Users Guide WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter (WEXP Version: current 11.4) Version 8.0 Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 1 of 52 Users Guide 2 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Document History Version Date Modified by Comments 1.0 01/05/2001 Liz Hamilton Standard guide tailored for use with the menu issue 1 1.1 05/07/01 Liz Hamilton Updated screen shots 1.2 03/09/01 Liz Hamilton Additional table functionality added 1.3 05/09/01 Liz Hamilton Footnote functionality added 1.4 05/02/02 Liz Hamilton Updated to WEXP 10. Word ’97 Hyperlinking. Made treatment of columns uniform. Allowed inserted views to exported in book format. 2.0 23/07/02 Liz Hamilton Minor bug fixes 2.1 10/01/03 Liz Hamilton 5.0 18/12/03 Liz Hamilton 5.1 02/04/04 Liz Hamilton 7.0 09/02/05 Liz Hamilton 8.0 31/01/06 Liz Hamilton Updated to WEXP 10.3 Issued with version 5.0 of menu Updated to WEXP 10.7 Added feature to export traceability views based on linked objects Added “QucikStart” feature to allow WEXP to be run without creating attributes. Added new user callouts. Added <<bookmarks>> tag to object templates. Amended RTF treatment for DOORS7. Fixed a number of RTF problems. Added Word macro feature. Added more pseudo module attributes. Updated to WEXP 10.8 Added feature to export embedded Word documents as text rather than embedded OLE in Word. Fixed RTF problems. Fixed object template export. Issued with version 7.0 of the menu. WEXP version 11.4. Miscellaneous fixes. Made independant of kitchen icons. Introduced new tags for qualifying attributes in object templates. Added feature to use files instead of clipboard. Fixed OLE scaling. Addition of documentation on export of module attributes to Word document properties. Issued with version 8.0 of the menu. WEXP version 11.4 (standard). Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 3 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Contents 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 9 2 Feature Summary ................................................................................................................................................... 11 3 General Description of WEXP .............................................................................................................................. 13 3.1 Configuration .................................................................................................................................................. 13 3.2 Export styles .................................................................................................................................................... 13 3.2.1 Book format using paragraph styles .................................................................................................... 13 3.2.2 Table format using views ...................................................................................................................... 13 3.2.3 Template format using Word bookmarks ........................................................................................... 14 3.3 Quick Start ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 3.4 General features .............................................................................................................................................. 14 3.4.1 Indexing ................................................................................................................................................... 14 3.4.2 Revision marks ....................................................................................................................................... 14 3.4.3 Bookmarks ............................................................................................................................................... 14 3.4.4 Hyper-links ............................................................................................................................................. 14 3.4.5 Footnotes ................................................................................................................................................. 15 Inline text ............................................................................................................................................. 15 Footnote drawn from a WEXP attribute.......................................................................................... 15 Footnote drawn for a named attribute ............................................................................................ 16 3.4.6 Post export processing ........................................................................................................................... 16 3.4.7 Word Fields ............................................................................................................................................. 16 4 Installation ............................................................................................................................................................... 17 5 Configuration.......................................................................................................................................................... 19 5.1 Setting up a Word Document Template ..................................................................................................... 19 5.1.1 Paragraph Styles ..................................................................................................................................... 19 5.1.2 Object Templates .................................................................................................................................... 19 5.1.3 Bookmarks ............................................................................................................................................... 21 5.1.4 Exporting module attributes ................................................................................................................. 21 5.1.5 Exporting module attributes as Word document properties ........................................................... 21 5.1.6 Word Master Documents ...................................................................................................................... 22 5.1.7 Other Aspects of the Document Template File .................................................................................. 22 5.2 Setting up the Appropriate DOORS View .................................................................................................. 22 5.2.1 Book format ............................................................................................................................................. 22 5.2.2 Table format ............................................................................................................................................ 23 5.3 Setting up the Appropriate DOORS Attributes ......................................................................................... 23 Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 4 of 52 5.3.1 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Module Attributes .................................................................................................................................. 23 5.3.2 Object Attributes..................................................................................................................................... 24 Page breaks and Page Alignment .............................................................................................. 24 Blank page rubrics ....................................................................................................................... 24 Section Breaks for Changing Page Orientation ....................................................................... 25 Paragraph Styles ................................................................................................................................. 25 Assigning styles to attributes ..................................................................................................... 25 Assigning styles to columns ....................................................................................................... 25 View Names ........................................................................................................................................ 26 Inline views .................................................................................................................................. 26 Inserted views .............................................................................................................................. 26 Data from linked objects ............................................................................................................. 27 Configuring tables .............................................................................................................................. 27 Repeated header rows ................................................................................................................. 27 Shaded and coloured cells .......................................................................................................... 28 Rotating text in table cells ........................................................................................................... 28 Table borders ................................................................................................................................ 28 Example table ............................................................................................................................... 28 Indexing ............................................................................................................................................... 28 Bookmarks ........................................................................................................................................... 30 Exporting at a bookmark defined in the Word DOT file ....................................................... 30 Inserting a bookmark into the exported document ................................................................ 30 Exporting into an object template ............................................................................................. 30 Sub-documents ................................................................................................................................... 30 OLE objects .......................................................................................................................................... 31 Reserved attribute names .................................................................................................................. 31 5.3.3 5.4 Page Formatting ................................................................................................................................. 24 Exporting from views ............................................................................................................................ 31 User-specific adaptations .............................................................................................................................. 32 6 Compatibility with previous versions ................................................................................................................. 32 7 Use ............................................................................................................................................................................ 34 7.1 Invoking the DOORS-to-Word Exporter .................................................................................................... 34 7.2 Editing Paragraph Styles ............................................................................................................................... 36 7.3 Document History Generation ..................................................................................................................... 37 7.4 Index Module Creation.................................................................................................................................. 38 8 Summary of DOORS Attributes Used ................................................................................................................. 40 9 Supporting Word Macros ..................................................................................................................................... 44 Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 9.1 5 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter TellMeBackGroundColorCode ..................................................................................................................... 44 10 Known Problems ................................................................................................................................................ 46 11 Product information........................................................................................................................................... 48 Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 7 of 52 Users Guide WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter (This page intentionally left blank.) Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 8 of 52 Users Guide 9 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 1 Introduction This document describes an extended DOORS-to-Word exporter, called "WEXP". WEXP uses three different approaches to exporting objects: in a style similar to the standard book format, using paragraph styles stored in the "Paragraph Style" attribute. in a style similar to the standard table format, in which a Word table is used to mimic a named DOORS view. using object templates stored in a DOT file, which describe the layout of attributes for each type of object. By setting appropriate attributes in the module, these three styles can be freely mixed, allowing parts of the module to be exported as a table, others in book format, others using object templates. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter (This page intentionally left blank.) Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 10 of 52 Users Guide 11 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 2 Feature Summary The following features are realized by WEXP: Ability to export to a Word Document Template Ability to export to a (partially complete) Word Document Ability to specify the paragraph style for individual objects and attributes Ability to specify a template for the export of different types of object, based on the positioning of object attributes Ability to specify the position of arbitrary page breaks in a document Ability to export some objects from different DOORS views as Word tables embedded in normal paragraph text Ability to export complete views from named modules into the Word document Ability to export views constructed from linked objects in named modules into the Word document Ability to export module attributes into the title page Ability to export module attributes into headers and footers Ability to export sections of modules into appendices, or other sections of Word Document Templates Ability to export attributes as in-line text following the object paragraph Ability to export attributes as labels on paragraphs Ability to export requirement numbers against requirements paragraphs Ability to make one or more indexes of requirements, distinguishing defining occurrences from others Ability to export multiple modules into a single Word Master Document Ability to place page breaks at certain places Ability to place section breaks at certain places with odd even page boundaries Ability to switch the orientation of the page between portrait and landscape Ability to rotate the text of headings in tables Ability to export multiple spanning table headings Ability to name the repeating header rows in tables Ability to shade selected table cells Ability to export embedded OLE objects Ability to specify the size of OLE objects in the Word document Ability to export Word document enbedded as OLE in DOORS as normal text in the Word document Ability to make specific enhancements to the exporter. Ability to align pages to odd and even numbers. Ability to place a rubric on blank pages used to align to odd and even numbers. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 12 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Ability to scale tables to fit into width of page Ability to place revision marks on attributes that have changed since a named baselines of the same module Ability to export a named bookmark at a points in the document Ability to export hyper-links to other documents Ability to export hyper-links to within the exported document Ability to export attributes as footnotes Ability to export from the current filter in the module Ability to export from baselines Ability to export without having to set any DOORS attributes at all Ability to export entirely in table mode Ability to export views based on objects linked to the current object Ability to execute a Word Visual Basic macro after export Ability to export a Word field defined in a DOORS object. Ability to export OLE objects via the system clipboard or via an RTF file. Ability to export module attribute values as Word document propoerties. This functionality is supplied for Word 97 onwards. Note that this document itself was generated from a DOORS module using WEXP. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 13 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 3 General Description of WEXP WEXP exports a named view of the current module into a selected Word Document Template (DOT file) or existing Word Document (DOC file). 3.1 Configuration It is possible to run WEXP in a "Quick Start" fashion in which no DOORS attributes need to be set and the Word template is used. However, for more particular use of WEXP, a certain amount of configuration has to be carried out the first time it is used on a module. When this has been done, the exporter is simple to invoke. There are two aspects to the configuration of WEXP: Setting up an appropriate Word Document Template (DOT) file, complete with paragraph styles, bookmarks, titles page, header-footers, etc. Setting up appropriate DOORS views and attributes (at both module and object levels). For instance, an object attribute is used to contain information about the paragraph styles to be used for the attributes of that object during export; a module attribute is used to values global to the document, such as Title and Author. 3.2 Export styles The three export styles are managed as follows. 3.2.1 Book format using paragraph styles In this approach, the structure of the document is controlled by the main column in the export view, in which the DOORS Object Heading attributes become section headings on the Word document, and Object Text attributes become paragraphs. An export view is named which provides columns and a filter that controls the contents of the document. An option exists for using the current filter rather than the one defined in the export view. Columns other than the main column are exported as paragraphs labeled by the column heading. These paragraphs appear in the order of the columns. The standard "Paragraph Style" attribute is used to name the Word paragraph styles to use for each exported attribute. The "Paragraph Style" attribute can be overridden by placing a style in the column title, in format "title:style". All text in the column will thus be exported using that Word style. Some special pseudo-styles can be used for other controls, such as "noexport" to prevent the export of a particular column, and "join" to cause the text of that column to be appended to the text of the next column to the right. 3.2.2 Table format using views Objects may be exported as a table defined by a view, either named once in the WEXP export dialogue, or named in an object attribute. In this case, a Word table is created which mimics as closely as possible the named DOORS view. Word paragraphs styles used in each column can be named in the column headings rather than on every object. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 14 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 3.2.3 Template format using Word bookmarks In this approach, the precise layout of object attributes is controlled by giving an object boilerplate bookmarked in a special section in the DOT file. The boilerplate is expressed in terms of the attribute names to be exported. The exact formatting of the boilerplate is preserved on export, avoiding the need to assign paragraph styles to objects in the DOORS module. 3.3 Quick Start The idea of Quick Start is to allow WEXP to be used in the simplest possible way without having to create and configure DOORS attributes. This feature allows WEXP to be run on baseline or current versions of modules where it is not possible to create new attributes. Quick Start is achieved by:1. creating and saving a view containing just the main column; 2. invoking WEXP from the module (or baseline); 3. selecting the view you have created; 4. selecting the "" Word template; 5. selecting the folder and name of the Word file to be created; 6. clicking on "Run". You may also create your own DOT file with a title page, contents, etc. In this case, WEXP will look for a Word bookmark called "DOC_START" to position the data exported from DOORS, typically after the title page. 3.4 General features Some features of the exporter apply to all three export styles. 3.4.1 Indexing The exporter can cause index entries to be inserted in the document so that Word can build index tables. Multiple indices are possible. 3.4.2 Revision marks The exporter can cause Word to place revision marks against text where it has changed since a specified baseline of the module being exported. The granularity of change is at the level of attributes, not individual words with the text. Deleted objects cannot appear as deleted text in the Word document. 3.4.3 Bookmarks The exporter can cause Word to create bookmarks at user-determined positions. 3.4.4 Hyper-links DOORS permits hyper-links to be inserted into attribute text. In the standard DOORS Word exporter, these are exported as ordinary text. WEXP automatically exports these as hyper-links in the Word document without any special action. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 15 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter DOORS does not, as standard, allow hyper-links to be defined with highlighted text different from the hyper-link address, whereas Word 2000 does. Therefore, the exporter recognizes the following pattern enclosed in square brackets as a specification of text to be displayed and highlighted: Attribute text here [ hyper-link text to be displayed "type://" ] followed by more attribute text. where "type" is one of "http", "file" or "ftp". NOTE: the quotation marks surrounding the hyper-link address are optional. If absent, there has to be a space between the hyper-link and the closing square bracket in the DOORS text. This will result in the following being exported into Word: Attribute text here hyper-link text to be displayed followed by more attribute text. with a hyper-link attached to the underlined text. A hyper-link within the same document can also be created. The target must be a bookmark, and the address is of the form "#bookmark". For example, the link formatted as Introduction "#Introduction" between square brackets should be displayed as Introduction, and take you to the Introduction when clicked. (See section for exporting bookmarks from the DOORS.) Word 97, like DOORS, does not have this displayed text feature. If exporting to Word 97, the displayed text will be exported followed by the hyper-link. 3.4.5 Footnotes Text from the DOORS modules can be inserted as a footnote in the Word document. There are three ways in which this can be achieved: Inline text The text of the footnote can be placed inline with the Object Text in DOORS by using the following text pattern.[ F N: text to be inserted as footnote](Note: there should be no space between the F and N. To allow this feature to be documented, a space has been inserted in the FN label here to prevent conversion to a footnote.) This will give the following result: The text of the footnote can be placed inline with the Object Text in DOORS by using the following text pattern.1 Multiple footnotes can be placed within an object in this way. Footnote drawn from a WEXP attribute The text of the footnotes can be drawn from a separate attribute named "WEXP Footnotes". Inline in the Object Text a footnote label is used which refers to corresponding values in the attribute. For example, place[FOOTNOTE 1] followed by[FOOTNOTE fred] in the Object Text. (Note: the FOOTNOTE is underlined here to prevent conversion to a footnote to allow this documentation!) Place the following text in "WEXP Footnote": FOOTNOTE 1:First foot note in this object, using the attribute "WEXP Footnotes".FOOTNOTE fred: Second foot note in this object, using the attribute "WEXP Footnotes". This will give the following result: For example, place2 followed by3 in the Object Text. 1 text to be inserted as footnote Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 16 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Footnote drawn for a named attribute The text of footnotes can also be drawn from any named attribute. This mechanism uses the "WEXP Footnotes" attribute as shown above, but the attribute to be used is named between angle brackets. For example, here is a footnote drawn from attribute named "Comments"[FOOTNOTE A]. (Note: the FOOTNOTE is underlined here to prevent conversion to a footnote to allow this documentation!) This gives the following result: For example, here is a footnote drawn from attribute named "Comments" 4. 3.4.6 Post export processing WEXP allows a Word Visual Basic macro to be executed after the export from DOORS. Examples of how this can be used are: to amend (or, very, very occasionally, just mend!) the formatting produced by WEXP; to print the document, perhaps directly into an electronic format, such as PDF; to enter the document into a document management system. 3.4.7 Word Fields Word fields can be inserted into the exported document for inserting pictures, cross-references, autonumbering, and other kinds of thing. To export a Word field, the definition of that field is simply typed on its own into the Object Text of a DOORS object. For instance, the following inserts a picture into the export document: { INCLUDEPICTURE "c:\\temp\\ambulance.gif" } Nested fields are possible. For instance, the following field definition inserts a sequentially auto-numbered slide into the document: { INCLUDEPICTURE "c:\\mypresentation\\slide{ SEQ Slide }.wmf" } 2 First foot note in this object, using the attribute "WEXP Footnotes". 3 Second foot note in this object, using the attribute "WEXP Footnotes". 4 Value of "Comments" attribute inserted as a footnote. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 4 Installation WEXP is installed as part of the Company Menu. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 17 of 52 Users Guide WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter (This page intentionally left blank.) Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 18 of 52 Users Guide 19 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 5 Configuration 5.1 Setting up a Word Document Template The exporter makes use of the following aspects of a Word Document Template (DOT) file: paragraph styles bookmarks for marking export points attribute fields bookmarks containing object templates 5.1.1 Paragraph Styles Unless otherwise specified in the DOORS object attribute "Paragraph Style", the exporter sets the standard Word paragraph styles against exported text as follows: "Object Heading" is exported as "Heading 1", "Heading 2", etc., according to the level of the object. "Object Text" and other attributes are exported as "Normal". These standard styles can be modified using standard Word facilities, and saved in a customized DOT file, which can then specifically be selected for use in exporting a particular DOORS module. In addition to the standard ones, the exporter uses the following paragraph styles for specific purposes: "Column Title" for table cells which contain a title. "Column Cell" for ordinary table cells. "OLE object" for paragraphs consisting of an embedded OLE object (DOORS 5.2 and earlier only). "Picture object" for paragraphs consisting of a picture. "noexport" to cause columns in the export view to be ignored. Other styles can be inserted into a DOT file for use during export from DOORS. These styles may then be named for use with any particular DOORS object attribute by using the "Paragraph Style" attribute (see below). 5.1.2 Object Templates Object templates are defined in a separate section at the end of the Word DOT file. The first text in this section should be the title "OBJECT TEMPLATES". An object template consists of any layout of text with positions of exported attributes indicated in double angle brackets. For instance: <<Object Text>> [<<Object Identifier>>] Rationale: <<Rationale>> Pictures and OLE objects can be positioned within a template by using the attribute pseudonyms "Picture object" and "OLE object" respectively. For instance, the Object Text of a DOORS object containing picture can be positioned as a caption below the picture in Word by using: <<Picture object>> <<Object Text>> In DOORS 5.2 and earlier versions, embedded OLE objects behave like pictures, in that there can only be a single OLE object per DOORS object. In this case, the OLE object can be positioned relative to other attributes by, for example, using: Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 20 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter <<OLE object>> <<Object Text>> In DOORS 6.0 and later, the pseudo attribute <<OLE object>> refers to the first OLE object embedded in Object Text. Index entries (as specified in the "WEXP Index On" attribute as described in Section can be positioned within a template by using the attribute pseudonym "Index entry". NOTE THAT THIS PSEUDO ATTRIBUTE <<Index entry>> MUST BE PRESENT FOR INDEX ENTRIES TO BE GENERATED FROM AN OBJECT TEMPLATE. Data from columns in the export view can be exported by using the column title in double angle brackets, as if it were an attribute name. If the title is the same as an attribute, then the attribute will be used. Attribute names can be qualified in eight ways: keepFormat Qualifying an attribute with this tag, for example <<attrname:keepFormat>>, ensures that the richtext formatting within the attribute value is preserved. Not doing this may result in loss of formatting, since by default the formatting is overridden by that defined in the template. richText plainText Qualifying an attribute with this tag, for example <<attrname:plainText>>, ensures that the richtext formatting within the attribute value is ignored. noOLE Qualifying an attribute with this tag, for example <<attrname:noOLE>>, exports the value of the attribute without any embedded OLE objects. child Qualifying an attribute with this tag, for example <<attrname:child>>, allows data to be collected from child objects of the object being exported. The exporter looks for a child object whose Object Heading carries the name of the attribute, and then exports every child object of that heading as text to replace the attribute boilerplate in the template. This is a convenient way of exporting complex data into a template, including multiple OLE objects in DOORS 5.2. accumulate Qualifying an attribute with this tag, for example <<Object Text:accumulate>>, fills the marker with the concatenation of the named attributes values from all subsequent objects (descendants of siblings) until a object is found with either the "Object Heading" or "WEXP Template" attribute set. This is another way of accumulating data from multiple objects into a single field in a template. commalist Qualifying an attribute with this tag, for example <<attrname:commalist>>, transforms the value of the attribute into a comma separated list. This is a convenient way of exporting multi-valued enumerated attributes into a template. newlinelist Qualifying an attribute with this tag, for example <<attrname:newlinelist>>, transforms the value of the attribute into a newline separated list. This is a convenient way of exporting multi-valued enumerated attributes into a template. Same as keepFormat, kept for backwards compatibility. Each template is contained in a Word bookmark. The name of this bookmark may then be cited in the DOORS object attribute called "WEXP Template", causing the exporter to copy the bookmark of that name into the body of the document, and instantiate the attribute labels. When the export has finished exporting the module, this template section is deleted. An option exists to retain the templates for subsequent exports in to the same Word document. Sometimes the exported document is to contain a whole page per DOORS object; and example of this is when each object defines a test to be carried out, and each test is defined by a "Test Definition Sheet". Object Templates can be used for this style of export. The bookmark defining the template has a page break at the start or end, and object attributes are positioned on the page in the desired fashion. This feature is often used in conjunction with the "Use current filter" option, so that the same filter, but a different selection of objects can be used on each export. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 21 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 5.1.3 Bookmarks Word Bookmarks can be used to indicate a position in a document for the insertion of data from the DOORS module being exported. These are inserted into the DOT file using the standard Word "Bookmarks" function. For example, a "Document History" section should appear between the title page and the "Contents" page. This can be achieved by placing a WEXP Bookmark called, say, "DOCHIST", into the DOT file at the appropriate position. In turn, this bookmark is named in the DOORS module against the first object to be inserted at that position, using the attribute "WEXP Bookmark" (see below). To avoid a problem with Word splitting section numbers from titles, it is best to place a carriage return directly before a bookmark. 5.1.4 Exporting module attributes Insertion of data fields into the text of a Word document can be achieved using attribute fields indicated by placing the DOORS module attribute name between double-angle brackets. For instance, the document title can be drawn from data in the DOORS module by using a module attribute called "Document Title", and inserting the text "<<Document Title>>" into the text of the DOT file at the appropriate places in title page, or in the headers and footers. If an attribute name inserted into the DOT in this manner does not exist in the DOORS module being exported, then the user is prompted for the creation of the attribute, either as a module or object attribute, and, if a module attribute, for its value. Some module information is not contained in module attributes; for example, the name and version of the exported module. Such information can be accessed by using pseudo attribute names. These names are used just as though there were module attributes, and WEXP replaces them with the appropriate module information. The following pseudo module attributes are supported: "Full Module Name" (or just "Full Name") "Module Name" (or just "Name") "Module Path" (or just "Path") "Module Version" (or just "Version") "Project Name" "Project Path" "Project Full Name" "View Name" (the name of the exported view) 5.1.5 Exporting module attributes as Word document properties WEXP permits the user to create a mapping between DOORS module attribute names and Word document properties, and then exports the attribute values into those properties. The mapping is created by editting the WEXP module attribute called "WEXP Document Properties". The format of this attribute is one more lines of text in the format: "DOORS Module Attribute Name->Word Document Property Name". For example: Name->Title Document Author->Author Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 22 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Subject->Subject User defined DOORS module attributes and user-defined customer document properties can both be used in the mapping. 5.1.6 Word Master Documents The exporter treats the Word document it creates as a Master Document, which give the possibility of inserting sub-documents. The purpose of this is to allow several DOORS modules to be exported into the same Word document. The procedure for doing this is described below. 5.1.7 Other Aspects of the Document Template File Headers and footers can be set in the DOT file using standard Word facilities. Page size, orientation and margins can be set in the DOT file using standard Word facilities. Revision mark styles are not held in the Word DOT file. These can be selected by using standard Word features after the document has been exported. 5.2 Setting up the Appropriate DOORS View WEXP exports data from saved views. It is imperative, therefore, to set up and save the DOORS views of the module that are appropriate to the data you wish to export. Use the standard DOORS facilities to do this. 5.2.1 Book format In the book format, the structure of the exported document is derived from the main column, the Object Heading and Object Text attributes being exported as heading and paragraph. The values in columns, if non-null, are exported as labeled inline paragraphs, following the order of the columns. The values in columns to the left of the main column appear before the Object Text; those to the right appear after. Columns in the view can be attributes or layout DXL columns. The paragraph style used to export these right-hand columns can be specified in the column heading of the view. For instance, a column entitled "Rationale:Inline attribute" will cause the contents of the column to exported as: Rationale: Value of rationale attribute. using the paragraph style "Inline attribute", which is expected to be present in the style catalogue of the DOT file. If the column contains an attribute, and no style has been specified in the column header, then the style specified for that attribute in the object attribute "Paragraph Style" is used. Failing that, the "Normal" style is used. The following "pseudo" styles are processed in a special way: join(sep) The use of this as a column style name causes the text of this column to be joined to the text of the next column on the right as a single paragraph. The Word style used for the combined paragraph is determined by the rightmost column. The separator between the column texts is determined by the value of "sep", which may be any string of characters, including "\n" for a new line and "\t" for a tab. Any number of adjacent columns can be joined in this fashion. noexport: The use of this as a column style causes the exporter to ignore the column completely. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 23 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 5.2.2 Table format In the table format, the columns the view define the columns of the table, and each object defines a row. The column titles define the table header rows. All the complexity of formatting the table is in the DOORS column heading. Use the standard DOORS column properties feature to edit these. If the column displays an object attribute, then the paragraph style defined for that attribute in the Paragraph Style attribute is used in the Word table cell. Alternatively, the paragraph style used to export columns can be specified in the column heading of the view. For instance, a column entitled "Rationale:Attribute Cell" will cause the contents of the column to exported using the paragraph style "Attribute Cell", which is expected to be present in the style catalogue of the DOT file. The "join" and "noexport" pseudo-styles also work in table mode, the former allowing two adjacent columns in the DOORS view to appear as a single column in Word, and the latter allowing columns to be completely ignored. Although there is only one column heading per column in DOORS, WEXP can be configured to export multiple table header rows. In the DOORS column header, multiple titles can be specified by using "\n" as a separator. For example, "First\nSecond" will produce two title rows in Word, the first containing "First", and below it in the second row, the text "Second". Titles can also span several columns by using the pseudo-title "span". For example, the following figure shows three DOORS columns whose titles are configured to produce a first title row, "First Quarter", which spans the three columns, entitled in the second title row as "Jan", "Feb" and "Mar". Example spanning titles in DOORS The resulting Word table looks like this: Example spanning titles in Word The titles are justified in the same way as the DOORS columns. Note, though, that this is only true for the titles. The data cells are aligned by the Word paragraph style applied to them. The widths of the table columns in Word reflect the widths of the DOORS view. 5.3 Setting up the Appropriate DOORS Attributes To control formatting, the exporter uses a number of attributes. There are some module attributes, and some object attributes. 5.3.1 Module Attributes Two module attributes are used to store the names of the Word files used last time the exporter successfully ran to completion: "WEXP Export File Name" of type String "WEXP Export DOT Name" of type String Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 24 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Another module attribute is used to store the name of the view used last time the exporter successfully ran to completion: "WEXP Export View Name" of type String Another module attribute is used to store the persistent advanced options selected the last time the exporter successfully ran to completion: "WEXP Export Options" of type Text Finally, a module attribute is used to hold the rubric to place on blank pages inserted automatically by the exporter to align parts of the document to odd or even pages. For example, the default value for this attribute is "(This page intentionally left blank.)": "WEXP Blank Page Rubric" of type Text The exporter creates these attributes automatically the first time it is invoked on a module. An arbitrary number of other module-level DOORS attributes can be used to transmit data fields to the exported document. The exporter will export every module attribute of types String or Text as attribute fields if they exist in the selected Word DOT file. These attributes must be created and assigned values by the user. 5.3.2 Object Attributes Page Formatting Page breaks and Page Alignment Page breaks can be inserted into the exported document using the enumerated object attribute "WEXP Page Break". The attribute can have the following values: Next Page - insert an ordinary page break Even Page - insert a section break that aligns to the next even page Odd page - insert a section break that aligns to the next odd page There is an advanced exporter option called "Insert blank page rubric on alignment pages" which, if selected, makes the exporter force page alignment rather than leaving it up to Word. Word has some problems aligning pages: blank pages are completely blank, with no headers or footers, it is not possible to insert a rubric. The above option allows this to be overcome, but has the disadvantage that the page alignment is not dynamic. So if material is inserted into the middle of the document, the page alignments are not recalculated. This problem can occur with a table of contents (ToC) near the beginning of the document. The ToC is not filled out until after the whole document is exported, and so may upset page alignment. To mitigate against this, the following procedure is recommended: immediately following the ToC in the DOT file, insert a Word section break aligned to Odd or Even page as required. do not place a "WEXP Page Break" value in the section immediately following the ToC (usually marked by a bookmark such as "DOCBODY") in DOORS. The effect of this is to force Word dynamically to align the first section immediately following the ToC with an Odd or Even page, and the effect of changes in size of ToC will be absorbed there. Blank page rubrics Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 25 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter It is frequently required to place a text on blank pages, such as "This page intentionally left blank." This can be arranged by switching on the advanced option "Insert blank page rubric on alignment pages", and by placing the text of the rubric in the module attribute "WEXP Blank Page Rubric". The format for this is "Text:Paragraph style". For instance, the "WEXP Blank Page Rubric" attribute defaults to "(This page intentionally left blank.):WEXP Blank Page Rubric". The effect of this is to export the text "(This page intentionally left blank.)" as the only paragraph on the blank page using the style "WEXP Blank Page Rubric". So positioning of the rubric is achieved by creating and using a Word style defined in the DOT file. This style, for instance, can centre the text on the page. Section Breaks for Changing Page Orientation Section breaks can be inserted into the exported document using the enumerated object attribute "WEXP Section Break". The only purpose for doing this at present is to change the orientation of the page to landscape or portrait. The value of the attribute can therefore be "Portrait" or "Landscape", to indicate the desired orientation. To effect a page or section break just before a table, the break may be placed on the first cell of the table. If page orientation is changed to enable a wide table to fit on the page, then the section break attribute should be set on the objects immediately before and after the table, and not on table cells. Paragraph Styles Assigning styles to attributes Paragraphs styles can be assigned to individual attributes of individual objects using an object attribute called "Paragraph Style". This attribute takes the following format: <Attribute Name 1:Style 1><Attribute Name 2:Style 2>, etc. A DXL script exists for the creation and editing of this attribute (see below). It can also be edited by hand. The effect of this attribute is to cause the exporter to assign the name style as the Word paragraph style for the text exported from the named attribute. A typical use, for example, is to give the following assignment to all objects of type "requirement": <Object Text:Requirement> which causes requirement text to be exported using the Word style "requirement", as it is defined in the selected Word DOT file. Some special Word styles can be set to format non-attribute paragraphs, such as: Column title Column cell Picture object OLE object Assigning styles to columns Besides assigning styles to attributes as above, styles can be assigned to columns. This is useful when what is displayed in the column is calculated by layout DXL. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 26 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Assign a style to a column by appending ":" followed by the style name to the column title. This will be stripped off the title, and used as the style for the column text. If the column is displaying an attribute, the column style will override any style assigned to the attribute. For example, a column entitled "Related requirements:Requirement list" will use the style "Requirement list" to display text in the column as if it were an attribute called "Related requirements" (a style which must exist in the Word DOT file). View Names There are two ways of exporting views into the Word document: Inline views: where particular objects are exported as a Word table defined by switching to a named view in the module. Inserted views: where a complete view from the current of other named module is inserted in place of an object. Inserted views can be exported in Book or in Table format, as selected by the "WEXP Export Style" attribute, the default being Table. In Table style, the columns of the table are drawn from the columns present in the DOORS view, including their titles and widths. For title cells, the Word paragraph style "Column Title" is used; for ordinary cells, "Column Cell" is used. Both of these paragraph styles should be present in the selected DOT file. Inline views Where particular objects are to be exported using a different view, the name of the new view can be given in the object attribute "WEXP View Name". The presence of a value in this attribute causes the exporter to switch to the named DOORS view, and to export that view as a Word table. The named view may have a filter applied, which is taken into account in exporting the view. Following the view export, the view is switched back to the initial view, and its filter (if any) reapplied. This allows the whole document to be filtered according to some global criterion. A blank entry in this attribute causes the exporter to revert to the initial DOORS view visible at the time the exporter was invoked. The exporter will export an inline view as a Word table with column widths corresponding to the width of columns in the DOORS view. There is an advanced option called "Scale table to fit width of page" which causes the exporter to scale all the columns in proportion so that the table fills the width of the page. Note that, if the first object in the inline view has a template marked against in the "WEXP Template attribute", then the object will be exported using a template, and not in the view. Templates marked against subsequent objects in the view will be ignored. Inserted views Where a view is to be inserted into the document, three attributes have to be set: the name of the new view is given in the object attribute "WEXP View Name"; the name of the module containing the view is given in "WEXP Module View"; and the style of export (Book or Table) is given in "WEXP Export Style". The presence of a values in these three attributes causes the exporter to switch to the named DOORS module and view, and to export the entire view, either as a Word table in Table view, or in Book view. The name of the DOORS module supplied in "WEXP Module View" can be relative to the current folder, or any ancestor of it. The exporter takes the path given, and searches first in the current folder, then in its Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 27 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter parent, and then its parent's parent, and so on, to the top of the database. The first occurrence found is the module that is used. The object on which the three attributes are set is not exported. Normal export resumes on the subsequent object. Note that the objects in a view to be exported in Table view do not have to have the "WEXP View Name" attribute set. The objects exported are selected from the display of the named view. Data from linked objects Information from linked objects can be exported into the Word document. This can be used to create traceability reports. Objects attached to the current object by incoming and/or outgoing links can be exported in book, table or template format. A view is named with is used to determine the linked objects' attributes and exported format. This view may have a filter; only those linked objects in the filter are exported. The linked objects can be exported before or after the current object, or the current object can be replaced by the linked objects. Multiple traceability reports can be generated for each object. The achieve this, the following combination of attributes must be set: "WEXP Traceability View" must have an entry for each traceability report to be generated. Each entry consists of a set of four colon-separated values as follows: link direction:link module name:destination module name:view name:format "Link direction" can be either "Incoming" or "Outgoing". "Link module name" is the name of the link module (or modules) to use. It can be a complete module path, or a partial path treated as a regular expression. "Destination module name" is the name of the source (or target) module at the other end of the links. It can be a complete module path, or a partial path treated as a regular expression. "Destination module name" is a complete module path, or a partial path treated as a regular expression. "View name" is the name of the view in the destination module that should be used to control formatting. "Format" can be either "Book" or "Table". For example: Outgoing:satisfies:User Requirements:UR Info:Book Incoming:satisfies:SS Requirements:Export view:Table specifies that two sets of information should be exported, the first by following outgoing satisfaction links to any target module called "User Requirements" presented in Book format using the "UR Info" view; the second by following incoming satisfaction links to any source module called "SS Requirements", producing a table based on the "Export view". "WEXP Insert Position" must be set to one of "Replace", "Before" or "After" to indicate the position of the inserted data in relation to the current object being exported. "Replace" causes the current object not to be exported at all, but replaced by the data from the linked objects. Configuring tables Repeated header rows Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 28 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Where a table extends over several pages, Word allows header rows of a table to be repeated at the top of each page. When exporting views, the table header is a rows populated by the DOORS column titles, and is automatically set to repeat on every page. When exporting DOORS tables, a row can be labeled as a header by setting the "WEXP Row Header" attribute in any object in the row. That row of the table will then be repeated on every page. Shaded and coloured cells When exporting DOORS tables, a cell can be shaded in gray by setting the "WEXP Cell Shade" attribute to "True" on the cell object. (Note that this attribute is of type String.) The background colour of a cell can also be set for an individual cell by setting "WEXP Cell Shade" to the integer number corresponding to the Word colour code. How can you discover what these colours code are? In a Word document, create a table, and set the background colour of one of the cells to the required colour. With that cell selected, run the Word macro supplied with WEXP (see sections 4 and 9 ) called "TellMeBackgroundColorCode". The code will be displayed in a message box. Rotating text in table cells Sometimes the width of a table can be reduced if text in cells is rotated into a vertical orientation. When exporting a view, the column title can be rotated by placing " R" (space, capital R) at the end of the column title in the DOORS view. When exporting a DOORS table, text in any cell can be rotated by setting the "WEXP Cell Rotate" attribute to "True". Table borders Borders round DOORS tables will be replicated in Word. Example table The following table has been exported from DOORS as an example of some of the features mentioned in this section. Shaded cell Shaded title Rotated cell Shaded title (set to repeat) Shaded title Cell Shaded cell Cell Coloured cell Shaded cell Cell Cell Indexing The exporter can create index entries for inclusion in an index table at some position in the Word file. The index table itself has to be explicitly positioned in the DOT file if required, using the INDEX field. For example, {INDEX \c 2} will give a two-column index. Index entries are created for an object if the object attribute "WEXP Index On" contains a newline-separated list of attributes. Each of these attributes can contain a newline-separated list of values, each of which is to appear in the index table against the object. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 29 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter For instance, if requirements are to be indexed by requirement number held in an attribute called "Req. No.", then on every requirement, the value "Req. No." can be entered in the "WEXP Index On" attribute for every requirement. The exporter will recognise the DOORS standard pseudo attributes "Object Identifier", "Object Number" and "Object Level" for indexing purposes. It is possible to distinguish some index entries from others, e.g. the defining occurrence of a word can be distinguished from a reference to the same word. The exporter does this by using index sub-entries. In Word, using colons in the index entry name creates sub-entries, e.g. "Attributes:creating" causes a sub-entry, "creating" to appear indented under the entry "Attributes". There are two ways in which index sub-entries can be created in the export: 1. By placing colons in the values of the attributes named in "WEXP Index On". This allows individual values to be entered as sub-entries. 2. By placing colons after the attribute names listed in "WEXP Index On". be placed on all the values of the labeled attributes. This allows sub-entries to Example of 1): For a given object, "WEXP Index On" = "Related requirements" "Related requirements" = "SR103\nSR341:related" causes just SR341 to be indexed as a "related" sub-entry. Example of 2): For a given object, "WEXP Index On" = "Related requirements:related" "Related requirements" = "SR103\nSR341" causes both SR103 and SR341 to be indexed as "related" sub-entries. It is possible to create multiple indexes in a single document by using the Word "\f <index name>" option on the "INDEX" field code. To create index entries for a specific index, append the name of the index to the end of the entries in the "WEXP Index On" attribute. For example, "WEXP Index On" = "Established requirements:established:ER" causes the index entry to be generated as {XE "....." \f "ER"}. The Word index can then be built using {INDEX \f "ER"} to contain just those index entries label with "ER". If there is no sub-entry text, then index names can be placed as follows: e.g. "WEXP Index On" = "Established requirements::ER" By default, Word places the page number against the index entry. It is possible to replace the page number with any text of your choosing. To this, place the text after a colon at the end of the index entry in the atttributes named in WEXP Index On". For example, "WEXP Index On" = "Object Index::ObjInd" and "Object Index" = "SRD-134::See 1.2-0.1" causes the index entry to be generated as {XE "SRD-134" \f "ObjInd" \t "See 1.2-0.1" }. The Word index built using {INDEX \f "ObjInd"} will then contain an index entry of the form SRD-134.....................................See 1.2-0.1 Note that richtext formatting is preserved in the index. Dynamic index entries can be created by using attribute DXL to compute the value of the attribute used for indexing. For compatibility with older versions of the exporter, the presence of a "True" or "Yes" value in an attribute called "Indexed" will also cause the requirement number to be used as an index entry on that object. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 30 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter For compatibility with older versions of the exporter, the attribute called "Main index on" can also be used in the same way as "WEXP Index On". Bookmarks There are three distinct uses of bookmarks in the exporter that are controlled from DOORS attributes. Exporting at a bookmark defined in the Word DOT file Sections of the DOORS module can be exported to different positions in the Word DOT file by naming bookmarks against objects. If a value is found in the object attribute "WEXP Bookmark", the exporter treats it as the name of a bookmark in the DOT file, and jumps to it before inserting data from that object. All objects from that point onwards are exported following the bookmark, until an object with another bookmark is named. For instance, to arrange for the body of the module to be inserted after the title pages, the first object in the DOORS module should have its attribute "WEXP Bookmark" assigned to "DOCBODY". This should correspond to the presence of a bookmark of the same name in the DOT file positioned after the contents page. Due to way in which Word works, insertion of DOORS data is always immediately after the bookmark. The consequence of this is that each bookmark should only be named once in every DOT file. Inserting a bookmark into the exported document A named bookmark can be inserted into the Word document as user-determined points. This is achieved by placing a single bookmark name into the attribute "WEXP Export Bookmark" on the appropriate object. Word will not accept bookmark names with spaces in them, so the exporter will do a conversion by replacing spaces by underscores. The user is prompted to accept and save such conversions. Hyper-links can be inserted elsewhere in the document which point to these bookmarks. (See Section 3.4.4.) Exporting into an object template See section 5.1.2 that covers this subject. Sub-documents A sub-document can be inserted into a Word document at given positions by using the "WEXP File Name" attribute. If this has a value, it is supposed to be the name of a Word document to be inserted at the current position as a sub-document. The name of the Word document in "WEXP File Name" may be an absolute path, or a path relative to the path of the master document. The procedure for combining several modules into a master document is as follows: 1. Export each of the DOORS modules into Word files. 2. Create a master DOORS module that is an index to the DOORS sub-modules. This should contain one object per module to be included, with the "WEXP File Name" attribute set to the name of the file name of the exported sub-document (see tool for assisting in this). 3. Export the master DOORS module. Thereafter, individual sub-modules can be re-exported without the need to re-export the master module; Word will take care of updating the Master Document. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 31 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter OLE objects For versions of DOORS 5.2 and earlier, OLE objects embedded in DOORS objects are exported into the Word document following the Object Text of that object. When using object templates, the OLE object can be positioned using the pseudo attribute "OLE object". For versions of DOORS 6.0 and later, OLE objects are embedded in the text of attributes, and are exported with those attributes. The dimensions of the OLE objects exported into Word can be controlled in two ways: The size of the OLEs is set in proportion to the width of the main column. So the wider the main column in the export view, the large the exported OLE objects will appear in Word. The DOORS object attributes called “WEXP Width" and "WEXP Height” can be used control the size of all the embedded once exported into objects in Word. The measurement units are millimetres. If the embedded objects are themselves Word documents, then the content of those documents can be exported as part of the exported document proper, and not as an embedded OLE object in Word. To do this, set the DOORS attribute called "WEXP OLE Inline" to "True". Reserved attribute names The following attribute names are reserved for special purposes: "Object Number" The DOORS object number is not a real attribute, but is calculated from the position of an object in the module hierarchy. Use of this name allows the object number to be exported in templates and as an index entry. "Object Identifier" The DOORS object identifier is not a real attribute, but is calculated from the absolute number of an object and the module prefix. Use of this name allows the object identifier to be exported in templates and as an index entry. "Index entry" Use of this name as an object attribute in an object template allows the index entries for the object to be explicitly positioned in the exported text. "OLE object" Use of this name as an object attribute in an object template allows the OLE object attached to an object to be explicitly positioned in the exported text. In DOORS 6.0 and later, this refers to the first OLE object embedded in Object Text. "Picture object" Use of this name as an object attribute in an object template allows the DOORS picture attached to an object to be explicitly positioned in the exported text. 5.3.3 Exporting from views On exporting, a saved DOORS viewed must be named as the basis for the exported document. This view should have a main column, showing object headings and object texts, which form the sections and paragraphs of the document. There may be columns on the left-hand side of the main column. By default, the contents of these columns are exported as separate paragraphs under the object text, each labelled with the column title. For compatibility with WEXP version 9.x and earlier, there is an advanced option called "Join columns on left of main column" that causes all columns to the left-hand side of the main column to be joined to the object text separated by tabs. This has the same effect as using the "join(\t)" option of each of the left-hand columns. There may be columns on the right-hand side of the main column. The contents of these columns are exported following the paragraph, labeled by the column heading. If a column title in the export view is "_" (a single underscore), then the text of that column is exported as a paragraph without a label. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 32 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter The style to be used in exporting the text of the column can be specified by following the column title with ":style name". If a column style in the export view is "noexport", then that column is ignored for export purposes. If a column style in the export view is "join", the contents of the column is prepended to the content of the column to the right, and the text takes the style defined on that column to the right. 5.4 User-specific adaptations These are not permitted with the Company WEXP version. 6 Compatibility with previous versions Two main factors make WEXP version 11 behave differently from previous versions: The names of attributes changed from very early versions of WEXP. The old attribute names can be used by replacing the file "WEXP\include\" by the file "WEXP\include\". Indeed, the attributes names can be edited in this file for customised versions of WEXP. Columns in views are treated in a different way in WEXP version 10 from version 9. In the former, all columns on the left of the main column were simply appended onto the Object Text using a tab as a separator. In version 10, there is a uniform treatment of all columns; the text in any column can be joined to the next using the pseudo-style "join" with the separator in brackets afterwards. To mimic version 9, all columns left of the main column can have "_:join(\t)" in the column title. However, to avoid having to modify all your export views, you can cause WEXP to mimic the old style by selecting the "Join columns on left of main column" option on the advanced options panel. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter (This page intentionally left blank.) Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 33 of 52 Users Guide 34 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 7 Use 7.1 Invoking the DOORS-to-Word Exporter The procedure for invoking the exporter is as follows: 1. Open the DOORS module to be exported. 2. Select the view to be exported. 3. From the module Company Menu, select "Export to Word ...". The tool is available to DOORS Site Managers, DOORS Project Specialists, Requirements Managers and Requirements Engineers. 4. The following dialogue will appear: Figure 1: Export dialogue 5. In the first field on the dialogue, type the name of the DOORS view that you wish to export from the current module. The default value for this field is the last view name that was used with the exporter on this module, or if the first time, then the name of the current view. (The adjacent select button can be used to list the views available.) 6. If you want to use the current filter (and not the one defined in the export view), select the "Use current filter" option. 7. Select the template or document option using the radio buttons. The template option allows export into a Word DOT file, while the document option allows you to export into an existing (partially complete) Word document. 8. In the appropriate field on the dialogue, select the name of the Word template (DOT) file or Word document (DOC) file into which you wish to export. The default value for this field is the last path name that was used with the exporter on this module. (The adjacent select button can be used to browse the file system.) 9. In the last field on the dialogue, select the name of the Word document (DOC) file that is the target of the export. The default value for this field is the last path name that was used with the exporter on this Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 35 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter module, or if the first time, then a file name constructed from the module name. (The adjacent select button can be used to browse the file system.) 10. A number of advanced options can be selected by clicking on the "Advanced" button. 10.1 Clicking on "Advanced..." causes the following dialogue to appear: Figure 2: Advanced Dialogue 10.2 The first two options relate to the export of master and sub-documents. By default, the only document exported from the module is the one based in the data of the module itself. You can also ask for all the sub-documents defined in the current module to be exported separately, by selecting the "Export subdocuments referenced in this module" option. Just the sub-documents can be exported by deselecting the "Export document from this module" option. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 36 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 10.3 By default, the exporter makes Word invisble to speed up the export. You can manually make Word visble on by clicking in the check box marked "Make Word visible during export". 10.4 By default, the exporter uses the "Paragraph Style" attribute in the module to determine the Word style to assign to the exported text. You can switch this off, so that normal style is used for all attributes, unless a style is specified in an object template or column title. 10.5 You can cause WEXP version 10 to interpret columns in the export view in the same way as WEXP 9 by clicking in the check box marked "Join columns on left of main column". 10.6 By default, the exporter allows Word to carry out page alignment to odd or even numbers. You can ask for the exporter to handle page alignment, also allowing a rubric to be placed on every blank page, by clicking in the check box marked "Insert blank page rubric on alignment pages". 10.7 By default, the exporter tries to mimic the widths of columns in the DOORS view when exporting columns. You can ask the exporter to scale the views to fit across the page, by clicking in the check box marked "Scale views to fit width of page". 10.8 By default, the exporter tries to mimic the widths of columns in the DOORS view when exporting DOORS tables. You can ask the exporter to scale the tables to fit across the page, by clicking in the check box marked "Scale DOORS tables to fit width of page". 10.9 By default, the exporter will not allow table rows to break across pages. You can ask the exporter to allow this by clicking in the check box marked "Allow tables rows to break across pages". 10.10 You can ask the exporter to retain the object templates in the last section of the document to allow subsequent exports into the same document. 10.11 You can ask the exporter to place revision marks in the Word document on every exported attribute that has changed since the baseline selected in the "Mark changes since baseline" choice box. 10.12 You can suppress some of the messages produced by the exporter by checking the "Do not display warning information" box. 10.13 You can tell the exporter not to prompt you if it finds a non-existent attribute in an object template by checking the "Do not prompt on missing attributes" box. 10.14 You can tell the exporter to temporary RTF file to transfer OLE data to Word, or to use the system clipboard by clicking the "Use files instead of clipboard for OLEs" box. The system clipboard sometimes gives errors when very large OLE objects are transfered. 10.15 You can tell the exporter to execute a Word Visual Basic macro after the export. The macro should exist in the named Word DOT file. The exact name must be placed in the macro name field. 10.16 Finally, you can instruct WEXP to close Word after the export. This is particularly useful when exporting in batch mode. 11. Click on the "Export..." button. At this point, the dialogue will disappear, and Word should start up. 12. A prompt will appear to confirm the overwriting of an existing file. 13. Messages may appear to indicate the following abnormal conditions: 13.1 WEXP Bookmarks named in the DOORS attribute "WEXP Bookmark" are not present in the named DOT/DOC file. 13.2 Word styles named in the DOORS attribute "Paragraph Style" are not present in the named DOT/DOC file. 7.2 Editing Paragraph Styles A standard DOORS support tool can be used to assist in the assignment of paragraph styles to objects attributes. The tool is found under "Tools->Support Tools->Edit paragraph Style Attribute...". It works as follows: Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 1. WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Open the DOORS module to be exported. 2. From the module "Tools" menu, select "Support Tools/Edit paragraph Style Attribute...". 3. The following dialogue will appear. 37 of 52 Figure 3: Edit Paragraph Style Dialogue 4. Select the object(s) to which paragraph styles are to be assigned. This can be done by using standard DOORS functionality to select a current object, to select multiple objects, or to apply a filter to select a display set. 5. The above dialogue can now be used repeated to assign paragraph styles as follows: 5.1 Select the target attribute. 5.2 Type in the required paragraph style, which should correspond to paragraphs styles defined in the Word DOT file to be used for the module. 5.3 Click on one of the two "Apply" buttons, depending on the scope of application of the paragraph style. "Apply to All" means apply to all objects in the current display set. 5.4 Repeat from 5.1 for as many attribute as required. A different paragraph style can be applied to each attribute of an object. 6. When finished, with the current selection of objects, repeat if desired from step 4. 7. When finished, click on "Close". 7.3 Document History Generation A DXL script is available which creates a new, or updates an existing, section in the current module that summarises the baselines of the module in a view called "Document History". The script searches the module for an object whose "Object Text" attribute is "Document History", and creates an object under that heading for every baseline of the current module. If no such "Document History" object is found, a new level 1 object bearing that text is created at the start of the module. The attributes extracted from the history, and displayed in columns of the "Document History" view are: Version, Author, Date and Annotation. These are stored, respectively, in object attributes "WEXP Doc Version", "WEXP Doc Hist Author", "WEXP Doc Hist Date", "WEXP Doc Hist Text". In addition, the script sets the following attribute values: the "WEXP View Name" attribute on the document history objects is set to "Document History". This causes the exporter to format the document history as a table in exported Word document. the "WEXP Bookmark" attribute of the document history heading object is set to "DOCHIST". This causes the exporter to output the document history starting at the "DOCHIST" bookmark in the Word DOT file, where is should be present. The script works as follows: Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 1. 38 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Open the module in which the document history is to be generated or updated. 2. From the module Company Menu, select WEXP Support Tools -> "Update Document History Section ...". 3. A confirmation box will appear to confirm the creation/updating of the document history. To this, respond with "OK". 4. Further confirmation boxes appear to confirm the creation of the document history attributes used to make up the "Document History" view. 5. The script completes without further interaction. 6. Make sure the Word DOT file has a bookmark called "DOCHIST" at an appropriate position before exporting the document. 7.4 Index Module Creation This is a script for assisting in the creation of a DOORS master module, which is an index to several DOORS modules that are to be combined into a single Word Master Document. The script allows sets of modules to be selected from the current project module list, based on a module name prefix (e.g. "SAN "). Objects are then created in the master module that represent the sub-documents for these modules. The script operates as follows: 1. Create a DOORS formal module to contain the module index. 2. the module Company Menu, select WEXP Support Tools -> "Create Master Module...". 3. Confirmation boxes may appear for confirmation of various attribute creations: click on "OK". 4. The following dialogue will appear: Figure 4: Create Index 5. Enter a prefix for modules names that will help you select the subset of modules you wish to appear in the index. 6. Click on the "Insert" button. 7. When the script has finished, you may use standard DOORS facilities for removing and re-ordering the list of modules in the index module. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 39 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter (This page intentionally left blank.) Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 40 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 8 Summary of DOORS Attributes Used Note that all attributes that WEXP needs are created automatically the first time WEXP is run. Purpose Default Value Level Attribute Name Full Module Name Pseudomodule Name used like a module attribute to position the full name (and path) of the exported module into title page, etc. (See also "Full Name") Full Name Pseudomodule Name used like a module attribute to position the full name (and path) of the exported module into title page, etc. (See also "Full Module Name") Index entry Pseudoobject Name used like an object attribute to position the index entry for an exported object in an object template. Module Name Pseudomodule Name used like a module attribute to position the name of the exported module into title page, etc. (See also "Name") Module Path Pseudomodule Name used like a module attribute to position the DOORS path of the exported module into title page, etc. (See also "Path") Module Version Pseudomodule Name used like a module attribute to position the version of the exported module into title page, etc. (See also "Version") Name Pseudomodule Name used like a module attribute to position the name of the exported module into title page, etc. (See also "Module Name") Object Identifier Pseudoobject Name used like an object attribute to export the object identifier of an exported object in an object template. Object Number Pseudoobject Name used like an object attribute to export the object number of an exported object in an object template. OLE object Pseudoobject Name used like an object attribute to position the OLE associated with an exported object in an object template. Paragraph Style Object Causes the exporter to assign the named Word paragraph styles to attributes in this object. Format is "<Attribute:Style>" repeated for each attribute. Path Pseudomodule Name used like a module attribute to position the DOORS path of the exported module into title page, etc. (See also "Module Path") Picture object Pseudoobject Name used like an object attribute to position the picture associated with an exported object in an object template. Project Full Name Pseudo- Name used like a module attribute to position the full path and name of the project of Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Empty (i.e. use standard Word styles) Users Guide 41 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Purpose Default Value Level Attribute Name module the exported module into title page, etc. Project Path Pseudomodule Name used like a module attribute to position the path of the project (without the project name) of the exported module into title page, etc. Project Name Pseudomodule Name used like a module attribute to position the name of the project (without the project path) of the exported module into title page, etc. WEXP Blank Page Rubric Module Used to store the rubric to be placed on blank pages. (Intentionally left blank.) WEXP Bookmark Object Causes to the exporter to jump to the named bookmark before continuing to export DOORS data. Empty (i.e. continue exporting at the current position) WEXP Cell Rotate Object Causes to the exporter to rotate the text in a table cell when exporting a DOORS table. Empty (i.e. horizontal) WEXP Cell Shade Object Causes to the exporter to shade or place a background colour in a table cell when exporting a DOORS table. Empty (i.e. no shading) WEXP Doc Hist Author Object Used to store the author of a baseline in the Document History table. Empty WEXP Doc Hist Date Object Used to store the date of a baseline in the Document History table. Empty WEXP Doc Hist Text Object Used to store the annotation of a baseline in the Document History table. Empty WEXP Doc Version Object Used to store the version of a baseline in the Document History table. Empty WEXP Document Properties Module Used to store the mapping from DOORS module attribute anmes to Word document property names. Empty WEXP Export Bookmark Object Causes to the exporter to insert a bookmark of this name into the Word document at this point. Empty WEXP Export DOT Name Module Records the last Word DOT file name used to export this module. WEXP Export File Name Object Causes to the exporter to insert the named file as a sub-document. Empty WEXP Export Options1 WEXP Export Options2 Module Records the last set of advanced options used to export this module. Empty WEXP Export Style Object Selects Book or Table format for an exported view. Empty = Table WEXP Export View Name Object Causes to the exporter to insert the named file as a sub-document. Empty WEXP File Name Object Causes to the exporter to insert the named file as a sub-document. Empty WEXP Footnotes Object Used for holding footnote text. Empty WEXP Insert Position Object Enumerated attribute used to indicate whether linked objects will be exported "Before" or "After" the current object, or whether they "Replace" it. Replace WEXP Index On Object Causes the exporter to use the values of the attributes named in this attribute to be Empty (i.e. no index entries for this object) Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide 42 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Purpose Default Value Level Attribute Name used as index entries on this object. WEXP Height Object Specifies height to be set on an OLE in the exported Word document. Empty WEXP Module View Object Names the module containing a view to be inserted at this point. Empty (i.e. do not insert a view) WEXP OLE Inline Object If set to True, exports an embedded OLE Word document as text rather than as am embedded document. Empty WEXP Page Break Object Causes the exporter to insert a page break before exporting this object. Can be set to "None", "Next Page", "Even Page" or "Odd Page". The latter two force the page break to align with even or page numbers, respectively. None WEXP Row Header Object Causes to the exporter to set a table row as a header to be repeated on every page. Empty (i.e. not a header row) WEXP Section Break Object When set to "Portrait" or "Landscape", causes the exporter to insert a section break before exporting this object, and to set the corresponding page orientation. None WEXP Template Object Causes to the exporter to use a bookmarked object template for exporting this object. Empty (i.e. use book format) WEXP Template After Object Allows you to specify data to be exported from a object AFTER ALL ITS CHILDREN HAVE BEEN EXPORTED. Empty WEXP Traceability View Object Causes to the exporter to export information from linked objects as a traceability report. Empty (i.e. export no linked information) WEXP View Name Object Assigns a DOORS view name to this object. Empty (i.e. use standard Word styles) WEXP View Filter Object Allows another DOORS view (with filter) to be named and used purely to filter the view named in "WEXP View Name" with that filter. Empty WEXP Width Object Specifies width to be set on an OLE in the exported Word document. Empty View Name Pseudomodule Name used like a module attribute to position the name of the exported module view into title page, etc. Version Pseudomodule Name used like a module attribute to position the version of the exported module into title page, etc. (See also "Module Version") This allows you to export things like "End of Use Case XYZ", etc. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter (This page intentionally left blank.) Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 43 of 52 Users Guide 44 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 9 Supporting Word Macros Supplied with WEXP is a Word DOT file that contains macros for use with WEXP. They are as follows: 9.1 TellMeBackGroundColorCode Provides the integer code for the background colour of the currently selected table cell in Word. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter (This page intentionally left blank.) Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 45 of 52 Users Guide 46 of 52 WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 10 Known Problems 1. The final bookmark in the DOT file must be followed by something, if only an empty paragraph. Otherwise Word does not find the bookmark. 2. New sections that change the orientation of the page must start with an empty paragraph, otherwise Word loses the page size. 3. For version 9.0 of the exporter onwards, all attributes have been renamed so that they start with the letters "WEXP". When upgrading from older versions of the exporter, you may wish either to delete all the old attributes, or, to avoid losing configuration data, manually rename them to their new names. Alternatively, replace the file "WEXP/include/" by the file "WEXP/include/". 4. Be careful in exporting in combinations of formats. If you put a view name and a template on an object, the template will be used. 5. Word is a little perverse in updating tables of contents and indexes. Although the export repeated updates fields until the page numbers stop changing, you may have manually to update fields after export to make the contents or index to appear. 6. Make sure the export view switches off outlining and unwanted filters. 7. it. A bookmark at the very beginning of the DOT will be lost. Leave at least one empty paragraph above 8. In DOORS 6.0 and later, placing <<Object Text>> as well as <<OLE object>> in an object template will cause the first OLE object embedded in the Object Text to be exported twice. 9. The type of the attribute "WEXP Cell Shade" has changed in version 10.10 from Boolean to String. To cause WEXP to recreate this attribute, rename the existing "WEXP Cell Shade", run WEXP, and then copy the values across. 10. At present, there is no way of specifing that an inserted view shoud be drawn from a particular baseline. Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter Users Guide WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter (This page intentionally left blank.) Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 47 of 52 Users Guide WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 11 Product information For more information on DOORS, please visit the Telelogic website at Telelogic UK Limited WEXP: An enhanced DOORS-to-Word Exporter 48 of 52 INDEX Accumulating data from multiple objects into templates .............. 18 Advanced options ........................................... 21, 23, 34 Alignment columns in table format .......................................... 21 Attribute tags accumulate ............................................................. 18 child ....................................................................... 18 commalist ............................................................... 18 keepFormat ............................................................ 18 newlinelist .............................................................. 18 noOLE .................................................................... 18 plaintext.................................................................. 18 richText .................................................................. 18 Attributes.............................................................. 21, 40 creation ................................................................... 22 exporting module attributes .............................. 19, 22 Full Module Name ........................................... 19, 40 Full Name......................................................... 19, 40 Index entry ................................................. 30, 40, 41 Indexed ................................................................... 28 inline ...................................................................... 20 Main index on ........................................................ 28 mapping to document properties ............................ 19 module.................................................................... 21 Module Name ................................................... 19, 40 Module Path ..................................................... 19, 40 Module Version................................................ 19, 40 Name ................................................................ 19, 40 object ...................................................................... 22 Object Heading ...................................................... 20 Object Identifier ............................................... 30, 40 Object Number ................................................. 30, 40 Object Text....................................................... 20, 37 OLE object ....................................................... 30, 40 Paragraph Style ........................ 11, 21, 23, 35, 36, 40 Path .................................................................. 19, 41 Picture object ................................................... 30, 41 Project Name .......................................................... 19 switch off messages when missing......................... 36 Using old names ............................................... 31, 47 Version ............................................................. 19, 43 View Name ...................................................... 19, 43 WEXP Blank Page Rubric ............................... 22, 41 WEXP Bookmark .......................... 19, 28, 36, 37, 41 WEXP Cell Rotate ........................................... 27, 41 WEXP Cell Shade ............................................ 26, 41 WEXP Doc Hist Author ................................... 37, 41 WEXP Doc Hist Date ...................................... 37, 41 WEXP Doc Hist Text ....................................... 37, 41 WEXP Doc Version ......................................... 37, 41 WEXP Document Properties............................ 19, 41 WEXP DOT Name ........................................... 21, 41 WEXP Export Bookmark ................................. 29, 41 WEXP Export File Name ................................. 21, 41 WEXP Export Options ........................................... 22 WEXP Export Options 1 ........................................ 42 WEXP Export Options 2 ........................................ 42 WEXP Export Style ......................................... 25, 42 WEXP Export View Name............................... 21, 42 WEXP File Name ............................................. 29, 42 WEXP Footnotes .............................................. 13, 42 WEXP Height ................................................... 30, 42 WEXP Index on ..................................................... 27 WEXP Index On..................................................... 42 WEXP Insert Position ............................................ 26 WEXP Link Insert Position .................................... 42 WEXP Module View ....................................... 25, 42 WEXP OLE Inline ........................................... 30, 42 WEXP Page break .................................................. 22 WEXP Page Break ................................................. 42 WEXP Row Header ......................................... 26, 42 WEXP Section Break ....................................... 23, 42 WEXP Template .............................................. 24, 42 WEXP Trace View ................................................. 42 WEXP View Name .............................. 24, 25, 37, 42 WEXP Width.................................................... 30, 42 Autonumbering exporting fields ....................................................... 14 B Backwards compatibility ................................ 28, 31, 47 Blank pages rubric .......................................................... 22, 23, 36 Word....................................................................... 22 Bookmarks ........................................................... 19, 28 DOC_START ......................................................... 12 exporting ................................................................ 29 problems ........................................................... 19, 47 valid names ............................................................. 29 Breaks section .................................................................... 23 C Cells setting background colour ...................................... 26 shading and colouring cells .................................... 26 Child objects exporting into object templates .............................. 18 Colour background, in table cells ....................................... 26 obtaining the Word colour codes ............................ 26 Column properties ...................................................... 21 Column styles join ....................................................... 20, 21, 30, 31 noexport............................................................ 20, 21 Columns blank titles .............................................................. 30 cell style ................................................................. 17 exporting in templates ............................................ 18 ignoring .......................................... 11, 17, 20, 21, 31 justification ............................................................. 21 main ........................................................................ 11 other than main ....................................................... 11 specifying styles ..................................................... 30 style ........................................................................ 23 styles ...................................................................... 11 text alignment in..................................................... 21 title style ................................................................. 17 width ................................................................ 21, 24 Contents ..................................................................... 19 Customisation ............................................................ 31 D Data fields ............................................................ 19, 22 DOC file selecting ................................................................. 34 Document history ................................................. 19, 37 Document management system.................................. 13 Document properties .................................................. 19 Document title ............................................................ 19 DOORS attributes ...................................................... 11 DOORS filters ............................................................ 24 DOORS views ................................................ 11, 24, 30 column order .......................................................... 30 form other modules ................................................ 24 inline ...................................................................... 24 inserted ................................................................... 24 selecting ................................................................. 34 DOT file ....................................... 11, 12, 17, 20, 23, 24 bookmarks ...................................... 19, 28, 29, 36, 38 index ....................................................................... 27 paragraph styles...................................................... 36 problems ................................................................. 47 selecting ................................................................. 34 styles ...................................................................... 17 table of contents ..................................................... 22 table styles .............................................................. 24 E Enumerated lists exporting as comma-separated ............................... 18 exporting as newline-separated .............................. 18 Export logs ................................................................. 31 Export styles............................................................... 11 book format ............................................................ 11 problems ................................................................. 47 tables ...................................................................... 11 templates ................................................................ 11 Export views Using old style ....................................................... 31 F Filters ................................................................... 24, 47 current ........................................................ 11, 19, 34 export ..................................................................... 11 selecting ................................................................. 34 Footers ................................................................. 19, 20 Footnotes .................................................................... 13 from named attribute .............................................. 13 from WEXP Footnotes ........................................... 13 in-line ..................................................................... 13 H Headers ................................................................ 19, 20 I Indexing...................................................................... 27 index entries ........................................................... 27 multiple indexes ..................................................... 28 sub-entries .............................................................. 27 J Justification columns in table format .......................................... 21 L Linked objects exporting ................................................................ 25 replacing current object with .................................. 25 Links exporting data from ................................................ 25 M Macro executing in Word after export ......................... 13, 36 Margins ...................................................................... 20 Master document .................................................. 20, 35 Messages switch off missing attribute prompts ...................... 36 O Object templates ................................................... 17, 36 changing names dynamically ................................. 31 comma-separated lists ............................................ 18 data from child objects ........................................... 18 data from multiple objects ...................................... 18 newline-separated lists ........................................... 18 one page per object ................................................. 19 preserving formatting ............................................. 18 OLE objects ................................................................ 29 controlling size ....................................................... 30 exporting ................................................................ 29 exporting inline as text ........................................... 30 positioning ........................................................ 17, 29 style ........................................................................ 17 Outlining .................................................................... 47 P Page alignment ..................................................... 22, 36 problems ................................................................. 22 Page breaks........................................................... 22, 36 Page orientation .............................................. 20, 23, 47 Page size ..................................................................... 20 Pages one per object ......................................................... 19 Paragraph styles ................................................... 17, 23 Blank page .............................................................. 23 defaults ................................................................... 17 switching off ........................................................... 35 Pictures inserting .................................................................. 14 positioning .............................................................. 17 style ........................................................................ 17 Post-processing .......................................................... 13 Printing from Word .................................................... 13 Problems .................................................................... 47 Properties, Word document ........................................ 19 Pseudo attribute OLE object ............................................................. 17 Picture object ......................................................... 17 Q Quick start ............................................................ 11, 12 R Revision marks..................................................... 20, 36 Rotating text ............................................................... 26 S Section breaks ...................................................... 22, 23 Setup .......................................................................... 17 DOORS views ........................................................ 20 Word ...................................................................... 17 Styles in table columns ..................................................... 21 on attributes ............................................................ 11 on columns ............................................................. 11 Sub-documents ..................................................... 29, 35 T Table headers multiple .................................................................. 21 Table of contents .................................................. 22, 47 Table row breaking across pages ............................................. 36 Tables ......................................................................... 26 borders.................................................................... 27 column justification................................................ 21 column widths ........................................................ 21 fitting to page ......................................................... 23 repeated headers ..................................................... 26 rotating text ............................................................ 26 scaling .............................................................. 24, 36 shading and colouring cells .................................... 26 text alignment ......................................................... 21 width ................................................................. 24, 36 Title page.................................................................... 19 Traceability reports .................................................... 25 U User call-out functions ............................................... 31 User specific adaptations ............................................ 31 V VBA macro executing in Word after export ......................... 13, 36 Views scaling .................................................................... 36 width ....................................................................... 36 Visible Word, during export ............................................... 35 W Width columns in table format .......................................... 21 Word visible during export ............................................... 35 Word bookmarks ........................................................ 28 Word document properties ......................................... 19 Word fields autonumbering ........................................................ 14 exporting ................................................................ 14 Word master document ............................ 20, 29, 35, 38 Word setup ................................................................. 17 Word styles................................................................. 23 Column cell ...................................................... 23, 24 Column title ...................................................... 23, 24 join ................................................................... 11, 31 noexport............................................................ 11, 17 OLE object ....................................................... 17, 23 Picture object .................................................... 17, 23 Word sub-documents...................................... 20, 29, 35 Word tables ................................................................ 24 Word template ............................................................ 11