Course No: CS195 Credits: 4 Date: October 2010 Course Title: Web Authoring I Institution: Rogue Community College Type of Course: Transfer Length of Course: A minimum of forty (40) lecture hours per term. Prerequisites: CS120 and MTH60; WR121 (may be taken concurrently); CS140 recommended. Department Assignment: Computer Science Course Description: This course introduces students to the creation and design of web sites using HTML, XHTML and Dynamic HTML. Students will develop a web page and a web site and work with cascading style sheets (CSS). The course will include instruction on CSS design and positioning styles, resolving browser conflicts, embedding multimedia content and creating web forms. The course will reinforce code compliance with strict applications of HTML and XHTML and compliance with Section 508 accessibility guidelines. Intended Course Outcomes, ISLO( Institutional Student Learning Outcomes) Skills and Assessment: On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to: Intended Outcomes: 1. Understand the purpose, nature and history of web site design and creation. 2. Demonstrate a functional understanding of the syntax of the HTML and XHTML markup languages. Key ISLO Indicators: CT 3 - Locate, organize, analyze, and interpret data. AK 1 - Demonstrate ability to transfer learning in familiar and unfamiliar contexts in order to complete tasks. Assessment Methods: 1. Students will describe the general nature of a web site and its component parts. Proficiency will be measured through quizzes which will assess conceptual understanding. 2. Students will create CT 4 - Envision creative websites that offer interactive approaches to issues and and dynamic functionality. problems. AK 1 - Demonstrate ability to Layout flow and appropriate use of syntax will be assessed. transfer learning in familiar Proficiency will be measured and unfamiliar contexts in through instructor evaluation order to complete tasks. AK 2 - Integrate previous and of the appropriateness of the 1 Intended Outcomes: Assessment Methods: design for lab assignments and the final project. Quizzes will be used to asses understanding of appropriate use for various types of control objects. 3. Prepare the appropriate 3. Students will submit plans AL 5 - Use technological plans for webpage and website tools to research new for all lab assignments and the development projects. final project. information, solve problems, Proficiency will be measured and communicate effectively. through instructor evaluation CT 4 - Envision creative of the completeness and approaches to issues and appropriateness of the plans problems. AK 1 - Demonstrate ability to for the project. Quizzes and lab assignments will be used transfer learning in familiar to assess a complete and unfamiliar contexts in understanding of the ongoing order to complete tasks. AK 2 - Integrate previous and nature of the planning process in a custom website new learning, along with development exercise. practical skills, to solve problems. 4. Demonstrate a functional 4. Students will use CSS, AL 5 - Use technological understanding of Cascading Web Tables, Web Forms, tools to research new Style Sheets, Web Tables, Multimedia, and Frames in information, solve problems, Web Forms, the use of their lab assignments and on and communicate effectively. Multimedia, and Frame their final project. AK 4 - Use numeracy skills design. Proficiency will be measured for interpretation, synthesis, through instructor evaluation and analysis of data. AK 1 - Demonstrate ability to of the appropriate use of these various tools. Quizzes and lab transfer learning in familiar assignments will be used to and unfamiliar contexts in assess a complete order to complete tasks. AK 2 - Integrate previous and understanding of the use of these tools in web design and new learning, along with development. practical skills, to solve problems. 5. Demonstrate a functional understanding of the document object model (DOM), the event model and form validation. Key ISLO Indicators: new learning, along with practical skills, to solve problems. AK 4 - Use numeracy skills for interpretation, synthesis, and analysis of data. AK 1 - Demonstrate ability to transfer learning in familiar and unfamiliar contexts in order to complete tasks. 2 5. Students will include the use of the document and event models in their lab assignments and in the final project. Proficiency will be measured through instructor evaluation Intended Outcomes: 6. Demonstrate an understanding of regular expressions, operators, arrays, loops and conditional statements using JavaScript. 7. Function efficiently in a group programming assignment requiring analysis, definition of logic, implementation, and evaluation of a program. 8. Demonstrate the ability to use text, manuals, help, and tutorials for continued learning after formal instruction. Key ISLO Indicators: AK 2 - Integrate previous and new learning, along with practical skills, to solve problems. Assessment Methods: of the efficient and appropriate use of these models. Quizzes and lab assignments will be used to assess a complete understanding of the use of the models in all their variations. AK 1 - Demonstrate ability to 6. Students will include the use of JavaScript based transfer learning in familiar expressions, operators, arrays, and unfamiliar contexts in loops, and conditional order to complete tasks. AK 2 - Integrate previous and statements in their lab assignments and final project. new learning, along with practical skills, to solve Proficiency will be measured problems. through instructor evaluation AL 5 - Use technological of the efficient and tools to research new appropriate use of these information, solve problems, procedures. Quizzes and lab and communicate effectively. assignments will be used to assess a complete understanding of the use of the procedures in all their variations. AK 1 - Demonstrate ability to 9. Students will work in teams during in-class exercises as transfer learning in familiar well as one lab assignment. and unfamiliar contexts in order to complete tasks. AK 2 - Integrate previous and Proficiency will be measured through instructor observation new learning, along with of working methodology as practical skills, to solve well as peer feedback. problems. AL 5 - Use technological tools to research new information, solve problems, and communicate effectively. CT 4 - Envision creative approaches to issues and problems. 10. Students will add to their basic understanding of the course material through independent exploration of help files and online materials. Proficiency will be measured by instructor as part of the final project where student 3 Intended Outcomes: Key ISLO Indicators: 9. Use debugging techniques to troubleshoot markup language development and understand common mistakes made when designing web sites. AK 1 - Demonstrate ability to transfer learning in familiar and unfamiliar contexts in order to complete tasks. AK 2 - Integrate previous and new learning, along with practical skills, to solve problems. AL 5 - Use technological tools to research new information, solve problems, and communicate effectively. Assessment Methods: creativity and exploration of new material are required. 11. Students will debug and troubleshoot their web pages and web sites during the development process. Proficiency will be demonstrated through successful completion of the lab assignments and the final project. Typical Required and Recommended Text(s): New Perspectives on HTML, XHTML, and Dynamic HTML, 4th Edition, Comprehensive Course Technology, 2010. (ISBN: 978-1-42392543-9). Typical Required and Recommended Equipment and Materials: Software: Windows— Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher, Firefox 2.0 or higher, Opera 9.25 or higher, Safari 3.0 or higher; Macintosh—Safari 3.0 or higher, and a text editor must be installed on your computer. Instructor will provide information on how to use these packages. Handouts: Additional handouts may be required. Instructor will provide information on obtaining this material. 4 TYPICAL COURSE OUTLINE: Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Topic Developing a Web Page Developing a Web Page Developing a Web Site Developing a Web Site Working with Cascading Style Sheets Working with Cascading Style Sheets Creating Special Effects with CSS Creating Special Effects with CSS Working with Web Tables Working with Web Tables Working with Web Forms Working with Web Forms Working with Multimedia Working with Multimedia Designing a Web Site with Frames Designing a Web Site with Frames Working with XHTML Working with XHTML Programming with JavaScript Programming with JavaScript Working with Operators and Expressions Working with Operators and Expressions Working with Arrays, Loops, and Conditional Statements Working with Arrays, Loops, and Conditional Statements Introducing the Document Object Model Introducing the Document Object Model Working with the Event Model Working with the Event Model Working with Windows and Frames Working with Windows and Frames Validating Web Forms Validating Web Forms 5