National Survivor User Network Roles of Chair, Vice Chair, and Treasurer Please note that, depending on the size and nature of the organisation, trustees might also be called management committees, boards etc. Also, chief executives may also be called directors, managers, co-ordinators etc. Chair 1. To lead the trustee body, ensuring that the Board fulfils its responsibilities for the governance of the organisation. 2. To work in partnership with the Chief Executive to help achieve the mission of the organisation, and effective relationships between trustees, staff and participants. The Chair will: Chair meetings of the Board (and the Annual General Meeting and any Emergency General Meetings), ensuring that it functions effectively and carries out its duties. Work with the Chief Executive on agendas for meetings, and monitor implementation of decisions. Ensure that the organisation’s financial affairs are prudently and properly managed, audited and publicly reported. With the Chief Executive, ensure that trustees receive appropriate advice, training and information relating to their role. Work with the Chief Executive to ensure that trustees develop a long-term strategy for the organisation with objectives that can be monitored. Monitor progress of the annual plan and strategic plan. Be satisfied that appropriate resources (personnel, financial, material) are available to achieve agreed goals. Support and review the work of the Chief Executive. Help promote the organisation to potential donors and beneficiaries and the general public. Treasurer 1. On behalf of the Board, ensure that the organisation’s financial obligations are met and that the organisation operates within the legal and financial guidelines set out in current legislation. 2. In conjunction with the Chair and Vice-Chair, ensure that trustees collectively fulfil their responsibilities for the governance and financial affairs of the organisation, optimising the relationship between the trustee body, the Chief Executive, staff and volunteers. The Treasurer will also: Chair Finance Committee and be responsible for agreeing agendas and methods of work and action to be taken by the Committee, and will seek to ensure that: Adequate financial controls are in place and that the organisation operates within a sound financial framework. Grants and other funds received for specific purposes are appropriately spent. Financial information presented is comprehensive and accurate. Appropriate action is taken on any financial risks facing the organisation. Provide appropriate oversight and monitoring of Appeals and fundraising budgets. Advise the trustee body on the financial implications of its strategy and policy objectives. Ensure that the organisation has appropriate Human Resources procedures in place e.g. to comply with current employment and equal opportunities legislation and good practice. Ensure the organisation has a satisfactory system for holding in trust for the beneficiaries of the charity any monies or property, and that appropriate monies are invested to the greatest benefit of the organisation within the constraints of the law and best investment Vice Chair 1. To work closely with the Chair and act as a deputy when appropriate 2. In conjunction with the Chair and Treasurer, ensure that trustees collectively fulfil their responsibilities for the governance and financial affairs of the organisation, optimising the relationship between the trustee body, the Chief Executive, staff and volunteers. The Board needs to consider whether they want the Vice Chair to hold any particular functions on top of the general ones as above