PR-08.14, Revision of the Joint Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)

October 1, 2007
Mark Schneiderhan, Chair
Senate Committee on Educational Policy
Midge Grosch
Director, Programs and Academic Assessment
I am submitting for review and action by the Senate Committee on Educational Policy the
attached proposal from the UIC School of Public Health and the UIUC College of Veterinary
Medicine the attached Revision of the Joint Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and Master
of Public Health (MPH) program.
The proposal was approved by the Epidemiology-Biostatistics faculty on April 13, 2007, the SPH
Committee on Educational Program on April 16, 2007, and the SPH Executive Committee on
May 7, 2007. The proposal was approved by the UIUC College of Veterinary Medicine and is
currently undergoing UIUC Senate review.
B. Neuberger
Revised 10/31/07
Revision of the joint Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and Master of Public Health (MPH) program
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) School of Public Health
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) College of Veterinary Medicine
The following revisions to the joint Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Master of Public Health program are
1) Students in the program must complete a minimum of 42 semester hours of credit for the Master of
Public Health degree;
2 ) Credit for the following UIUC courses may be counted toward meeting requirements in the Doctor of
Veterinary Medicine and electives in the Master of Public Health program: PATH 641 - Food Hygiene and Public
Health (2sh), VB 620 - Toxicology (2sh), and PATH 637 - Virology (3sh).
3) Two required courses in the Masters of Public Health program were increased by one semester hour,
Biostatistics I (BSTT 400), and Epid Computing (EPID 406).
Finally, the attached list of DVM program requirements is being updated to reflect changes which have already been
made to the UIUC DVM degree.
The total number of hours required for the joint DVM degree changes from a range of 145.5 - 148.5 to 148 - 151.
1) Requirements of the School of Public Health’s accrediting body, the Council on Education for Public
Health, (CEPH) were modified to require a minimum 42 semester hours of credit for all master of public health
programs. The changes to the joint degree are intended to comply with the new requirement.
2) Joint degree programs permit the sharing of up to 25% of course credit. The identified courses are
highly relevant to both public health and veterinary medicine, and represent areas of cross-training for students
pursuing a joint DVM/MPH degree.
3) A required course in the Master of Public Health program was increased by one semester hour to add
statistical software content, Biostatistics I (BSTT 400) necessitating a change in the revised DVM/MPH program to
increase the required MPH core course credit hours by one semester hour. A second required course (EPID 406)
was also increased by 1 semester hour.
Catalog Statement:
DVM Requirements
DVM Requirements
ANSC 325, Prin. Animal Nutr. (3 sh)
VB 300, Gross Anat I (5sh)
VB 301, Veterinary Histology (5sh)
VB 302, Gross Anat II (4sh)
VB 310, Neurobiology (3sh)
VB 315, Physiology I (4sh)
VB 316, Physiology II (4.5sh)
(note, new course rubrics & numbering)
VB 600, Gross Anat I (5sh)
VB 601, Veterinary Histology (5sh)
VB 602, Gross Anat II (4sh)
VB 610, Neurobiology (3sh)
VB 615, Physiology I (4sh)
VB 616, Physiology II (4.5sh)
Revised 10/31/07
VB 318, Pharmacology I (2.5sh)
VB 319, Pharmacology II 3sh)
VB 320, Toxicology (2sh)
VB 324, Food Animal Nutrition (2sh)
VB 326, Comp. Animal Nutr (1sh)
VB 618, Pharmacology I (2.5sh)
VB 619, Pharmacology II 3sh)
VB 620, Toxicology (2sh)
VB 624, Food Animal Nutrition (2sh)
VB 626, Comp. Animal Nutr (1sh)
VP 331, Bacter. & Mycology (4sh)
VP 332, Vet. Immunology (3sh)
VP 333, Vet. Parasitology (4sh)
VP 334, Gen. Pathology (4sh)
VP 335, Special Pathology (4sh)
VP 337, Virology (3sh)
VP 338, Vet. Clinical Path. (4sh)
VP 341, Food Hyg. & P.H. (2sh)
VP 343, Diseases of Poultry (1sh)
PATH 631, Bacter. & Mycology (4sh)
PATH 632, Vet. Immunology (3sh)
PATH 633, Vet. Parasitology (4sh)
PATH 634, Gen. Pathology (4sh)
PATH 635, Special Pathology (4sh)
PATH 637, Virology (3sh)
PATH 638, Vet. Clinical Path. (4sh)
PATH 641, Food Hyg. & P.H. (2sh)
PATH 643, Diseases of Poultry (1sh)
VCM 328, Vet. Clin. Orient I (1sh)
VCM 329, Vet. Clin. Orent II (1sh)
VCM 330, Comp Animal Med I (2sh)
VCM 331, Comp Animal Med II (3sh)
VCM 332, Comp Animal Med III (3sh)
VCM 333, Comp Animal Med IV (2sh)
VCM 334, Food Animal Med. (5sh)
VCM 336, Cardiology/Crit. Care (2sh)
VCM 351, Intro to Surgery (1sh)
VCM 352, Gen Sm Animal Surg (1.5sh)
VCM 353, Gen Lg Animal Surg (1.5sh)
VCM 354, Spec Sm Animl Surg (2.5sh)
VCM 355, Spec Lg Animl Surg (2.5sh)
VCM 358, Clin Proc/Prblm Solv I (1sh)
VCM 359, Clin Proc/Prblm Solv II (1sh)
VCM 360, Clin Proc/Prblm Solv III (1sh)
VCM 367, Radiology/Radiobiology (3sh)
VCM 372, Vet. Jurisprudence (1sh)
VCM 375, Theriogenology (4sh)
VCM 376, Anesthes/Fluid Therapy (2sh)
VCM 628, Vet. Clin. Orient I (1sh)
VCM 629, Vet. Clin. Orent II (1sh)
VCM6330, Comp Animal Med I (2sh)
VCM 631, Comp Animal Med II (3sh)
VCM632, Comp Animal Med III (3sh)
VCM 633, Comp Animal Med IV (2sh)
VCM 636, Cardiology/Crit. Care (2sh)
VCM 651, Intro to Surgery (1sh)
VCM 652, Gen Sm Animal Surg (1.5sh)
VCM 653, Gen Lg Animal Surg (1.5sh)
VCM 654, Spec Sm Animl Surg (2.5sh)
VCM 655, Spec Lg Animl Surg (2.5sh)
VCM658, Clin Proc/Prblm Solv I (1sh)
VCM 659, Clin Proc/Prblm Solv II (1sh)
VCM 667, Radiology/Radiobiology (3sh)
VCM 672, Vet. Jurisprudence (1sh)
VCM 675, Theriogenology (4sh)
VCM 676, Anesthes/Fluid Therapy (2sh)
VCM 637 , Ruminant Health and Production I (2.5sh)
VCM 638, Ruminant Health and Production II (2sh)
VCM 639, Swine Health and Production (2sh)
VP 350, Epidemiology (2sh)
PATH 650 Epidemiology (2sh) (EPID 403 equivalent (3sh)
(EPID 403 equivalent (3sh)
4th year Rotations (includes 12sh of electives)
22 week blocks (16.5 sh)
Revised 10/31/07
MPH Requirements
Epid 403, Intro to Epid Princ and Methods (3sh)
*Bstt 400, Biostats I (3sh)
*Bstt 401, Biostats II (4sh)
*Epid 404, Interm Epid Methods (4sh)
*Epid 406, Epid Computing (2sh)
*Epid 410, Epid Infectious Diseases (2sh)
*Epid 411, Epid of Chronic Diseases (3sh)
*Epid 591, Current Epid Lit (2sh)
CHSC 400, Public Health Concepts and Practices (3sh)
EOHS 400, Prin. of Environmental Health (3sh)
HPA 400, Prin of Mgmt (3sh)
HPA 401, Behavioral Sci (3sh)
IPHS 650, Field Experience in Public Health (3-5sh)
IPHS 698, MPH Capstone (1sh)
*Bstt 400, Biostats I (4sh)
*Epid 406, Epid Computing (3sh)
CHSC 401, Behavioral Sci (3sh) (new course rubric)
Electives as necessary to bring the total number of semester
hours for the master of public health program to 42 sh.
Shared coursework taken in the DVM program may count to
satisfy MPH elective requirements.
Shared Courses
Shared Courses
Epid 403 from SPH (replaces VP 350, Epidemiology, 2
hours, at UIUC.
Same. (replaces PATH 650, Epidemiology, 2 hours, at
PATH 641 - Food Hygiene and Public Health (2sh) from
DVM – may count as MPH elective
VB 620 - Toxicology (2sh) from DVM – may count as MPH
PATH 637 - Virology (3sh) from DVM – may count as
MPH elective
*Up to 12sh of these required MPH courses may also count
toward the 12sh of free electives required of DVM students
during their 4th year clinical rotations.
Between 3-5 semester hours of credit for field practicum and
capstone experience (1 hour) will also apply to the DVM
Revised 10/31/07
Between 3-5 semester hours of credit for field practicum and
capstone experience (1 hour) may apply to the DVM degree.
Not more than 25% of total credits hours may be shared
between the programs. (Maximum overlap is currently 13%)
Equivalent CVM courses; not required in the DVM
VP 391, Biostatistics
(equivalent to BSTT 400)
VP 491, Design & Anal. Biomed Exprmnts
(equivalent to BSTT 401)
VP 416, Epid of Infect. Diseases
(equivalent to EPID 410 Epid of Infect, Diseases)
Equivalent CVM courses; not required in the DVM
program. May be taken by students while in residence at
UIUC to satisfy MPH course requirements.
PATH 591, Design & Anal. Biomed Exprmnts
(equivalent to BSTT 401)
PATH 516, Epid of Infect. Diseases
(equivalent to EPID 410 Epid of Infect, Diseases)
Minority Impact Statement: No impact.
Budgetary and Staff Implications: No impact. .
Library Resource Implications: No impact.
Space Implications: No impact.
Unit (e.g. department) approval date:
Epidemiology-Biostatistics Faculty Approval: April 13, 2007
College (educational policy committee, faculty) approval dates:
SPH Committee on Educational Programs Approval: April 16, 2007
SPH Executive Committee Approval: May 7, 2007
UIUC College of Veterinary Medicine Approval: 8/21/06
Contact Person: Babette J Neuberger, JD, MPH UIC SPH, 312-996-5381
Jack Hermann,DVM,MPH; Karen Eichelberger, DMV-MPH Coordinator at UIUC CVM
Proposed Effective Date: Spring 2008
UIUC Courses:
VB 620 Toxicology
Credit: 2 hours.
Discusses the mechanisms of action, clinical, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects of chemical and plant toxicants in
domestic animals. 2 graduate or professional hours. Prerequisite: VB 619 or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
PATH 637
Veterinary Virology
Credit: 3 hours.
Fundamental principles of animal virology; mechanisms of virus-cell and virus-host interactions; explores properties
of the major groups of animal virus in relation to replication and pathogenesis of viral disease. Lecture and
laboratory. 3 graduate or professional hours. Prerequisite: Second-year standing in the veterinary curriculum or
consent of instructor.
Revised 10/31/07
PATH 641
Food Safety and Public Health
Credit: 2 hours.
Introduction to public health; diseases of animals transmissible to man; and procedures and techniques used in
inspection of food of animal origin. 2 graduate or professional hours. Prerequisite: Second-year standing in
veterinary curriculum or consent of instructor.
Revised 10/31/07