* GUIDELINES FOR PREPARATION OF RESEARCH PROPOSAL 1. Format for research proposal Title Introduction Literature Review Project: Aims, Objectives and Scope Methodology Work Schedule Financial Resources Material/Human 2. Name and Signature 3. Name/s and Signature/s of Supervisor/s 4. Backdating of Registration Backdating of an application for registration for a research degree is allowed only in the case of provisional students. In the case of provisional students the maximum period of backdating allowed is three months. 1/4 † PG Specialisations offered by the Faculty of Engineering (†based on current list of PG programmes, PG registrations and information from HOD’s) (A) Ph.D. and M.Phil. degrees are offered by the University and there is no mention of a discipline in the degree certificate. However, the specialisation is mentioned in the transcript issued by the assistant registrar. (B) Regular, taught M.Sc. Eng. and Postgraduate Diplomas are offered by the faculty in the disciplines listed below: Environmental Pollution Control Engineering Environmental and Water Engineering Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology Structural Engineering Disaster Management Electrical & Electronic Engineering Engineering Mathematics Industrial & Systems Engineering Mechanical Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Engineering Management (C) In addition, discussions are under way to develop new regular, taught M.Sc.Eng and PG Dip. Degrees in the following disciplines: (D) Computer Engineering Construction Engineering Transportation Engineering GIS and remote Sensing Materials Engineering The faculty has also been offering research based M.Sc.Eng. degrees and PG Diplomas in the disciplines listed above and the following: (E) Traffic & Transportation Engineering Water Management Network Security Operations Research Discussions are under way to expand the list (D) to include the following disciplines: Network Security Advanced Computer Architecture Embedded Systems Neural and Fuzzy Networks Artificial Intelligence Advanced Computer Networks Systems Modelling Operations Research and Optimization 2/4 Industrial Statistics Mathematics and Engineering Education Systems Engineering 13th September 2007 3/4