MINIMISING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION THROUGH GOOD MANURE AND NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT Harald MENZI, Swiss College of Agriculture (SCA), CH-3052 Zollikofen, Switzerland The following text gives a brief overview on possible environmental impacts of intensive livestock production (especially pigs) and the principles of good manure and nutrient management. Critical aspects are highlighted for discussion in a number of hypothesis and important information is formulated as key-questions. The key-questions mostly focus on actual situation and the needs assessed in the framework of the four projects currently implemented by LEAD in Thailand, China, Vietnam and Mexico (see the LEAD Virtual Centre for more information on those projects) 1. WHY ARE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AN IMPORTANT TOPIC FOR LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION? 1.1 ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS OF INTENSIVE LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION Livestock excretes 70 to over 90% of the nitrogen (N), minerals (phosphorous P; potassium K, magnesium Mg, etc.) and heavy metals taken up in the feed. Livestock excreta, which will furthermore be called manure (solid and liquid manure), therefore contain a considerable amount of these substances. If these get into the water or accumulate in the soil, they can be a serious threat to the environment. The major environmental threats of intensive livestock production are: * EUTROPHICATION of surface water (deteriorating water quality, algae growth, damage to fish etc.) due to input of organic substance and nutrients if excreta or waste water from livestock production get into streams through discharged, run- off or overflow of lagoons. Surface water pollution threatens aquatic ecosystems and the quality of drinking water taken from streams. * LEACHING of nitrate to the ground water from manure storage facilities for liquid manure or from fields on which high doses of manure have been applied. Nitrate leaching is especially a threat for drinking water quality. * ACCUMULATION of nutrients and heavy metals in the soil if high doses of manure are applied. This can threaten soil fertility. * Spreading of DISEASES AND PATHOGENS harmful to human and animal health. * ODOUR, which can be a nuisance in populated areas. * VOLATILISATION OF AMMONIA to the air e.g. from animal houses, open manure storage and manure spreading. Ammonia causes N-deposition and eutrophication of sensible ecosystems * METHANE IS PRODUCED under anaerobic conditions in manure storage. Methane causes global warming. Agricultural production systems are only sustainable if these environmental impacts are kept to a minimum. This is only possible with good manure management which prevents any manure discharge or run-off into watercourses and excessive manure applications to land. **************************************************************************** HYPOTHESIS 1: To be sustainable, livestock production must be environmentally sound. This means that water and soil pollution must be kept to a minimum. HYPOTHESIS 2: Any discharge of manure or waste water to water courses must be prevented. KEY-QUESTION 1: Are the above mentioned risks experienced as real problems and under which circumstances ? What indicators could be used to assess the environmental impact of livestock production? **************************************************************************** 1.2 PRINCIPLES OF GOOD MANURE AND NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT Good manure and nutrient management as defined in the AWI projects, according to local technical and economic conditions means that: * No manure (solid or liquid) is discharged to water courses. * Manure is recycled in agriculture as fertiliser or feed. In fact, under the observed economic conditions, the biological treatment of manure (aerobic and anaerobic) to decrease it's nutrient content so it could match discharge standards is not affordable. On the contrary, recycling allows for valuing those nutrients. * Manure is stored in such a way that leaching and run-off or overflow losses are prevented. * Manure is stored long enough or treated in such a way that pathogens are eliminated. * Manure is dosed according to the N and P2O5 demand of the crops. For N, only about 30-70% (depending on manure type) of the total N content (Kjeldahl-N) can be counted as available for crops. * Manure and mineral fertiliser are only used in such doses that the total nutrient input does not surpass the crop nutrient demand (nutrient balance in equilibrium). * Heavy metal inputs in animal feed are restricted in such a way that the heavy metal dose in manure does not surpass the uptake in crops. Biodigestors are successfully used in our AWI project countries (mainly China and Vietnam) to produce methane at farm level (mainly for private use) and, in fewer cases at a larger scale (neighbourhoods, small villages). It can improve the odour and pathogen situation, but has little or no effect on the manure's nutrient load. Contents in macro and micro- nutrients, as well as heavy metals are unchanged after the biodigestion. Therefore, we believe it is an interesting segment of the manure processing chain that can produce substantial added value, but we do not include it in this introduction to manure and nutrient management. It is much easier to handle solid manure in an environmentally friendly way than liquid manure, because it is more concentrated and can be transported more efficiently. In many developing countries there is a market for solid manure, while liquid manure is usually not utilised. Liquid manure (including "waste water") is therefore the main environmental threat of intensive livestock production. Pig production is in most cases a much bigger threat than poultry production which mostly produces solid manure. In most countries, activities to reduce environmental impacts of manure management should therefore in first priority focus on liquid manure. The principles of good manure and nutrient management can only be met if there is enough land to spread the manure without risk of nutrient balance surplus or if the manure can be used as feed or exported from agriculture. For 100 fattening pig places, a crop area of 10-20 ha is needed. Consequently, large pig farms need very large surfaces to utilise their manure and the "carrying capacity" for livestock of a region is limited. Herbivores usually pose less problems for the nutrient balance than pig and poultry because the surface needed to produce their forage automatically limits the possible animal density. Even if manure is used on crops, it often poses a serious threat to the environment. This is for example the case if the total amount of nutrients used in manure and mineral fertiliser is considerably higher than the crop nutrient demand, if manure is utilised in such a way that emissions to water bodies are high or if the soil is harmed by the application machinery or by high heavy metal doses. **************************************************************************** HYPOTHESIS 3: All manure must be recycled in agriculture as fertiliser or feed. HYPOTHESIS 4: The amount of nutrients in manure and mineral fertiliser should not surpass the crop nutrient demand (nutrient balance in equilibrium). HYPOTHESIS 5: Heavy metal use in feed should be restricted to prevent heavy metal accumulation in soils on which manure is used. HYPOTHESIS 6: In most countries activities to reduce environmental impacts of manure management should in first priority focus on liquid manure. KEY-QUESTION 2: What are experiences with existing or new manure management practices, under which conditions are they successful and where have they failed? **************************************************************************** 1.3 MAJOR RESTRICTIONS FOR MANURE USE AS FERTILISER ON CROPS Manure management, especially the dose and time of application must not only take into account the minimisation of negative effects to the environment but also the prevention of negative effects on the yield and the quality of the crops. It is well known that excessive manure doses can negatively influence crop quality (e.g. protein content, taste) and even crop yield (e.g. through lodging). Negative effects, especially on yield, are also possible if the nutrients applied in the manure are not sufficient or not available to the crop at the right time. As the utilisation of solid manure usually poses little problem, restrictions for manure use as fertiliser on crops must in first priority be analysed for liquid manure. According to the experience in the different AWI projects, the major factors limiting or preventing the use of liquid manure as fertiliser are: * There is no tradition and therefore no experience with using liquid manure on crops. * The technology for manure handling (storage, transport, spreading) are not known by farmers and to great extent have not yet been developed for the conditions in developing countries. * Farmers have seen or heard of cases where excessive manure discharge to land caused serious problems with crops. * Farmers fear that liquid manure could have a negative effect on crop quality and yield. They have no examples to contradict this fear. * Farmers have no recommendations and tools for the optimal use of liquid manure. * The handling of liquid manure is too complicated, work-intensive and dirty. * It is cheaper to buy mineral fertiliser than to use the corresponding amount of nutrients in the form of liquid manure with its high costs for storage, transport and spreading. * Crop farmers do not want to support rich large livestock farmers. Apart from policy guidelines, efforts to improve the manure management must focus on contradicting or elimination these restrictions. In most countries it will probably be more difficult to convince crop farmers than livestock farmers about the benefits of using liquid manure as fertiliser. **************************************************************************** HYPOTHESIS 7: Costs and lacking experience, recommendations and demonstrations of good manure management are the main factors hindering crop farmers to use liquid manure as fertiliser. HYPOTHESIS 8: At least for strongly diluted liquid manure it will be very difficult to be competitive with mineral fertiliser in terms of costs. HYPOTHESIS 9: In most countries it will probably be more difficult to convince crop farmers than livestock farmers about the benefits of using liquid manure as fertiliser. KEY-QUESTION 3: Under what conditions will crop farmers have more interest in using manure ? KEY-QUESTION 4: What policy influencing manure management is in practice in the various countries. What experience is available on its implementation? **************************************************************************** 2. IMPLICATIONS OF GOOD MANURE AND NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT FOR LIVESTOCK FARMS AND CROP FARMS USING MANURE 2.1 AWARENESS OF THE POTENTIAL PROBLEM The most important prerequisites for a manure and nutrient management respecting the environment are the awareness of all the stakeholders of he potential risks and their willingness to cope with the problem. Awareness building will therefore have to be the first step in any program aiming at an improved manure management. Under most circumstances the awareness building process has to be well established before specific policy measures have any chance of success. Once the awareness of the problem and the willingness to cope with it has been established, farmers will demand specific and reliable recommendations for measures that are applicable (technically and economically) and effective on their farms. **************************************************************************** HYPOTHESIS 10: The awareness about the problem of environmental impacts of livestock production has to be well established before specific policy measures have any chance of success. **************************************************************************** 2.2 MANURE PRODUCTION AND MANURE QUALITY One of the most important handicaps of manure compared to mineral fertiliser is its variable and mostly quite unknown quantity and quality. To furnish such information is therefore an important challenge for extension services. Basically such information can be provided in the form of guide values that are simple to use or as a model calculating manure production and composition on the basis of livestock management, feeding, housing and storage system etc. An important message to farmers is that minimising the amount of nutrients and heavy metals in the livestock production cycle is an essential step to reduce environmental problems. As this requires them to limit the protein, mineral and heavy metal content of the feed to the level essential for the animal and to achieve a good feed conversion efficiency, they need reliable feeding recommendations based on sound data about animal requirements. For slurry or liquid manure, an important quality parameter is the dry matter content. Slurry and liquid manure from pig production are often strongly diluted by washing and flushing water from animal houses, by leaking drinking nipples and by rainwater getting into the lagoons or tanks. The consequence is a low nutrient content of the manure and a large quantity that has to be handled. Recommendations on how to reduce unnecessary water inputs are therefore also an important requirement. **************************************************************************** KEY-QUESTION 5: What tools to estimate manure production and quality are available in Asian and Latin American countries? **************************************************************************** 2.3 MANURE STORAGE AND TREATMENT To fulfil the principles of good manure and nutrient management there must be sufficient manure storage capacity (at least for 3-5 months for liquid manure). Thus it is possible to prevent manure use at times when the soil cannot absorb it or when the development stage of the crops does not allow its use. The storage facilities must be built in a way to prevent leaching losses and they must be big enough to prevent overflow during winter or rainy season. If there is no natural clay layer that prevents leaching, lagoons for liquid manure must therefore be lined with plastic or concrete. Manure treatment is often seen as an important option to reduce environmental impacts of manure management. Manure treatment can reduce the amount of organic substance, dry mater, nitrogen and pathogens in the manure and the emission of odour. Nevertheless, it must also be considered that: Any treatment will bring additional costs. Treatment can hardly solve a nutrient surplus problem, at least not at reasonable costs. Treatment will only be successful if its efficient functioning can be guaranteed under on-farm conditions and if the capacity of the installation is sufficient for the amount of manure to be treated. It will be nearly impossible at reasonable costs to treat manure in such a way that it can be discharged to watercourses without risk of serious water pollution. For manure storage and treatment facilities, the economies of scale will clearly favour big farms. **************************************************************************** HYPOTHESIS 11: Manure treatment can not solve a nutrient surplus problem and it will be nearly impossible at reasonable costs to treat manure in such a way that it can be discharged to watercourses without risk of serious water pollution. KEY-QUESTION 6: What experiences with manure processing and treatment are available from the various countries? **************************************************************************** 2.4 MANURE UTILISATION The main options of utilising manure instead of disposing or discharging it are the use as fertiliser on crop land or as feed for livestock or aquaculture (fish production etc.). From the ecological viewpoint, the use as feed is an efficient way of saving resources. Attention has to be given to the prevention of spreading diseases. In the case of aquaculture, the manure utilisation will have to be organised in a way that does not considerably increase water pollution. Using manure on cropland means that it has to be transported to the fields and evenly spread. For solid manure, this is already common practice and the necessary technology exists. For transporting the liquid manure from the store to the fields on which it is spread the following options exist: Canals with sealed bottom and sides if the fields are sufficiently lower than the store. Fixed installation of tubes or pipes (under or above ground) or temporary installation of tubes for distances up to about 2 km (without too much difference in altitude). Tankers, if both the store and the fields are accessible. Wheel-barrows, small carts or boats (for small farms only). The appropriate transportation technique will be strongly dependant on the volume (dilution) to be handled, the distance over which the manure has to be transported, the topography and the accessibility of the storage and the fields. For spreading liquid manure on the field the following techniques are possible: Tankers with splash plate or band application (low emission systems). Furrow irrigation. Flexible poly-ethylene (PE) tubes with sprinklers. High pressure rain-guns. By hand. Which of these techniques is appropriate strongly depends on the structure of the farm, the size and shape of the fields, the crop and the topography. As observed in the AWI projects, a lot of the manure storage, transport and application technology used in developed countries will not be appropriate in developing countries due to technical restrictions (fields too small, accessibility etc.) or for economic reasons. The appropriate technology must be defined and in many cases developed taking into account national, regional and farm-specific circumstances. For manure transport, big farms will be at a disadvantage because they need a bigger radius of land for spreading the (liquid) manure. Transportation distance for liquid manure could therefore be one of the most important factors limiting the maximum size of pig farms. **************************************************************************** HYPOTHESIS 12: A lot of the manure storage, transport and application technology used in developed countries will not be appropriate in developing countries due to technical and economic restrictions. HYPOTHESIS 13: Transportation distance for liquid manure could be one of the most important factors limiting the maximum size of pig farms. KEY-QUESTION 7: What manure storage, transport and spreading technologies are available and applicable in developing countries? What are the most important fields where such technology must still be developed? KEY-QUESTION 8: What experience is available in Asian and Latin American countries with other forms of manure recycling than the use as fertiliser (e.g. use as feed for livestock or fish, energy production)? **************************************************************************** 3. TOOLS NEEDED TO IMPLEMENT A GOOD MANURE AND NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 3.1 DIFFERENCES IN NEEDS BETWEEN STAKEHOLDERS From the viewpoint of the farmers, there is an urgent need for reliable recommendations on manure use as fertiliser. As there is not enough relevant experience in this field in most countries, well-focused experiments should be established without delay. These experiments, as well as the establishment of demonstration farms or regions trying to implement the AWIconcept, will be an important step in convincing farmers of the feasibility of the proposed concept. For bigger farms and for the regional optimisation of manure management, tools will be needed which help farmers and farm advisors to assess nutrient balances, amount and composition of manure available, crop nutrient demand etc. Such tools (e.g. models or guide value tables) must be reliable and easy to use. They should be able to take into account important farm or regionspecific production parameters. From the viewpoint of policy makers, a model is needed which can assess the nutrient balance and environmental impact situation at present, for different scenarios of future development and in the framework of future monitoring programs. For an optimal assessment of the situation it would probably be best to use the same nutrient flux model mentioned as a need for bigger farms and to combine it with GIS- technology for further analysis and visualisation of the results. Any other solution would bear a high risk of misunderstandings because of incongruent results of different models. Apart from the tools mentioned above, the success of the AWI strategy will decisively rely on appropriate policy measures. **************************************************************************** HYPOTHESIS 14: Reliable planning tools, demonstration experiments and farms and appropriate policy measures will be decisive for the success of an AWI-strategy. KEY-QUESTION 9: What tools for good manure and nutrient management are needed in AWI countries? What tools are already available? **************************************************************************** 3.2 TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR A NUTRIENT FLUX MODEL Crop and livestock production systems can be very variable, depending on natural conditions (soil, water household, topography), farm structure and production technique (production intensity, type and composition of feed etc.). To provide reliable results for different scales of application or different sites, a nutrient flux model should theoretically be able to take into account all the factors that might have a significant influence on the results. In practice, the influencing factors are so numerous and often difficult to quantify, that they must be classified into the following groups in the process of designing a model: Factors that can be reliably quantified at the farm level (e.g. breed, production, feed intake and composition, crop yield). Factors which can not be quantified for individual farms, but for which reliable regional recommendations or statistics exist (e.g. nutrient demand of crops). Factors for which only qualified expert assumptions are possible. Factors that can not be reliably quantified. Factors in the first two categories must be integrated as variables that can be filled in by the user. For factors of the third category, region-specific expert assumptions must be integrated and factors of the last category must by omitted as long as no more reliable data is available. Furthermore, model makers must consider that the model should be appropriate for a wide range of user needs and backgrounds. Nutrient balance calculations basically compare nutrient inputs with nutrient exports from a farm or a region. Different levels of detail are possible. For example, inputs and exports can be assessed in detail based on production parameters or standard values can be used. The appropriate level usually depends on the availability of input data and the background of the user. The model should be flexible enough to account for this. **************************************************************************** HYPOTHESIS 15: Different users (e.g. farmers and policy makers) have different requirements for a nutrient flux model. Nevertheless, it is advisable that one model is provided which fulfils the needs of different user groups. HYPOTHESIS 16: The model used in the AWI project should have the flexibility to use either farm or region specific input data on production technique or standard values compiled by national experts. HYPOTHESIS 17: In the framework of the AWI project, intensive livestock production (pigs and poultry should be treated in detail, while other livestock categories (e.g. cattle) should only be included with standard values. **************************************************************************** 3.3 THE AWI NUTRIENT FLUX MODEL Various manure and nutrient management models exist but many of them focus either on nutrient fluxes or on amounts of manure to be handled. Furthermore, they do not usually offer the flexibility of being used by different users, for different applications and at different levels of detail. A special nutrient flux model was therefore developed for the AWI project. For pig and poultry production it allows either the use of regional standard values compiled by ational experts or differentiated input data. For crop production, either crop nutrient demand according to official recommendations or the actual export based on yield and product composition can be utilised. The model can be easily adjusted to regional conditions and translated into different languages. At the moment draft versions of the model exist for Thailand and Jiangsu Province, China. Adapted versions will be developed for each AWI project country. The draft version for Jiangsu Province is available at the LEAD Virtual Centre for testing. MANURE AND NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT The discussion on Manure and Nutrient Management has been very lively and has brought a lot of very valuable information. There is still some information which would be grateful to receive to complete the picture: Quantitative data on matter and nutrient fluxes in the different biodigestion systems and other treatments mentioned (e.g. amount of fresh, dry and organic matter and nutrients fed into the system and taken out; what size of the system and lagoon do we need for x pigs, what is the minimum dry matter content for the system to function well). We would be grateful if all of you that have sent us information on treatment systems How is the maure used as feed for cattle, fish etc. (amount interation, other components in the ration, composition of the manure etc.). SUMMARY OF THE SESSION ON MANURE AND NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT Many interesting examples from different countries were presented (e.g. Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, Pakistan, India, Africa, Colombia, Brazil, Hawaii, USA and different European countries). There seems to be a general agreement that livestock production and especially intensive livestock production can cause serious environmental pollution and that there is an urgent need to initiate measures against this. Even though it was mentioned several times that it would be wrong to believe that only large farms cause pollution, various participants agreed that the risk in generally higher on large farms because of the high local concentration of manure and because contrary to small mixed farms a utilisation of the manure within the farm is normally not possible. Several contributions stressed the fact that it are often the medium- scale and expanding farmers who cause major pollution hazards because they are short of funds for investment in manure management and are unaware of the environmental problems caused by their method of farming. If one large livestock farm has to distribute its manure to a great number of small crop farms (as is the case for example in the AWI project regions in Thailand and China) it gets increasingly more difficult and costly to achieve a well dosed distribution. The attitude toward manure apparently varies a lot, depending on the possible use and personal perception. It was suggested that we should not talk about waste, but make people realise that manure is a resource. However, for the present various participants suggested that livestock farmers would only take the necessary measures for proper manure management if they are forced to by legislation. Others feared that livestock producers could not bear the costs such measures would imply. They suggest it would be a better approach to create a demand and a market for the manure. Nevertheless, while reports from many countries showed that there usually is a market for solid manure, it remains doubtful if the nutritive value of liquid manure (especially if it is highly diluted) could ever be significant enough to compensate for the high costs of storage, transport and spreading, which would be the precondition to build up a demand. As the experience in the various AWI project shows, even the demand for solid manure is not primarily driven by the recognition of its nutrient content, but rather by its positive value on soil structure and nutrient holding capacity. Furthermore, for some high value products public opinion is against using mineral fertilisers. Consequently, the solid manure currently utilised is not (fully) accounted for in fertilisation plans and therefore contributes to a surplus of the nutrient balance. An important factor for the reluctance of accounting for manure nutrients is their variable and often unknown concentration and their uncertain availability (especially nitrogen) for crops. Simple but reliable decision support systems might help to overcome this problem at least in part. Concerning manure treatment, the discussion mostly focused on anaerobic digestion with biogas production. Many participants voiced the opinion that manure should always be treated before being used as fertiliser or in any case before being transported to other farms. Nevertheless there were also opinions that treatment and especially biogas production also has disadvantages (e.g. if methane is not burned), that it is too costly if there is no energy demand on the farm itself and, that according to European experience, biodigesters are not a requirement to achieve a safe slurry. Economical biogas production was reported from Vietnam where an inexpensive system for small farms was developed and is now widely used. Two new highly efficient treatment systems for liquid manure were also reported, but to assess their potential for a wide use under farm conditions in developing countries further information is still needed. In general, the discussion showed that for many manure management systems and technology some important quantitative information on the applicability and efficiency under practical conditions or costs is often missing. Apart from anaerobic digestion the following interesting solutions for improving manure and nutrient management were proposed: Use of (mainly poultry) manure as feed for other livestock Using the effluent from anaerobic digestions to grow aquatic plants or algae which can then be used as feed. Treating solid manure with the larvae of the black soldier fly. These larvae actively consume and digest the manure and thus strongly reduce the amount of manure and nutrient losses. The larvae can be used as high protein feed. Using solid manure for earth worm production for vermicompost and feed. Experimenting with new crops that make efficient use of manure and have a high demand for nutrients. Reducing nutrient excretion of livestock by diets with high digestibility and / or low protein and phosphorous content. Co-composting of manure with urban waste if this has a reasonable quality (free of heavy metals etc.). Reduce the amount of liquid manure and increase its nutrient content by reducing the amount of water for washing, flushing and cooling and through appropriate housing design and water management. Reducing the amount of rainwater getting in to the slurry (dike around lagoon etc.). Mixing organic materials (e.g. rice husks) into the liquid manure to make transport easier. Treatment of manure through acidogenic fermentation. ransport of liquid manure with pipes, a pipeline systems or covered channels and spreading by furrow irrigation or sprinkling The discussion showed that many possible solutions for good manure management exist but that their adoption will imply a lot more awareness building, education, extension and research. To support these activities, appropriate tools (decision support tools and technology) and recommendations are in urgent demand. Various participants see an important role for FAO and other international organisations to furnish such tools. The discussion also clearly showed that sustainable solutions must: 1) be well adapted to country, region and farm-specific conditions. 2) lookat the whole context of a farm or a region (livestock production, manure and nutrient management, crop production, economics etc. rather than at single treatment or spreading systems or other measures. 3) be based on a good understanding not only of the technological and economic but also of the socio-economic situation and consequences. 4) Focuson manure types for which a demand exists or can be expected. It must also be clear that intensive or industrial pig and poultry production and landless urban based dairy farms must be seen in a totally different perspective than extensive, land-based production systems with herbivores. In the context of this conference discussion must focus on AWI of intensive systems. Topics of special interest therefore are spreading of pathogens, regional and local nutrient balances, socio-economic implications of the further growth of such systems and possibilities how policy measures can guide future growth of industrialised livestock production in a sustainable direction. These will be the topics of the oncoming sessions of this conference.