TEACHER TRAINING INTENSIVE; ‘Question-inspire-developnurture’ Saturday 26 – Monday 28 October 2013 Following the success of Candoco’s Teacher Training Intensive in 2011 & 2012, the company will be running another course this October for disabled and non-disabled teachers and practitioners keen to explore the principles of inclusive practice. Candoco Dance Company is the dance company of disabled and non-disabled dancers. We create excellent and profound experiences for audiences and participants that excite, challenge and broaden perceptions of art and ability, placing people and collaboration at the heart. We commission productions created by world-class choreographers for national and international touring and deliver an extensive learning programme to provide broad access to the highest quality dance. Celeste Dandeker and Adam Benjamin founded Candoco in 1991 by taking a giant leap into the unknown, showing that disability is not and should not be perceived as disadvantage. They made a commitment to quality, inclusivity and collaboration, which has made Candoco the world leader it is today and our artists into role models for new generations of dance artists. Celebrating over 20 years of practice we continue to change the landscape of dance by producing bold work: that is enhanced by diversity, provides opportunities for dancers at all stages of a career where none have existed, surprises audiences with new creative possibilities, which broaden and enrich our imaginary worlds. The 3-day Teacher Training Intensive, delivered by Candoco dancers, will introduce disabled and non-disabled teachers and dance artists to the principles of Candoco’s inclusive work. It will focus on the fundamentals of your own teaching practice, adaptation and technique, use of language, inclusive environments and the models of disability. The sessions will explore: The course will: QUESTION perceptions of what best practice and inclusive teaching might be DEVELOP skills, communication and confidence in working with a diverse class INSPIRE each other to ask new questions and find new ways of working NURTURE creativity so that students and colleagues have the best chance of achieving their potential Inclusive warm-ups Use of language Shape of class Team teaching and dance support specialists Introduction to the Models of Disability Awareness and identifying diverse needs Strategies for individual teaching Open communication Please contact us if you require this form in a larger format. The course is held at Platform Islington, Hornsey Road Baths, 260 Hornsey Road, London, N7 7QT. Each day will start at 10.30am and finish at 6pm. Participants must be able to commit to attending all three days. The three day course costs £200 and we must receive your form along with payment in order to confirm your place. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis as places are limited. CANDOCO TEACHER TRAINING INTENSIVE: Sat 26 – Mon 28 October 2013 BOOKING FORM Name: Address: Postcode: County: Country: Email: Telephone: Organisation: Position: Please describe your current teaching (e.g. schools, training centres, community etc): Please describe any previous movement and/or performance experience (e.g. workshops, residencies): Please describe what you hope to gain from the Candoco Teacher Training Intensive: Would you consider yourself as having a disability? Do you have any accessibility or support requirements? For UK Payments: Please make cheques payable to Candoco Dance Company or credit the following bank account: Please contact us if you require this form in a larger format. CAF Bank, 25 Kings Hill Ave, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4JQ. Account Name: Candoco Dance Company Account Number: 00015400 Sort Code: 40-52-40 For International Transfers, please contact Hannah Dye, Learning Manager. Email: hannah@candoco.co.uk Tel: 020 7704 6845 Candoco Dance Company, 2T Leroy House, 436 Essex Road, London, N1 3QP EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES MONITORING FORM To assist with the implementation of our Equal Opportunities policy, please would you complete and return this form to Candoco. The purpose of any future processing of this data will be to monitor the effectiveness of our Equal Opportunities policy, in a manner that maintains anonymity. This form will be separated when your form is submitted and kept anonymous. Position/activity applied for TEACHER TRAINING INTENSIVE (TTI) 1. How did you learn of this opportunity? Guardian □ Candoco’s E list/ facebook □ Artsjobs □ Candoco’s website □ Word of mouth □ Arts Professional □ Other (please specify) ____________________________ Female □ 2. What gender are you? Male □ 3. Please state your postcode: _________ 4. What is your ethnic group? NB these categories are those used by Arts Council England and are recommended by the Commission for Racial Equality. Choose ONE from section A to G, then tick the appropriate box to indicate your background. A WHITE: British □ Irish □ Any other white background (please specify) ______________ B ASIAN OR ASIAN BRITISH: Indian □ Pakistani □ Please contact us if you require this form in a larger format. Bangladeshi □ Any other Asian background (please specify) ________ C BLACK, BLACK BRITISH: Caribbean □ African □ Any other Black background (please specify) ________ D CHINESE □ E MIXED OR DUAL HERITAGE: White and Black Caribbean □ White and Black African □ White and Asian □ Any other mixed background (please specify) ____________________ F ANY OTHER ETHNIC GROUP (PLEASE SPECIFY) _____________ G PREFER NOT TO SAY □ 4. What age group are you in? 0-19 yrs □ 20-34 yrs □ 35-49 yrs □ 50-64 yrs □ 5. Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes 65+ yrs □ □ No □ If yes, and you are applying for a vacancy or course, please describe any access requirements you may have: Please describe _____________________________________________________ Thank you for completing this form. Please send this in along with your main application form if you are applying for a job, or to a Candoco member of staff if you are participating in Candoco activity. Please contact us if you require this form in a larger format.