Crossroads and UC Homes - Church of the Redeemer A

Over the next several months, we will be sharing information about the mission of the month. In addition to the services our
support helps to provide, we will include further ways you can become involved to support this important ministry.
Mission of the Month: Crossroad and United Church Homes
In Gathering: Pasta and Sauce – please place your donations in the wagon in the hallway by the community bulletin
What Crossroad is: Crossroad is a not-for-profit organization consisting of a team of counselors, teachers, therapists,
housekeepers, cooks, groundskeepers, chaplains, nurses and others providing treatment for emotionally troubled children and
their families both living on campus and in the community. We make religious life opportunities available to each child through
weekly worship in our chapel and/or at the family's chosen place of worship in the community. Throughout the year, special
activities and events are planned around religious holidays and observances.
Crossroad’s Mission: Crossroad creates promising futures for children in difficult circumstances by providing therapy,
education and family support services.
Residential Treatment Program
Crisis Stabilization and Diagnostic Evaluation
Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility including
Secure Care Units as well as
Open Treatment Transitional Living
Independent Living program
Community-Based and Outpatient Treatment Programs
Day Education Programs providing credits through
Fort Wayne Community Schools.
Treatment for younger populations starting as
young as age 6
Outpatient Child and Family Counseling Services
Treatment for medically fragile children
Community Alternatives to Psychiatric Residential
Treatment Facilities
Treatment for developmentally disabled
Providing coordination of treatment in Foster
Specialized Group Therapy - offered for both our
residential and outpatient clients. Many of these
groups were developed at referral source request!
Special Services for Special Kids
Ways you can help:
Pray for the staff and volunteers
Donate Funds: Your generous contribution supports all programs and bring in your Box Tops for Education and
Campbell product labels to place in the basket in the Gathering Room hallway.
Donate Resources: The website lists much needed items. Find the list at:
Volunteer: Special work days are scheduled throughout the year or plan a mission trip
What United Church Homes is: United Church Homes (UCH) is one of the largest providers of senior living serving more
than 3,500 residents in 66 communities. For over 90 years, UCH has demonstrated an uplifting difference in older adult lives
and services. With financial assistance from our UCC congregations, its ministry provides daily compassionate care, offers
lively and meaningful activities, and promotes each resident’s well being
Ways you can help:
Support missions through your financial gift.
Invite a UCH speaker to your congregational or community group
Volunteer at one of the communities
Learn more about UCH at
For more information about these or other missions supported by Church of the Redeemer UCC contact Jeanne Long at