Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care FY 2010 Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care CONSOLIDATED PACKAGE Including: Early Childhood Special Education Allocation Renewal Application Fund Code 262 and Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments Renewal Application Fund Code 391 and Early Childhood Special Education ARRA/IDEA Funds Fund Code 762 Early Childhood Special Education and Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments Renewal Grant / ARRA funds 1 Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care FY 2010 The Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) provides services for children in Massachusetts through a mixed delivery system which includes child care centers, out-of-school time programs, family child care homes, public preschool programs, private school preschool and kindergarten, and Head Start programs. EEC is responsible for licensing early education and care and out-of-school time programs throughout Massachusetts and for providing child care financial assistance to low-income families with children birth to 13 years of age. In addition EEC provides support for information and referral services, inclusive programming for children with special needs, parenting and family support, and professional development opportunities for educators in the early education and out of school time fields. These efforts affect thousands of early education and out of school time providers, who serve more than 275,000 children each day. In its broadest role, EEC also serves as a source of information to more than one million families in Massachusetts. The Consolidated Package contains three grants related to the inclusion of children with Consolidated disabilities in early education and care programs. Grants may be submitted as a Consolidated Application: Package or individually by fund code. Each grant has a similar purpose to support young children with disabilities and each also has unique reporting requirements to state and federal agencies: Early Childhood Special Education Allocation (fund code 262); American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA/IDEA) (fund code 762) funds for Preschool Special Education; this grant follows the application and reporting requirements of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE); and Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments (fund code 391). Purpose of Funds: Background: 262 Early Childhood Special Ed The Early Childhood Special Education Allocation funds are supplemental Federal funds (Section 619, Part B of IDEA) to provide school systems with funding to support 3, 4, and 5 year-old children with disabilities in high-quality programs across settings following the federal and state requirements for inclusive environments. The Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) collaborates with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (ESE) Special Education Policy and Planning (SEPP) unit on the indicators in the Massachusetts State Performance Plan ( and will report on the four indicators related to early childhood: inclusion and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) (Indicator #6), measuring preschool outcomes (Indicator #7), family involvement (Indicator #8), and transition from Part C/Early Intervention (Indicator #12). Districts’ responses will be a main source of data to respond to the State Performance Plan (SPP) for early childhood. Grantees’ participation is critical to measuring federal, state and local progress. 762 ARRA/IDEA Part B American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA/IDEA Part B) is to fund activities that will advance ARRA’s short-term economic goals by investing quickly to save and create jobs and to fund activities that support ARRA’s long-term economic goals by: investing wisely; funding activities designed to strengthen education; drive reforms; and improve results for students. See and for additional information. Early Childhood Special Education and Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments Renewal Grant / ARRA funds 2 Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care FY 2010 391 Inclusive PreK Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments funds are state funds (formerly known as Learning Chapter 188/Phase I of CPC) designed to support inclusive preschool learning environments for Environments preschool children with disabilities with their typically developing peers. All applicants must meet the standards/definition of Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments defined in section below. Goals and Priorities: 262 Early Childhood Special Ed Early Childhood Special Education: Demonstrate improvement in each of the Early Childhood Indicators in the State Performance Plan (SPP) – Indicator 6: Percent of preschool children with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) who received special education and related services in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) with typically developing peers (i.e., early childhood settings, and part-time early childhood/part-time early childhood special education settings). Indicator 7: Percent of preschool children with IEPs who demonstrate improved: A. Positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships); B. Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/ communication and early literacy); and C. Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs. Indicator 8: Percent of parents with a child receiving special education services who report that schools facilitated parent involvement as a means of improving services and results for children with disabilities. Indicator 12: Percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who are found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed and implemented by their third birthdays. This is a compliance indicator* – 100% required. *See for more information on the State Performance Plan (SPP). 762 ARRA/IDEA Part B ARRA/IDEA: These Federal funds have a life of 2 years and activities must be sustainable. Recovery: Up to 50% of the total two-year allocation must be used to sustain and support existing Early Childhood Special Education programming. Investment: At least 50% of total two-year allocation must be used to meet one or more of these federal goals: Educator Quality and Effectiveness – activities resulting in increased effectiveness for all staff working with young students with disabilities; Indicator 6: Preschool LRE. Supporting Schools, Districts and Students – activities resulting in smooth transitions for children with disabilities exiting Part C/Early Intervention and entering Early Childhood Special Education or exiting preschool and entering Kindergarten (see required activity in section below); Indicator 12: Transition from Part C/Early Intervention. Assessment and Data Systems – activities that result in increased and/or improved implementation of high-quality, research/curriculum based formative assessment and improved outcomes for young children with disabilities; Indicator 7: Measuring Preschool Outcomes. 391 Inclusive PreK The Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments renewal grant allows lead agencies to serve Early Childhood Special Education and Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments Renewal Grant / ARRA funds 3 Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care Learning Environments FY 2010 preschoolers with disabilities in inclusive settings with their typically developing peers. Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments shall meet the following standards/definitions: Services in such programs may be provided in the public school, Head Start, or a licensed child care setting. Class size shall not exceed 20 with one teacher and one aide and no more than five students with disabilities.* If the number of students with disabilities* is six or seven then the class size may not exceed 15 students with one teacher and one aide. At a minimum, classrooms composition must reflect 15% children with documented disabilities to be considered an inclusive learning environment. Classrooms where children with documented special needs and/or disabilities comprise over 50% of classroom enrollment are considered substantially separate learning environments and do not qualify for these funds. * Disability must be documented, and the children must have IEPs. Eligibility: Early Childhood Special Education (fund code 262) is available to all public schools and charter school serving 3, 4, and 5 year old students. 262 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA/IDEA Part B) (fund code 762) is available to all public schools and charter school serving 3, 4, and 5 year old students. 762 Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments (fund code 391) grant funding is available to the same lead agencies that received funds in FY09. These lead agencies may consolidate with its public school that receives 262 and 762 funds, using a Schedule A form. 391 Funding Amounts: 262 Early Childhood Special Ed The FY2010 Early Childhood Special Education federal award is $9,735,466, with 76% or $7,331,103 available to award to eligible school districts and charter schools. Allocations range from $506 to $500,000. Funds will be awarded according to the required funding formula that is based on the 1996 number of three-, four- and five-year olds with disabilities, current number of three to five- year olds living in poverty, and the total enrollment of K-12 students in the community. See for allocation amounts. 762 ARRA/IDEA Part B ARRA/IDEA Part B funding is considered an increase to the regular Early Childhood Special Education Grant and amounts are based on the current number of three to five- year olds living in poverty, and the total enrollment of K-12 students in the community. Allocation amounts for the first installment of ARRA funds are listed Second allocations may vary based on federal formula and will be available in fall 2009. 391 Inclusive PreK The FY2010 state award for Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments is $8,900,531and is Learning available to the same lead agencies that received these funds in FY09. Eligibility amounts are Environments listed All grant awards are subject to FY 2010 state and federal budget appropriations and budget language. Fund Use: 262 Early Childhood Special Ed The Early Childhood Special Education Allocation Grant allows school systems to provide programs for three, four, and five-year olds and/or to contract with other public and private providers, such as Head Start, private preschools, and/or licensed child care providers. Funds may also support the three indicators 6, 7, and 12 (stated above related to early childhood) in the Massachusetts State Performance Plan. The cost for contracted services must be within the range of the provider’s rate schedule for similar services to other children and their families. Early Childhood Special Education and Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments Renewal Grant / ARRA funds 4 Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care FY 2010 Specialists/therapists and aides may be funded only if they are providing services in an inclusive setting, including serving 3, 4, and 5 year old children with disabilities in community-based programs. Funds may be used to do the following: Address the four SPP indicators related to early childhood. Add staff to work in the classroom to assist with inclusion activities or consult with the teacher on inclusion issues. This may include but is not limited to a behavioral specialist, aide, therapist, etc. The designated staff must work in a large or small group setting within the inclusive classroom. Support transition activities from Early Intervention into preschool, from preschool into kindergarten, and from kindergarten into Grade 1. Provide training on inclusive practices for parents, teachers, community providers, therapists and other staff members working with young children with disabilities. Facilitate parent involvement as a means of improving services and results for children with disabilities. Expedite services for children with disabilities experiencing homelessness. These funds may not be used for the following: 762 ARRA/IDEA Part B Required ARRA/IDEA Part B Activity Screening and evaluation materials or activities related to Child Find and eligibility. IEP services provided in a pull-out or one-on-one setting. Purchasing adaptive equipment for individual children as designated in their Individualized Education Program (IEP) or specific services such as Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA). American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA/IDEA Part B) – Districts must coordinate decisions regarding use of all ARRA funds across funding streams, including Title I, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and State Fiscal Stabilization Funds. In addition, districts must collaborate to support and strengthen regional and collaborative approaches in order to achieve efficiencies and economies of scale that will last beyond the two year life of ARRA funding. This could include partnering with other districts, educational collaborative, Early Intervention programs, non-profit organizations, licensed community-based Early Education and Care and Head Start programs, colleges and universities and professional organizations in making strategic investments. Districts are required to propose a plan, including a timeline and a letter of assurance from EI program(s) that work with the district, to contact all Early Intervention programs that serve infants and toddlers within the district’s boundaries to develop protocols for the effective referral of children receiving early intervention services to the school district so that determination of eligibility and transitions can function smoothly and districts can meet 100% compliance. ARRA grant funds may be designated for such purpose, if needed, to develop, train and implement such plans. Resources for transition plan: From the National Association of State Directors of Special Education, Inc. (NASDSE) l.pdf Early Childhood Special Education and Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments Renewal Grant / ARRA funds 5 Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care FY 2010 From the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report Indicator #12: Early Childhood Transition SPP APR From EEC To ensure transparency and accountability, school districts will be expected to report how the ARRA funds are being spent and the results of the expenditures. Districts must maintain accurate, complete, and reliable documentation on all ARRA/IDEA expenditures and be prepared to submit quarterly reports and a summary of activities for public reporting to the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC), and EEC will submit reports to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE). 391 Inclusive PreK Learning Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments renewal grants fund Preschool Teacher Salary, Environments Paraprofessional Salary, Staff Fringe Benefits and Transportation of Students to support the inclusion of typically developing peers into early childhood special education programs. Programs that funded teacher salaries and fringe in FY2009 should continue to use these funds in those same classrooms provided they continue to meet the definition of Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments above. In the event that funding is not going to be used in those programs according to the definition, that funding may be redistributed only to other programs that meet the definition of Inclusive Preschool Learning Environment. Teacher and paraprofessional salaries may be funded with Inclusive Preschool Learning Environment funding in a program which is not administered by the lead agency, provided that the same classroom in which they are working meets the definition of an Inclusive Preschool Learning Environment, as detailed above. This funding may not be used to fund one-on-one aides, or transportation for eligible students with disabilities, as those services should be delivered through a child’s IEP. Grant Terms: 262 Early Childhood Special Ed 762 ARRA/IDEA Part B 391 Inclusive PreK The Early Childhood Special Education Allocation Grant renewal grant funding is for the period 9/1/2009 – 8/31/2010 (provided applicants meet all program requirements) and funds are budgeted from 9/1/09-6/30/10 and 7/1/10-8/31/10. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA/IDEA Part B) 7/1/09 – 6/30/10* *These ARRA funds have been awarded to states as part of the FY2010 appropriation, and have a life of 2 years. As with other federal entitlement grants, they are subjected to the Federal Tydings Amendment, which allows any funds not expended in the year appropriation to be carried over for obligation during an additional 15 month period. This makes the effective end date for these funds September 30, 2011. EEC and ESE are currently working on specific carryover procedures for these funds and that information will be provided as soon as it is available. Early Childhood Special Education and Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments Renewal Grant / ARRA funds 6 Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care FY 2010 Learning Environments The Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments Grant renewal grant funding is for the period of 7/1/09-6/30/10 (provided applicants meet all program requirements). Contact: Patricia Cameron Senior Policy Specialist, Special Education 617-988-7812 Date Due: Grants may be submitted as a Consolidated Package or individually by fund code. In order to be reasonably assured that funds will be available by the beginning of the school year, renewal applications should be received at EEC’s Central Office by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, June 26, 2009. Districts must apply for a portion of their ARRA funds by December 30, 2009. Required Forms to be Submitted: Forms: Standard Contract Form* DUNS form/W-9 Grant Specific Budget Detail Pages and Budget Narrative Required Program Information for 262 262 391 762 √√ Statistical Information – on-line application for 262 Required Program Information for 391 Required Program Information for 762 including Letter of Assurance from Early Intervention program(s) Required Contact Information Schedule A – Consolidated Assignment (if applicable) *Standard Contract Forms for 262, 391 and 762 will be sent to you by EEC fiscal staff following the programmatic approval of each grant. You will have to sign and return the contract forms to EEC with an original signature in BLUE INK (no copies). Additional Information: Submission Instructions: and for ARRA information. Appendix D – Grant Negotiation, Payment Terms, Grant Expenditures, Termination, Recoupment of funds, and relevant law **PLEASE NOTE: SUBMISSION REQUIRES ON-LINE (262 Statistical Information only), EMAILING AND MAILING PORTIONS OF THIS CONSOLIDATED PACKAGE** Applicants must mail in two copies of the to: Required Program Information for each grant, Contact Information Form, Schedule A for each grant (if applicable), and DUNS/W-9 Kevin Roach Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care 51 Sleeper Street – 4th Floor Boston, MA 02210 ATTN: Fund Code 262/391/762 Early Childhood Special Education and Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments Renewal Grant / ARRA funds 7 Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care FY 2010 Please be sure to include the ATTN: line as EEC has multiple grants due at the same time. Applicants must email the following documents to Budget Detail Pages and Budget Narrative Forms for 262, 391 and 762 Required Statistical Information for 262 or complete the on-line version Please put “Fund Code and name of Lead Agency” in the subject line of the email message. APPENDIX D – GRANT NEGOTIATION, PAYMENT TERMS, GRANT EXPENDITURES, TERMINATION, RECOUPMENT OF FUNDS, AND RELEVANT LAW EEC may negotiate with the selected Grantee(s) the specific deliverables and timeline for their completion prior to the commencement of this project. Payments will be made according to the final negotiated terms. EEC will have sole discretion to determine whether a deliverable has been successfully completed by a Grantee thereby triggering a payment. Amendments to required services or deliverables which do not affect funding changes: If during the project, either EEC or a Grantee would like to request a change in the required services, deliverables, or timeline, EEC or the Grantee may propose such changes to the other. The parties must mutually agree to such change(s) in writing. A written memorandum may be used to memorialize such changes; a formal grant amendment will not be required. All grants are distributed for one fiscal year at a time. These ARRA funds have been awarded to states as part of the FY2010 appropriation. As with other federal entitlement grants, they are subjected to the Federal Tydings Amendment, which allows any funds not expended in the year appropriation to be carried over for obligation during an additional 15 month period. This makes the effective end date for these funds September 30, 2011. EEC and ESE are currently working on specific carryover procedures for these funds and that information will be provided as soon as it is available. Programmatic Budget Adjustments (formerly called grant amendments) and Payment Requests: If during the project, a Grantee would like to request a change from the original approved budget, thus changing deliverables, or timeline, the Grantee may propose such changes to EEC who may agree to implement such changes. This is done by filing a Programmatic Budget Adjustment (formerly called a grant amendment). A Programmatic budget adjustment is required 30 days in advance of proposed changes and in any case where the original budget line is changed by more than 10%. EEC reserves the right to approve or deny any proposed changes. When the Programmatic Budget Adjustment forms are available, you will receive electronic notification regarding where they are posted on the EEC website. Grantees are encouraged to use Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT). EFT allows for payments to be made from the Commonwealth to grantees electronically and is the preferred method of payment for all payees doing business with the Commonwealth. Use of EFT significantly reduces payment delays through a reduction in processing and mailing time. Registering a grantee for EFT payments requires completion of an Electronic Funds Transfer form by the Grantee and submission to EEC as part of contract execution. First quarter grant payments will be released to you automatically. To initiate subsequent grant payments, grantees must submit a Request for Funds Form for the appropriate fiscal year. Throughout the grant term, grantees must seek EEC’s approval for any budget changes by filing EEC Amendment Forms. Within sixty (60) Early Childhood Special Education and Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments Renewal Grant / ARRA funds 8 Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care FY 2010 days of the termination of a grant, a grantee must submit an FR1 Final Financial Report and repay the Commonwealth for any unexpended funds. These forms are available at EEC’s website, Forms must be sent to the following address: Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care 51 Sleeper Street, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02210 Attn: Sandy Fortier Hollow All grant recipients must use the grant monies in accordance with the terms and requirements set forth in this Request for Responses, in addition to applicable EEC policies, regulations and/or state or federal laws. EEC reserves the right to recoup any and all monies which are not spent in accordance with such terms and/or laws. EEC further reserves the right to discontinue grant funding to any recipient who violates any of the grant terms and/or conditions which are incorporated into this Request for Responses. The selected Grantee must comply with all applicable provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws, State Finance Law, 815 Code of Massachusetts Regulations 2.00 et seq. (regarding grants), and the Office of the State Comptroller’s policies and procedures regarding grants. In accordance with the Commonwealth’s Terms and Conditions, EEC reserves the right to, among other things, withhold payment or seek reimbursement if the Lead Agency does not comply with the requirements delineated in this RFR. Dunn and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number requirement – The United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requires all vendors that receive federal grant funds have their DUNS number recorded with and subsequently reported to the granting agency. If a contractor has multiple DUNS numbers the contractor should provide the primary number listed with the Federal government’s Central Contractor Registration (CCR) at / Any entity that does not have a DUNS number can apply for one on-line at under the DNB D-U-N Number Tab. Early Childhood Special Education and Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments Renewal Grant / ARRA funds 9