Minnesota Seasons: Drippy, Sweaty, and Crunchy

NTTI Media-Rich Lesson
Planning Guide
Kathleen Fulks
Title: Minnesota Seasons: Slippy, Drippy, Sweaty and Crunchy.
Time Allotment: Two lessons approximately 30 minutes
Grade Level(s) Kindergarten
Overview: The students will work use adjectives ending in y to describe the
four seasons. They will also create trees that depict the changes in the
seasons through representation of the leaves.
Subject Matter: Language Arts, Science and Art
Learning Objectives:
1 .The student will recognize that y can say e at the end of a word.
2. The student will use adjectives ending in y to describe the four seasons.
3. The student will create four trees showing how the leaves change with
the seasons.
Standards: Minnesota Department of Education
Arts K-12 2008: Standard one- Artistic Foundations for visual arts the elements of visual art including color, line, shape, texture and
Minnesota Academic Standards Science K-12 2009 version
Standard 4 Life Science
Structure and Function in Living Systems
1. Living things are diverse with many different and observable
characteristics. Observe and compare plants and animal
Common Core State Standards Initiative Kindergarten- Grade 5
R.F K.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and
sounds (phonemes)
Add or substitute individual sounds in simple, one-syllable words to make
new words.
W.K.2 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose
informative/ explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing
about and supply some information about the topic.
L.K.5 Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and
adjectives by relating them to their opposites.
Media Components - Video and Video Clips
Citation (MLA)
Autumn: Harvest, Apples, Pumpkins, Leaves, Trees, Weather. Big Kids Productions. 2005
Learn360. 05 July 2012
Citation (APA)
Autumn: Harvest, Apples, Pumpkins, Leaves, Trees, Weather. Big Kids Productions
2005 Retrieved July 05, 2012, from
Learn360: http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=515655
Citation (Chicago Manual of Style)
Big Kids Productions. "Autumn: Harvest, Apples, Pumpkins, Leaves, Trees, Weather"
Learn360: http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=515655
Citation (MLA)
Berenstain Bears - Bears For All Seasons. Nelvana. 2004
Learn360. 05 July 2012
Citation (APA)
Berenstain Bears - Bears For All Seasons. Nelvana
2004 Retrieved July 05, 2012, from
Learn360: http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=129804
Citation (Chicago Manual of Style)
Nelvana. "Berenstain Bears - Bears For All Seasons"
Learn360: http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=129804 Citation (MLA)
The Outside Song using Sign Language. Two Little Hands Productions. 2009
Learn360. 05 July 2012
Citation (APA)
The Outside Song using Sign Language. Two Little Hands Productions
2009 Retrieved July 05, 2012, from
Learn360: http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=679119
Citation (Chicago Manual of Style)
Two Little Hands Productions. "The Outside Song using Sign Language"
Learn360: http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=679119
Media Components - Web
Read Between the Lions Poem Titled 4 seasons. It is 28 seconds long
about 4 clicks down.
Prep for Teachers
Day 1
Find the poem Four Seasons
Prepare worksheet with Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall labeled
across the top.
Gather handwriting paper, highlighters or highlighting tape
Day 2
1.For each student: Cut four 6” by 2” strips of brown construction paper
Di-cut 4 handprints- 1 green, 1 yellow and 2 brown
One 12’’ by 18’’ piece of light blue paper folded vertically
into four equal parts.
Pink cotton balls, paper scraps, red pompoms, glue
2.Make a sample of the tree picture to show your students.
3.Prepare the video of your choice: Berenstain Bears, Autumn or the
Outside Song.
4.Use sentence strips to write the describing words from the poem.
Introductory Activity
Day 1
1. Watch the Poem from titled the Four Seasons on Read Between the
Day 2
1.Watch the video of the Berenstain Bears or whichever you have selected
from the recommended list.
Learning Activities
1. Ask the children if they noticed anything similar about the words.
Watch the video a second time pausing after the describing word.
2. Point out the words that end in y. Remind them that y can say e
just like in some of our names. Give examples: Kathy, Katy, Molly,
3. These words are adjectives. They tell more detail about the
noun- person, place, thing or animal. They actually describe it.
4. The teacher will direct attention to the sentence strips. Have the
students take turns highlighting the y at the end of the words.
5. Help the children come up with a word bank to describe winter
using the y at the end of the word. Brainstorm as a class and
write them on the board. Continue until you have finished all four
6. Give the children a worksheet with the heading of the four
seasons. The child should write at least one describing word for
each season.
7. The teacher will need to collect the writing to be used for the
following project.
Day 2
1. Talk about some of the changes in the seasons. What did you
notice about the weather and the trees in the video?
2. Today we are going to make a collage using trees to show the
four seasons.
3. Show a sample that you have made and talk about how the
trees look different for each season.
4. Pass out the supplies they will need to make the project.
5. Show the children how the paper is folded into four sections.
There is one for each tree. Glue a trunk onto each section.
6. Next glue the two brown hands on first, then the green hand
and finally the yellow hand.
7. The first tree is finished. Go to the second tree and glue on
small pieces of the pink cotton ball. That tree is complete.
8. The third tree is the summer tree and should have four red
pompoms on them.
9. Tear small pieces of red, brown and orange paper to place on
the last
Adapted from a project sample at the MKA Spring Conference
Culminating Activity
1. Pass out the handwriting sheets from the previous day and glue to the
bottom of the paper.
2. If time share their projects with a partner reading the descriptive words
they chose for each season.
Cross-Curricular Extensions
Technology: Use a drawing program to draw the various seasons.
Math- Collect leaves when you are outside and count how many they have.
Find a friend and add your leaves together.
Use your calendar and dress your weather bear and graph the weather for
each day of the month. Compare the months throughout the year.
Social Studies- Look at winter in a southern state such as Texas. Does it
look the same as it does in Minnesota? Compare and contrast the
differences in both states.
Community Connections
When discussing the weather in the morning talk about words that would
describe what it was like at their home this morning.
Student Materials
Graph for independent writing sample.