Please find below a press release from the WIN Consortium entitled

Please find below a press release from the WIN Consortium entitled:
“WIN Consortium announces the 3rd annual WIN Symposium: Gateways to
efficacy of cancer diagnostics and therapeutics”
If you require any further information please contact us and quote job number 556-10
WIN Consortium announces the 3rd annual WIN Symposium: Gateways to efficacy
of cancer diagnostics and therapeutics
Villejuif, France, 28th October, 2010
The Worldwide Innovative Networking (WIN) Consortium invites you to attend the 3 rd WIN Annual
Symposium, which this year is dedicated to a very challenging topic; gateways to increasing the efficacy
of cancer diagnostics and therapeutics.
The 2011 symposium, to be held on 6th to 8th of July at the Palais des Congrès, Paris, will include
discussion and debate on the following topics:
Determining the efficacy of targeted cancer therapies
Determining the efficiency of genetic and molecular biomarkers for selecting patients suitable for
targeted therapeutics
Improving the design of clinical trials using targeted therapies. Effective comparisons, appropriate
endpoints and combination therapies – is randomization necessary?
Establishing more effective collaborations between academia, industry and patients
Innovative technologies to identify genetic and molecular abnormalities in cancers
Improving bioinformatics and applications of systems biology
The WIN Consortium was created to accelerate the pace, and reduce the cost, of translating effective
cancer treatments to the bedside. To succeed in this objective we need the commitment of all our
members, in addition to engaging leading researchers in the field. We aim to create a forum for open
discussion where your expertise, along with input from all stakeholders in cancer drug development, is
The 22 founder member institutions of the WIN Consortium invite you and your institution to join us, and to
take part in this forum ( Register now to attend this unique event.
“The WIN Consortium, initiated by the Institut Gustave Roussy, (IGR, France) and the University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC, USA), is a non-profit organization that brings together cancer
centers and industry partners from five continents. Its aim is to address the challenge of increasing the
efficacy of cancer healthcare globally through personalized therapy, in diverse populations from North
and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East,” said John Mendelsohn, President of
MDACC and Chair of the WIN Consortium.
Vladimir Lazar, Chief Operating Officer of the WIN Consortium, explained: “The aim of the WIN
Consortium and its annual symposium is to foster and facilitate innovative cooperation between cancer
centers, pharmaceutical and technology companies, patient advocacy groups, government institutions
and other stakeholders in the field of diagnosis and personalized, biomarker-driven treatment of cancer.”
“Our overarching goals are to achieve more rapid and efficient translation of groundbreaking personalized
cancer medicine discoveries into the standards for clinical care, to significantly improve the outcomes and
quality of life of cancer patients, and to begin to do so with a very ambitious goal of generating the first
relevant study results within 3-5 years,” said Richard L. Schilsky, Chair of the WIN Scientific Advisory
“Molecular diagnostics, targeted therapies and validation of novel therapeutic solutions are key elements
of our strategy to provide improved cures for patients,” commented Thomas Tursz, Vice Chair of WIN
Consortium. “This will be achieved through supporting innovative clinical trials, promoting worldwide
collaborations and fostering new relations with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and
government institutions.”
Founding academic institutes and non-profit organizations:
Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC), India
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, Israel
Fondazione Irccs Instituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Italy
Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, China
FundaçaoPio XII – Hospital de Câncer de Barretos – Pius XII Foundation, Brazil
Fundació Privada Institut d'Investigació Oncològica de Vall d’Hebron (VHIO), Spain
Hadassah University Medical Center, Israel
Institut de Cancérologie Gustave Roussy, France
Institute for Digestive Diseases and Liver Transplantation, Romania
King Hussein Cancer Center, Jordan
National Breast Cancer Foundation, United States
National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore
The Oncology Institute Ion Chiricuta, Romania
Sage Bionetworks, United States
Segal Cancer Centre, Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, Canada
Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine, 1st Department of Pathology and Experimental Cancer
Research, Hungary
The University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iuliu Hatieganu, Romania
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, United States
Founding associated technology partners:
Agilent Technologies, United States
General Electric Healthcare, United Kingdom
Life Technologies Corporation, United States
For more information, contact:
kdm communications limited
Sarah Khan
Tel: +44 1234 210555
For further information on the WIN Symposium, contact:
Vladimir Lazar: Chief Operating Officer of WIN Consortium
Tel: +33 142 11 40 20
Follow WIN Consortium on Twitter @WIN_Consortium and on Facebook.
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