Food Biotechnology BTEC 3343 LECTURE SCHEDULE: Female

Food Biotechnology
BTEC 3343
LECTURE SCHEDULE: Female Students, Sat, Mon & Wed 10:00 – 11:00, CLASSROOM L507
Male Students, Sat, Mon & Wed 9:00 – 10:00, CLASSROOD K313
Course Lecturer, Dr. Kamal E. M. Elkahlout , Assistant Prof. of Biotechnology
Books being reviewed during the course time:
 Fundamentals of Food Biotechnology, by Boyong H. Lee, 1996, Wiley-VCH, Inc.
 Introduction to Food Biotechnology by Perry Johnson-Green, 2002, CRC Press.
 Food Biotechnology edited by Shetty et al., 2nd edition 2006, Taylor & Francis
Group, LLC.
Other references will be indicated by the lecturer when needed.
Students must ensure to achieve the following learning outcomes during the semester:
 Understand the definition of food biotechnology and the use of traditional and
modern biotechnologies in the production of food and beverages.
 To highlight the safety of using biotechnology in food industry.
 Understanding the tools used, production of recombinant proteins and additives
to use in food technology, transgenic foods, diagnostic system used in food
industry, and ethics and safety of food biotechnology
 Study modern biotechnological tools in food industry safety, monitoring and
 Studying and understanding the processes applied in fermentation biotechnology
of plant- & animal-based traditional foods of the middle east and mediteranean
Intended learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:
1. identify major types of food products that are developed through the use of
2. understand how different biotechnology processes are applied to food product
3. recognize the impact of biotechnological applications on food supply and consumer
acceptance of food products;
4. apply microbiological and molecular biological techniques in food testing;
5. analyze critically various controversial issues relating to the safety of using modern
biotechnology in food production;
6. demonstrate skills in critical thinking, information acquisition and communication;
7. appreciate the importance of professional integrity and the new development in food
8. fermentation biotechnology of plant- & animal-based traditional foods of the middle
east and Mediterranean region.
Dr. Kamal E. M. Elkahlout
Yeast-based Processes and Products
Food yeasts; alcoholic beverages; bread and related products.
Bacteria-based Processes and Products
Dairy products; meat and fish products; vegetables, vinegar and other acids;
Other Microorganism-based Processes and Products
Enzymes; sweeteners; flavors and amino acids; vitamins; mushrooms; cocoa, tea and
coffee fermentation.
Animal and Plant Biotechnology
Transgenic animals and animal cell culture; applications of animal biotechnology;
genetically engineering of plants: methodology; examples of genetically modified crops.
Genetically Modified Food and Food Safety
Safety evaluation of genetically modified food; labeling and detection of genetically modified
food; consumer acceptance of genetically modified food; regulations of GM food in different
Course evaluation will be achieved through
 20% for one midterm exam after 8 weeks from beginning of the semester.
 20% for 10 quizzes (2% for each) this will start at the beginning of the third week
and will continue as one quiz per three lectures
 10 % for one term project or report
 50% for final exam.
Dr. Kamal E. M. Elkahlout