New Members - the Chinook Winds RC Club

New Members and Pre Flight Training Student Checklist
New Members (Pilots)
Chinook Winds welcomes new members interested in our hobby. In order to
maximize field safety Chinook Winds requires the following:
 A current copy of your MAAC membership card be placed on the
frequency board prior to turning on your transmitter
 Chinook Winds requires membership for all days beyond the first day
of flying
 Flight Box Training completed with a club instructor is required
before the first flight
 Completion of a Maiden Plane inspection form is required for all new
planes to the field
New Members (Students)
Chinook Winds welcomes new members interested in our hobby. In order to
maximize field safety Chinook Winds offers perspective new pilots a
“Wings Training Program” and instructors to take you through the hands on
program so you can get your Wings.
To get started with this program a number of items need to be address before
training can start as follows:
 Purchase a Chinook Winds membership
 Purchase a MAAC membership
 Contact an instructor before purchasing a plane to ensure the best
choice is made
 Completion of Flight Box Training with a club instructor is required
for all pilots
 A pre-flight maiden inspection for all planes prior to flying at the
Chinook Winds Field
 Read and Understand the Chinook Winds safety requirements
 Read and Understand the MAAC safety requirements
 Identify either inside or outside of all your planes with your name and
 Read the “Wings Program” to understand the future testing
 It is recommended that you purchase and use of an RC Flight
Simulator will speed the training process and have you confident in
your skills, this could save money in the long run.
o It is important to practice using the ground view not chase or
cockpit views.
Field Safety
 NEVER turn on your transmitter until both Chinook Winds and
MAAC membership cards have been placed on the frequency board
and you are sure the frequency is not being used. Failure to do this
could cause a crash and your responsibility to replace a plane.
 The Pit Area (between the fences that separates the spectators and the
pilot stations) is the set-up and assembly area and has tables for your
use. All equipment is to be stored in this area.
 Engines and motors are not to be started in the Pit Area.
 The Start-up Areas at the ends of the Pit Areas have starting stations
for holding your planes. This is the only area plane engines and
motors can be started.
 The Start-Up areas are not for tuning only for starting prior to takeoff.
 Tuning areas will be assigned each day depending on the wind
direction. Tuning is best done when planes or Helis are not in the air
due to problems created hearing the engines.
 Ensure that you have no loose clothing when starting any engine.
Straps for transmitters are particularly dangerous.
 NEVER start an engine or motor unless the plane is restrained by one
of the systems provided in the Start-Up area.
 NEVER reach over or around a rotating propeller. All adjustments
must be completed from behind the prop.
 NEVER stand directly at the side of a rotating prop. Since the prop
can fail causing injury.
 NEVER Smoke around gas or fuel engines that are being fueled or
around the gas or fuel containers.
 Electric motors have supplied power and can start instantly at full
power and cause serious injury. Electric motor batteries should be
connected while using the same start-up restrains as the fuel engines
planes depending on size.
 All Planes must be able to be shutdown with the transmitter.
 Always remove your plane and equipment from the start-up area after
each flight to allow others to use the provided equipment.
 If planes are flying you must fly on the same runway as the existing
planes in the air.
 If plane(s) are flying request permission to take-off from the other
pilots prior to entering the runway.
 Ensure all flights are within the flight box outlined in your
membership package.
Equipment Required
 Use a trainer level plane for training all set-up ready to fly.
 Field Box
o Fuel
o Fuel Pump
o Glow driver
o Battery charger and extra battery for electric units.
 Transmitter(s) some students supply their own buddy box and cable to
ensure their settings are not lost and they are not held up waiting for
the club systems
Some general rules of thumb;
 When a plane is coming toward you move the stick in the direction
of the low wing to level out
 Engine cowl opening need both an inlet area and vent area.
 The vent area needs to be roughly 3 times the inlet area for good
engine cooling
Some humor:
 The amount of runway behind your plane is not as important as the
amount ahead of your plane.
 The amount of altitude above your plane is not as important as the
amount below (unless inverted)
 The size of a planes fuel tank is not as important as how much fuel is
in the tank.
 Taking off is optional landing is mandatory
 Its better to have your plane on the ground and wish you were flying
than to be flying and wishing you were on the ground
Finally the Chinook Winds members hope you enjoy your student pilot
experience and look forward to flying with you in the future.