Sustainable Shorelines Project: Mitigating Shoreline Erosion along the Hudson River Estuary’s Sheltered Coasts Betsy Blair – April 24, 2009 Background The Hudson River Estuary’s 300-mile shoreline has been dramatically altered over the last 150 years in order to support industry and other development, contain channel dredge spoils, and to withstand erosive forces of ice, wind, and waves. During the summer of 2005, Hudson River NERR (National Estuarine Research Reserve) staff mapped and classified both shorelines along a 125-mile section of the Hudson River Estuary, from the Tappan Zee Bridge to Troy (Miller, Bowser, and Eckerlin, unpublished). About half of the natural shoreline has been engineered with revetment, bulkhead, or cribbing or reinforced with riprap. Many shorelines contain remnant engineered structures from previous human activities. The remaining “natural” shorelines (which however have been affected by human activities such as disposal of dredge spoils, invasive species, and toxins) include a mix of wooded, grassy, and unvegetated communities on mud, sand, cobbles, and bedrock. Sea-level rise and other effects of global climate change provide a strong impetus for advancing the state of our knowledge of shoreline modifications, their associated impacts, and the full costs of these (NRC, 2006). Recent estimates for New York City (Columbia University) project that sea level may rise as much as 12-23 inches (or 41-55 inches, if you factor in rapid ice melt) by the 2080s. Rises of this magnitude will lead property owners along the tidal Hudson and other coastal waters to either build, repair, or modify structures along the shore to protect their properties (Titus et al. 1991, Nicholas et al. 1999, Titus and Richman 2001), or to choose alternative strategies. In order to advance public discourse, policy-making, and individual decision-making, we must estimate the potentially high costs of damage to structures, lands, and ecosystems associated with proceeding “business as usual” with shoreline development, the costs of creating ever-higher barriers to inundation, and the costs of alternative approaches. This proposal identifies a six-year program of research, analysis and outreach that will provide a better understanding of the tradeoffs associated with using existing erosion prevention measures, including shoreline hardening, land management, and vegetative approaches, to protect the Hudson River Estuary’s sheltered coastlines from the impacts of rising sea levels, increased storm surges, and waves over the next fifty years. These coastlines include bluffs, rock outcrops, tidal wetlands, mudflats and sand flats, and hardened shores. We will identify options for promoting effective erosion control while preserving, enhancing, and restoring ecosystem functions. The project will focus on both sides of the northern 125 miles of the Hudson River Estuary, from the Tappan Zee Bridge to the Troy Dam. This project will complement and be integrated closely with several regional climate change response and ecosystem protection initiatives, including the Nature Conservancy’s Rising Waters Initiative, the New York State (NYS) DEC’s Hudson River Action Plan, the NYS Climate Change Office, Sustainable Hudson Valley’s Partnership for Municipal Response to Climate Change, and the New York Oceans and Great Lakes Ecosystem Initiative. This will be achieved through the work of a sub-group of the leaders or key players of these closely related initiatives. These leaders are already working together to insure tight inter-project coordination, in large part through cross participation in each others’ initiatives. We have completed significant work to date on the topics of Hudson River Estuary shoreline status, erosion control alternatives, and stakeholder needs. As described above, in 2005, the Hudson River NERR mapped and classified the shorelines of the tidal Hudson River from the Tappan Zee Bridge (river mile 25) to the Troy Dam (river mile 152). Also in 2005, the Hudson River NERR commissioned a study of “soft” engineered (primarily vegetated) shoreline stabilization alternatives appropriate for the climate and physical setting of the Hudson River Estuary. This resulted in a final report: Hudson River Shoreline Restoration Alternatives Analysis (Allen et al., 2006). A survey was developed and administered to assess our priority audiences’ (engineer, technical consultant, regulator, and coastal manager) states of knowledge, information needs, and learning preferences. The report and the survey were the basis for developing a one-day technical workshop (March 23, 2006) organized under the Hudson River Estuary Training Program by the Hudson River NERR, with support from the NYS Coastal Management Program and the Hudson River Estuary Program. Project Goals Goal 1: Determine the tradeoffs in “ecosystem services” that arise from the application of land use management, shoreline hardening, and vegetative approaches to erosion control. Although surprisingly little is known world-wide about the ecosystem services associated with shorelines and shoreline mitigation techniques, we are well equipped to address this in the Hudson River Estuary. We will build on recent work by members of this team and others to characterize key biotic, chemical and physical functions or “ecosystem services” of two important near-shore communities: tidal freshwater marshes (Findlay et al., 2002) and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) beds (Nieder et al., 2004; Findlay et al., 2006). With Hudson River NERR funding, David Strayer of IES (the Institute of Ecosystem Studies) is reviewing and summarizing ecological literature about “ecosystem services” and functions performed by shorelines. IES and Hudson River NERR research staff, under separate funding, will compare current functions of six types of shoreline with respect to physical attributes and habitat functions of selected biota. This information will inform our understanding of ecosystem tradeoffs of existing methods to control shoreline erosion in years 1 & 2 of this project; we anticipate that the work will raise additional questions about shoreline functions that we may seek to address in years 3-6 in order to refine our understanding. Goal 2: Determine the short- and long-term costs of different erosion prevention measures, using long-term (50- to 100- year) forecasts of erosion control performance in the context of sea level rise. We will seek to quantify long-term costs and impacts, as broadly defined in the CICEET RFP, associated with different erosion control scenarios through the work of a multidisciplinary team that will focus on two things: refining estimates of storm frequency and storm severity for the Hudson River Valley; and projecting short and long-term costs and impacts (as identified in the RFP) associated with vegetated, hard engineered structures, and land management measures. We will participate in Rising Waters, a climate change scenario development process will inform our selection of 6-10 erosion control options on which to focus. Art Degaetano (Cornell University), who was part of the Northeast Climate Impacts Assessment (NECIA) team, will seek to refine the NECIA estimates of storm frequency and storm severity to inform our assessment of costs. Stevens Institute of Technology engineer Jon Miller and colleagues will identify the short and long-term viability, costs, and impacts of different engineered erosion prevention measures in the Hudson River Estuary given forecasts about climate change impacts on sea level and storm surges. Several team members will work together to evaluate land management approaches for their potential to influence shoreline erosion vulnerability and promote erosion control, including planning actions, such as zoning or managed retreat; regulatory measures, such as buffers, setbacks, or construction standards; incentives; and land acquisition, among others (NRC, 2007). Tradeoffs in ecosystem services and the short and long-term costs of these will be characterized. We anticipate that development of these costs will be an iterative process as we gain more insight through the course of the project into regional climate predictions, flood risks, ecological services, and factors that we identify as important drivers for decisionmakers. Goal 3: Transfer new knowledge and tools to relevant stakeholders. We will devote a significant amount of time to planning how best to transfer new knowledge and tools to relevant stakeholders. Our highest priority shoreline protection decision-makers include property owners, experts and consultants, government regulators, and policy- and law-makers. We will identify and survey these decisionmakers to characterize their knowledge, attitudes, information needs, and training or outreach preferences. To identify shoreline landowners, we will use tax parcel maps; additional data about them will be gained by overlaying the tax maps via geographic information system (GIS) over the Hudson River NERR shoreline type maps. We will survey a representative subset of them to obtain information about their knowledge of climate change trends and shoreline erosion control measures, planned shoreline management practices, motivations for management, and receptivity to and preferences for outreach. Many of the other stakeholders -- experts and consultants, government regulators, and policy- and law-makers -- have been previously identified by the Hudson River NERR training staff for workshops, surveys, needs assessments, and focus groups; however the database of such individuals will be updated and expanded. From our experience, we can generally say that decision-makers like to receive new information at workshops, which should include case studies and field site visits, and through written material including websites and reports. However, we will conduct needs assessments to gain more specific information about how these audiences will best receive and use technical, scientific, and economic information. Lastly, we will develop and implement a communications and outreach plan that factors in all preceding information and that engages partners within and beyond the shorelines project.