REPORT TO: Executive Board DATE: 7 July 2014 REPORTING OFFICER: Strategic Director, Policy and Resources PORTFOLIO: Resources SUBJECT: Pensions Discretions Policy WARDS: N/A 1.0 PURPOSE OF THE REPORT The Council is required to publish a written policy statement annually, confirming how it will exercise its discretions allowed under the Local Government Pension Scheme (LPGS). The 1st April 2014 introduced significant changes to the Scheme and the Discretions Statement requires updating to reflect these. 2.0 RECOMMENDATION: That 1) the Board approve the recommendations to exercise the discretions as outlined in Appendix A to this report; and 2) those discretions be exercised by the appropriate Strategic Director, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Operational Director Finance. (In the case of applications from Strategic Directors/Chief Executive, replace appropriate Strategic Director with Chief Executive/Strategic Director, Policy and Resources respectively.) 3.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 3.1 Following the Hutton Review, the Governments fundamental review of public sector pension provision, the Government decided that changes were required to public sector pension provision. 3.2 The main recommendations of this were that: All public sector pension schemes should change from final salary pension schemes to career average revalued earnings schemes (CARE). Scheme retirement ages should be the same as state retirement ages There should be a cost sharing mechanism introduced that provided that scheme members should also share the increasing costs of providing public sector pensions and not just the employers Existing rights of current scheme members be protected. 3.3 The new LGPS accommodates all of these requirements. Benefits accrued prior to 1st April 2014 are largely unaffected by the new scheme and that element of an individual’s pension will continue to be assessed on a final salary basis. 3.4 The Council’s Pensions Discretion Statement now requires review to reflect the changes that have taken place in the LGPS. There are certain compulsory employer discretions from April 2014 which the Council is required by law to include in its policy statement. These are set out in this report along with other discretions where it is felt best practice to publish a statement regarding the Councils view on their application. 3.5 The Regulations require that in preparing or making revisions to its pension policy statements, the scheme employer must have regard to the extent to which the exercise of any of its policies could lead to a serious loss of confidence in the public service. 3.6 Appendix A outlines the Councils current position along with the proposed position. It is recommended that these are adopted by the Executive Board. In the case of the award of additional pension, this will need to be subsequently reflected in the Council’s Staffing Protocol. 3.7 The policies adopted seek to achieve the correct balance between cost to the council tax payer, good employee relations and staff recruitment and retention. 4.0 POLICY IMPLICATIONS 4.1 The Council is required to publish a written policy statement on how it will exercise its discretions provided by the scheme. 5.0 OTHER IMPLICATIONS 5.1 There are financial implications for the Council in considering the application of these discretions. Each case will be different. The proposed policy changes state that a business case will be required when such a discretion is exercised balancing the interests of the Council the interests of the individual. It is proposed that any exercise of that discretion should be done in consultation with the Resources Portfolio Holder and the Operational Director Financial Services. 6.0 RISK ANALYSIS 6.1 This report and recommended changes ensure that the Council complies with the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 2013. 7.0 EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY ISSUES The recommendations will apply equally to all staff who are members of the LGPS. Employees have a right of appeal if they feel they have been treated incorrectly/unfairly. 8.0 LIST OF DOCUMENTS UNDERS SECTION 100D OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT1972 None under the meaning of the Act. Appendix A Discretion Power to increase total membership of active members. (Added years) Power to award additional Pension Flexible Retirement Employees who are aged 55 and above may apply to have their hours and/or pay grade reduced HALTON B.C. PENSIONS DISCRETIONS Current Policy Proposed Policy Reason for Proposal The Council Remove Under the new currently augmentation of LGPS exercises this membership. Regulations, discretion by members no agreeing to longer build up augment LGPS service in years. service if the As a result, the employee meets employer’s ability the criteria as set to grant additional out in the Staffing year’s pension Protocol and has been there is an removed. efficiency reason for so agreeing. The Council does Award added This is not currently pension, up to the recommended exercise this maximum limit of under the new discretion. As an £6,500 in scheme, as the alternative, it did exceptional option of exercise the circumstances. augmentation has ability to augment This will be based been removed. in the form of upon a business added years. case where it is The award of felt to be in the additional best interest of pension is added the Council in into the terms of employees’ operational pension pot. service requirements and the costs of allowing any such requests will be considered against the benefits to the Council. The Council That this This requirement exercises this discretion has not changed discretion if the remains the under the LGPS employees same. 2014. contractual hours are reduced by 25% (not for a grade reduction.) and to seek payment of their accrued benefits without retiring from the Council Early Payment of Pension - Active and Deferred Members and it is felt to be in the interest of the service, financially sound and operationally possible. The Council only considers requests on compassionate grounds to members aged 55 - 59. If the application is approved, benefits will be unreduced however the Council is required to make a payment to the pension fund to make up the short fall. Contribution Bands Employees are allocated to a band once a year from 1st April and subsequently only if their contract changes significantly i.e. promotion, hours etc. Extension of time limits for active members to This discretion is exercised if employees elect, The Council considers, on a case by case basis, exercising its discretion to waive some or all of the reduction the employee is subject to. This will be where it is felt to be in the best interest of the Council as well as the employee and the costs of allowing any such requests will be considered against the benefits to the Council. This review process will continue annually or at time of significant change unless an employee exercises their right to appeal their band allocation. Aggregation of current and previous service Under the new regulations, all scheme members have an automatic right to receive benefits from age 55 (with no cost to the employer). Under the new regulations, the employer can agree to waive some or all of the reduction. This criterion is no longer restricted to compassionate grounds for service post April 2014. Under the new regulations, pension contribution rates are based on actual salary, including overtime. For casual employees, bands will be allocated at the lowest percentage level or may be higher based on salary received in the preceding 12 months. Aggregation is automatic under the new aggregate deferred periods membership Inward transfer of pension rights Discretion to allow late application by an employee to pay optional contributions for a period of unpaid child related leave or unpaid leave of absence beyond 30 days. Discretion to “switch on” the 85 year rule for 55 to 60 year olds. in writing, to the administering body, before the expiry of 12 months from the date they became an active member. The Council will not extend this time limit. will be automatic unless the member chooses not to aggregate service. If the member does not wish to aggregate service, this decision must be given in writing within 12 months of becoming an active member. This discretion is This discretion exercised if will be agreed employees elect, with approval in writing to the from the administering administering body, before the authority. The expiry of 12 Council will not months from the extend the time date they became limit beyond 12 an active months. member. The Council will not extend this time limit. No current policy There will be no on this. exercise of this discretion beyond the 30 day period. regulations unless the employee chooses to keep benefits separate. In light of this the proposal is amended to allow employees 12 months NOT to aggregate benefits. This has now become a joint discretion requiring employer and Administering Authority agreement. Under the new regulations there is no discretion to extend the time limit. The full cost of purchasing lost pension will be met by the individual who must enter into and Additional Pension Contribution Agreement directly with the Pensions provider after the 30 day period. It is proposed that There is no in exceptional longer an circumstances, automatic where this is in entitlement for the interest of the employees aged Council and the costs of allowing such requests are considered against the benefits to the Council, that the Council will pay the additional cost of an unreduced pension. between 55 – 60 for unreduced pension if their age plus length of service equal 85 or more.