Evidence for Evolution

Evidence of Evolution
Standard 1.4 Biological evolution is supported by scientific evidence from many
disciplines, including mathematics.
Performance Indicators
a. Evaluate evidence provided by data from many scientific disciplines that support biological evolution. [SP 5.3]
b. Refine evidence based on data from many scientific disciplines that support biological evolution. [SP 5.2]
Design a plan to answer scientific questions regarding how organisms have changed over time using information
from morphology, biochemistry and geology. [SP 4.2]
c. Connect scientific evidence from many scientific disciplines to support the modern concept of evolution. [SP 7.1]
d. Construct and/or justify mathematical models, diagrams or simulations that represent processes of biological
evolution. [SP 1.1, 2.1]
Topic Presentation: Prezi
click here
“Crash Course: Biology” Videos: Evolution- It's a Thing: Biology #20
Videos By Paul Anderson: “Evidence for Evolution”
Text book reading: Ch 22 p.460-466
Questions to answer:
1. Explain how each of the following specifically support some aspect of evolutionary theory:
1. The fossil record (generally)
6. Comparative embryology
2. Transition fossils (specifically)
7. Molecular Homology (DNA & Proteins)
3. Homologous anatomical structures
8. Artificial selection
4. Analogous anatomical structures
9. Biogeography
5. Vestigial anatomical structures
10. Observed evolution (your choice)
2. Explain the concept of teleology and why it is contradicted by evolutionary biology. Provide three examples of
evidence that directly contradict teleological thinking.
3. Explain why “Intelligent Design” is not a scientific hypothesis to explain the origin and evolution of life on
Earth. Provide two bits of evidence that contradict the idea of “Intelligent Design”.
Things you should make sure you understand:
 How the major aspects of evolutionary theory are similar to all other scientific thoughts in terms of how they have
developed, and how they depend upon evidence.
 How alternate ideas related to the origin of life on Earth are not supported by science.
Lab: Evidence of Evolution Interactive
Class Activity: Molecular Clock
HHMI Biointeractive Click & Learn
Great Transitions Interactive
Explore Your Inner Animals