DOC - Europa

Bruxelles, le 14 février 2014
CALENDRIER du 17 au 23 février 2014
(Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)
Déplacements et visites
Lundi 17 février
Eurogroup meeting
Agriculture and Fisheries Council
Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO attends the EU Urban Policy event
Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives a delegation of the Conference of European Rabbis
Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA participates in the Parliamentary Winter Forum: "The revision of the German
EEG – when, what, how, at what price?" (Berlin)
Mr Siim KALLAS on mission in Thessaloniki, Greece: delivers a keynote speech at Greek-EU
Presidency Summit entitled “Sea of Europe”
Mr Antonio TAJANI participates at the working group "Anaemic Europe – how to achieve dynamism
and well-being" (Rome)
Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ meets the organisers and takes part in the first hearing in the framework of
the 'Right2Water' European Citizens' Initiative (Brussels)
Mr Janez POTOČNIK receives Dr Joan CLOS, Executive Director of UN-Habitat
Mr Janez POTOČNIK receives Mr Andrä RUPPRECHTER, Federal Minister of Environment of Austria
Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Arup BANERJI, World Bank’s Global Director for Social protection
and Labour
Mr Andris PIEBALGS signs the contract for the transfer of the € 12 million to OPCW (Organisation
for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) for the destruction of the Syrian chemical stockpiles
Mr Michel BARNIER participates in the signing ceremony of
Recommendations on the management of the Author Resale Right"
Ms Androulla VASSILIOU meets the Albanian Minister of Culture, Ms Mirela KUMBARO
Mr Karel DE GUCHT meets Mr Michael FROMAN, US Trade Representative (Washington, USA)
Mr Janusz LEWANDOWSKI in Madrid, Spain: participates in the conference "Seminar on Budgeting
and Public Control"; meets with Mr Ramón ÁLVAREZ DE MIRANDA, President of the Court of Audits
and members
Ms Maria DAMANAKI in Thessaloniki, Greece: speech and discussion at the Greek EU Presidency
Summit: "The Sea of Europe: Routing the Map for Economic Growth"
Mr Johannes HAHN opens the URBAN Forum "Cities of Tomorrow: Investing in Europe" with the
meeting of Member State Directors-General responsible for urban development; attends the
discussion end of the first session hosted by Eurocities and the Council of European Municipalities
and Regions; attends a family picture with the EU Capital Mayors; opens and chairs the meeting of
Mayors of EU Capital Cities; opens the Plenary Session of the URBAN FORUM
Ms Connie HEDEGAARD in Denmark: meets with Mr Michael RASMUSSEN, Group Chief Executive
of Nykredit Realkredit A/S (association of Danish Mortgage Banks – Realkreditrådet)
(Copenhagen); meets with LOF (Slagelse); gives lecture at the Visual Climate Center (Holeby);
delivers a speech at FOF Sydøst High School (Haslev)
Déplacements et visites
Mr Štefan FÜLE on visit to Sarejevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM in Athens, Greece: delivers a keynote speech at the Opening of the
Meeting of Chairpersons of the Committees in the Hellenic Parliament; meets with Mr Panagiotis
NIKAS, Head of the First Reception Service; meets with representatives of the NGO "Doctors of the
World" followed by a visit of the new reception Centre for Asylum Seekers
Mr Tonio BORG receives Mr Claudio GRECH, Maltese Shadow Minister for Health
Mr Tonio BORG receives Mr Dan JØRGENSEN, Danish Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
Mardi 18 février
Economic and Financial Affairs Council
Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO attends the European Strategy and Analysis System (ESPAS)
Conference 2014 (Brussels)
Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives the American Jewish Committee
Ms Catherine ASHTON leads the Iran Nuclear Talks (Vienna)
Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA participates in the Workshop on Competition policy enforcement as a driver
for growth (Brussels)
Mr Antonio TAJANI in La Louvière, Belgium: mission for growth
Mr Antonio TAJANI meets the Egyptian Minister for Commerce and Industry, Mr Mounir Fakhry
Mr Antonio TAJANI meets Ms Monica MÆLAND, the Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry
Mr Janez POTOČNIK meets with representatives of the European Environment Bureau (EEB)
board, at Martin's Central Park Hotel (Brussels)
Mr Janez POTOČNIK attends a working lunch meeting with Dr Hans-Peter FRIEDRICH, Federal
Minister of Agriculture of Germany
Ms Androulla VASSILIOU meets with Group of Experts on Gender Equality in Sport
Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA participates at the European Women Lobby event
Mr Günther H. OETTINGER delivers key note at the "Cities of Tomorrow: Investing in Europe"
conference (Brussels)
Mr Günther H. OETTINGER visits Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (Mol)
Mr Günther H. OETTINGER delivers key note at the annual reception of the association of the
German investment fund and asset management industry (BVI) (Brussels)
Mr Günther H. OETTINGER receives representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Munich and
Upper Bavaria (Brussels)
Mr Günther H. OETTINGER meets with Mr Peter FELDMANN, the Lord Mayor of Frankfurt/ Main
Mr Johannes HAHN moderates the Cities and Business plenary panel discussion
Mr Johannes HAHN receives Mr Constantinos YIORKADJIS, Mayor of Nicosia
Mr Johannes HAHN gives a closing speech and chairs the concluding session of the Cities and
Business plenary panel discussion
Mr Johannes HAHN receives Mr Carlo TRIGILIA, IT Minister for Territorial Cohesion
Mr Johannes HAHN receives Ms Yordanka Asenova FANDAKOVA, Mayor of Sofia
Mr László ANDOR opens the expert conference on Employment and Social Developments in Europe
2013, Hotel Thon EU (Brussels)
Déplacements et visites
Mr László ANDOR chairs a workshop on inclusive investments at "Cities of Tomorrow: Investing in
Europe" conference
Mr Tonio BORG receives Mr Hans-Peter FRIEDRICH, German Federal Minister for Agriculture
Mercredi 19 février
Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO attends the European Round Table meeting; meets Mr François
Hollande, President of France and Ms Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany (Paris)
Ms Catherine ASHTON leads the Iran Nuclear Talks (Vienna)
Mr Antonio TAJANI meets the Tunisian Minister of Industry and Energy, Mr Kamel BENNACEUR
Mr Antonio TAJANI meets the Israeli Minister of Industry, Mr Naftali BENNET
Mr Antonio TAJANI meets the Jordanian Minister of Industry, Mr Hatem Hafez AL-TAMINI
Mr Antonio TAJANI attends the 9th Ministerial Meeting on Euro-Mediterranean industrial
cooperation (Brussels)
Mr Günther H. OETTINGER visits Georgia (19-21/02) and meets with Government representatives
including Mr Irakli GHARIBASHVILI, Prime Minister of Georgia (Tbilisi)
Mr Johannes HAHN receives Mr Stefano CALDORO, President of the Campania Region
Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM delivers a keynote speech at the Conference "My destination is Unknown.
Children on the move: will the EU deliver on its commitments" at the European Parliament
Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM delivers a keynote speech at the 10th Anniversary of the AJC Transatlantic
Institute, American Jewish Committee (Brussels)
Jeudi 20 février
Competitiveness Council
Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Bohuslav SOBOTKA, Prime Minister of the Czech
Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO meets Mr Sigmar GABRIEL, Minister for Economy and Energy and
Vice Chancellor of Germany
Ms Catherine ASHTON leads the Iran Nuclear Talks (Vienna)
Mr Antonio TAJANI meets the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, Mr Jan
Mr Antonio TAJANI meets the Minister of Industry of The Netherlands, Mr Henk KAMP
Mr Antonio TAJANI meets the German Minister of Economics and Energy, Mr Sigmar GABRIEL
Mr Janez POTOČNIK attends a working lunch with Ms Rebeca GRYNSPAN, UN Under-Secretary
General and Associate Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Mr Michel BARNIER participates in the 12th Annual European Financial Services Conference
"Financial Markets and the Growth Agenda", organised by Forum Europe
Ms Androulla VASSILIOU visits Athens (20-21/02): delivers a keynote speech and takes part at the
debate at the Conference on cultural and creative industries, at the Athens Concert Hall-Christos
Lambrakis Hall; delivers opening speech and takes part at the debate at the conference organized
by the EC Representation and the network Teachers for Europe on "European policies in
Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA presents the discharge report at Cont meeting (PE)
Mr Karel DE GUCHT receives Mr Sigmar GABRIEL, German Minister of the Economy and Energy
Mr Johannes HAHN in Innsbruck: participates at the Citizens’ Dialogue
Déplacements et visites
Ms Connie HEDEGAARD in Madrid: meets with the Secretary of State for Energy, Mr Alberto
NADAL; meets with Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Mr Miguel Arias CAÑETE;
working lunch with Spanish NGOs and Foundations; meets with the Director of the Economic
Affairs Office Mr Alvaro NADAL and with the Director of European Affairs and G20, Mr Jorge
Mr László ANDOR participates in 'Pro Europa' public meeting on free movement, at FEPS (Brussels)
Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM in Sundsvall, Sweden: delivers a keynote speech at the 2020 Conference
Vendredi 21 février
Competitiveness Council
Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA participates in the Conference New Frontieres of Antitrust (Paris)
Mr Olli REHN at the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting in Sydney (2123/2)
Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA in Sofia: meets Mr Mustafa HADJI, Chief Mufti of Bulgaria; meets Mr
Valeriy DIMITROV, President of the Bulgarian National Audit Office, and Mr Tzvetan TZVETKOV,
Vice President of the Bulgarian National Audit Office; meets Mr Petar STOYANOVICH, Bulgarian
Minister of Culture
Ms Connie HEDEGAARD in Lisbon: meets with the Minister of Environment, Spatial Planning and
Energy, Mr Jorge MOREIRA DA SILVA; meets with the Minister of Agriculture and Sea, Ms
Assunção CRISTAS; lunch/debate with Environmental NGOs and sectorial organizations (EC
Mr László ANDOR participates in the launch of the World Bank pensions report "Inverting Pyramid"
(Hotel Crowne Plaza Brussels-Le Palace)
Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM in Sundsvall, Sweden: delivers keynote speech at the Europaforum
Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ in Berlin: meets with Mr Hans-Peter FRIEDRICH, German Federal Minister for
Food and Agriculture; meets with Ms Barbara HENDRICKS, German Federal Minister for the
Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety; meets with members of the
Committee for Agriculture in the German Bundestag; meets with Mr Joachim RUKWIED, President
of the Deutsche Bauernverband (German Farmers’ Association)
Samedi 22 février
Mr Tonio BORG attends the conference on mental health "Kapacita Mentali" (Malta)
Dimanche 23 février
Prévisions du mois de février et mars:
24/2 Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council
24-27/2 European Parliament plenary session
3-4/3 Justice and Home Affairs Council
3/3 Environment Council
4/3 Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Energy)
10/3 Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council
10/3 Eurogroup meeting
10-13/3 European Parliament plenary session
11/3 Economic and Financial Affairs Council
14/3 Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Transport)
17/3 Foreign Affairs Council
18/3 General Affairs Council
20-21/3 European Council
24-25/3 Agriculture and Fisheries Council
Permanence DG COMM le WE du 15 au 16 février:
Joe HENNON, +32(0) 498 953 593
Permanence RAPID- GSM: +32 (0) 498 982 748
Service Audiovisuel, planning studio – tél. : +32 (0)2/295 21 23