Self Assessment Checklist

Self Assessment Checklist
3637 Human Biology I
Assessment portfolio items previously submitted by students have shown deficiencies in key
scientific writing skills, including the ability to clearly and concisely define a topic, organise
and logically link data, define unfamiliar scientific terms and provide supporting evidence and
explanation of theories and factual statements. It has also been noted that many students do
not appear to edit or critically review the content of an assignment once the initial draft has
been written. Therefore, as part of portfolio item 4, all students must self-assess their item
of work against a checklist of the attributes expected in a piece of scientific writing. This
exercise is aimed at increasing student awareness of the basic elements of scientific writing
and the need to critically appraise one’s own work (as well as that of other scientists). The
self-assessment exercise will contribute 1/3 of the marks allocated for assessment portfolio
item 4, i.e. 5% of the total mark for Human Biology I.
Instructions: How to Self-Assess Your Portfolio Item
1. The assignment checklist on the reverse side of this page asks a series of questions about
the attributes expected in a piece of scientific writing submitted as part of the Human
Biology I course. For each question in the checklist, review your assignment for the
attribute mentioned and tick either the “Yes” box or the “No” box.
2. Once you have completed the checklist, sign and date the declaration at the bottom of the
page, attach it to your self-assessed assignment and lodge both the checklist and
assignment in the assignment cupboard outside Room N114 by no later than 4.00pm,
Friday 5th October 2001 (week 9 of semester 2).
3. If you have answered “No” to five (5) or more questions in the checklist, you must revise
your assignment, rectify the deficiencies identified and submit an amended final draft in
addition to the self-assessed draft.
4. The final (amended) draft must be received no later than 4.00pm, Friday 19th October
2001 (week 11 of semester 2). Please note that this is the final deadline for all assessment
portfolio items for 2001.
5. Students who fail to complete a self-assessment of their assignment will be deemed not to
have met the minimum course requirements for Human Biology I and will receive a grade
of IF (incomplete fail).
I have self-assessed my assignment titled …………………………………………………....
in accordance with the instructions provided above.
Student Name: _____________________________ Signed: _________________________
Date: ______________________
EJP – 3637, 2001
Self Assessment Checklist
Does the title of the assignment describe/reflect its scientific content?
Does the assignment begin effectively, i.e. is there an adequate
introduction of the subject material that provides the background to, or
context of, the intended study?
Does the introduction include an explicit aim that is addressed in the body
of the assignment?
Are statements of fact supported by evidence or explanation? (Have you
elaborated on why or how, or directed the reader to previous studies on
the topic?)
Have all scientific terms been defined?
Has enough detail of the subject material been provided to enable the
reader to follow the train of thought and fully understand the topic?
Does the content flow? Are sentences and paragraphs clearly and
logically linked, without the reader needing to back track or hunt for the
intended meaning?
Is the meaning of each sentence clear? Are information and ideas
presented in the most concise format possible without loss of vital
Is all of the information presented relevant to the stated aims of the
assignment? Have all unnecessary words and interesting but irrelevant
ideas been eliminated?
Are the ideas, interpretations and data of other individuals explicitly
acknowledged in the text?
Are figures and tables numbered and linked to the relevant points in the
Do the figures and tables support or contribute to the scientific content of
the assignment? [If no, delete from the assignment.]
Have spelling and grammar been checked and is the assignment free of
Is the tense consistent?
Is the assignment written in the third person?
Does the assignment end effectively, i.e. is there a conclusion or summary
that reiterates the main findings and their significance and relates them
back to the stated aims of the assignment?
Is there an accurate reference list that includes all sources cited in the
Has the Harvard system of reference citation been used?
EJP – 3637, 2001
Self Assessment Checklist
EJP – 3637, 2001