
Minutes: EHPU AGM held 19th February 2011 in Budapest, Hungary.
Scott Torkelsen, DHPU
Rasmos Rohlff, DHPU
Hanspeter Denzler, SHV
Charlie Jöst, DHV
Klaus Tänzler, DHV
Martin Heywood, BHPA
Angus Pinkerton, BHPA
Luca Basso, FIVL
Arne H. Hillestad, NLF
Hans-Peter Fallesen, SSFF
Miroslav Fejt, LAA
Jurij Franko, SFFA
Marion Varner, FFVL
Yves Borreman, FBVL
Antonio Fernandes, FPVL
Peter Brandlehner, ÖAeC
Leonhard Grigorescu, FFAR
Valentin Popa, FFAR
Kornelia Feker HFFA
Chris Borra KNVvL
Laszlo Kerekes HFFA
Zsuzsanna Toth HFFA
Dara Hogan IHPA
Luigi De Stefanis FIVL
Laszlo Szollosi HAA
In Attendance:
Mark Dale EHPU
Revesz Tamas NFM
Gunther Bertram EAS
John Aldridge CIVL
1. President’s Welcome and Introductions: Laszlo welcomed everyone to
Budapest. Revesz Tamas from the Hungarian NFM then welcomed the
delegates and made a short address. Dara Hogan from IHPA and John Aldridge
from CIVL were introduced.
2. Apologies for Absence: Daniel Riner, Thomas Senac
3. Conflicts of Interest: None declared
4. Agenda: Approved
5. Minutes of the last AGM 27th February 2010 in Tegernsee, Germany:
6. Matters Arising: It was agreed that these would be dealt with within the current
7. Reports for 2010
a. General Secretary’s Report: A new Spanish association (Asociación de
Vuelo Libre Española AVLE) is forming and will hopefully attend in 2012.
b. Treasurer’s Report
i. The 2010 accounts were approved.
ii. The written proposal regarding EHPU Reserves was approved.
Also it was agreed that we would increase the available AGM host
country subsidy to 2000Euro.
c. Committee Reports:
Airworthiness Committee: Angus Pinkerton
Angus reported that CEN TC136 WG6 had been reactivated to review EN9262, the Paraglider Flight Test Standard. The first meeting was held during
December 2010, and there is every indication that all the participants are
determined to work well together to produce an improved standard.
Both EN926-1 (the paraglider load test standard) and EN12491 (emergency
parachutes) have reached their automatic review dates, and TC136 have
been informed that both standards will require to be reviewed, and almost
certainly amended. WG6 will take on these items after completion of the
EN926-2 update.
Klaus reported on an issue with helmet retention clips. There had been
instances of failure due perhaps to poor manufacturing or ageing.
 Gunther informed the meeting about Nato pilot helmet clips.
 It was mentioned that some helmet types seem geared toward
paraglider pilots with protrusions at the back that make them
inconvenient for prone hang glider pilots. Should these be outlawed
within the standard?
 The DHV will pass their report to MD for promulgation
Safety and Training Committee: John Lovell (Meeting 3rd/ 4tth July 2010 at
Marion explained further the situation regarding commercial Instructors taking
students to France. The School/Instructor must send their qualification
procedures to Marion, in English and the FFVL will inform the French
authorities whether these meet the required standards. A French language
version of their insurance policy document is also required. The police will
arrest Instructors working without the correct paperwork. Permission will take
a ‘reasonable administrative time’ – so six weeks or so.
These procedures will be clarified and placed on the EHPU website.
Chris Borra informed the meeting that in the Netherlands they use a
‘European Sport Instructor’ qualification scheme, and suggested that perhaps
this could be used.
8. Presentation on European Airspace matters and SERA from Gunter
Bertram EAS.
This highlighted issues with using simple GPS units for height measurement if
they had no facility to switch between QFE, QNH and QNE. SERA: Gunther
suggested that the EHPU should seek greater representation at Europe
Airsports – perhaps on the board. He also mentioned a letter from David
Roberts to EAS members suggesting the approach they should make to their
MEP’s. This letter is to be located and circulated. Note: David Roberts was
contacted after the meeting. This letter was on a different subject which is of
no interest to EHPU.
9. Airspace report: Chris Borra
Chris reported that two of the key issues with SERA were flight below 150m
and the lack of a separate definition separating hang gliders/paragliders from
sailplanes. He also commented on his difficulty in getting clear information on
the situation regarding SERA. MD to send CB details of the EAS AGM 26th
March. Also to DH.
10. Any Other Business
a. EHPU position paper on Ecological Matters. Approved. The ‘improved
English‘ version will be placed on the EHPU website along with an Italian
report on Birds of Prey.
b. Competitions and safety: Where we are now.
Angus outlined the reasoning behind the BHPA proposal to CIVL. It was
agreed that nothing had changed in the EHPU position regarding the
desirability of pilots flying certified gliders, especially in Category 1
competitions. In a ‘round the room’ survey it was established that in twelve
EHPU countries the CIVL delegate will vote in favour of this proposal. In the
remaining five countries the situation was less clear, due to the difficulties
those federations have in controlling their delegates.
Klaus calculated that with CIVL having 60 voting members, it is uncertain that
our votes will win the day. But nevertheless they send a clear message. It was
pointed out that some CIVL countries see CIVL as being Eurocentric and
therefore if we did want to succeed with this we should perhaps identify
strategies that encourage non European countries to our way of thinking.
c. Paramotors
The rules regarding paramotors are under review in Denmark. In a ‘round the
room‘ survey it was seen that in some countries paramotor pilots fly within the
hang glider/paraglider association, in some they fly within the microlight
association, in some they have their own association, and in Switzerland they
are banned.
Charlie then updated the meeting on developments in electric powered hang
gliders and paragliders – and the fact that in German it seems likely that with
short duration battery packs that only provide a launch, hang gliders and
paragliders fitted with electric powerpacks will remain classified as
11. Treasurer: Hans Peter Fallesen was re-elected EHPU Treasurer
12. General Secretary: Mark Dale was re-elected EHPU General Secretary
13. Vote of Thanks: Laszlo and the HFFA were thanked for their Presidency and
hosting of the meeting.
14. Next President: Dara Hogan of Ireland
15. Next Meeting: Provisionally Saturday 11th February 2012 in Dublin.