UTC COURSE SYLLABUS CHECKLIST & INFORMATION REQUIRED items are noted and asterisked (*). The syllabus and all required course materials must be in an accessible format. See http://www.utc.edu/walker-center-teachinglearning/syllabus-resources.php and http://www.utc.edu/disability-resource-center/ for additional information. Syllabi files should be saved and named using the following format: DEPT.COURSENUMBER.CRN (Department abbreviation (all caps) dot course number dot CRN number) Example: PSY.1010.42313.doc or PSY.1010.42313.pdf) Syllabi with more that one section should include all of the CRNs. Example: CRMJ.2110.42458.42459.doc REQUIRED: BASIC INFORMATION * (All items in this area are required.) Required: Name of University Required: Semester & Year Required: Name(s) of Instructor(s) of Record/Teaching Assistant Names (if applicable) Required: Instructor(s) Office Hours [Days & Times] & Location, Email (Instructor(s) web page URL, if applicable) COURSE INFORMATION Required: Course Title, Department/Number, CRN, Credit Hours* Required: Course Meeting Days/Times & Location (Include any required days/times for online/hybrid courses.)* Required: Course Description (Must match the description in the catalog.)* Required: Course Pre-/Co-Requisites* Required: Course Student Learning Outcomes (What the student will be expected to do upon completion of the class.)* Required: Indication of General Education Credit, if applicable, and General Education Outcomes* Teaching/Learning Environment (Include here the methods of instruction you may use-e.g. lecture, flipped classroom, guest speakers, technology use, demonstrations, online resources, role of the student, role of the faculty, etc.). COURSE MATERIALS Required: All required Materials/Resources (Texts [Author, Title, Edition, Publisher, ISBN], Articles, Resources, Supplies/Equipment, Software [links to download, if applicable], Websites, etc.) (NOTE: All materials must be provided in an accessible format.)* Required: Course Fees* Supplemental/Optional Materials/Resources (Texts [Author, Title, Edition, Publisher, ISBN], Articles, Resources, Supplies/Equipment, Software [links to download, if applicable], Websites, etc.) REQUIRED: COURSE ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION/REQUIREMENTS* (All items in this area are required.) Required: Exams/Quizzes (how many, what kinds) 1 UTC COURSE SYLLABUS CHECKLIST & INFORMATION Required: Assignments/Homework/Problem Sets/Projects/Reports/Papers (general assignment information/description and details, assessment criteria, format for submitting work) Required: Grading Scale (NOTE: UTC does not use +/- grades) POLICIES Required: Attendance* Required: Missed/Makeup Exams* Required: Late or Missed Assignments* Required: Accommodation/Disability Statement* Required: Counseling Statement* Consequences for Tardiness Class Participation/Class Behavior/Electronic Device Usage Grading Procedures (Weighting, Curve, Grade Appeals, if applicable) Policy for Incompletes, Withdrawals, etc. Extra Credit Opportunities (if applicable) Academic Integrity (Honor Code, Consequences, Examples) COURSE CALENDAR/SCHEDULE Required: Key Dates for major tests and exams (including the date and location of final), Major assignment due dates, etc. other Assignments/Activities (discussion board participation, outside class activities, etc.)* Calendar of topics, etc. (Include a statement that the schedule is subject to change, if you wish.) REQUIRED STATEMENTS (Please check URL to make sure these are up-to-date.) ACCOMMODATION STATEMENT* If you are a student with a disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) and think that you might need special assistance or a special accommodation in this class or any other class, call the Disability Resource Center (DRC), http://www.utc.edu/disability-resourcecenter/) at 425-4006 or come by the office, 102 Frist Hall. COUNSELING CENTER STATEMENT* If you find that personal problems, career indecision, study and time management difficulties, etc. are adversely impacting your successful progress at UTC, please contact the Counseling and Career Planning Center at 425-4438 or http://www.utc.edu/counseling-personal-development-center/. OTHER SAMPLE STATEMENTS HONOR CODE PLEDGE (from the UTC Student Handbook) I pledge that I will neither give nor receive unauthorized aid on any test or assignment. I understand that plagiarism constitutes a serious instance of unauthorized aid. I further pledge that I exert every effort to ensure that the Honor Code is upheld by others and that I will actively support the establishment and continuance of a campus-wide climate of honor and integrity. 2 UTC COURSE SYLLABUS CHECKLIST & INFORMATION VETERANS SERVICES STATEMENT: The office of Veteran Student Services is committed to serving all the needs of our veterans and assisting them during their transition from military life to that of a student. If you are a student veteran or veteran dependent and need any assistance with your transition, please refer to http://www.utc.edu/greenzone/ or http://www.utc.edu/records/veteran-affairs/. These sites can direct you the necessary resources for academics, educational benefits, adjustment issues, veteran allies, veteran organizations, and all other campus resources serving our veterans. You may also contact the coordinator of Veteran Student Programs and Services directly at 423.425.2277. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. GENERAL EDUCATION STATEMENT: (See http://www.utc.edu/general-education/faculty-information/outcomes.php for outcomes for specific categories and http://www.utc.edu/general-education/faculty-information/gen-ed-syllabi.php for sample syllabi templates.) This course is certified as a General Education course fulfilling the LIST CATEGORY(IES). Please consult with your advisor and check the specific requirements for your major to determine if this course is a good fit for your plan of study. Upon completion of the required credit hours in this category, students will be able to: LIST OUTCOMES FOR CATEGORY (see http://www.utc.edu/general-education/faculty-information/outcomes.php). COMMUNICATION STATEMENT: Describe how you will communicate with the students. Also include how quickly you will respond to student questions, etc. [You may want to add specifics about what you consider a regular basis to be.] Samples are listed below. Edit them to fit your class environment and practices. SAMPLE 1: To enhance student services, the University uses your UTC email address for all communications. Please check your UTC email on a regular basis. If you have problems with accessing your UTC email account, contact the Call Center at 423-425-4000. SAMPLE 2: Class announcements will be made through UTC Learn (http://www.utc.edu/learn/) and via email. Please check your UTC email and UTC Learn on a regular basis. If you have problems with accessing your UTC email account or UTC Learn, contact the Call Center at 423-4254000. SAFEASSIGN STATEMENT: SAMPLE 1 [EDIT specifically for your class]: All (some/selected) papers and other written assignments in this class must (should) be submitted to UTC Learn (Blackboard) text-matching software (SafeAssign) for review and to analyze for originality and intellectual integrity. By submitting your paper online, you agree to have your paper included in the institutional repository of digital papers. If the results of the review indicate academic dishonesty, disciplinary action may be taken against the student as outlined in the UTC Student Handbook. SAMPLE 2 [EDIT specifically for your class]: The instructor of this class reserves the right to submit papers to the UTC Learn (Blackboard) text-matching software (SafeAssign) for review and analysis of originality and intellectual integrity. If the results of the review indicate academic dishonesty, disciplinary action may be taken against the student as outlined in the UTC Student Handbook. 3 UTC COURSE SYLLABUS CHECKLIST & INFORMATION UTC LEARN STATEMENT: SAMPLE 1: Log on to UTC Learn at http://www.utc.edu/learn/ using your utcID and password. Click on the course called XXXXX. If you need help with UTC Learn, see http://www.utc.edu/learn/studentresources/index.php or contact the Call Center at 425-4000. SAMPLE 2: Access course materials at http://www.utc.edu/learn/. Log in using your utcID and password (the same as for your UTC email). If you need help with UTC Learn, see http://www.utc.edu/learn/student-resources/index.php or contact the Call Center at 425-4000. COMPUTER/TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENT STATEMENT: Suggest a preferred browser and include details on any plug-ins or add-ons needed to access the course materials. Sample information and statements to consider are listed below. Edit these to apply to your class. Hardware/Software Requirements: Participants need access to a personal computer (Mac or Windows) and the Internet for major amounts of time for this course. Test your computer set up and browser for compatibility with UTC Learn at: http://www.utc.edu/learn/browser-check.php Plug-ins Necessary: You should have an updated version of Adobe Acrobat Reader (for pdf documents), available free from http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html. Additional software plug ins may be needed. Check the Technical Requirements for the UTC Learn system at http://www.utc.edu/learn/getting-help/system-requirements.php Minimum Technology Skills Needed: You are expected to have working knowledge and capability with your computer hardware, networking and a variety of software applications before entering this class. Class participants must know how to and check their e-mail on a daily basis. You will need to know the appropriate user name and password to access the UTC Learn online password-protected system. If you do NOT know your user name and password, please contact the Call Center at 425-4000. You must be able to save word processing files in a .doc/.docx (Microsoft Word), .rtf (Rich Text Format), or .txt (Text) format for sharing files. ADVISEMENT/ACADEMIC SUPPORT SERVICES RESOURCES FOR STUDENTS Center for Advisement and Student Success: http://www.utc.edu/center-advisement-studentsuccess/ Tutoring: http://www.utc.edu/center-advisement-student-success/academicsuccess/tutoring.php and http://www.utc.edu/college-business/resources/tutoring.php Supplemental Instruction: http://www.utc.edu/center-advisement-student-success/academicsuccess/si-groupstudy.php KEY RESOURCES AND LINKS FOR STUDENTS Academic Calendar: http://www.utc.edu/records/calendars-and-schedules/index.php Final Exam Schedule: http://www.utc.edu/records/calendars-and-schedules/index.php#FS Undergraduate Catalog: http://www.utc.edu/records/course-catalogs.php Graduate Catalog: http://www.utc.edu/records/course-catalogs.php 4 UTC COURSE SYLLABUS CHECKLIST & INFORMATION Records/Registrar: http://www.utc.edu/records/ Graduate School: http://www.utc.edu/graduate-school/ UTC Bookstore: http://www.utc.edu/auxiliary-services/bookstore.php UTC Library: http://www.utc.edu/library/ COLLEGE/DEPARTMENTAL ADVISEMENT RESOURCES FOR STUDENTS Arts & Sciences: http://www.utc.edu/advisement/student-academic-advising/index.php College of Business Student Success Center: http://www.utc.edu/college-business/studentsuccess-center/index.php Education: http://www.utc.edu/school-education/studentresources/advisement.php Nursing: http://www.utc.edu/nursing/students/advisement.php Health & Human Performance: http://www.utc.edu/health-human-performance/advising.php Social Work: http://www.utc.edu/social-work/current-bsw-students/index.php 5