Peggy’s Ponderings Have you ever seen a tapestry? A tapestry, according to the dictionary, is a woven cloth with rich, varicolored designs and scenes. A tapestry presents a picture. Our lives present a picture too. What does the tapestry of your life look like? Now, our lives are not made of cloth, but our lives are certainly rich designs and scenes. I think of the colors we might use in our life’s tapestry – yellows and blues for the joy in our lives – blacks and browns and even reds for the difficult times in our lives. Perhaps lavender for a time of peace. You can think of the colors that make up your life. But you know life is not just one color. Life is many colors. Life is made up of mountains and valleys. You know that. That’s just the way life is. In fact, you can expect those hills and valleys. Our life is filled with so many different things – together making a unique pattern for our life. In our Old Testament Scripture, Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 speaks abut life and the many experiences in it – a time to be born and a time to die – a time to weep and a time to laugh – a time to seek and a time to lose – a time to keep and a time to throw away – a time to keep silence and a time to speak – a time for war and a time for peace. You see, our lives are a rich experience of all life has to offer, woven together. But, I think that it is only in looking back that we can see the pattern of our lives – but I also think that there is always a common thread in all of our tapestries. That common thread is God – woven into all the events of our lives. There is a poem called “the Weaver” by Fanny Forrester. It tells of a weaver who was weaving beautiful flowers and gold threads into his tapestry and then as his days became troubled, his tapestry also reflected that. It seemed as if the fabric became gray and the gold threads tarnished. All things in his life were woven in and the weaver continued to weave – until it was done. And at his death, the tapestry was drawn around his shoulders. But, God made that tapestry into a robe of light, and among all the folds were the flowers woven in, and wherever a tear had fallen, a diamond appeared. The last verses of that poem said this: “And wherever a tear had fallen down, Gleamed out a diamond rare, And jewels befitting a monarch’s crown Were footprints left by care. And wherever had swept the breath of a sigh Was left a rich perfume, And with light from the fountain of bliss in the sky Shone the labor of sorrow and gloom. You see, our lives may be woven with threads of sadness as well as threads of joy. But God takes our life here on earth and turns it into everlasting life and joy in his presence forevermore. Thanks be to God! Hope to see you at church on Sunday. Make Commonwealth a part of your life. Peggy ++++ WORSHIP THIS SUNDAY May 13, 2012 The Sixth Sunday of Easter Mother’s Day Scripture: John 15: 9-17 Sermon: “Love One Another” “This is my commandment, that you love one anther as I have loved you.” (John 15: 12) May 13 Worship Assistants: Steward: Bob Samuels Ushers: Phyllis Batts and Donna Pruitt Acolyte: Mackenzie Garlick Nursery: Kay Little Counters: Perry Beaver and Jackie Samuels PLEASE JOIN US FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL AND WORSHIP Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST THIS SUNDAY, MAY 13 8:00 A.M. FELLOWSHIP HALL This Sunday May 13, our United Methodist Men will sponsor their traditional Mother’s Day Breakfast. It is a day to honor the mothers – grandmothers – and all women of the church. The breakfast is free. It’s always great – with sausage or ham, eggs, grits, and fruit. There will be a short program with music and a devotional. Please join us. If you haven’t signed up, please call the church office as soon as possible to make your reservation. Hope to see you there. +++++ Happy Mother’s Day ALDERSGATE OFFERING Next Sunday, on Mother’s Day, we will take up a special offering for Aldersgate. There will be envelopes in your bulletins. These gifts assist United Methodists at Aldersgate who may be facing unexpected financial difficulties. Thank you for helping. +++++ LETTER CARRIER FOOD DRIVE THIS SATURDAY, MAY 12 If you are unable to bring your canned goods or non-perishable food items to church, just place them at your mailbox on Saturday, May 12. Your letter carrier will pick up the food and it will be donated to Loaves and Fishes and Second Harvest Food Bank. Thank you for your support. +++++ BOOK CLUB THIS THURSDAY, MAY 10 6:00 P.M. PARLOR Our Book Club will start this Thursday, May 10 at 6:00 p.m. in the Parlor. At our first meeting we will discuss how we would like to structure our book club – how often to meet – reading 1 book per month, etc. The first book is “We Wait You”. At this time we’ll decide how much we’d like to read for the next meeting, and set a firm schedule – perhaps the 2nd Thursday of each month. Congratulations Toni Batts Toni Batts graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte on May 12, 2012 with a Master’s degree in English as a Second Language (ESL) and a grade point average of 4.0. She is now a full-fledged school teacher as the Charlotte – Mecklenburg School System has hired her beginning this fall as an ESL teacher at Merry Oaks Elementary School for 4 and 5 graders. Her mother, Phyllis, is very proud of her. Congratulations Toni! OUR STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL CHURCH ATTENDANCE MAY 6, 2012 Sunday School 17 Church 41 CHURCH GIVING MAY 6, 2012 Budget $3267.00 Mother’s Day $44.00 +++++ COOPERATIVE MISSION PARISH WORSHIP SUNDAY, JUNE 10 11:00 A.M. AT KILGO UMC Don’t forget that on Sunday, June 10, we will worship at Kilgo. Sunday School will be at Commonwealth as it normally is – but then we will go to Kilgo for the 11:00 woship. Peggy will be preaching there. Please let your friends and neighbors know that we will worship with Kilgo on that Sunday. Let’s fill up their pews! Neighborhood Sustainable Vision Planning Workshop Wednesday, May 16th 6:30 p.m. Commonwealth UMC The City staff and community partners will facilitate the creation of a Neighborhood Sustainable Vision Plan. The SVP will occur in two (2) parts, the first meeting will be a visioning workshop with residents to learn about neighborhood sustainability initiatives, collect ideas, and brainstorm about desired outcomes. The SVP must have a minimum of 10 participants. Following the visioning workshop staff will compile the ideas and organize them into categories. In the second meeting the categories and ideas will be presented to the neighbors and actionable items will be identified as well as available resources to assist with implementation. The neighborhood will prioritize the actionable items. The second meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 13th at 6:30 p.m. with a presentation by the city to us – again held at Commonwealth. We care about our community – so please plan to attend these meetings. Jackie Samuels’ Recipe For Caramel-Glazed Pear Cake 4 Ripe Barlett pears, peeled & diced (about 3 cups) 1 Tablespoon sugar 3 Large eggs 2 Cups sugar 1 ¼ Cups Crisco Oil 3 Cups all-purpose flour 1 Teaspoon salt 1 Teaspoon baking soda 1 ½ Cups pecans (chopped) 2 Teaspoons vanilla flavoring Toss together pears and 1 tablespoon sugar. (Let stand 5 minutes) Beat eggs, 2 cups sugar, and oil at medium speed with an electric mixer until blended. Combine flour, salt, and baking soda and add to egg mixture, beating at low speed until blended. Fold in pears, nuts, and vanilla flavoring, pour batter into greased and floured 10inch Bundt pan. Bake at 350 for 1 hour. Remove from pan while warm and drizzle Caramel Glaze over cake. CARAMEL GLAZE: 1 Cup brown sugar, ½ cup butter, ¼ cup evaporated milk. In sauce pan, melt butter, add sugar and milk. Cook over medium heat, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, for 2 ½ minutes. 5th SUNDAY OF WORSHIP OUR PRAYER LIST COMMONWEALTH CHURCH Don’t forget the dates for our Music Sundays! June 24th (a 4th Sunday – Annual Conference Sunday) July 29th September 30th December 30th Invite your friends. Phyllis Baker, Emma Grace Barnes, Milton Burgess, Bobbie Denny, Joann Fitzsimmons, Logan, Brian, and Kathleen Forbis (friend of Kristin Jordan), Nancy Godfrey, The Gulledge Family, Bobbie Hagler, The Hardy Family, Sandy Hirsch, Michael Johnson, Scott Keever, Jennie Kehoe, Louise and Horace Lee, Martha Lee, Anne and Sarah Lever, Lucille McConnell, Candy McKinnon (daughter of Edna Ormond), Evelyn McRae, Stephen Mims, Jackie Nolan, Edna Ormand, Charles Page, The Pridgen Family, Fred and Sandra Rich, Bill Richardson, LaVerne Roberts, Caroline Ross, Hannah Rushing, Larry Shepherd, Edith Simmons, Lynne Skelton, Lawrence Skidmore, Jr., Gerald Smith, Tara Snider, Jim Trollinger, Cathy Weaver, Margery Weaver, O.J. Weaver, Jerry Wood Nursing/Assisted Living Care: Mable Davis, Dorothy Fitzpatrick, Maxine Kincaid, Hazel Lands, Judy Ledwell, Ann Pike, Ralph Stephenson, Jean Stoneman, Ellen Williams, Mabel Winn How much do you value our church? Haven’t you been blessed? A new generation is coming. Help us secure our future with a gift to our Legacy Fund in honor of or in memory of someone. Also, perhaps you could consider including Commonwealth in your will. It doesn’t have to be a large amount – but it is a way to say “I care about Commonwealth.” Commonwealth is a dedicated, faithful church. It is an important part of our community. It makes a difference. Won’t you be a partner with us? +++++ PRAYER LIST We want our prayer list to be current and accurate. Please review our list to see if there are names that need to be removed. As usual, if you want to add a name, please call the church office. We’d like to also indicate by each name their relationship to the person who submitted their name – friend of – cousin of, etc. Thank you for your help. +++++ Loaves and Fishes Thank You Last week we received a thank you for our donation of 355 pounds of food. What a generous congregation you are! Keep it up! PLEASE NOTE ! NEW DIRECTORIES Shawn Henderson is a representative for Biltmore Inspirations products. She held a party for us back in the fall as a fundraiser for Commonwealth. We had such a great time and the food she prepared for taste testing was excellent. She would like to hold another party. If anyone would like to host a party in their home let Donna know. Shawn will do all the work: prepare the food, organize, demonstrate and share recipes. Her parties are always so much fun. If a party is out of the question, you can still place an order by seeing the catalog in the office and filling out an order form right there. Donna will collect the order forms before the end of May and send them off to Shawn. Shawn sends her regards and misses us from the last party. Our new directories are out. They are available in the narthex, Sunday School rooms, and church office. If you’d like one mailed to you, please contact the church office. We’ll be glad to do so. +++++ CHURCH-WIDE WORK DAY The trustees will schedule a church-wide work day in the fall when it’s cooler. In the meantime, if you want to work, pick a project and work at a time convenient to you. Some suggestions: Bamboo behind garage. Trim bushes. Trim azaleas in front of Fellowship Hall. +++++ MEMORIALS In Memory of R. C. Pridgen By: Jack and Nancy Wright