LESSON PLANNING TEMPLATE Title of Lesson: Scripture Passage Date: Lesson Description: overview of the lesson in terms of topic; activities and purposes. What is unique about this lesson? Age Level/Audience Materials: resources; books; equipment; worksheets, (needs to be listed in details so that you begin to think time and usage) Review: (this is the place What questions will you use to review the previous week’s lesson; it is imperative that you are linking past to present. Challenge to put in the review of the your students to rehearse and re-acquaint with what they have learned with what they will learn. What doctrine or doctrinal principle past week’s lesson was included in the last lesson that will be also included in this lesson and the lessons to follow? objectives and seek practical ways the students applied the principles and/or truths Stated Objective(s) (CATo) = Cause the Audience/Student to know: (this reflects the goals/objectives for your lessons…what do you want your class/Audience/Students to know after this lesson) Principles: (biblical truths that never change) Some questions to consider: Where are you going? How will you get there? How will you know when you have arrived? Think through these steps as you put together your lesson plan P = prayer/preparation/processes/planning A = active activities to introduce the lesson (this also includes a review of where you have been the week before) C = coordination/checking/ E = evaluation (what have you gleaned/ where do you go next, what did you learn from this lesson that you can practically implement; what might have worked better for next time) Lesson overview paragraph (this is for you as a reminder of the whole lesson) Gather this from your worksheet that you have put together during the week from the scriptural principles and the divisions and the general sentence that you wrote which gives the totality summary of this passage. Introduction to Lesson Open each lesson with your goals and objectives. Students need a direction and a point of reference. This can be accomplished through writing it on a chalkboard or speaking it or on a written sheet that is given to the student. This is where you want to plug in your “ice breaker” activity or you want to introduce an illustration or use a prop to get your students thinking about what is ahead. This can be something you also include class members ahead of time to bring in articles such as a staff or a model of a Bible story etc. Get the class involved in this step so they take ownership of the lesson. What will be used to introduce the ideas and objectives of this lesson? What will you the teacher use to get students' attention and motivate them in order to hold their attention? How can you tie lesson objectives with student interests and past classroom activities? What do you expect the students to glean from this lesson? This is a good place to actually write out how you would pass this lesson on to another teacher…what would you say, do. Will you use: a demonstration? (if using this what materials; steps need to be followed and the time involved)An explanation? (write out the outline of what you will actually do to explain the information…such as explaining the geographical area or how Nineveh disappeared. A discussion (what questions have you formulated that will follow the Bloom’s Taxonomy pattern to challenge your students to think critically)? Will you divide the class into buzz groups? (what discussion questions are prepared ahead of time for them to discuss and what is the goal you are seeking to achieve); Will you use a lecture? (If this is chosen; it is imperative that your audience have a copy of your outline that they can follow. Then combine with audience involvement such as small quick discussions; question/answer; illustrations and visuals such as a chalkboard, overhead projector; charts; maps; have a simple and clear outline that you stick to…see below for p’s and t’s; TEACHING STRATEGIES A. Lesson Divisions B. Lesson Questions C. P’s & T’s (people and time – if you need this as a reminder to yourself) Activities or reinforcement It is important here to write out your divisions with the number of people = “p’s” and the time “t’s” that you will use for each division of your lesson. Use your study guide sheet to follow as your guide. For each division you should plan on a time for one activity to walk through this section. That means an illustration, a prop or just walking through the questions one by one, see above. Children need activities; adults need critical thinking questions and small group discussion time. Watch your time and the number of people who you include in this time. Example: (P 2) (T 10:15 a.m.) {Ask two people the following question starting at 10:15 a.m.} According to II Cor. 10:5, Paul states that spiritual weapons are mighty for use against mind wandering. What are the two spiritual weapons that God gives us? (P 3) (T 10:18) How do you use those weapons in your personal life? Would you share those ideas with the class. Check for Understanding as you teach by asking different types of questions. Use the student’s/teacher’s answer key questions to guide the discussion. What do you wish to include to further reinforce what the passage is teaching; such as: activities/questions/thinking time will be used in the lesson time? What materials are needed; what time is needed; how many students are to be involved? How will you close out the lesson? What application activities or questions will you give as a challenge to your students? Application This is where you begin to develop those questions that will prick the hearts and open a dialog to allow the Holy Spirit to engage their hearts and minds. A good application has 4 “p’s” 1 ( it should be personal, possible, and practical and lastly provable). (These are inserted here but also need to be developed throughout the lesson) You should plan to include a challenge application question at the end: what are we going to do with what we have learned today? Is there a memory verse will you have your class include in their practical application? PERSONAL EVALUATION: What questions came out in the lesson that will need further follow-up and discussion? What activities could you plan for them to use outside of class that replicates what you used in class and that can be done without your direction? What assignment will you plan to give out as a test or measure of this lesson which will be assessed the following Sunday. How did you do on your timing? How many people participated? If you desire to record these this might be the place to do so. This is an optional section. Class or Personal Prayer Needs ©G. Austin 2010 update 1 Warren, Richard with Shell, William A; “12 Dynamic Bible Study Methods”; Victor Books; 1978. p. 37.