14th September/Setembru 2000 Infectious Disease Surveillance and Epidemic Preparedness (IDSEP) Unit World Health Organization, Dili, East Timor, in collaboration with the Division of Health Services of the Department of Social Affairs, ETTA Week/Semana 35/2000 (27/08/2000-02/09/2000) Important points: A steady increase in reports of malaria from Baucau District. Continuing animal and human rabies activity in Flores, Indonesia. Pontu sira ne'ebe importante: Distritu Baukau sei kontinua fó reportajen kona ba Malária sa'e maka'as. Rabies sei kontinua ativu iha animal ho ema iha Flores, Indonesia. Formal reports: Reportajen formál: For Week 35 of 2000, the Unit received reports of 7,798 consultations from 10 health agencies, operating 39 fixed and mobile health facilities in 7 districts. This included reports from one more district than last week, and an increase in the overall number of consultations (up from 5,338). Iha semana 35 tinan 2000, Unit simu reportajen kona ba númeru konsultasaun nian 7,798 husi ajénsia 10, ne'ebe hala'o serbisu iha fasilidade saúde nian ne'ebe hela permanente ho móvel iha Distritu 7. Ida ne'e inklui mos reportajen ne'ebe liu Distritu ida husi semana uluk, no aumenta iha númeru konsultasaun nian (sa'e husi 5,338). Notifications of bloody diarrhoea fell, from 53 last week to 33 this week. Baucau (14) and Bobonaro (10) Districts reported the largest number of cases. Aileu District has been reporting in excess of 15 cases of bloody diarrhoea per week for most of the last month, but only notified one case this week; however, at the time of writing, the weekly report has not yet come in from Aileu Kota. Total notifications of watery diarrhoea remain stable at 223, with most cases again reported from Dili (68) and Bobonaro (63) Districts. There were no reported deaths from diarrhoeal disease this week. The number of cases of clinically suspected malaria was steady at 1,004 this week. Baucau District showed a sharp rise, from 199 cases last week to 431 cases this week; this continues a steady upward trend in malaria diagnoses from that district since Week 20 of 2000. Bobonaro (188) and Dili (155) Districts showed an overall reduction in the number of cases, while Liquisa District (121) remained steady. [Again, these data are provisional, as reports from the Lautem District had not been received at the time of writing]. HealthNet International’s Atabae Clinic reported one death from malaria in the under 5 years age group. Bairro Pite Clinic in Dili reported three cases of clinically suspected measles, one in a child under 5 years and two aged 5 years and older. Seven cases of acute jaundice syndrome were reported from Dili District this week. Six cases were seen at the Bairro Pite Clinic and one at the ICRC Polyclinic; all patients were in the 5 years and older age group. There were no additional cases reported this week from Aileu, Baucau or Bobonaro Districts. Overall reports of upper respiratory tract infection were steady at 1,923 cases (2,113 last week). Districts reporting the most cases were Dili (870, steady), Baucau (430, down from 851 last week) and Bobonaro (275, steady). Three hundred and ninety-two cases of lower respiratory tract infection were reported this week. The death of one 80-year-old female in Liquisa District was thought to be due primarily to chronic obstructive airways disease and is not recorded in the summary table overleaf. Informal reports: Indonesian authorities report continued rabies activity in the Flores Islands of Indonesia, with a sharp increase in rabies cases among dogs and 48 human deaths since January 2000. Timor Island (including West and East Timor) has, until now, been reported free from rabies. However, according to unofficial information, some dogs have been smuggled from the Flores Islands to West Timor. On the basis of this information, bringing dogs, cats or monkeys from Flores Island or West Timor to East Timor should be strictly prohibited. WHO has strongly recommended to the Government of Indonesia the enforcement of existing legislation restricting transportation of dogs, cats and monkeys to West Timor. In the interests of keeping East Timor free of rabies, any dog, cat or monkey brought into the territory without a valid rabies vaccination certificate should be put down (destroyed) immediately. Notifikasaun kona ba moras Tee-been Kahur-raan tun, husi 53 semana uluk ba 33 semana ida ne'e. Distritu mak fó reportajen númeru kazu boot liu hanesan Baukau (14) no Bobonaro (10). Distritu Aileu ida ne'ebe fó reportajen kazu tee-been kahur raan liu husi númeru 15 semana-semana iha fulan kotuk nia laran, semana ida ne'e fó de’it reportajen kazu ida; maski nune'e Aileu Kota seidauk haruka reportajen semanal to'o oras ne'e. Total notifikasaun moras Tee-been Simples hela nafatin ho númeru 223, ho kazu barak liu Distritu Dili mak fó reportajen (68) no Bobonaro (63). La iha reportajen kona ba mate tanba moras tee-been iha semana ida ne'e. Númeru kazu Suspeitu Malária Klíniku sei nafatin ho 1,004 semana ida ne'e.Distritu Baukau hatudu katak kazu suspeitu malária klíniku sa'e maka'as, husi kazu 199 semana kotuk ba kazu 431 semana ida ne'e; ne'e hatudu katak Distritu ida ne'e hela nafatin iha leten kona ba diagnoza malária hori kedas semana 20 tinan 2000. Distritu Bobonaro (188) no Dili (155) ne'e hatudu katak númeru kazu tun, Distritu Likisá sei nafatin ho númeru (121). (Dala ida tan, dadus ida ne’e sei provizório, tanba reportajen husi Distritu Lautem seidauk simu to’o oras ne’e). HealthNet Internasionál iha Klínika Atabae fó reportajen kona ba mate ida tanba moras malária ho idade tinan 5 mai kraik. Klínika Bairro Pite iha Dili fó reportajen kazu tolu kona ba moras Suspeitu Sarampu, kazu ida tama iha grupu tinan 5 mai kraik no rua tama iha grupu tinan 5 ba leten. Kazu 7 kona ba Síndroma Moras Kinur Akut iha semana ida ne’e Distritu Dili mak fó reportajen. Kazu neen hetan iha Klínika Bairro Pite no ida hetan iha Poliklínika ICRC nian; moras sira ne’e hotu tama iha grupu tinan 5 ba leten. La iha reportajen tuir tan husi Distritu Aileu, Baukau ho Bobonaro iha semana ida ne’e. Reportajen kona ba kazu Infesaun Traktus Respiratórius Superior sei nafatin ho númeru 1,923 (2,113 semana kotuk). Distritu sira ne’ebe fó reportajen númeru boot liu hanesan Dili (nafatin ho 870), Baukau (430, tun husi 851 semana uluk) no Bobonaro (nafatin ho 275). Reportajen kazu 392 kona ba Infesaun Traktus Respiratórius Inferior semana ida ne’e. Feto ida ho idade tinan 80 mate iha Distritu Likisá ne’e mate ba dala uluk tanba Moras Obstrusaun Traktus Respiratórius Króniku no ida ne’e la rekorde iha tabela kotuk ne’e nia laran. Reportajen Informál: Autoridade Indonézia nian fó repotajen kona ba moras Rabies ne’ebe sei kontinua ativu iha illa Flores Indonézia, ho kazu ne’ebe sa’e maka’as entre ema ho animal mate 48 hori kedas fulan Janeiru tinan 2000. Illa Timor (inklui Timor Loro Monu ho Loro Sa’e), to’o oras ne’e sei livre husi moras rabies. Maski nune’e konforme informasuan ida ne’ebe la ofisial, katak asu balu ema hatama subar husi illa Flores mai Timor Loro Monu. Ho baze informasaun ida ne’e, tenke bandu maka’as atu ema labele lori asu, busa ka lekirauk husi illa Flores mai iha Timor Loro Monu ho Loro Sa’e. WHO fó rekomendasaun maka’as ba Governu Indonézia atu hametin lejislasaun ida kona ba transportasaun asu, busa no lekirauk mai Timor Loro Monu. Atu mantén Timor Loro Sa’e, livre husi moras rabies, asu, busa ka lekirauk ne’ebe lori tama rai laran no la iha sertifikadu vasinasaun nian mak sei válidu tenki oho kedas. SELECTED DISEASE INCIDENCE BY DISTRICT FOR WEEK 2000-35 CLINICALLY SUSPECTED MALARIA - TOTAL CASES WATERY DIARRHOEA - TOTAL CASES DISTRICT | Freq Percent Cum. ------------------------+---------------------AILEU | 7 0.7% 0.7% BAUCAU | 431 42.9% 43.6% BOBONARO | 188 18.7% 62.4% DILI | 155 15.4% 77.8% ERMERA | 6 0.6% 78.4% LIQUISA | 121 12.1% 90.4% MANATUTO | 96 9.6% 100.0% ------------------------+---------------------Total | 1004 100.0% DISTRICT | Freq Percent Cum. ------------------------+---------------------AILEU | 13 5.8% 5.8% BAUCAU | 24 10.8% 16.6% BOBONARO | 63 28.3% 44.8% DILI | 68 30.5% 75.3% ERMERA | 11 4.9% 80.3% LIQUISA | 23 10.3% 90.6% MANATUTO | 21 9.4% 100.0% ------------------------+---------------------Total | 223 100.0% BLOODY DIARRHOEA - TOTAL CASES DISTRICT | Freq Percent Cum. ------------------------+---------------------AILEU | 1 3.0% 3.0% BAUCAU | 14 42.4% 45.5% BOBONARO | 10 30.3% 75.8% DILI | 2 6.1% 81.8% ERMERA | 1 3.0% 84.8% LIQUISA | 4 12.1% 97.0% MANATUTO | 1 3.0% 100.0% ------------------------+---------------------Total | 33 100.0% AGENCIES REPORTING THIS WEEK (2000-35) ACUTE JAUNDICE SYNDROME - TOTAL CASES DISTRICT | Freq Percent Cum. ------------------------+---------------------AILEU | 0 0.0% 0.0% BAUCAU | 0 0.0% 0.0% BOBONARO | 0 0.0% 0.0% DILI | 7 100.0% 100.0% ERMERA | 0 0.0% 100.0% LIQUISA | 0 0.0% 100.0% MANATUTO | 0 0.0% 100.0% ------------------------+---------------------Total | 7 100.0% AGENCY | Freq Percent Cum. --------------------------+---------------------AMI | 5 12.8% 12.8% AUST MISSION | 3 7.7% 20.5% CAFE TIMOR | 1 2.6% 23.1% HAI | 1 2.6% 25.6% HEALTHNET (HNI) | 17 43.6% 69.2% ICRC | 1 2.6% 71.8% MSF-B | 2 5.1% 76.9% PGM | 1 2.6% 79.5% UNTAET | 2 5.1% 84.6% WORLD VISION | 6 15.4% 100.0% --------------------------+---------------------Total | 39 100.0% TOTAL NOTIFICATIONS BY DISEASE AND AGE GROUP, ALL AGENCIES AND DISTRICTS, 27/08 TO 02/09/2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Under 5 years | 5 years & over | Total | |Diseases/Syndromes |---------------+----------------+---------------| | | Cases |Deaths | Cases | Deaths | Cases |Deaths | |-------------------------+-------+-------+-------+--------+-------+-------| |Simple diarrhoea | 125 | 0 | 98 | 0 | 223 | 0 | |Diarrhoea with blood | 16 | 0 | 17 | 0 | 33 | 0 | |Suspected cholera | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |Acute febrile illness | 44 | 0 | 153 | 0 | 197 | 0 | |Suspected malaria | 235 | 1 | 769 | 0 | 1004 | 1 | |Suspected measles | 1 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 0 | |Suspected meningitis | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |Upper Resp. Tract Infec. | 629 | 0 | 1294 | 0 | 1923 | 0 | |Lower Resp. Tract Infec. | 82 | 0 | 310 | 0 | 392 | 0 | |Acute jaundice syndrome | 0 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 7 | 0 | |AFP/Suspected Polio | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |Neonatal tetanus | 0 | 0 | | | | | |-------------------------+-------+-------+-------+--------+-------+-------| TOTAL NUMBER OF CONSULTATIONS | 1652 | 1 | 6146 | 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7798 | 1 | Please note: The last line of the Table above represents the total number of consultations (for any reason), not just the total number of notifications; data in that line, therefore, will generally be more than simply the sum of the column above. VigTimor is not a systematic method of death surveillance, and total reported deaths are likely to underestimate the true picture.