CATEDRA Anatomia omului

Subiecte pentru examenul de promovare
la disciplina Anatomia omului
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Prorector pentru calitate şi integrare în învăţământ
IP USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”
Profesor universitar
Olga Cerneţchi
List of questions for the examination in Human Anatomy
Faculty of Medicine, the III-d semester (theory)
I. Peripheral nervous system, vegetative nervous system, sense organs
Cranial nerves III, IV, VI – nuclei, its appearance from the brain and skull, its fibers composition, path, topography,
branches, zones of innervations, exploration in vivo.
Cranial nerve V – general data (nuclei, roots, its appearance from the brain, trigeminal ganglion, its fibers
composition, primer branches, exploration on a living person). Conducting pathway of trigeminal nerve (scheme).
Ophthalmic nerve – origin, its appearance from the skull, path, topography, branches, connections, zones of
Maxillary nerve – origin, its appearance from the skull, path, fiber features, branches, connections, zones of
Mandibular nerve – origin, its appearance from the skull, fiber types, path, topography, branches, connections, zones
of innervations.
Cranial nerve VII – nuclei, its appearance from the brain and skull, its fibers composition, path, topography, branches,
connections, zones of innervations, exploration on an alive person. Conducting pathway of the facial nerve (scheme).
Cranial nerve IX – nuclei, its appearance from the brain and skull, its fibers composition, ganglia, path, topography,
branches, connections, zones of innervations, exploration on an alive person. Conducting pathway of the
glossopharyngeal nerve (scheme).
Vagus nerve – nuclei, its appearance from the brain and skull, ganglions, its fibers composition, regions, topography,
branches, connections, zones of innervations, exploration on alive. Conducting pathway of vagus nerve (scheme).
Cranial nerves XI and XII – nuclei, its appearance from the brain and skull, its fibers composition, topography,
branches, zones of innervations, exploration on alive.
Spinal nerves – its formation, roots, origin and fibers composition, spinal ganglion, prime trunks and branches,
connections. Scheme of the pair of spinal nerves.
Posterior branches of spinal nerves – terminology, fibers composition, zones of innervations.
Anterior branches of spinal nerves – fibers types, distributions, formation of plexuses. Anterior branches of the
thoracic nerves.
Cervical plexus – its formation, topography, branches, connections, zones of innervations, exploration on alive. Path
and topography of the phrenic nerve, phrenic symptom.
Brachial plexus – its formation, trunks, portions, fascicules, topography. Short branches of brachial plexus – its origin,
path, topography, zones of innervations, exploration on alive.
Musculocutaneous, median, medial brachial and antebrachial cutaneous nerves – its origin, path, topography,
branches, connections, zones of innervations.
Ulnar and radial nerves – its origin, path, topography, branches, zones of innervations, exploration on alive.
Lumbar plexus – its formation, branches. Iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal, genitofemural and lateral femoral cutaneous
nerves – its origin, path, topography, branches, zones of innervations.
Femoral and obturator nerves – its origin, path, topography, branches, zones of innervations, exploration on an alive
Sacral plexus – its formation, topography. Short branches of the sacral plexus and posterior femoral cutaneous nerve–
its origin, path, branches, zones of innervations.
Sciatic nerve – its origin, path, branches, zones of innervations, exploration on an alive person.
Vegetative nervous system – general data, functional and structural peculiarities, components, central and peripheral
parts, fibers types, differences from the somatic nervous system. Schemes of the centers of the vegetative nervous
system and vegetative reflex arches.
Sympathetic portion of the vegetative nervous system, central and peripheral structures. Sympathetic trunk – general
structure, topography, parts, ganglia, types of branches.
Subiecte pentru examenul de promovare
la disciplina Anatomia omului
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23. Parasympathetic portion of the vegetative nervous system, central and peripheral structures. General data about
metasympathetic system.
24. The cervical portion of the sympathetic trunk – ganglia, topography, structure, branches, zones of innervations.
Vegetative plexuses around of blood vessels of head and neck.
25. The thoracic portion of the sympathetic trunk – topography, ganglia (structure and its account), branches. Vegetative
plexuses of thoracic cage - formation, distribution, zones of innervations.
26. The lumbar portion of the sympathetic trunk, vegetative plexuses of the abdominal cavity –formation, distribution,
zones of innervations.
27. The sacral portion of the sympathetic trunk, vegetative plexuses of the pelvic cavity –formation, distribution, zones of
28. Parasympathetic ganglions of head and neck, structure and topography. Pre- and postganglionic fibers, its origin and
29. General data about sense analyzers (informational systems), its components. Classification of the sense organs.
30. Organ of vision – components, functional meaning. Eye ball – external conformation, sizes, parts, structure,
examination on an alive person.
31. Auxiliary apparatus of the eye, structure, topography, examination on an alive person.
32. Optic nerve, formation of the optic chiasm and tract. Pathway of the visual analyzer, its scheme.
33. Vestibulocohlear analyzer – general data. External and middle ear – structure, topography, components. Auditory tube
– parts, structure, functional importance.
34. Internal ear – location , parts, external and internal shape, structure.
35. Vestibulocohlear nerve – composition, nuclei, path, ganglia, relationship with brain and skull. Pathway of the
vestibular analyzer, its scheme.
36. Pathway of the acoustic analyzer – receiving and transmitter parts, cortical and subcortical centers, connections.
Pathway of the acoustic analyzer, its scheme.
37. Olfactory nerve and analyzer, its pathway and scheme. Terminal nerve.
38. Taste organ, its pathway and scheme.
39. Clinical examination of vestibulocohlear, smell and taste analyzers.
40. Skin analyzer – structure, functional meaning. Pathway of the touch, pain and temperature senses, its schemes.
II. Blood and lymphatic circulatory systems
General data about blood and lymphatic circulatory system. Blood vessels – classification, functional meaning.
Scheme of the cardiovascular system.
Heart – placement, anatomical position, external configuration, individual, age and sexual features.
Heart chambers, internal structure of the atria and ventricles.
Structure of the cardiac walls, morphological peculiarities at the level of atria and ventricles. Cardiac fibrous skeleton.
Valve apparatus of the heart – components, locations, structure, functions. Valve projection on the anterior wall of
thoracic cage (scheme). Places of auscultations of heart sounds.
Abnormalities of hearts development, classification.
Topography of the heart, projection on the anterior wall of thoracic cage the heart boundaries (scheme), exploration on
Aorta – origin, topography, segments, exploration on an alive person
Ascending aorta – limits, topography, branches. Coronary arteries – origin, path, branches, areas of blood supplying,
anastomoses, variants and abnormalities, exploration an alive person.
Arch of the aorta – relationship between neighborhood structures, branches, variants.
Common carotid artery – origin, path, topography, branches, variants of splitting, exploration on an alive person.
Sinocarotid reflexogenic zone – components, functional role.
External carotid artery – origin, path, topography, branches, regions of supplying, variants of division, anastomoses,
exploration on alive, points for taking arterial pulse and comprising arteries to stop bleeding.
Internal carotid artery – topography, partition, branches, regions of supplying, anastomoses, exploration on an alive
Subclavian artery – origin, topography, partition, branches, regions of supplying, anastomoses. Projection and
exploration on alive, points for taking arterial pulse and compression of the arteries to stop bleeding.
Axillary and arm arteries– origin, path, partition, topography, branches, anastomoses, regions of supplying, projection
and exploration on an alive person, points for taking arterial pulse and compression of the arteries to stop bleeding.
Subiecte pentru examenul de promovare
la disciplina Anatomia omului
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56. Forearm and hand arteries– origin, path, topography, branches, anastomoses, regions of supplying, projection and
exploration on an alive person. Points for taking arterial pulse.
57. Arterial networks and arches of the upper limb – formation, functional and clinical considerations. Main arterial
collaterals of the upper limb.
58. Thoracic aorta – limits, topography, branches, anastomoses, regions of supplying.
59. Abdominal aorta – limits, topography, path, classification of branches, regions for compression of the arteries to stop
bleeding. Parietal branches of abdominal aorta – origin, spreading, anastomoses, regions of supplying.
60. Unpaired visceral branches of abdominal aorta – origin, topography, distribution, anastomoses, regions of supplying,
61. Paired visceral branches of abdominal aorta – origin, topography, distribution, anastomoses, and regions of supplying,
62. Common and external iliac arteries – origin, path, topography, branches, distribution, anastomoses, regions of
63. Internal iliac artery – origin, path, topography, branches, distribution, anastomoses, regions of supplying, gender
specific features.
64. Femoral and popliteal arteries – origin, path, topography, branches, distribution, anastomoses, regions of supplying,
exploration on alive, points for taking arterial pulse and compression of the arteries to stop bleeding.
65. Leg and foot arteries – origin, topography, branches, distribution, anastomoses, regions of supplying. Points for taking
arterial pulse on the leg and foot arteries.
66. Arterial networks and arches of the lower limb – formation, functional and clinical considerations.
67. Blood vessels of pulmonary circulation. Pulmonary trunk and arteries – origin, topography, branches. Pulmonary veins
– formation, tributaries, anastomoses, path, and drainage.
68. General review of the superior vena cava system. Head and neck veins – origin, topography, tributaries, anastomoses,
regions of blood drainage, clinical considerations, exploration on alive. Cervical neurovascular bundle (carotid sheath)
– topography, components.
69. Veins of the upper limb – classification, tributaries, exploration on alive and clinical considerations.
70. Subclavian, brachiocephalic and inferior cava veins – origin, path, topography, tributaries, regions of blood drainage,
anastomoses, clinical considerations.
71. General review of the inferior vena cava system. Veins of the lower limb – topography, tributaries, exploration on an
alive person, clinical considerations.
72. Iliac veins – origin, topography, tributaries, anastomoses, regions of blood drainage.
73. Inferior cava vein – origin, path, topography, parietal and visceral tributaries, regions of blood drainage, cava-caval
74. Portal vein system. Portal vein – origin, topography, tributaries, divisions, examination on alive. Porto-caval
anastomoses, functional and clinical significances.
75. Fetal blood circulation.
76. Lymphatic nodes and vessels of the head and neck, examination on an alive person.
77. Lymphatic nodes and vessels of the upper limb, examination on an alive person.
78. Lymphatic nodes and vessels of the thorax.
79. Lymphatic nodes and vessels of the lower limb, examination on an alive person.
80. Lymphatic nodes and vessels of the abdomen and pelvis.
III. Blood vessels, lymphatics and innervations of the organs and parts of the body
Skin innervations of the head and neck.
Blood supply and nerve supply to the head muscles.
Blood supply and nerve supply to the neck muscles.
Blood vessels, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the teeth.
Blood supply and nerve supply to the salivary glands.
Blood supply and nerve supply to the tongue (scheme).
Blood supply to the brain, scheme of arterial circle of the brain.
Pathways of the brain venous drainage.
Innervation of the cerebral meninges, importance of prof. B. Z. Perlin’s research in this field.
Blood supply and nerve supply to the external and middle ears.
Blood supply and nerve supply to the eye and its annexes.
Subiecte pentru examenul de promovare
la disciplina Anatomia omului
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Innervations of the striated muscles of eye ball (scheme).
Blood vessels, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the external nose and nasal mucosa.
Blood vessels, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the pharynx and esophagus.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the larynx and trachea.
Blood supplying and innervation of the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the thoracic walls and mammary gland.
Blood supply and nerve supply to the thoracic skin, muscles and joints.
Blood supply to the spinal cord.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the diaphragm.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the lungs and pleura.
Blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves of the mediastinum.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the hearth (scheme). The conducting system.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the pericardium.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the abdominal walls.
Peculiarities of blood supply and nerve supply to the hollow organs. Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage
of the stomach.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the small intestine.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the large intestine.
Peculiarities of blood supply and nerve supply to the parenchymas (full) organs. Blood supply, nerve supply and
lymph drainage of the pancreas and spleen.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the liver and gall bladder.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the kidneys and suprarenal glands.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the pelvic organs, gender specific features.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the perineum, external genital organs, gender specific features.
Nerve supply to the upper limb skin.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the upper limb muscles.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the upper limb joins.
Nerve supply to the lower limb skin.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the lower limb muscles.
Blood supply, nerve supply and lymph drainage of the lower limb joints.
General data about segmental innervations of the skin. Pain referred skin areas of Zaharin-Head.
List of questions on practical skills test
Region of the head and neck
1. Coats of the eyeball
2. Striated muscles of the eye
3. Optic nerve
4. Divisions of the bony labyrinth
5. Vestibulocochlear nerve
6. Trigeminal nerve
7. Ophthalmic nerve, its visible branches
8. Mandibular nerve, its branches
9. Lingual nerve
10. Facial nerve
11. Branches of the facial nerve
12. Parotid plexus
13. Connections of the facial nerve
14. Neurovascular packet of the neck
15. Vagus nerve
16. Cervical ganglions of the sympathetic chain
17. Hypoglossal nerve
18. Accessory nerve
Subiecte pentru examenul de promovare
la disciplina Anatomia omului
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19. Cervical plexus
20. Phrenic nerve
21. Cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus
22. Cervical loop
23. Deep cervical and subclavian loops
24. Nervous connections of the regions of the head and neck
25. Common carotid artery, its branches
26 Sinocarotid reflexogenic zone
27. Internal carotid artery
28. Arterial circle of the brain
29. Branches of the external carotid artery
30. Maxillary artery
31. Arteries of the facial region
32. Subclavian artery
33. Branches of the subclavian artery
34. Arteries of the thyroid gland
35. Regions of compression of the arteries at the region of the head and neck
36. Veins of the facial region
37. Superficial veins of the neck
38. Internal jugular vein
39. Subclavian vein
40. Brachiocephalic veins
41. Blood vessels and nerves at the region of the hiomandibular triangle
42. Blood vessels and nerves of the carotid triangle
43. Blood vessels and nerves of the larynx
Region of the thoracic cage
44. Anatomical position of the heart
45. Auricles of the heart
46. Chambers of the heat
47. Valves of the heart
48. Arteries of the heart
49. Veins of the heart
50. Skeletotopy of the heart
51. Projection of the cardiac valves on the anterior thoracic wall.
52. Regions of auscultation of the noise of the heart
53. Blood vessels which start from the ventricles of the heart
54. Blood vessels opened into the atria of the heart
55. Aorta, its branches
56. Ascending aorta, its branches
57. Aortic arch, its branches
58. Branches of the descending thoracic aorta
59. Pulmonary trunk, its branches
60. Sinuses of the pericardium
61. Superior vena cava
62. Inferior vena cava
63. Blood vessels and nerves of the mediastinum /anterior, middle, posterior/
64. Internal thoracic artery, its branches
65. Phrenic nerve
66. Veins of the posterior mediastinum
67. Azygos and accessory hemiazygos veins, their tributaries
68. Vagus nerve
69. Thoracic part of the sympathetic chain
70. Greater and lesser splanchnic nerves
71. Intercostal blood vessels and nerves
Subiecte pentru examenul de promovare
la disciplina Anatomia omului
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72. Esophageous plexus
73. Pulmonary plexus
74. Thoracic lymph duct
Abdominal cavity
75. Branches of the abdominal aorta
76. Bifurcation of the aorta
77. Parietal branches of the abdominal aorta
78. Visceral branches of the abdominal aorta
79. Branches of the celiac trunk
80. Superior mesenteric artery, its branches
81. Inferior mesenteric artery, its branches
82. Arteries of the stomach
83. Arteries of the small intestine
84. Arteries of the large intestine
85. Arteries of the suprarenal gland
86. Portal vein
87. Tributaries of the portal vein
88. Inferior vena cava
89. Tributaries of the inferior vena cava
90. Parietal tributaries of the inferior vena cava
91. Visceral tributaries of the inferior vena cava
92. Hepatic veins
93. Elements of the hilum of the liver and hepatoduodenal ligament
94. Lienal vessels
95. Renal veins
96. Testiculary /ovarian/ artery
97. Branches of the lumbar plexus
98. Lumbar part of the sympathetic chain
Pelvic cavity
100. Iliac vessels
101. Branches of the internal iliac artery
102. Branches of the external iliac artery
103. Iliac veins
104. Blood vessels and nerves passing through the suprapiriform foramen
105. Blood vessels and nerves passing through the infrapiriform foramen
106. Contents of the obturator canal
107. Obturator nerve
108. Femoral nerve
109. Sacral plexus, its branches
110. Vegetative plexuses and ganglia of the pelvic cavity
Upper limbs
111. Axillary artery
112. Branches of the axillary artery
113. Blood vessels of the region of the arm
114. Arteries of the forearm
115. Arteries of the elbow net /rete cubity/
116. Radial artery
117. Palmar arteries, their branches
118. Regions of compression of the arteries of the upper limb
119. Axillary vein
120. Superficial veins of the upper limb
121. Short branches of the brachial plexus
Subiecte pentru examenul de promovare
la disciplina Anatomia omului
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122. Axillary nerve
123. Long branches of the brachial plexus
124. Radial nerve
125. Median nerve
126. Ulnar nerve
127. Musculocutaneous nerve
128. Blood vessels and nerves of the arm
129. Cutaneous nerves of the arm
130. Humeromuscular canal, its contents
131. Intercostobrachial nerves
132. Nerves of the region of the forearm
133. Blood vessels and nerves of the ulnar groove
134. Cutaneous nerves of the forearm
135. Nerves of the hand
Lower limbs
136. Femoral artery
137. Branches of the femoral artery
138. Deep femoral artery, its branches
139. Popliteal artery, its branches
140. Arteries of the region of the leg
141. Anterior and posterior tibial arteries
142. Peroneal artery, its branches
143. Blood vessels which form arterial net of the knee
144. Arteries of the foot
145. Dorsal artery of the foot, its branches
146. Arterial arches of the foot
147. Regions of compression of the arteries of the lower limbs
148. Regions where can be touched pulse of the arteries of the foot
149. Femoral vein
150. Superficial veins of the lower limbs
151. Veins of the foot
152. Dorsal venous net of the foot
153. Nerves of the region of the thigh
154. Femoral nerve
155. Schiatic nerve
156. Cutaneous nerves of the buttocks
157. Cutaneous nerves of the thigh
158. Nerves of the leg
159. Cutaneous nerves of the leg
160. Tibial nerve, its branches
161. Common peroneal nerve, its branches
162. Superficial peroneal nerve, its branches
163. Deep peroneal nerve
164. Saphenus nerve
165. Cutaneous nerves of the foot
166. Dorsal nerves of the foot
167. Plantar nerves of the foot
168. Blood vessels and nerves which pass through the suprapiriform foramen
169. Blood vessels and nerves which pass through the infrapiriform foramen
170. Blood vessels and nerves of the femoral triangle
171. Blood vessels and nerves of the vastoadductorius canal
172. Blood vessels and nerves of the popliteal fossa
173. Anatomical structures of the cruropopliteal canal
174. Plantar grooves, their contents
175. Anatomical structures of the Pirogov‘s canal
Subiecte pentru examenul de promovare
la disciplina Anatomia omului
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Graphical representation of some aspects of cardiovascular, peripheral nervous systems and sense organs
Projection of the heart on the anterior thoracic wall (skeletotopy) .
Projection of the heart valves on the anterior thoracic wall
Innervation of the heart
Formation of the spinal nerve
Topography of the cranial nerves nuclei on the rhomboid fossa
Arterial circle of the brain
The corticonuclear tract
Conductive pathway of the trigeminal nerve
Conductive pathway of the facial nerve
Conductive pathway of the glossopharyngeal nerve
Conductive pathway of the vagus nerve
Reflex arch of the vegetative nervous system
Location of the vegetative nervous centers
Conductive pathway of the optic analyzer
Nerve-supply of the muscles of the eyeball
Conductive pathway of the acustic analyzer
Conductive pathway of the vestibular analyzer
Conductive pathway of the smell analyzer
Conductive pathway of the taste analyzer
Nerve-supply of the tongue
Conductive pathway of the tactile sense
Conductive pathway of the pain and temperature
Aprobat la şedinţa catedrei Anatomia Omului.
Extras din procesul verbal nr. 6 din 06.12.2013
Şef catedră,
profesor universitar
I. Catereniuc