .2394 .2385 .0791 .1594 .6684 1995 .20300 .2037 .0678 .1360 .6674 1996 .1914 .1922 .0679 .1243 .6466 1997 .1988 .1990 .0665 .1325 .6658 1998 .1977 .1983 .0566 .1417 .7144 1999 .2024 .2004 .0672 .1332 .6645 2000 .2141 .2142 .0929 .1213 .5662 2001 .2066 .2079 .0810 .1269 .6104 Table 5: Parameter Estimates: Monthly Gross Earnings, All Male Employees: No Factor Loadings Parameters Estimate 2 0.1387 0.5812 v2 0.1705 2 0.0490 -0.181 Note: Standard errors yet to be estimated. 21 Standard Error Table 6: Variance-Covariance Matrix of Residuals from Regressions of Monthly Gross Public Sector Earnings on Experience, Males. Cell sizes in italics 1994 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 .1525 209 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 .1331 .1508 206 210 .1158 .1228 .1272 202 205 209 .1167 .1200 .1137 .1455 184 186 190 196 .1101 .1140 .1071 .1139 .1240 177 178 180 179 189 .1164 .1166 .1070 .1148 .1219 .1413 167 169 171 170 174 185 .1129 .1164 .1095 .1210 .1123 .1143 .1404 158 158 160 159 164 166 175 .1086 .1035 .0994 .1104 .1031 .1071 .1161 .1445 162 161 164 166 167 170 168 182 22 Table 7: Variance-Covariance Matrix of Residuals from Regression of Monthly Gross Private Sector Earnings on Experience, Male Employees. Cell sizes in italics 1994 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 .2536 243 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 .1888 .2003 235 253 .1695 .1615 .1966 232 242 263 .1542 .1484 .1568 .1997 226 236 253 288 .1528 .1502 .1540 .1650 .2033 224 234 248 276 305 .1517 .1348 .1367 .1475 .1693 .2100 221 228 243 269 289 332 .1302 .1208 .1246 .1345 .1562 .1663 .2301 219 228 241 268 288 317 357 .1390 .1157 .1240 .1277 .1511 .1609 .1817 .2173 217 225 236 263 280 308 334 347 23 Table 8: Parameter Estimates: Monthly Gross Earnings, Private and Public Sector Employees: No Factor Loadings Parameters Private Sector Estimate Standard Error Public Sector Estimate 2 .1298 .1068 .5542 .6516 v2 .2089 .0733 2 .0595 .0265 -.1055 -.3934 Note: Standard errors yet to be estimated. 24 Standard Error Figure 1: Trends in Permanent and Transitory Components of Earnings Inequality in Ireland, 1994-2001, All Male Employees Earnings Inequality: Outliers omitted 0.3 Inequality 0.25 0.2 Predicted 0.15 Transitory 0.1 Permanent 0.05 0 1992 1994 1996 1998 Year 25 2000 2002 Figure 2: Autocorrelation Function for Transitory Shocks (Private Sector) Correlation ACF Transitory component Private Sector (Base 1994) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lag Length Figure 3: Autocorrelation Function for Transitory Shocks (Public Sector) Correlation ACF Transitory component Public Sector (Base Year 1994) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 Lag Length 26 5 6 7