The Egyptian Organization for Biotechnology and Human Genetics Research Molecular diagnostics in Genotyping and Posttranscriptional regulation control of Pharmacogenetics in Autoimmune diseases and Cancers Contact person details Name: SALEH , Hatem ( Dr) Position: Head of Genetics unit of Diabetes - Human genetics research Department Name of Organisation: The Egyptian organization of Biotechnologty URL: E-mail: Contact Telephone: +20-166-280349 Fax number: Collaboration Type: Project Proposal Title: Molecular diagnostics in Genotyping and Posttranscriptional regulation control of Pharmacogenetics in Autoimmune diseases and Cancers Participation: Type A Type Details: EGYTEC-VACSERA is a science-driven biotechnology organization focused on early -stage discovery research of human genetics diseases to help accelerate research and development therapeutic compounds. EGYTEC is specialized in molecular diagnostics for medical applications as in Genotyping, Molecular Cloning, Gene Expression, Characterization of the role of genes starting from Genotyping until the Gene expression to synergize with molecular genetics for identification of genes underling Complex diseases, Posttranscriptional Regulation Control Mechanism of mRNA, Bioinformatics, DNA Biosensors, Development of DNA mircoarray Chip for Detection of SNPs in Genes associated with diseases by using DNA mircoarray. Development of cDNA mircoarray Chip for detection of gene expression by using cDNA mircoarray and we have to access to large characterized populations and have the capability to collect thousands of samples of complex diseases. Programme: FP7 , FP7-COOPERATION , FP7-CAPACITIES , FP7-PEOPLE , FP7HEALTH , FP7-NMP , FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , FP7-REGIONAL , FP7-SME , GALILEO Instruments: NoE Networks of Excellence,CSA-CA Coordination (or networking) actions,CSA-SA Support actions,BSG-SME Research for SMEs,BSG-SME-AG Research for SME associations/groupings,CP-FP Small or medium-scale focused research project,CP-IP Large-scale integrating project,CP-TP Collaborative Project targeted to a special group (such as SMEs),ERC-ER1 Experienced researchers 1st stage,ERC-YR Young researchers,MC-AWARDS Awards (AWARDS),MC-COFUND Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes (COFUND),MC-ERG European Reintegration Grants (ERG),MC-IIF International Incoming Fellowships (IIF),MC-IOF International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF),MC-IRG International Re-integration Grants (IRG),NULLERC-ER2 Experienced researchers 2nd stage,CP-SICA Collaborative project for specific cooperation actions dedicated to international cooperation partner countries (SICA) Research interest: Expiry Date: 2008-12-06 Workprogramme area(s)/key action(s): (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2) Translating research for human health (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.4.2) Cardiovascular disease (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.1.1) Large scale data gathering (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.4.3) Diabetes and obesity (FP7-NMP NMP-1) Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (FP7-PEOPLE PEOPLE-2007-4-2.IIF) Marie Curie Action: "International Incoming Fellowships" (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-1) Biotechnology, generic tools and medical technologies for human health (FP7-PEOPLE PEOPLE-2007-2-3.COFUND) Marie Curie Action: "Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes " (FP7-PEOPLE PEOPLE-2007-1-1.ITN) Marie Curie Action: "Networks for Initial Training" (FP7-PEOPLE PEOPLE-1) Initial training of researchers (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.3) Translational research in major infectious diseases: To confront major threats to public health (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.4) Translational research in other major diseases (FP7-PEOPLE PEOPLE-2) Life-long training and career development (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-1.2) Detection, diagnosis and monitoring (FP7-PEOPLE PEOPLE-2007-2-2.ERG) Marie Curie Action: "European Reintegration Grants" (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.4.1) Cancer Target Partner Expertise: - Biosensors and bioassays,bio-nano-technological approaches ( optical sensors, cromo-flurogenic and electrochemical sensors. - Bioinformatics. - Pharmacocogenomics and pharmacogenetics approach. - New Molecular Mechanism that could be used in Molecular Human Genetics diagnostics systems. - Epigenetic applications in Gene therapy for autoimmune diseases (as diabetes, goiter...etc), cancer and leukemia in human. - siRNA and miRNAs mircoarray analyses and their application in the treatment of autoimmune diseases as (Diabetes, Goiter,...etc), Cancer and Leukemia. - Developing systems to study functionally overexpress the relevant genes or altering their expression using small interfering RNA(siRNA). - Discovery of new genes as study their functions related to their progress of the diseases - Human molecular diseases identification application which could include technologies based on DNA. - Molecular Epidemiological Characterization studies variation of human and associated genes caused diseases as Diabetes in autoimmune diseases, Cancer and Leukemia diseases. - Comparative studies of genetic variation of human and associated genes caused the inherited diseases. - Biomarker in Cancer - Biomarker in autoimmune diseases. - Translating the knowledge on non coding RNAs linked to the aetiology of autoimmune diseases as Diabetes, Cancer and leukemia - Pathogenesis of Type 1 diabetes including Geno/Pheno typing of Type 1 diabetes. - Developing Real time PCR for quantifying the gene expression related to the progress of the diseases as autoimmune diseases as Diabetes, Cancer and Leukemia. - Proteomics and Metabolomics applications in the treatment of the diseases Country: Any country Organization Details Name: The Egyptian organization of Biotechnologty Department: Address: Teret El sawahel street, Block 19, flat # 3 12411 Imbaba- Cairo ESPAÑA Type: Consultancy, Research, Education, Industry, Technology transfer, Non Commercial, SME (Small or Medium sized Enterprise) Number of Employees: 50 - 249 Details: Turnover: 20 million euro SIC Codes: Biotechnology , Medical biotechnology , Medicine, Health , Nanotechnology and Nanosciences Keywords: Diabetes Cancer Leukemia health sciences biosensors geneexpression RealtimePCR mircoarray pharmacogenetics Biotechnology Posttranscription Partners already acquired: