Daniel Morgan Technology Center, Business Department 2014-2015 Syllabus, Classroom Rules, and Procedures Instructor: Mr. Dubois Course: Google Applications, SC State Course Code 5007 Email: andred@dmtconline.org Phone: 864-579-2810 ext. 127 Extra help and appointments: Before & After-school Course Outline: 1. Safety and Ethics 2. Employability Skills 3. Student Organizations 4. Gmail 5. Google Calendar 6. Google Chrome (Web Browser) 7. Google Search 8. Google Docs 9. Google Sites 10. Google Reader 11. Google Bookmarks 12. Google Earth 13. Google Maps 14. Google Sketchup 15. Google Picasa 16. Google Groups (If Accessible) 17. Google Blogger (If Accessible) 18. Google Talk (If Accessible) 19. iGoogle (If Accessible) Required Materials: (1) 1.5” 3-ring binder (4) 3-ring dividers Writing utensils, both pens and pencils You will succeed in this class if you Are present, on time and mentally engaged. Bring all class materials with you every day. Act in a respectful, responsible and courteous manner to ALL. Hand in all assignments on time. Participate in a positive, creative and cooperative way. Perform pre-class readings on tablet. Review prior to assessments. Other Policies and Procedures 1. Assignments All assignments have specific due dates. See me immediately if you need help or were absent. DO NOT wait until the assignment is due before asking for assistance or clarification. 2. Handing in assignments Assignments will be collected by the teacher or placed in a designated location for your particular class. Late work should be placed in the box on the teacher’s desk, labeled “Late Work”. Misplaced assignments will be counted as late. 3. Late and Missing Assignments Late work is your responsibility, not mine. It is your job to check with me if you suspect you have missing work. Late work will be accepted up to 2 school days after due date; you will lose a letter grade each day an assignment is late. Late work should be performed on your time and not during my class while we are covering new material. If a student is absent one day; missed work is due two days later; absent two or more days, missed work is due five days later. 4. Absences Attendance and participation is paramount for success in the business world and this class, it is very important that you are in class every day. You will never learn as much from borrowing people’s notes as you do from actively participating. When your absence is unexcused you will not be allowed to make up assignments, activities, or tests given that day unless you call or email in your absence. (voicemail – 864-579-2810 ext. 127 or andred@dmtconline.org) When you are absent, it is your responsibility to check for missed assignments. You get the same amount of time the rest of the class has for each assignment. If you know in advance that you are going to be absent for an extended period (i.e. field trip, bereavement or surgery), I will do my best to get assignments to you early. In these cases, work is due when you return. 5. Grading Scale A 93 – 100 B 85 – 92 C 77 – 84 D 70 – 76 F Below 70 6. Weighting of grades Grades in this class will be weighted on the following scales. 9 Weeks Grades Projects and Assignments Knowledge (Tests & Quizzes) Employability Standard 50% 30% 20% Semester Grades First 9 Weeks Grade Second 9 Weeks Grade Exam Grade 40% 40% 20% Employability Standard grade includes but is not limited to the adding of communication during the appropriate time, attendance, punctuality, effective use of class time, paying attention, staying mentally and physically alert during entire class period, being respectful to the teacher, administrators, guest speakers and other students along with being accountable for ones actions. Consequences Students are given a daily Employability Standard grade. Students start with 10 points per week. Each warning results in a point taken away, which will result in a 10% reduction per point per week A student receiving 4 warnings will be sent to the office and a phone call to parent/guardian. Repetitive misbehavior will result in a meeting with parent/guardian and possible suspension. Repetitive misbehavior or a single serious misbehavior action which results in a removal of the student from the classroom for disciplinary action will result in a 0% for a weekly grade. 7. Extra Credit Extra credit is encouraged and can be performed at any time provided you are finished with your current assignments at an acceptable standard. Extra credit assignments are ALWAYS posted within the classroom. 8. Behavior You are required to follow all school rules in this classroom. There are also classroom rules that I have set up that must be followed and are ALWAYS posted within the classroom. You should use language appropriate for a business and/or school setting. No abusive or vulgar language is allowed. Name-calling, harassment or bullying of any form will ever be tolerated and could be grounds for discipline, up to and including dismissal. Put all other materials including backpacks and purses under your desk. When the bell rings, you may quit working and gather your materials. Do not leave your seat until I tell you that you are dismissed. 9. Fees Daniel Morgan Technology Center courses charge a $15.00 fee per course. This fee is requested no later than Friday, January 16th.This financial obligation can be made payable via cash or check; made payable to DMTC. If there are extenuating circumstances concerning the fee payment, arrangements can be made privately. Daniel Morgan Technology Center Marketing Department January 5, 2015 Dear Parents and Guardians, I will be your son’s/daughter’s Google Applications instructor this semester. I have worked in the business sector in numerous rolls, environments and conditions, including Fortune 500 companies along with haven taught business for many years. I look forward to working with you in meeting your child’s academic needs and better positioning them for their post-high school years. The previous pages outline my expectations for your son/daughter during the 2014-2015 school year. I sincerely hope you will not only read the expectations but will also discuss them with your child/young adult. If you have any questions at any time this semester, feel free to contact me at 864-579-2810, ext. 127. If I am unavailable, please remember to leave a number where I can reach you during the day. I am also willing to set-up meetings with you, per your request. If you would like to be updated, via e-mail about your student, please send you email address and request to andred@dmtconline.org. There will be a DMTC Open House on the evening of January 14, which your attendance is expected and greatly appreciated. This document is for you to keep as a reference. Please complete and return the last page indicating that you have read this letter. Also please sign and return pages 29, 30, 31, 32(SHS students only), 33 & 34 from the Daniel Morgan Technology Center (DMTC) Student Handbook, which I have provided. I look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Andre Dubois Google Apps Syllabus Students – Return the SIGNED Syllabus, DMTC Handbook (P.27), Accident Insurance Information (P.31), Application for Driver/Rider Permit (P.33, SHS Students Only), Internet Policy (P.35), Student Information (P.37) by the 3rd day of class and receive 100 points toward an Assignment grade. 5 points will be deducted for each day the below signature page is late. 10 points will be deducted for each day the DMTC Handbook sheets are missing documents – No Exceptions! CONTACT INFORMATION Student Name: Parent’s/Guardian’s Name: Preferred Phone Number: Backup Phone Numbers: *Email Address: *Please supply an email address! SYLLABUS ACKNOWLEDGMENT I have read and thoroughly understand with great detail the expectations, rules, and procedures that are expected of my child enrolled in this course. I realize that I am responsible for these rules, regulations, procedures, and course requirements and I will be held accountable for the contents of this course syllabus. _____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature __________________ Date _____________________________ Student’s Signature __________________ Date TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES I give my child, permission to use the technology resources provided in the classroom and will read and expect my child to follow the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy posted on the district website. _____________________________ Parent’s Signature __________________ Date _____________________________ Student’s Signature __________________ Date Additional information you may want teacher to know: