Matthew 18:5 states “And whoever welcomes a little child…in the name welcomes me.” Verse six (6)
gives us the admonition: “But is anyone who causes one of these…to sin, it would be better for him
to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” As the
body of Christ at Trinity United Methodist Church, we are called to welcome and protect our
membership. Paragraph 162c of the social principles of the United Methodist Church states that
“children must be protected from economic, physical, emotional and sexual exploitation and abuse.”
In accordance with these directions, we adopt the following policy.
We will
1. Follow reasonable safety measures in the selection and recruitment of paid and volunteer
2. Implement prudent operational procedures in all ministries and events.
3. Use reasonable methods to acquaint all of our workers (paid and volunteer) with children and
youth regarding the use of appropriate policies and methods.
4. Institute a clearly defined procedure for reporting a suspected incident of abuse that conforms
to the requirements of state law. (Chairperson of the Staff Parish will be the person to answer
inquiries in all matters concerning this policy.)
In all our ministries with children and youth, Trinity is committed to sharing the love of Christ so that
each child will know that he/she is “surrounded by steadfast love…established in the faith, and
confirmed and strengthened in the way that leads to eternal life.” (Baptismal Covenant II, The United
Methodist Hymnal, p. 44).
Chairperson of Administrative Council
Chairperson Staff Parish
Trinity UMC Safe Sanctuaries Policy
We believe that Scripture and our faith in Jesus Christ calls us to standards and responsible conduct
in all of life, including sexual behavior.
We believe in justice for all persons. Because it is an abuse of power and trust, sexual misconduct is
unjust. Scripture asserts that religious leadership involves a covenant relationship that presumes the
trustworthy exercise of power in behalf of those in our care. A betrayal of trust is more than just a
personal tragedy for the victim. It reflects a tragic breakdown in the character of the abuser that
seriously threatens both those immediately affected and the well being of the church itself. We have
responsibility for one another in the church. Trinity United Methodist Church proclaims that the “good
of the church” can never be served by overlooking an abuse of power and trust. Sexual misconduct
is wrong, and charges of misconduct must be dealt with swiftly, fairly and with compassion for both
the accused and the accuser.
We assume the best of all persons. However, where sexual misconduct or allegations of such
misconduct occur, the following policy will guide Trinity United Methodist Church.
Inappropriate sexual behavior is a violation of the principles set forth in Scripture and is never
permissible. Sexual misconduct will not be tolerated by Trinity United Methodist Church. It is the
policy of Trinity United Methodist Church that ministers, church members, church officers,
nonmember employees, and volunteers involved in church business exercise responsible sexual
behavior and maintain the integrity of employment and professional relationships at all times.
Further, it is the policy of this church that charges of sexual misconduct will be treated with the
seriousness they deserve and dealt with swiftly and fairly for the benefit of all parties concerned.
Inappropriate sexual behavior is unacceptable conduct when committed by any minister, church
member, employee, or volunteer of Trinity United Methodist Church. We recognize four forms of
inappropriate sexual behavior:
A. Sexual harassment: Any verbal statement or physical sexual advance that is known, or ought
reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome and offensive to another person and which has the
effect of unreasonably interfering with a person’s work performance by creating an intimidating,
threatening, hostile environment at work, in committees or in other areas of serving God
through the work of Trinity United Methodist Church. Sexual harassment includes such things
as unwelcome sexual jokes, request for sexual favors, unwelcome touching, or display of
sexual images that insult, degrade, or exploit men or women.
B. Sexual misconduct or malfeasance: Arises from broken trust resulting in sexual physical
contact within a ministerial or professional relationship.
C. Child sexual abuse: any sexual contact or inappropriate verbal or sexual physical contact
within a ministerial or professional relationship.
D. Sexual abuse: rape or sexual contact by force, threat, or intimidation.
Several procedures are in place to ensure compliance and encourage prevention.
All ministers, employees, volunteers having contact with children under 18 years of age as part of
church business are required to sign a written acknowledgment indicating they have read the Sexual
Misconduct Policy and will abide by its terms. This acknowledgment will be kept on file in the church
Employees who have contact with children under 18 years of age as part of their job description will
be subject to pre-employment/involvement screening, reference checks, and background checks to
determine whether there has been any reported sexual misconduct or inappropriate sexual behavior.
Applicants will be informed immediately of negative comments regarding sexual misconduct and will
be given an opportunity to submit additional references or to give other evidence to correct or
respond to harmful information obtained from a reference.
Volunteers (Sunday School Teachers, Vacation Bible School Teachers, Youth Advisors), in positions
of trust with young persons will be supervised and made aware of the terms of the policy.
Employees and volunteers will be informed of Trinity United Methodist Church’s standards of conduct
and procedures for reporting accusations of sexual misconduct or child sexual abuse.
A complaint or allegation of any inappropriate sexual behavior, as defined in Part II above, shall be
made in writing to the Chairperson of the Staff Parish Committee of Trinity United Methodist Church.
In the event the Staff Parish Chairperson is unavailable or is the subject of the complaint, the
complaint shall be given to the Pastor. The person receiving the complaint immediately shall so
inform the Pastor, Program Director, and the Chair of the Administrative Council and shall refer the
complaint to the special called committee of the Pastor, Program Director, Chairperson of the
Administrative Council and Chairperson of the Staff Parish Committee for investigation, report and
The special committee shall investigate the complaint and shall take such action and make such
report and recommendations as it deems appropriate and consistent with this policy, other church
policies, and The Book of Discipline. If the complaint involves child sexual abuse, the Committee
shall ensure that all reporting requirements of state and federal law are met. If the Committee
determines that inappropriate sexual behavior may have committed by a member of the clergy, the
Committee shall forward the written complaint and its report to the District Superintendent for action
by the Holston Conference.
Unless the special committee designates otherwise, the insurance company appointed attorney shall
be the official spokesperson for Trinity United Methodist Church in the event a statement needs to be
made to the media.
1. All allegations need to be taken seriously.
2. Situations must be handled forthrightly with due respect for people’s privacy and
3. Immediately contact our insurance carrier.
4. Give full cooperation to civil authorities under the guidance of your insurance appointed
5. Adequate care must be shown for the well-being of victims.
1. Maintain adequate records of workers’ applications, references, and screening forms.
2. Work closely with your insurance company. Use your insurance appointed attorney.
3. Know the state’s reporting obligations regarding which behaviors that should be reported and
which persons are mandated to report suspected abuse.
4. Select a spokesperson or use the appointed attorney as spokesperson.
5. Prepare a position statement for public use regarding child sexual abuse. This statement
should include your policies and established safeguards. This can be released if an allegation
of abuse occurs.
6. Do not engage in denial, minimization, or blame.
7. Don’t be accusatory in a public interview.
1. Document all your efforts at handling the incident.
2. Report the incident immediately to your insurance company. Do not try to handle this without
professional outside assistance.
3. Contact proper civil authorities following the guidance of your insurance company and
4. Notify the parents.
5. Do not confront the accused until the safety of the child or your member is secured.
6. Do not prejudge the situation, but take the allegations seriously and reach out to the victim or
victim’s family.
7. Treat the accused with dignity and support. If that person is an employee, that person should
be relieved temporarily of his or her duties until the investigation is finished.
Basic Rules for Children/Youth Ministry
The congregation of Trinity United Methodist Church is committed to providing a safe and secure
environment for all children, youth, employees, and volunteers who participate in ministries and
activities sponsored by the church. The following policy statements reflect our congregation’s
commitment to preserving this church as a holy place of safety and protection for all who would enter
and as a place in which all people can experience the love of God through relationships with others.
Rule 1: The “Two Adult Rule” requires no fewer than two non-related adults over the age of 18
present at all times during any church-sponsored program, event, or ministry involving children/youth.
If this cannot be secured, the second adult may be a floater among children’s/youth classes or
groups, or may be younger than 18 years old but at least five years older than those being
supervised. If youth, under the age of 18, work with children, they must be doing it in a training
capacity with an adult. If both genders are present for an overnight activity, an adult of each gender
must be present at all times.
Rule 2: It is preferred that someone with First Aid and CPR training be present or always have phone
access to a person who has First Aid and CPR training.
Rule 3: All workers with children, whether they are paid, volunteer, part-time, full-time, clergy or lay,
will be required to attend an orientation session once. At this session they will be informed of policies
and procedures.
Rule 4: Adult volunteers with children and youth shall attend regular training and educational events
provided by the church to keep volunteers informed of church policies and state laws regarding child
Rule 5: Each room set aside for children must have a door with a window, or a half door or an open
door with a gate.
Rule 6: A basic rule is to always give the parents advance notice and full information regarding
events. Give handout information sheets. Get written permission from parents for child’s
Rule 7: Criminal background checks may be performed on all workers. No adult who has been
convicted of child abuse (either sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse, or ritual
abuse) should volunteer to work with children or youth in any church sponsored activity.
Rule 8: All adult volunteers involved with children or youth of our church must have been attending
regularly for at least six months before beginning a volunteer assignment.
Rule 9: Adult volunteers shall immediately report to their supervisor any behavior that seems abusive
or inappropriate.
Rule 10: All workers with children must know the state requirements in reporting abuse to law
enforcement authorities and child protective services. In TN you are mandated, if there is reasonable
cause, to report suspected cases of child abuse.
Please answer the following questions:
1. As a volunteer in this congregation, do you agree to observe and abide by all church policies
regarding working in ministries with children and youth?
___Y __N
2. As a volunteer in this congregation, do you agree to observe the “Two Adult Rule” at all times?
3. As a volunteer in this congregation, do you agree to abide by the “Six Month Rule” before
beginning a volunteer assignment?
____Y ____N
4. As a volunteer in this congregation, do you agree to participate in training and education
events provided by the church related to your volunteer assignment?
5. As a volunteer in this congregation, do you agree to promptly report abusive or inappropriate
behavior to your supervisor(s)?
_____Y _____N
6. As a volunteer in this congregation, do you agree to inform a minister of this church if you have
ever been convicted of child abuse?
_____Y _____N
7. As a volunteer in this congregation, do you agree to a background check if the church so
chooses? _____Y _____N
observe and abide by the policies set forth above.
Signature of Applicant
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