MEDICAL STUDENT TEACHING FILE September, 2009 BONES; Fractures of the extremities: Upper Thompson, James 0533250-7 Ensom, Molly 247954-2 Dohler, Gerhard 0613391-2 Whelan, Peter 3428246-7 Marshall. Edyth 1180063-8 McIntyre, Kath 3398721-5 Desjardins, Marina 0293227-5 Hirsh 3483324-4 Dawood, Zahid 3564702-3 Haley, Francoise 1226457-8 Sullivan, Stephen 0742875-8 Cheeseman, John 1172794-8 Angevine, Eleanor 3493125-3 Gwyn, Andrew 0767815-4 Anderson, Eleanor 3397601-0 Lepage, Derek 3486569-1 Khan, Zafer 0588494-5 Armstrong, Val 2234114-4 Sarwar, Gulam Seymour, Llewelyn3319249-3 Plouffe, Louise 0960123-8 Lower Mulligan, Mary 0272452-4 Beland, Clarke 0350174-9 Dagher, Elias 0672572-5 Jones, loretta 2511951-4 Libert 0439944-0 Ham, Suzing 0572162-6 Tanner, Diane 0572023-0 Dupnt, Gary 0470960-6 Perreault, Glendon 0417475-1 Campeau, Luc 0455740-1 Beaudoin, Jacq 3541979-5 Allen, Reed 3542024-9 Rt Elbow Fx effusion elbow Supracondykar fx elbow 07/08 Fx Radial head Fx radial head “sail sign” (good) radial fx seen after injury 03/08 Greenstick radius Greenst lt wrist Fx Triquetrum Fx 5th metacarp Fx base of 5th Colles – nice Colles with fat pad Normal fat pad wrist Fx Metacarpals Fx 5th metatars* 07/07 Fx head 5th MCP Fx 5th MCT Perilunate dislocation 12/03/08 Smith’s fracture Fem Neck Fx Fx. Fem neck Intertroch fx hip 22/03/08 Congen Disloc hip 22/03/08 Bimalleolar fx Patellar Fx and lipohemarthr 07/07 Fx Patella and effusion 16/05/08 Fat/fluid level knee Lisfranc, fx, CT, plain films Fx Femur 09/07 Fx Acetabulum Fx Patella Delago, Maria 3483143-8 Jackson, Cody 3578263-0 Lannigan, Dorey 1161184-5 Macklen, Doug -720277-3 Picard, Pierrette 0354409-5 Hume, Jim 2002636-5 Pryce, Rosalie 36027613 Buchanan, Scott 3574307-9 Pragasarajah, Am 3583665-9 Perrault, Glendon 0417475-1 Desever 1065134-7 Domey, Norma 1227439-5 Head Clark, Nicholas 3558729-4 Lochend, Kathryn 1095957-5 Heliotis. A 3574332-7 Hunter, Robert 3212458-8 Dickie, Shawn 07879810 Rivas, Eduardo 0673568-2 Chretien. Linda 3449076-3 Sauve, Luc 05851720 Spinal: McCabe, 3483309-5 Olive, Adam 3223812-3 Lowry, Lorne 0303859-3 Perry, Shirley 1211371-8 Hogan, Marshall 0416149-3 Levesque, Jacques 36053718 Szuta, Shao 33501334 Dislocations: Young, Isabel C. 0774444Butcher,Mark 3481758-5 Dayton, Scott 3421614-3 Marsal, Moham 0958363-4 Lemire-Touzin, H 0815446-0 Edwards, Evelyn 2269997-9 Other Conditions: D’Angelo, Joan 0525418-0 Beazer, Janet 0241081-9 Labra, Pedro 3573121-5 Trimalleolar fx Fx fibula, wide mortice 22/03/08 Fx fibular head Bilat lipohemarthroses knees 09/07 Lipohemarthr (great) Lipohemarthrosis (great) 7/8/08 Suprapatellar effus (good) 09/08 Ankle injury, severe 01/08 Ligament injury 08/04/08 Lis Franc foot (with CT) Fx 5th metatarsal Nice stress view anke Fx Maxilla Fx lt orbit Fx rt orbit Fx mandible 03/08 Fx Mandible Nasal Fracture 23/03/08 Lt Max Sinusitis 03/08 Subdural Hematoma Fx trans pr LS Hangman’s fx** Jefferson’s cerv fx Atlanto-axial sublux 09/07 Fx cervical and facet lock 02/08 Locked facets 09/08 Ank Spond 09/08 CXR AntDislocatShoul 11/11/06 Ant Dislocat Shoul Bilat shoulder disloc Disloc Elbow Ant disloc shoulder 26/01/08 Disloc hip (07/09) Mets Humerus Mets humerus Met pelvis Latulippe, Estelle 0620036-4 Rawes, Ian 0291334-1 Tricker, Bert 0622767-2 MacDonald, Calvin 0255965-6 Hussain, Nabil 1177852-9 Ahmed, Sadr 0343945-2 McNamee, Laur 0915241-4 Barker, James 2820470-9 Boger, Aliette Cattran, Charles 0393011-2 Carter, Peter 3250615-6 Holton, Paul 0701560-5 Leger, Rene 1130384-9 Ackerman, Braden 3588490-7 Fleury, Martin 3581172-8 Boyle, Joseph 07549918 Lung mets femur 03/08 Myeloma (good) 03/08 Osteomye. Toe Loss of pedicle, mets 14/08/07 Spondylolysis L5-S1 Ank Spond and Fx 07/08/07 Supra sp tend 02/01/07 Knife in orbit Poss sternal fx Osteopetrosis?? Osteomyelitis 26/01/08 Paget’s disease 04/08 Paget’s Ivory Vert Osteochondritis Dissicans Talus Periost new bone femur (june 08) Fx line visible at 10 days ABDOMEN: Obstructions Small Bowel Turcot, Arthur J. 0743882-3 Mavis, Lee Mary 2349831-4 Eades, Norris 2259379-2 White, Wm Niven 0836071-1` Callard, Shirley 0396740-3 Bryan, Doris 3491707-0 Hillier, Percy 0335851-2 Higgs, James 0403934-3 Large Bowel Nantsios, Alexa 0489237-8 Groleau, Gerard G-314382-3 Volvulus Scharfe, Allan J. 0843478-9 Mo, Luen Cheung 0707236-6 Leary, Yolande 0812788-8 Zeraruk, Yemane 3369833-3 Free air Gibbs, Marjorie 3558749-2 Larocque,Margu 0302972-5 Keefe, Ernest 2672711-5 SBO. Free air SBO SBO SBO SBO SBO SBO, Free air Enteritis 13/01/06 08/05/06 18/01/07 05/01/07 04/01/07 22/09/07 LBO 05/02/05 LBO – Perforated 26/01/07 Cecal Volvulus 07/01/07,23/01/06 Sig Volvulus 21/12/05 Sig Volvulus 12/07/07 Sig volv, rectal tube 21/10/06 Free air, small am’t 23/09/07 Free air, ascites 05/02/07 Free Air on CT 08/01/07 Emmerson, Lil M 0344902-2 Oeur, Oeurng 2566015-0 Chamberland, Suz 2474054-0 Duncan, Dougl Bass, Astrid 3368524-9 Ischemia Jabbar, Syed 3481883-1 Kerluke, Michelle 1222664-3 Mignault, Madelai 2222456-2 Rosberg, Beverly 0871369-5 Taylor-Minaric, M 3536055-1 MacDonald, Gra 3434288-1 Vandersen, Doris 3572584-5 Morley, Dwight 0465230-1 Other Conditions Rutherford 0236018-8 Kennedy, Blair 2943442-0 Caron, Rejean 3364261-2 Chatterton, Wesley 0370833-6 Byers, Gloria 0932057-3 Hurst 3487715-9 Hayward, Michael 1141100-6 Heath, Doug 1198414-3 Shields, Joanne 0685132-3 Taylor, Anne 0649203-7 Davies, Sandra 0259580-9 Herde, Max Pie 0494280-1 Pelletier, Helene 2685361-4 Simpson, Marg 2674632-1 Abell, Joanne K. 0349093-5 Jessup, Deb 0810561-6 Farley, Thomas 0567992-3 Fairweather, Angel 0644079-6 Boswell, Bryan 2645142-7 McGirr, Karen 3585086-6 Stewart, Nicholas 3627067-6 Blanchard, Lise 3483316-0 MZiray, Jeff 3645829-7 PE Free air in abd 07/12/06 Free air 23/01/07 Free air – Subtle 01/02/08 Free air – tricky 26/01/08 Free air, pneumatosis 01/09 Air portal vein 19/03/07 CT Air portal syst Air Bowel wall 18/06/07 Isch Bowel CT 04/08/07 Colitis Colitis Ischemia 01/08 Perf colitis AAA 03/04 Ruptured AAA Rupt AAA AAA 21/03/08 Hemangioma l3/00/305 Barium in LB Polycystic Kid Gallstone on CT chest Rt Ureteric stone on CT Fecal Impaction NORMAL Ascites 22/04/07 Ascites, paracolic 04/09 Gallstone Ileus 19/04/07 Esoph Perf 09/07 Stone ureter 03/08 Gastric outlet obstr 15/01/08 Renal calculi, IVP and plain 01/08 Splenomegally 11/08 Dermoid and fibroid abdomen Appendicolith Pneumatosis coli (08/09) CXR Spontaneous rupture spleen CHEST: Lobar Pneumonia: Lapointe, Christ 1179271-0 Rankin, Norah 0236988-2 Marshall, Peter 3391237-9 Ranger, Louise 0224679-1 RouleauSmith, G 0423620-4 Palmer, James 3400951-4 Tilley, Christina 2909337-4 Bationo, Emmanu 3251539-7 Miller, Tanya 3487401-6 Chabot, Carole 3207983-2 Lajuenesse, Alf 2004359-2 Reed, Doris 1142724-2 Charron, Claude 22306906 Alford-Caplan, Ben2843958-6 Thomas, Donald 0402032-7 Ridsdale, Eliz 09444787 Mousseau-Chartr 2973909-1 Richardson, Elv 1175986-7 Cayer, Daniel 0646869-8 Holan, Viki 2257334-9 Bush, Pam 0641554-1 Graham, Wanda 0580183-2 Lalonde, Tammy 3417323-7 Crossman, Karen 1116371-4 Aluafi, Nada 3465997-9 Angulo, Jorge 35720614 Wernilowski, Lor 0477528-4 Durocher, Derick 0597314-4 Drouin, Luc 2274396-7 Seale, Stephanie 3610290-3 Deirue, Valerie 3469684-9 Chaine, Marc 1129139-0 Bronchopneumonia: Bokhari, Saadia 3536565-9 Ouimette, Chad 3254414-0 McNaulty, Rich 2262079-3 LLL pneum 24/08/06 LLL pneum 10/07/06 LLL pheum,* 08/08/07 (out) RML pneu 03/12/05 (out) RUL , RLL Pneu 31/12/06 (out) RUL Pneum 20/06/08 RUL collapse LLL Pneum 17/04/07 RML Pneu 02/02/07 RML pneum 04/08 RML and RLL pneum 23/09/07 RML Pneum RLL Pneum 11/05/07 (out) RLL pneum 17/10/07 (out) RLL Pneumonia 16/05/08 RLL Pneumonia 15/08/08 Lingular pneum 11/09/07 (out) RUL pneum 12/05/06 RUL Pneumonia 26/03/07 LLL pneum 30/04/07 Ling Pneu 28/02/07 RUL Pneum severe 26/03/07 RLL Pneum 10/09/07 (out) RLL pneumonia 10/07 RLL Pneum 08/08 LLL pneum 09/01/08 (out) LLL pneum 03/01/08 LLL consolidation 17/03/08 Bilat lobar pneum 09/08 Beaut LLL pneum Ling pneum (great) 06/09 RLL Pneumnia Sept 4/09 Bronchopneumonia 09/04/07 Beautiful Bronchopneum Asp Pneum or Broncho pn 15/10/07 Hahn, Pierre 2107279-8 O’connell, Noreen 0368515-3 Interstitial Pneumonia: Nash, Roger 0904402-5 Hewton, Ronald O 0817561-4 Morris, Michelle 1226354-7 Amelash, Bizen 1131090-1 Young, Ann 0874583-8 Osman, Abdel 03680956 Thiberge, Marc 0382463-8 Reckzin, Cynth 3571073-0 Svetlovsky, Marina 2256659-0 Miner, Bonnie, 2206303-6 McRae, Kevin 3396513-8 Lavergne, Lionel 2279622-1 Malik, Amjad 1037397-5 Taylor, Shirley 3634990-0 Pulmonary Edema: Ballard, Harry 11314416 Lassier, Rob 1210412-1 Lecompte, Jacq 0760012-5 Abbinante, Antonio0237350-4 MacDonell, Marie 1102387-6 Foster, Stephanie 0534410-6 Smith, Anne 0151078-3 Gauthier, Jacqueli 1184810-8 Abbott, Mary N. 3482895-4 McAllister, Ann 0812695-5 Boule, Raymond 3424972-2 Hollington, Edwin 3429360-5 Bromberg, Nicole 3378763-1 Khan, Mahboob 2212956-3 MacDonald, Joh R 0596180-0 Leclair, Arthur 0433620-2 Deal, Deeana 3426011-7 Shanmugadhasan 2318134-0 Ethier, George 2486271-6 Bechard, Claire 3215200-1 Brennan, Sasha 0219160-9 Gratton, Steven 0629858-2 Bronchopneum 07/08 Bronchopneum Inters Pneu + N. 29/12/05 Interstit Pneum 28/04/06 Interstit Pneum* 04/07/07 Interstit Pneum 28/07/07 Interstit pneu 21/12/07 PCP 07/11/06 Interst Pn 02/01/08 Acute Pulm Ed on Extubation 15/01/08 Interstit Pneum 03/08 Interstit pneum 29/03/08 Pneumocystis 08/08 Interstit pneum 19/06/06 Pneumocystis 05/09 PCP acute 05/09 Interst edema and N 18/05/07 Severe Pulm Edema 02/12.07 Acute Pum Edema 08/08 Kerley “B” 05/09/07 Kerleys 17/12/07 Kerley bs 02/09 Ac Pulm Ed and Kerleys 19/03/08 Pulm vein enlarged, CHF 22/10/07 Acutpul ed 28/12/06 Acute Puled 03/01/07 Acute Pulm Ed 30/12/07 Acute PE, Kerley 23/10/07 Kerley B lines 05/12/06 Kerkey B 25/11/07 Acute pulm and kerley 18/12/07 Kerleys on CT 21/03/07 Acute Pulm Edema Acute Pulm Ed 16/03/07 Kerley “B”s 3/06/08 Pulm Ed on Emphys 05/03/07 Non cardiogenic PE after BMT Weird Pulm Edema 04/08 Meyer, Alvine Houston, Ruth 0560314-7 McKinnon, Patricia1011762-0 Dumont, Alan 04844320-7 Collapse of the Lung: Harrison, Gord 0817496-3 Blue, Christine 0805737-4 O’Brien, Lola 05934583 Cockell, Stephanie 0848232-5 Javoic, Linda 3538710-9 Jordan, Terry 3564852-6 Kelly, Sterling 3566810-2 Evvic, Davida 1101441-2 Joamie, Simanuk 3554473-3 Shields, Darlene 0421828-5 Larose, Ronald 2777847-1 Ukaliannuk, Luci 0542076-5 Henders, Stanley 0349400-2 Savoie, Linda 3538710-9 Schoenherr, Diane 0387775-0 Pedley, Charles 2263987-6 Bell, Franklin 3475270-9 McMullen, John 0394541-7 Anderson, Daniel 0769035-7 Bresee, Bonnie 3357881-6 Madore, Michel 2356755-5 Parent, Wm 2223361-3 Wilson, Gail 3416536-5 Pomgracz, Mary 2004434-3 Pleural Effusion: Comision, Paul 0338301-5 Hui, Laurence 0358020-6 Durkee, Audrey 3327891-2 Bleeker, Kim 1126603-8 Chyurlia, Jerome 0828039-8 Pneumothorax: MacInnis, Char 3484656-8 Kutschke Christ 1092596-4 Perras, Phillippe 3536576-6 Pulm edema CT and CXR Interstit Edema 12/08 CT and CXR Pulm edema and normal Pulm edema RUL Collapse 02/05/07 RUL Collapse 13/04/07 LUL Collapse 20/03/07 LUL collapse 09/08 RUL Collapse 25/04/07 RUL Collapse 04/08 LUL Collapse 04/08 Collapse RLL, 11/06/07 Col LUL, CA 08/07 Collapse Rt lung 19/06/07 Compete collapse 05/08 RLL Collapse 13/03/07 RLL Collapse 08/08 RUL Collapse * 25/04/07 LLL collapse, CT 21/12/07 LLL collapse 08/08 RLL collapse 21/01/08 LUL collapse 02/12/07 LUL collapse 08/08 RML collapse RUL Collapse 2009 RML collapse 10/06 Complete collapse lt lung 09/08 LLL collapse Pl eff 03/01/07 Infrapul eff. 27/11/06 Huge lt effusion 14/06/07 Huge effusion 16/03/07 Huge effus without shift 03/08 large Pneuth Tension Pne Tension Pneu 13/10/07 23/05/06 09/04/07 Marshall, Heather 0776362-6 Tension Pneumo 12/09/07 Masson, Emile 0242296-2 Tension Pneumo Murray, Garry 0509930-4 pneumo 11/03/07 MacDougall, Justin3567040-5 Pneumo 26/11/07 DaymontPleau, Th 0623681-4 “Deep sulcus sign” 03/01/08 Vachon, Luc 0275389-5 NORMAL 05/04/07 Henderson, Cynthi 1028069-1 NORMAL 24/12/07 Lamoureux, Const 2550204-8 Norm Lateral 14/09/07 Dillon, Melissa 0540197-1 Norm 18/09/07 0726553-1 Colonosc with perf. Med emphys 01/08 Stassinos, Nik 1086861-0 Deep Sulcus sign 29/04/09 Hilar Adenopathy: Meyer, Janet 1119676-3 Sarc, bilateral nodes 22/08/07 Duffy, Solange 2228474-9 Bil Hilar nodes CXR 05/06/07 Gabelus, Pierre 2805062-3 Bilat Hilar nodes Norton, John 3448413-9 Bilat hilar and med nodes 18/011/08 Mahoney, Emmanu1062033-4 Bilat hilar nodes Barber, Herbert 3578779-5 Adenopathy 04/08 Pyne, Barb 2248549-4 Lymphoma CXR and ct15/08/08 Cleroux, Franc 0497673-4 Mediast adenopathy 21/08/08 Christensen, Thom 3590277-4 Mass left hilum 21/08/08 Normal Variants: Braun, Erna 0200940-5 Pulm Venous confluence COPD: Lajeunesse, Eileen 0389921-8 Centrilob Emphys Peayou, Pfeifer 3357760-6 Bullous emphys